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Policies regarding missed or late assignments or quizzes:

Please note that you have, at minimum, a week-long window to submit any quiz or
assignment. This window begins at the beginning of the week that the quiz or assignment is
due and closes on the last day of that week. The fact that you have this long, flexible window
to submit your work is one advantage of the asynchronous online classroom format. Take
advantage of this, and do not wait until the last possible day of the week to submit your
assignment. With that said, I understand that "life happens," and I have designed the quizzes
and assignments so that you can still submit those items up to 24 hours past the final due
date. This grace period is in place so that students have a buffer in case they experience
technical difficulties (individual or system-wide) when attempting to submit work at the last
minute. You do not have to ask for permission to utilize this 24-hour grace period. However,
it is not recommended that you wait until after the grace period begins to attempt to submit
your work: individual or system-wide technical issues could prevent you from submitting
your assignment. Your quiz or assignment will NOT be accepted after the 24-hour grace
period. You will receive a zero on the assignment if it is not received within 24 hours of
the final due date.

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