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When a mosquito bites a fui oesophageal diverticula into local swelling and irritation; mosquitoes are responsible for diseases in man and animal Yellow fever. 1 MOSQUITOES AND DISEASE ——$— EAE ingus is expelled from its the wound, the fungus causes a apart from this annoyance the several diseases. They cause Is in two ways, first by their attacks directly they transmit a disease but there is no multiplication of the disease organism in mosquito. Secondly, they transmit disease-producing Malaria—Red blood calls dest! organisms — which —_ undergo development or multiplication in their bodies. ve The diseases caused by mosquitoes in man are malaria, } fever, dengue, filariasis, encephalitis and dermatobia. os 1. Malaria, Malaria is a deadly human disease. It is ber Anopheles; malaria is caused by a parasitic protozoan ?! orf which spends part of its life in man and part in the sles ge? Anopheles; and the mosquito acts as a vector. About two om io of Anopheles are important natural vectors of malaria quex and Anopheles: The Mosquitoes os ofthe world In malaria there is high recurring fever accompanied by chills and shivering, oxmes with convulsions till the teeth chatter. The patient gets violent headache and nauses rowed by sweating 80 profuse that clothes are wet, then the temperature drops ill the next mye relapACsOCCUF which may prove fata {US Yellow fever. Yellow fever is confined to South America and Africa. It is due to a virus Jy eases sudden fever with severe headache and pains inthe bones, the face is flushed and wove, andthe skin becomes dy. After aome days severe jaundice, hemorrhage and vomiting of ‘nod and bile occur, The morality in yellow fever i very high. Forest animals serve as hosts for iw fever virus and its transmited by Haemogogus and several species of Aedes, sch a8 A xeopt, A. simpson A. fuvialitis and A. albopictus, of these monguitoes Aedes acgypt has 4 SGeu-wide distribution, and with modern airplane tafe the introduction of yellow fever an ‘Nec present menace, en eee ae a Faas Ms “Tne LARVA fol PUPA. sour lobed erescontic | Gestelum —eutelum MEsoTHORAX hater Fg. 78.6. Culex and Anopheles. Comparison of stages of lite history. | alone vt ily itt in f et with rash mh Dengue or “h Deng FEVeE rense pain in the fe ne engue_ is not fatal, it is Bucs, and joints. Dengue, oot fl mtd by Aedes ct Aedes ler rng often efor which spreads pI. yepais 2 Beans gar pon ms conein nay semanas cee ben Sit mle memes os ae se Bree of my ld Anopheles Te ed up withthe blood of infected persons By mosquitoes wi rfid mu and bone infective, When a neq japon oan seivn to the skin and penetrate inside, fom wher the aria rep ont rom the rah seotur, arms ad les. arias may, teper and case inflanmaton of lymph glands, ce i Gncepmits is cased by 2 vrs resulting in Beh foe rowsne, cd inflammation ofthe bran. I chiefly effects hoses and domestics sen mation ne scan er ae disease of the skin of man and cattle. A botfly De Dermat, Dermatbi i Lan aa tay af x mango Psoropora, When this mosquito Wes ee tony onthe skin of he victim, and the larvae pene he kin canseg cee ven myn Parphoris ening to Cental and Sou Americ. CONTROL OF MOSQUITOES Mouqaes which oust fuman dieses are among Be cox pata td deadly conics of mankind, and sep ha © teuken forth dstacton, but general measures Wl not be tice guint al ype tec, habs and beeing places of owes mute sdied before effertte meses ae taken fori eracaton The allowing gene methods may be sed for te contol of mosgutoes TL. Personal protection, () In mosguto‘infeted. area ‘rotetive clothing may be used, suchas will cover the exposed “puts ofthe by, pil ater sunset () Mong epellens ao uel ike mosquito cream, toni, odors and Indalone which keep mosquitoes away. Repellent No, 448 of the American navy 8° fr long pesos. ©) Wh slepng ne mesh mosgut nets prevent them Fa ‘wom rouse could be sent o revet ny of mosques, (Pai ¥al rel mse / 2. Destruction of adults, (a) Killing of mosquitoes can be done be si ivectides lke fit o DD. the later not oly lls mous bt aso 2k ou Fumigaton of velings with sulphur donde ala uot ©) Asso from the air is very effective in killing large aumbe 0! Destruction of ar a. Is cai and moe effective to il mosqio® forms than as adults, and several methods are used with success, (a) Oiting = THe Fianass. sre apaye with slum ol te i in formed on he surface of wae docs nt esr ex commonly Believed, bit stoic to them, the sling mune repeated st pe which wil ach late. (b) Panama larvcde sa mature of caustic aol war it hasbeen used mos effectively in he Paarna Canal vegion The es well wih Walt and kills both the larvae and the algae on which hey eed i aici icin for 10.000 pars of water () Pri reem ix «powder Fa fine ds, pa of poder with 100 pas of dst. Tit canbe thrown in ai Ne gover the Surface ofa pond: it i insoluble in water and remains floating and ni Navoeding larvae of Anopheles it wil kl he larvae But ot ppae Is effacive wife larvae which fed on surface. () Natural enemies: Fishes, ninnows and se vae and pupae of mosquitoes, and ther ineducion ina edn place i a ste rsh a ating vegetation must cleared wo th the fish ean reach he emia avid + One part of D.D.T emulsion in thiny milion pars of wat i a) evel #3) 10 il rae, Dui takes 50 hours. Planes ean be tsed for his eae a sc ‘Gambusia— feeds on larvae ‘and pupae of mosquito, Doses of quinine ination of breeding places. For those mosquitoes. which breed in rain-filled ine and estes, like Aedes, emptying of water is effective. For large ponds and swamps "sloping ditch removes large volumes of water. Small ponds can be filled up with mud nia crces of S wet days followed by 2 to 4 dry days were found to be highly effective in Anopheles in feds, § Preventive medicine. Daily doses of quinine are effective against mosquito bites, but a ‘accine has yet to be foutid for yellow fever. 2 Name the mosquitoes which carry the parasites of malaria, dengue, yellow fev fnd elephants, newer Questions Gite coun of the external structures of 2 RIS ater or Anopheles 1 Sabet ie ee mst. dicted to varius dass an Me tem te i oath pu of al ad ene dou Avopheies montoes, How wil veal’ em conieing their mou capa amps Me hinores of Cuter and Ane Xie "aren Qvestions “Pelonttcout metanrphais? 3, What teens between he ava of Cec abd Anphtes? 4. How an monte be conrad? 5. Name the mou pr fs mug. Wie fenton ofeach \ery Shot Anewer Questions 1 ie the ames fhe common ser of 2. Wie macs of dines caucd by mona man 3. With pe of mosh pr te fvnd in rewguioes?

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