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Environmental matter Causes

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles The excessive felling of trees.
and gases in the air. Car emissions, chemicals The production of energy with fossil fuels.
Chemical compounds from the factory.
from factories, dust, pollen and mold spores
Emissions from cars.
may be suspended as particles. Ozone, a gas, The release of plastics and non-biodegradable
is a major part of air pollution in cities. objects in natural spaces.

Air pollution
Solutions Consequences
In order not to create more pollution and reduce it as Aggravate cardiovascular and respiratory diseases.
much as possible, we can do simple actions such as: It puts more stress on the heart and lungs.
- More use of bicycles and public transport. Damages the cells of the respiratory system.
- Reuse and Recycle. Accelerated aging of the lungs and loss of lung
- Use eco-friendly products. capacity.
- Produce less smoke (tobacco, stove and heating). Development of respiratory diseases.
- Ventilate the house to purify the air.

Members: Álvarez Mendieta Vianey Sofia, Flota Salazar Karla, Francisco Cetz Ely Marlene, Hernández Canché Andrea Noemi.
Teacher: Cruzalta Torres María Alexandra.
Subject: Ingles-Intermediate.
Section: 3°12

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