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chamber ie divided into to Babes of valames. The ft batrcontaine am ideal gun at Comperatare Ty and the ght alli evacete A tmall hole te opened between the two halves allowing the gusto fow ough, andthe system comes to equlibiam. No heat exchanged with {he wall, Find the Smal temperatre of the system. (Catt) Solution: "Afer a hole has been opened, the gus flows continuously tothe right side and reaches equilibria Small. Dufing the proces, internal enerey of the system is uachanged. Since E depends on the temperature T only Io an ideal gas, the equllbrivm temperature i ail Te Define he merical value capacity C, and calculate from the frat principle th in elores/"C) fora copper penny ia your pocket, using Your beat physical knowledge or estimate of the needed parameter (U0, Berkeley) Solution: ° (coven. ‘The atomic number of copper is C4 and & copper penny is about 32, 10.5 mol, Thus C, = 08% 3R= 13 J/K. fe Specie heat of granite may be: 0.02,02,20,2000 «/. pee heat of granite may be 002,02 Ve cst) nm sn component of granite it CaCO ite meleelar witht 300, ne eee eT an ioo — 05 cally Th the best anewer is onaleX : 3008 re below shows an appara forthe dstermination of Oy/Ce ‘method of Clement and Descrmes, A bottle sap Hy and « manometer Af. The difrence in prstre between de can thus be determined by sbuertion of the iference hin eights of the two clemee inthe manometer. The bottle i filled withthe gs to be inventigaed, at vary alight cxcens pressure over the outside atmospheric prosute. The boll ie left in peace (vith the tap cloved) enti the tem erature ofthe gas in the bottle is the same asthe outside temperature Bethe room. Let the reading of the manometer be hy. The tap H is then ‘opened for & very short ime, jst suficient for the internal preaare to ‘Deeome equal to the atmorphere pressure (in which case the manometer reads h =O). With the tap cloned the Bottle ia let im peace for» while, ttl the inside temperatare has become equal to the outside temperature Let the Baal reading of the manometer be h. Fro the values of hy and hy its ponible to End C,/Cy. (a) Derive an expremion for Cp/y in terms of 1h and hy in the above experiment, (Q) Suppone that the gas in question it oxyaen: What ia your theoretical prediction for C,/Cy at 20°C, within the frashework of statistical mechasien? (UO, Berkeley” Scanned with CamScanner . Prose 8 Stinson hematrame © Sai Myst mehr Solution: / lutlen: Oren ot ea eu = jince the is “sa (0) Fm H =U + pV, we obtain LEY de el eee ls (28), = (2) +008), BS GIG. wel), 18), () Fo the Vander Wale gu, we ave eee #), “v-5" (B)-1/le R Bal 8 EE" When ¥ — coy¢p— ey —+ Ry which is just the real for an ideal ga, ve Hence, 1009 (2) Starting withthe Srat law of thermodynamics and the defnitions of cp and cy show that «+= b+(i),] Ge), and are the specific heat capacities per mole at constant pret ture and volume respectively, and U and V are energy and volume of one 2010 (One mole of gas obeys Van der Waals equation of state. If ite molar V (in which V isthe molar volume, {it one of the constants of state, and cin a constant), Ckeslate the molar eat capacities C, and Oy (Wisconsin) (b) Userthe above results plus the expression + (),-7(3), to ind ep, for «Van der Waal git (+ g)u-n=ar. | Use that result to show that as V+ eo at constant p, you obtain the ideal fs renal for 6 ~ 6 Solutions (SUNY, Bugle) Scanned with CamScanner » Prem Eon on Temata © Bil hin From the Van der Waals equation w+ ovyv—H=RT, (5),-#/ @-+¥8) a We - Ere 101 ‘A solid object has density p, mane M, and coeficen of linear expan~ sion ax Show that at pressure p the heat eapacitiea Cy and C, are rela by Cp - Cy = 3aMp/p- (rey fettin “ ket ef mya p d (22) (22), tort nti -8-(9)- (8) From the deSition of coeficent of linear expansion = we obtain w a Has F a Substteting this in (2), we nd Remade 1012 ‘One mole of » monatomic perfect gas initially at temperature Tp ex- pandi from volume Voto 2Vq (a) at constant temperature, (b) a constant preware. "Calclate the work of expansion and the heat absorbed by the gus in each eae, (Wisconsin) Solution: {e) At constant semperature Ty, the work is w [ner = arf “ qv/v = Rola ‘As the change of the internal energy i ero, the heat absorbed by the gut Q=W aR h2. wo [er erven ‘The increas ofthe inteznal energy is Saved Spar = Spav = 39% au-car- ‘Thus the heat absorbed by the gua it g=avew= San. 3018 For a diatomic ieal gaa near room temperature, what fraction ofthe deat supplied i available fr external workif the gas in expanded at constant pressure? At constant temperature? (Wisconsin) Scanned with CamScanner a Prams © Sans om Darmodqnnns 8 Sas Haan Soluti In the proces of expansion at constant prerarep, asruming thatthe rolume increases from Vj to Vs and the temperstere changes from Ty to By we have (meres 2¥,= aT. In this process, the work done by the system on the outside world in W = HVs—V) = mRAT and the increase of the internal energy ofthe system, au=car. Therefore w aR _2. +0 1s the proceat of expansion at constant temperature, the internal does not change. Hence wia= 3014 ‘A compresuor designed to compress air is used instead to compres he- lier. It is found that the compressor overheats. Explain this eect, assem ing the compreaton in approximately adiabatic andthe starting pressure is the same for both gases. (Wisconsis Solution: ‘The state equation of ideal gas is WV = nkr. The eqeation of adiabatic process vy »(%) where 7 = ¢p/envfo and pare starting and final pressures rexpectively, and ind V are volumes. Because Vo > V and te > Yair (ite = 7/5,Ae “Hf pae> pau and Te > Tair atnorphe for air, (B) for heli (ase remotames = 015 ‘Calculate the temperature after adisbatiecompretion of « gu to 10.0 pressre from intial conditions of 1 atmoyphere and 200K (a) he gees are Heal). (Wisconsi) Solution: ‘The adiabatic proceas ofan ideal gus fellows the aw To = (papa)! Ty = 1017-29 5 300 K « (2) Foe aie, 7 = Gy/0, = 14, thes Ty = 5.8% 10K. (b) For helium, = ©,/C, = 5/3, thes Tp = 75 x 107K 1018 (0) Fer a mote of idea gas at t= 0°, calculate the work WY done (in Joates) ia an thermal expansion from Voto 10¥ in volume. (0) For am ideal gus initally att, = OFC, Gnd the Saal temperature f, °C) when the volume is expanded to 10% reversibly and adiabaticaly (UO, Berkeley) Solution: ww iV = I (2) Combining the equation of adiabatic proce pV? = const and the cf sate 9V = RT, we get TV?! = const, Thos aea(g)”. the ideal ges molecle is monatomic, 7 = 5/3, we getty = $9K or ~214°C. Baya rrae sax). 3017 (2) How much heat i required to raise the temperatore of 1000 gram ogen from ~20°C to 100°C at constant presere? () How much has the internal energy ofthe nitrogen increased? (e) How much external work was done? Scanned with CamScanner and we have Te (Rete oR) disxiorye sari)! = [era TeeT x10] =k. 2, THE SECOND LAW AND ENTROPY (1081-1072) 303 ‘Aateur turbine i operated with an intake temperatare of (00°C, and an eshtust temperate of 150°C. What ia the maxima amount of work the turbine an do forgiven het inpet QT Solutlon: rom the Class formals Qa H-Bs0, ve Bind the external work to be wea aes (1- wane (- ih ‘As the equal sign inthe Classive formal i valid if and ony ifthe cycle shen and ony when the steam lurbne is a reversible engine ‘chive masimun work. E E 5 - nein 1082 contin use canna 9 daa ard a ST en a ee Be Huy Solution! tas late sl ot plea cycle componed of to others diac Knee (4 shown in Fig. 120 (2))- rie 138, ue ficiency ofthe Carnot engine. Firat, we awume ne the gas in mole of an eal gua, As AB eee Srothermal expansion, the heat abvorbed by the gat fom the feat source ie Q.= RT Ia(Va/Va) - eC —= Dina proces of thermal compression, the heat released by the ei Qs= BT In(Vo/¥o) “The stem comes back o the initial state through the eyele ABCD. Ts TREC frocases the relations between the quantities of state are PAVa= Pe B= PcVS» fs poVe= PY, poVS™PAVa- ‘Thus we find Ve _ Vo Va Vo “Therefore the efficiency ofthe engine is i Scanned with CamScanner » Pens 8 Satins Premed 8 Bis Mian demerit * IF the engine (or the cycle) ia not reversible, fs efclency ft O.and #1, the fonction f(x) = 2—1—In= > 0. Therefore as-ou (8) >0. 1008 (One ke of Hy0 a O*C i brought in contact witha heat reservoir at 10%, When the water aa reached 100°C, (a) what i the change in entropy of the wate? (0) what isthe change in entropy of the univerte? {¢) bow could you ve waivers itera? Scanned with CamScanner y 7 Pron 8 Stn vn Phelan # ati Mest (Z w= Dmm docnyve - fecryv3 + mlotmys ~ HN") -«(Jomv*) +vacrnm avira): _20(t : ar |" Te in the eat thatthe capacitor absorba whan itis charged ein contact with «beat source of constant temperature 7. whee Q(0, om tog 3. THERMODYNAMIC FUNCTIONS AND EQUILIBRIUM ~ CONDITIONS (1075-1108) sors For each ofthe following thermodynamic conditions, describe aaystem, ‘rcs of sates (the components or range of components, temperatarey, ‘which satiate the condition. Conine your to classical, single ia nial ystems of constant mass. U isthe internal energy ropy of the system. o(),- OC o()-2 @(%7),-% “0 (),--), Solution: ) The classical deal gas. comport <0, (Wiseonsin) 5) _ 5.0) _ 215.0) /20.9) 1 (57), ~~ Stry/ 29 ae? ‘This requires a €O, be, the aystem has a negative coefficient of expansion at constant presture. (a (2), = E-8 Bete Gym: Teen ht cnn a "1a (88), (zp), -o-newnen =} (B), 2 ane ce ate f pe conta ele (0) All aystems of, Maxwell relation. ‘component and constant mass satisfy this . sore Consider an ial gan whove entropy is given by sa3[erumnZsamnZ] ‘Tihere’n = umber of mole, R= “gery, V = volume, and @ = constant “(e) Caleulate'cy and cy, the specific heate at constant pressure and iveral gas constant, U = internal Scanned with CamScanner ” Pre 8 Sin on Tare 8 Satie Minis () An old and drafty hoot i intally in egiibetum with its su roundings a 32°F, Thro hour aftr turning on the frnace, the howe fs TEECOn 10°F. Asruming thatthe arin the house ip described by the Shove equation, show how the energy density enerey/wolume) ofthe ais inside the hose compares at the wo temperate, (Cotembio) Solutions (a) The temperaare Tis dtermined by the following equation: 1.8) #-(z), ‘Therefore, the specie heat at constant volume is “( ‘The specie het at constant prestare i aa cretan= Ink 5 = §a(8)7 ‘Ug thea of ae of eal gp = mR, 8, P % Because the premure of the atmoaphere doesnot change at the two ‘ermperatures inthe problem, auther does the nergy density. 1ors ‘A putt cus may be dened as one whcie equation of sate in #7 = NAT aud who intra energy ony 8 fancton af trnpestere, Ni a whet ata eneg ely fencion of temperate, Poa ele th whee and athe haat eapuce (pr male) ant pears aad cosas volume serpy (0) The quatty 977i. same that 7S eyfee constant} tant daring an adiabatic expansion. (At (ary /Q | * Sotation: semosgnmer TaaG, and C, be the principal molar speci heats ee ect acd T4540 + iw ad 38) _7(28) =9(2) = eo (38), -7(8),-4(69), 8% Hance — Or {uy for an aiabate proces, 745 = 0 and hence GT = — pV From SHAE, we have PV 4Vdp = NEAT = (Gy ONT, tivag ape +V¥dp = 0,05 ” pV? = const. 307s ‘The diference between the apefiif heat at constant pressure and the : {or all scape gases. What ib of the physial reason id en? Calculate the diference for an ideal (Wisconsin) eg = t[r(28) -2 (28 wot) 8] S(Tip) = S(TLV (TP) (&),~ Ge), +(e), (Ge), wecan fad Sennen is ie wats ion (82) = (22), th tov fal be r (3), ni * Scanned with CamScanner poten Seis Theta Mia 1086 % consider «eas which undergoes anadiabatc xpasion (htt ec IM Sn a anata prs a ial vole V8 eet om nt pie ad na volume V (al wears a (0) By considering the work done by the ga inthe process, show that fal and final enthalpies ofthe gas are eqeal, {b) What can be aid about tht intermediate state of the ayer, (c) Show for emall preseare diferences Ap = pr~ p that the temper ‘ture diference between the two regions is given by AT'= (Ta — 1)AP, vince} (it) etre (8), . (2) Us ‘to coel either an ideal gas or » more realistic the the above result, discuss the peasiiityof using the process ean for which p= RI/(V (SUNY, Bufelo) Solution: {o) The wes done bythe gus in the throting proces i iY —e hich a equal toa reduction of the internal enerey: a‘ UUs pM aM Thus U4 iM = U4 pst Hi = Hie 1c Bere th oe in guia al an ‘ty two intermediate states Thos the conclusion is till aid for iater~ Sega ein “Ths the conclusion i till valid for inte oO Pon a= Tas +¥. B Bstee: aa Bape: as~ (3) (25) apn ter- st) 7 (%) o-$ emeersnes ” ah@I toe Lire. wwe have approximately shor anal nn ieee ar-Yqre-nep- (a) or an deal ee, wehove pV = NAT and @ = 3/7. Hence arav(r ae AT = 0 his proces eamnct be sed tocol ideal gues For reve inter wale nm AT/IV —Wa= RIV and VOGT, a Oe p< 0 fora throttling process, AT > 0, uch 0 408 Cannot be cooled by this proces either, r)ap/e= 0 1085 (6) Using the equation of state pV = NRT and the stp 2 BR/2 fora monatomic eal gas, Gnd ite Helmholts free enerey Pass Tonetion of numberof moles N,V, and 7. b) Consider « ylnder separated into two parts by a8 adabatis, sents pnton. Compartments o and Hench contain one mole of 5 cal gas, and thet Sntial volumes are Vat fre, respective, The cylinder, whose walls allow be Vi: Jgnerad ia large bth at °C. The piston is now moved reversibly ar em foal vekumes are Vg = © and Vie = 5 litres, How much werk it Suivezed by (or to) the system? - Me (Princeton) Solution: wi) For an ideal gut, we have dU = NG,AT and U = NOT + Ur ete Up inthe internal energy of the system when T'= 0. AB NG, = Mears 2 as= "Bars bay, se Mgrewaby +5 -(0- Scanned with CamScanner “ “Prolema Sssons om Termedreis 6 mail Mechenics sehce ji constant. Aaaming the entropy of the sem So when Y= Vo, we have where Fo = Uo = ToSe- sn dencibed in nothermal. When dT = 0,4F = ~Pd¥. we fates [ance [or [os Ya, wl ; «= (vanaf) arto 1088 gas has the eg (+ g)w-near. (0) Dincutethe pyri rg of the parameter and be ‘Why i he correction to pinvereely propertional to V2 (6) The que undergoes an iothermal expansion from volume Vs to volume Vy. Calculate the change in the Helmbolts fe energy. (c) From the formation given can youcalealate te changein internal ‘nergy? Discuss your answer. (Witeotiin) Sotutt ih {nthe bani ofthe eatin of at of the contant # when considering the vue of «fl low forthe fst lume othe mateo and vino ey Hew for She maa atracton betwen meleclen fh 6 ‘Now ve discuss why prensre corection term is inversely propetional to V2. dea gas, we introduce J i] ‘Trermotyarct ~ ‘pach ofthe moles ofthe gus hata certain TSE ‘region. For the eheecen near the center ofthe volumes the ores on them ae iotropic Mebleclen around them. For the snore ithe distances from which aze smalls ha the rae neces) they wil have a met attractive free ne Sfmolecus there i not wniform. son correction Bp. If Ak denotes the Sraraction dintance JFeectng inwards because the dist ‘hun the prosrareon the wall est bt Teer BS Erodes momestum perpen fo 22 due to the ae speardanracive fore, these OP = (TBS number of molecules coliding net rd gabe wali nittime) 20K Av big christy ‘proportional _ ik ant eaten the freee proportional to the nares vmolecules to he activ fA xm, andthe namber of melee coiing Wi are of te wal in nit time is proportional 0.m 00, . bpantect/v?. (0) The eqeaton of tate ean be written at ae Prva wm he iuothermal proce the change ofthe Helmblts fe enerey it ican en hho ne yn em maneul ‘au ‘av’ oe) For the isothermal process, we have “(2 Tat theory of thermodynamics giver Ur Scanned with CamScanner pene Sato Dermat @ Sattied Mechanit pe ofthe equation of sate then gives we Itegeating, we ind au [fave 3087 ‘A soo-chm revstr ia held at a constant temperature of 300 K. Aj current of 10 amperes is passed through the resistor for 200 4c, ‘the entropy ofthe resistor? in the entropy of the universe? ‘he internal energy of the universe? Solution: (a) Ae the temperature ofthe resistor is constant, change, The entropy isa function of tate. Hence the change in the fhe resistor i aero: AS, = 0. {@) The heat that fows from the resistor tot source of constant temperatare) ternal word (a he PReasx is. ‘The increase of entropy Of the heat source is AS, = 3x 10*/300 = 108 3/K] ‘Thus the total change of entropy n AS = BS; + AS, = 108 /K. (6) The increase of the internal energy of the univere i au= 31083. (@) The increase ofthe fre eneray of the universe it AF=Au-Tas=0. +1 i) A 2088 Bhuckbody radiation, (a) Derive the Maxwell relation (25/av)x = (87/97) « (Pom hi ccromaaet ary Man onda the rn peep rain neue ere ety (= TE) sae ¥ to of he ry. Ug eo Tatiana tg with the ant ied i (¢) Solve this equation and obtain Stefan’ law relating wand 7. (Wisconsin) Solution: (a) From the equation of thermodynamics dF = —SaT—pdV, we know a OF & ee (er i? BF oega (88) = (2 arav**** (av). = (ar), (0) Te ot en fhe anion Sedo VEY) = (TY. Sub sling tsb econd law of thermodynamic 2S) a7 (22) -», - net (SE) -F> we fnd (6) The above formula can be rewritten as TSE = du, whoue soa itten as TSE = du, whote sl tem a7 whew the cantant of integrate, This te famoce ‘Stefan’s law of radiation for a black body. = ue Scanned with CamScanner ce rotons 8 Soins om Themabpantc © Said Mech ad mdimgg + ZielE= ~meg IE» Army =e pene B= Tt ome= 35, 1 GM Amp =m GM Army QP = a aad OF ZIe GM Arg Hac @= TET (a) Fer hydrogen, one has A= 1,2 = 1, giving Gira. 1.5% 10° °C on St 103 system consisting of two volumes, V- Consider» ‘by a thermally conducting and movable ‘nd 2V of an ideal gas separ partition. pypeceEEEEEIZIA ZIT : ” ‘ re tan : ‘The temperatures and pressures areas shown, The partition in new allowed tormove without the gases mixin ‘When eqillriam in eetablished what isthe cha soerty? The total entropy? ‘What isthe equiibrism temperature? Pressure? in the total sternal (SUNY, Bufle) | i ( Solution: i Let the molar numbers of the gas in the two aides be my and na re spectively From the equations 6pV = my RT and pV = noKT, we obtain seeecan As this is an isolated aystern of ideal ga, the nal emperatare fin 2 since both the initial temperaterer are equal to 7, The fnal resure pris 1 rm tutmarpy «2 (142) =F \Wecalelate the changs ofthe state fonction S by designing a quaststatic lothermal process. Then as-3 (fnevsni) nay may aman [OF omk | cA vs =mRin Zt +naRing Since Vi tVa = SV and v T 3 AS=mRing + making 04 [A thersaly insulated cylinder, closed at both ends, i Stted with » ictioales heat-conducting pston which divides the eylinder into two part. ‘riilly, the piston is clamped in the center, with 1 litre of air at 200 K ‘and 2 atm presvre on one side and 1 lite of sir at $00 K and 1 atm on ‘theother aide. The pinton i released and the ayater reaches equilibrium jn pressure and temperatore, withthe piston at a new position. (4) Compute the Gaal prearure and temperature. (6) Compute the total increase in entropy. (SUNY, Bopete) Scanned with CamScanner ae “Pema © Eins Threat © Sti Meanie UU Efe> 1.N— Efe > 1 we have 20 2000 . i Consider a system of N not-interscting particles, each Gxed in postion and canning a magnetic moment py whichis immersed in a magnetic Beld FF See Peds may then erst in one of the two energy sates E'= 0 oF Bm Dull, Treat the particles as distinguishable, (a) The entropy, S, of the system can be written in the form $ =. ‘iah(z)y where Fi the Boltsmann constant and E is the total stem nergy, Explain the meaning of (2). 2 (8) Wite a formula fr S(n), where isthe member of particles in th ‘upper state. Credely akeich S(n)- (Derive Sitng’s approximation for large ns Innt=nlan—n ‘yy approximating Inn! by an integral. (2) Rewrite the retlt of (8) ‘foe which 5(2) is maximem. (6) Treating E a8 continuous, show that this aystem can have negative Sotuti {a} (6) isthe number of all the paesble microncopic stats ofthe ‘tem when its energy is B, where OSES Ne, ¢= 24H. mi mM Heaee $= kin a = 5 ‘We note that S{n'= 0) S(n = N) = 0, and we expect Sex 80 appear tin = N/2 (lo be proved in (2) below)." The graph of S(n) is shows in Fig. 22 Seema [ate # nnn tan Won ‘Therfore, = Suan when n= 2 wa ” 1 tye, 28 () At B= 6, = Sage when B= Eve, When B> We, 28 © Saas when B= Live, When B> We, 25 <0 1 as 2). Because X= SE, we have T <0 when E> Ne/2. (C) The reason i that here the energy level ofa single particle has an ‘pper limit. Fora gas eystem, the energy level of a single particle does not have an upper Iiit,and the entropy isan increasing function of B; hence negative temperature canaot occur. ‘rom the pont of view of energy, we can aay that a. tive temperature fe *holter” than any ayster will tem with a bie Scanned with CamScanner

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