Answer Key A2.1 Op2 - FINAL

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Test Answer Key

Final score:

Section 1 Section 4
Strategy: Read short texts and identify the Strategy: Read incomplete texts and
main theme. demonstrate a level of comprehension by
completing with phrases from a list.
1. healthy lifestyles
2. Anna 1. is going to
3. Ely 2. we’ll have
4. Anna 3. I’ll try to
5. Ely 4. a lot
5. will tell
Section 2
Strategy: Match images to their Section 5
descriptions to show detailed Strategy: Read incomplete texts and
understanding. complete them with words from a
vocabulary list.
1. c
2. d 1. Pick up
3. f 2. have
4. a 3. park
5. b 4. drive
5. be
Section 3
Strategy: Read more complex texts to Section 6
understand specific information and Strategy: Read short texts and fill in blanks
author’s opinion. using a word from a preselected list of
1. 2
2. 1 1. a
3. 2 2. a lot of
4. 2 3. much
5. 1 4. the
5. a

Reading 2020-21

Section 1 Section 2
Strategy: Write a text in response to a Strategy: Free choice of questions from
given formula. About 50 words. (Use rubric preselected themes and writing of
provided.) corresponding to text type. About
50words. (Use rubric provided.)
Grammar precision 2.5 points
Check the use of going to, gerunds, articles, Grammar precision 2.5 points
and adjectives. Check the correct use of present, future
Vocabulary range 2.5 points tense, gerunds, and modals depending on
Make sure they include at least 5 words the task chosen. Check the correct use of
related to the environment and ecological negative forms.
issues in their writing. Vocabulary range 2.5 points
Correct punctuation 2.5 points Make sure they use 5 or more words related
Check that sentences are clearly separated to the topic of their choice and that they are
and full stops, question and exclamation correctly spelled.
marks, capital letters, and commas are Correct punctuation 2.5 points
used properly. Check that sentences are clearly separated
Text flow and fluidity 2.5 points and full stops, question and exclamation
Look at how the ideas are presented making marks, capital letters, and commas are
sure they flow smoothly, and they are easy used properly.
to read and understand. Text flow and fluidity 2.5 points
Coherence and cohesion 2.5 points Make sure they choose the correct
Check that sentences are connected to one format for the corresponding text type:
another. Make sure ideas are related to the comparison, description, advice etc., and
topic. that ideas flow smoothly making it easy to
understand and follow.
Sample text: Coherence and cohesion 2.5 points
I’m very glad you are enjoying your holiday. Check that sentences are connected to
I am going to go Centre Parcs for the one another in a logical way and that they
holidays. It is a natural reserve. I am going have continuity. Check that at least two
to do some canoeing, swimming, and connectors are used.
climbing. There are some archery fields. I
think I’m going to join some archery classes. Sample text:
It will be fantastic! Are you having problems with a neighbor?
You should find a friendly way to solve it.
You shouldn’t shout or use bad words. For
example, if they make noise, you should
ask them politely to stop. You can also try
to do something nice to them before you go
to complain.

Tips for Writing

Learners need to calculate time to complete the Writing.
Learners should aim to write the required number of words and make sure that they don’t
leave out important information.

Writing 2020-21

Section 1 Section 4
Strategy: Identify key information in a Strategy: Listen to more complex
conversation or monolog and choose the recording in order to understand detailed
correct picture. information and characters’ opinions.

1. hoodie 1. c
2. selfie stick 2. e
3. sunglasses 3. i
4. tent 4. a
5. telescope 5. g
6. d
Section 2 7. f
Strategy: Listen to simple conversation 8. h
and identify the main message of each 9. b
one. 10. j

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True

Section 3
Strategy: Listen to monolog and complete

a. spent
b. wasted
c. collected
d. saved, purchase

Listening 2020-21

Shopper 3: No, I haven’t. I’ve already bought some

Section 1 perfume, but I still need to get a book.
Reporter: Can you tell me why you think we buy
1. Have you thought about what to buy for your more stuff than we need?
son’s birthday? If you haven’t bought anything yet, Shopper 3: Oh wow, what a difficult question. I think
this thick and durable hoodie will be perfect. Your that maybe advertising controls our minds.
teenager will love it so much that he will never take Everyday advertising on TV or the radio sends us
1 it off. It is only £45.50. messages to buy things, and we believe what they
2. Has your daughter asked you for a selfie stick? say and buy what they sell. I haven’t really thought
It will help her take great photos for Facebook and about this much, but I know I sometimes buy things
Instagram. Get it for just £23. I don’t really need.
3. Haven’t you bought your teenage son a birthday
present yet? He will love these sunglasses. They will
be perfect for sunny summer days. Section 3
They only cost £95.
4. If you haven’t gone camping yet, you should try a. She’s spent millions of dollars on handbags.
it. Your whole family will love this wonderful tent. 3 b. He’s wasted all his savings this year.
It makes a fantastic birthday present. It can resist c. I’ve collected stamps since I was a child.
extreme weather conditions in the forest and in the d. I have always saved money because I want to
mountains. It is £120. purchase a house.
5. Do you want to give your child a really special
gift, but haven’t found it yet? You can stop looking Section 4
now. This telescope is powerful enough to see the
moons of Jupiter. Only £150.
6. Your teenager can relax, sleep, study and watch 4 Conversation 1
TV in this amazing chair. We have designed it for Guillermo: What’s wrong, Sara? You look worried.
their comfort and safety and they will feel like they Sara: I am worried, Guillermo. I’ve been spending
are sitting on a cloud. Just £69.99. too much money this year. I have to pay the
personal trainer at the gym, buy pills to lose weight,
Section 2 and go to the spa. It just adds up to too much
money in one month. What can I do?
Guillermo: You should control your monthly
Interview 1 expenses. Instead of buying pills and going to the
Reporter: Excuse me, sir. Can I ask you a question? spa, you should save that money. You don’t need
Can you tell me why we buy more stuff than we those things.
need? Why do we like going shopping? Sara: Thank you. I’ll take your advice.
2 Shopper 1: Wow, that’s a good question. Well, I Conversation 2
think that we buy more because it makes us happy. Jo: Harry, what’s wrong? You look worried.
We are happy when we own things. Harry: I’ve been thinking about money. Last year I
For example, I have already bought a watch today saved a lot of money, but this year I have spent a
and I feel happy. lot.
Reporter: And do you really need a new watch? Jo: How come?
Shopper 1: Not really. I already have a lot of watches Harry: I’ve been spending money on silly things. I’ve
at home, but I just bought another one because it bought expensive jackets, ties and shoes that I
makes me happy. It’s very strange, haha! really don’t need.
Interview 2 Jo: Take my advice, Harry. You should carry a
Reporter: Excuse me, madam. Can I ask you a notebook with you and write a list of the things you
question? How many things have you bought actually need and don’t buy anything else. It will
today? help you to control your expenses.
Shopper 2: Well, I’ve already bought a pair of jeans Harry: Wonderful idea. Thank you, Jo.
and a gorgeous necklace. Conversation 3
Reporter: Can you tell me, why you think we buy Leonardo: Mum, could you give me some more
more stuff than we need? pocket money? I’ve spent all of it this week.
Shopper 2: What a question. I think there are two Mom: I know that you have been spending all your
reasons. The first reason is that shopping makes us pocket money on video games and fast food.
feel safe and satisfied. We think that if we have So, Leonardo, whether you like it or not, we won’t
more things, we will have a more secure life and give you more money.
future. Leonardo: But you must give me more. It is a
The second is maybe that we want to impress parent’s responsibility to support their children.
other people. We want to show off about our Mom: Well, you should work for your money the
possessions. same as we do. So, if you want more money, then
People can see that we’re successful and have you need to wash the dishes and take the trash out.
money to spend. Also, you need to get good grades like your sister.
Interview 3 Leonardo: What?
Reporter: Excuse me, madam. Have you finished
shopping for today?

Listening 2020-21

Section 1 Section 3
Strategy: Answer questions about Strategy: Respond by making suggestions
personal or factual information. (Use rubric and discussing alternatives. (Use rubric
provided.) provided.)

Answers will vary. Answers will vary.

Make sure the students take turns to answer Work on creating a dialog between each pair
what it was asked in a clear and simple way of students. Make sure they use the correct
using simple phrases and sentences using grammatical structures for each question
the correct grammatical structures for a full such as modals for advice, present tense,
5 marks. imperatives, conditionals and the correct
use of conjunctions and prepositions for full
Section 2 marks.
Strategy: Briefly describe an image or
photograph provided by the evaluator. (Use Section 4
rubric provided.) Strategy: Talk about likes, preferences,
opinions, and habits. (Use rubric provided.)
Answers will vary.
Give students turns to use relevant vocabulary Answers will vary.
about the picture using simple terms and the Work on creating a dialog between each
correct grammar. Also, they should describe pair of students. Check that students use
or say at least 5 different sentences or relevant vocabulary to the questions such as
phrases about the photograph for full marks. shopping and money. Also, make sure they
use correct grammatical structures (present
tense, comparatives, modals, adjectives) for
full marks.

Tips for Speaking

There are three possible modalities for this section:
1. In pairs, face-to-face with a teacher.
2. In pairs, remotely with a teacher.
3. If any of the previous is possible, an individual learner can record voice messages or
videos and send them to the teacher.

Speaking 2020-21

Level A2 Descriptors
• Can use and understand everyday expressions of frequent use related to
relevant experience (basic information about themselves and their families,
shopping, places of interest, jobs, etc),
• Can communicate in simple and daily tasks that involve simple and direct
information about familiar situations.
• Can describe in simple terms aspects of their past and their surroundings, as
well as issues related to their immediate needs.

• Can read short texts and identify the main theme.
• Can match images to their descriptions to show specific understanding.
• Can read more complex texts to understand specific information and the author’s
• Can read incomplete texts and demonstrate a level of comprehension by completing
with words, phrases, or sentences from a list.
• Can read incomplete texts and complete them with words from a list of vocabulary.
• Can read short texts and fill in blanks with a word from a preselected list of terms.

• Can write a text in response to a given formula (e.g. answer to an email).
• Can write texts from a free choice of questions from preselected themes with their
corresponding text type.

• Can identify key information in a conversation or monologue and choose the correct
• Can listen to simple conversations and identify the main message of each one.
• Can listen to a monologue and complete transcriptions.
• Can listen to a more complex recording in order to understand detailed information and
characters’ opinions.

• Can answer questions about personal or factual information.
• Can briefly describe an image or photograph provided by the evaluator.
• Can respond with suggestions and discuss alternatives.
• Can talk about likes, preferences, opinions, and habits.
In the following list, you will find the Grammar Structures and Vocabulary, appropriate to
the A1 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), that are
included in this test. You are provided with a reference of the section in which each of them
appears (Reading / Listening) or is expected to be used (Writing / Speaking).

Skill Grammar Structures and Vocabulary
section (s)
Reading Grammar Structures
Adverbial phrases of time, place, and frequency 4, 6
Adverbs of frequency 1, 5
Adjectives – comparative, – use of than and definite article 1, 3
Countable and Uncountable 3
Modals – have to – should 1, 5
Future simple with will 2, 4
Be going to 2, 4
Past simple 6
Imperatives 5
Adjectives 1, 3
Countable and uncountable: much, many 3, 4, 6
healthy habits 1
shopping 3
rules 5
environment 2
food 4, 6
cultural differences 4, 6

Writing Grammar Structures

Present continuous 1
Simple present 2
Adjectives 1, 2
Modals: should/shouldn’t/can/can’t/have to 2
Future simple 1, 2
Be going to 1, 2
environmental holidays 1
model citizens and social organisations 2
neighbours and problems 2

Listening Grammar Structures

Present simple 1, 2
Present perfect 1, 2
Modals: should/shouldn’t/have to 1, 4
Future simple with will 1, 2, 4
Past simple 3
Countable: much, many 4
shopping and money issues 1, 2, 3, 4
Speaking Grammar Structures
Frequency adverbs (always, usually, etc) 1, 3, 4
Modals: should/shouldn’t/can/can’t/have to 3
Past simple 1
Present simple 2, 3
Adjectives – comparative – use of than and definite article 1, 2, 3, 4
Adjectives – superlative – use of definite article 1, 2, 3, 4
personal information 1
shopping 1, 2, 3
neighbours 2

Suggested Curriculum Structure (Mallas de Aprendizaje)

• Participate in short • Write short and simple • Give and receive

conversations sharing texts about familiar actions, instructions,
information about experiences, and plans. recommendations, and
themselves, familiar • Understand the main idea suggestions.
people, places, and and some details related • Describe actions related
events. to activities, places, and to their family or school
• Orally describe people, people in short descriptive environment.
activities, events, and texts.
personal experiences. • Identify specific information
related to objects, people,
and actions.

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