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Name Homonyms

Which Word Is Correct?

DIRECTIONS: Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. I don’t like the ( caller / collar ) on this shirt.

2. I hate it when businesses place a ( caller / collar ) on hold.

3. It was an extraordinarily ( chili / chilly ) day.

4. Please don’t put ( chili / chilly ) on my baked potato.

5. I think that blouse really ( complements I compliments ) your eyes.

6. Everyone likes to receive ( complements I compliments ) about their appearance.

7. For a rough ( draft / draught ), her work was fairly polished.

8. I don’t like to feel a ( draft / draught ), so I always keep my windows closed.

9. I am always ( board / bored ) whenever my father watches sports.

10. There is a loose ( board / bored ) on the front porch.


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