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The article explores how social conformity can be advantageous or disadvantageous

depending on the situation, and how it may lead people to repress their own beliefs in an
effort to keep the group cohesive. The importance of cognitive dissonance in this process is
emphasized because people may become uncomfortable when confronted with opposing
ideas or moral standards, which makes them want to fit in with the group to get over their
discomfort. As a result, people may decide to do things they may not agree with in order to
escape the discomfort of cognitive dissonance. The piece goes on to discuss the COVID-19
pandemic's use of cognitive dissonance as well as the long-term effects of ignorance in
people. The writers specifically touch on people's resistance to wearing masks and social
isolation, as well as their unwillingness to modify their brains. They draw attention to the fact
that, due to cognitive dissonance, many would prefer endanger their own and other people's
health than acknowledge they are incorrect or embrace new information. The writers continue
by elucidating the genesis of cognitive dissonance and stating that it arises whenever we
make a choice that we subsequently rationalize and reject any other options. The fact that
people dislike being corrected or informed what is true feeds into the cognitive dissonance.
Politics, rather than medical, has been linked to COVID-19 decisions, particularly lately,
which only serves to exacerbate the situation, The author came to the conclusion that if we
don't change and are prepared to give up certain habits and ideas, not just regarding the
epidemic but also toward choices in general, our society will continue to be obstinate and

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