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Thematic Analysis of

Christi Gram
April 8, 2024
OGL 482
Professor Trista Guzman
Introduction: What is a Thematic Analysis?

A thematic analysis is a research approach designed to

analyze and understand data by identifying recurring themes
within it. This process involves collecting relevant data,
such as self-assessments and assignments, and then
methodically organizing it into categories. The data is
broken down through a coding system that identi es key
patterns. The culmination of this analysis is the revelation
of signi cant life themes, which can o er profound insights
into an individual's identity and aid in shaping their future
My Thematic Analysis

For my thematic analysis, I reviewed my self-assessments

and coursework from my Organizational Leadership
program, as well as my resume and other sources, to
discover signi cant themes that shape who I am and what
inspires me. This self-exploration has clari ed my unique
qualities and passions, o ering a potential roadmap in life
that matches my inner motivations and identity. This could
be a guiding tool to help me make decisions that align with
my personal and professional goals.
Research Process & Methods*
*adapted for personal introspective analysis

Data Selection for Analysis:

- Focused on highly informative personal assessments, past achievements, resume and
assignments from Organizational Leadership classes

Coding Process in Three Steps:

- Identi cation: pinpointed key traits and characteristics from selected data.
- Code Development: created codes (categories) on a spreadsheet to connect and sort these
traits and characteristics to identify recurrent themes and order of importance
- Theme Extraction: once organized selected my top ten life themes.

Data Review for Theme Support: Re-examine initial data for evidence supporting identi ed

Outcomes of Analysis:
- Discovered speci c themes
- Enhanced understanding of personal and leadership identity.
- Elevated self-awareness through thematic discovery.
Data Sources
(“DL”) Dean’s List - since transferring to ASU (and in my previous coursework), I have
consistently made the Dean’s List because of my straight A’s and will be graduating “Suma Cum
Laud” in May 2024

(“LIP”) LinkedIn Profile

OGL 200 Introduction to Organizational Leadership

- (“VI”) Module 5 PowerPoint on Voter Integrity
- (“VIEI”) Module 2 Discussion Board on Values and Integrity of Educational Institutions
- (“ELCS”) Module 5 Paper on Ethics in Leadership and Corporate Standards

OGL 220 - Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations - DISC Assessment (“DISC”)- helps

discover dominant personality types required in the workplace in the areas of dominance,
influence, steadiness, and compliance (DISC Assessments, n.d.).
Data Sources for Thematic Analysis

(MM) OGL 220 - Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations -

Paper on Mental Models- helps us discover our preconceived
ideas and cognitive bias.

(“CTP.”) OGL 345 Organizational Ethics - Module 2 Critical

Thinking Paper

(“EP”) OGL 481 - Pro Seminar I, EP Portfolio

- (“EPCT”)Core Competencies - Critical Thinking
- (“EPPM”) Core Competencies - Project Management
- (“EPEC”) Ethical Communities
Data Sources
OGL 482 Pro Seminar II, Unit 1 - Self Assessments

Kuder Journey: provides three assessment career planning tools to help you assess your
interests, skills, confidence, and work values, which could help direct potential career
choices. (Kuder, n.d.):

• (“KCIA”) Kuder Career Interest Assessment - My Holland Code was “EAC” meaning
my strengths were “Enterprising, Artistic, Conventional”.
• (“KSCA”) Kuder Skills Confidence Assessment - My Holland Code was “ECA”
meaning “Enterprising, Conventional, and Artistic”
• (“SWVI”) Super’s Work Values Inventory - Scored High on every area that I was tested

(“MCA”) Motivation and Career Anchors Assessment - helps define which needs have
the highest priority in our lives and provides a representation of who we are (OGL 482, n.d.).

(“VC”) Values Checklist - provided a list of values of which your top 10 are chosen and
then narrowed down to your top value
Data Sources Continued
OGL 482 - Pro Seminar 2, Unit 2 - Inspiration Book Project, Atomic Habits (AH)

OGL 357: Assessments in Organizations - Module 2 - Organizational Assessment Analysis

Module 2 Paper (“OAP”)

OGL 357: Assessments in Organizations - Module 7 - Case Analysis Powerpoint (“CAP”)

OGL 365 Reinventing Organizations - Module 6 - Intrinsic Motivation Paper (“IMP”)

Psychology 101: Myers-Briggs 16 Personalities Test (“MB16”) - This test provides insight
into the various personality types based on 16 Major personalities.

Resume (“R”) - showing self-employed and management positions

The Big 5 Personality Test (“B5”) - Scienti cally Validated Psychological Model that measures
personality strengths & weaknesses (123 Test, n.d.)

The Three Key Questions (“TKQ”)by Father Michael Himes

My Ten Themes Results

My thematic analysis provides insights into my preferences,

character traits, and capabilities. It highlights my enterprising and
entrepreneurial spirit, strong leadership capabilities, need for
autonomy and independence, and managerial competence. These
traits tie in with my extroverted personality in social interactions
and collaboration. I am very artistic and creative and have a strong
desire for structure and organization, which underscores my
conventional nature. At the core of my being, strong Christian and
family values are the foundation of my ethical compass. However,
I also have a pronounced distrust of all o cial narratives including
those held by educational institutions.
Enterprising & Entrepreneurial Spirit

Driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, I possess a strong desire to build,

innovate, and lead in the business realm, shaping opportunities into

This statement was the top theme in my analysis which was supported
by my being self-employed, as shown on my Resume (R), and also by
the following Assessments and papers: KCIA, KSCA, MCA, OAP.

Re ection: My entrepreneurial spirit ignites my passion for

innovation and my resolve to make a di erence. It drives my pursuit
of new challenges and shapes my vision for a fair and equitable future.
My Ten Themes Results, Cont.
Artistic & Creative

My artistic and creative core fuels my passion for innovation and

self-expression, allowing me to envision and bring to life unique
ideas that provide artistic expression.

In my personal life, I have designed CD covers, designed room

makeovers, created personalized gifts, edited a health manual,
created themed birthday parties, and handmade cards. In
addition, the KCIA and KSA (Kuder Assessments) have both
identi ed this as one of my top interests and talents. On a
professional level, I developed a successful program called
“Integrative Medicine for Mental Health” which incorporates a
conference and biological testing program (R).
Artistic & Creative, Cont.

Re ection: My artistic and creative talents re ect the fun

side of my life, which is often limited by my technical
skills, such as in this PowerPoint, due to a major learning
curve. My analysis indicates I have a vivid imagination and
the ability to think outside the box. This theme suggests
my personality nds joy in self-expression and originality,
and I often aspire to make unique contributions to the
world. I enjoy and appreciate the natural art in nature and
love seeing beautiful masterpieces.
Conventional/ Organized (Enjoy’s Structure)

An a nity for structure and organization signi es a

methodical and systematic approach to life. It re ects a
personality that thrives on order, consistency, and well-
established routines, aspiring to maintain harmony and
e ciency in both personal and professional spheres.

This a nity for structure and organization could not be

more true as evidenced in my personal life where daily
habits and routines help me to stay organized. The KCIA
and the KSA also provided evidence for my preference for
organization, attention to detail, and structure.
Conventional/ Organized (Enjoy’s
Structure) Cont.
Other evidence of organization and structure includes:

- my Inspiration Book project (AH) from OGL 482, Unit 2, which was done on
“Atomic Habits” by James Clear
- utilize daily task lists, and prioritize according to importance;
- never miss a deadline, am always on time;
- use an electronic planner and organizer.

Re ection: My a nity for structure helps me streamline my life, bringing clarity

and e ciency to my endeavors. Being organized is part of my identity, essential for
managing complexity and driving my success with calm precision. This structured
approach not only enhances my productivity but also brings a sense of calm and
predictability to my daily routine. My organizational skills are a testament to my
commitment to excellence and my capacity to manage complex projects with ease.
They are intrinsic to who I am and pivotal to achieving my goals.

Being conscientious means being diligent, careful, and committed to doing what's right. This
theme suggests a personality that approaches tasks with a sense of responsibility and
attention to detail, aspiring to high standards in every endeavor.

My conscientiousness can be demonstrated by being on the Dean’s List (DL), and

graduating “Suma Cum Laude,” with high honors. I also scored very high in
Conscientiousness on the Big Five (B5) personality test, I received a grade of 100% on my
CAP (Case Analysis Powerpoint) for Module 7, in OGL 357 and elicited very positive
feedback from my professor as well as other professors for past work. I have also had
successful outcomes in all of my projects and papers, earning straight A’s in all of my courses.

Re ection: In all my endeavors I seek to do them to the very best of my abilities and I
approach every task with thoroughness. This attention to detail enriches my life with
reliability and a reputation for excellence, providing peace of mind and a strong sense of
An extroverted disposition is characterized by an outgoing, sociable nature. This
theme indicates a personality that enjoys engaging with others and draws energy from
social interactions, often aspiring to roles that involve teamwork and communication.

My extroverted nature was noted on the Big Five (B5) as being at 98%. Other support
for this is the fact that I have had several sales positions as noted on my resume (R). I
am not afraid to take the lead, and I am not afraid to speak up, especially where there
is an injustice. I am the leader of my small group at church and I served on the Board
of my HOA (R). Furthermore, I am not afraid to speak at events and have done so
many times, as indicated on my LinkedIn pro le (LIP).

Re ection: My extroversion fuels my social energy and love for my community. It leads
me to embrace leadership, seek new experiences, and nd joy in lively interactions.
This outgoing nature is core to how I connect with the world and draw inspiration.
Autonomy and Independence

Valuing autonomy and independence shows a desire to self-govern and make

personal choices. It re ects a personality that prefers to lead rather than follow and
aspires to carve out a path that is self-directed and free from undue in uence.

The Career Anchor Scoring Sheet (CAS) showed I scored the highest on Autonomy
and Independence. Other support for this trait includes a preference for remote
jobs (R), a preference for independent learning (online education) such as this
experience at ASU, and past entrepreneurial endeavors (R). Since I am intrinsically
motivated, I have no need to be micro-managed. My discussion paper from OGL
365 on Intrinsic Motivation (IMP) discusses this at length.

Re ection: My drive for autonomy shapes a path of self-reliance and personal

growth. It empowers me to make independent choices and embrace my successes.
This pursuit of independence is a testament to my con dence and commitment to
forge my own journey.
Managerial Competence - Strong
Leadership Skills

Managerial competence and strong leadership skills indicate the ability to guide,
inspire, and make decisions e ectively. This theme suggests a personality that is
con dent in taking charge and aspires to positions of in uence, where they can
impact outcomes and lead others to success.

My managerial competence was evidenced on the Career Anchor Scoring Sheet

(CAS), my resume (R), which shows several managerial positions, Project
Management (EPPM), Case Analysis (CAP), and LIP.

Re ection: This thematic analysis has a rmed my managerial competence and

leadership skills as keys to my professional identity. These traits are not just
theoretical; they're re ected in my ability to lead e ectively and make impactful
decisions. Recognizing these strengths increases my con dence and underscores
my potential for further professional achievements.
Strong Christian Values

Upholding strong Christian values denotes a life guided by faith in Jesus Christ, my Lord and
Savior, my God, creator of the heavens and earth, and my helper the Holy Spirit. This is
about a relationship with my Creator, his Son, Jesus, who died in my place as an atonement
for my sins. It re ects a personality that seeks to live with integrity and compassion, aspiring
to make choices that are in alignment with Biblical beliefs and everything that God has
planned for my life..

My Christian worldview has been incorporated in many papers, such as a Paper on Ethics in
Leadership and Corporate Standards (“ELCS”) and another paper on Critical Thinking
(CTP”), and is evidenced in the Values Checklist (VC”). In addition, my church membership,
church attendance, tithing, Bible study leader, and participation in church activities, are all
evidence of my faith. I pray and read scripture on a daily basis and am not afraid to challenge
people or institutions that try to squash my rights ( led a complaint against ASU for
censorship of my Christian worldview). I do not hide my Christianity and often include
Christian themes in the discussion boards and provide daily prayer and encouragement to
those who need it and am happy to share my faith with anyone who would like to know how
they can nd the one and only path to eternal life.
Strong Christian Values Cont.

Re ection: My Christian faith in Jesus Christi, my Lord and

Savior is the core of my identity, an unwavering source of
strength and guidance. I hold my relationship with Christ in the
highest regard, cherishing it as the most profound connection in
my life. This relationship shapes my actions, my decisions, and
my worldview. It's a personal journey that I am not only
committed to nurturing in my own life but also eager to share
with others. I am open about my faith, ready to discuss and share
the hope and love I've found in Christ with anyone who seeks to
understand. My willingness to express and live out my faith is a
testament to its signi cance in my life, a clear re ection of my
Christian characteristics.
Strong Family Values

A foundation of strong family values emphasizes the importance of kinship and close
relationships., that are Christ-centered. It indicates a personality that prioritizes family and
aspires to uphold and nurture these bonds, recognizing their signi cance in shaping identity
and providing support.

I have provided moral and ethical guidance to my children so that they know right from
wrong and understand that our family values are centered around our relationship with our
Lord and Savior and honoring our commitments to each other and the church.
I value work-life balance, I prioritize regular family times, I support my husband and his
career, I uphold special family traditions, have respect for my family members, and am there
for them when I am needed.

Re ection: Our family values, centered on Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, shape a
loving, supportive home where faith guides our actions and strengthens our bonds. We
cherish time together, uphold traditions, and communicate with compassion, embodying
Christ's teachings in every facet of our family life.
Strong Distrust of O cial Narratives

Strong Distrust of O cial Narratives by

Educational Institutions, Media, Politicians,
Government Websites, Conventional Health

A pronounced distrust in these areas suggests a

questioning and critical approach to commonly accepted
sources of information. It re ects a personality that values
independent thought and seeks to challenge the status
quo, aspiring to a discerning and informed perspective.
Strong Distrust of O cial Narratives, Cont.

My scholarly work re ects a deep mistrust of o cial narratives. In my Voter

Integrity PowerPoint, I uncovered troubling gaps in electoral processes. The
discussion board on Values and Integrity in Educational Institutions revealed
inconsistencies in academia's moral claims. My paper on Ethics in Leadership and
Corporate Standards dissected the often hollow nature of corporate ethics, while
my Critical Thinking paper challenged widespread acceptance of mainstream
narratives. Most notably, my OGL 481 EP Portfolio's case study demonstrated
ASU's biases against Christians and conservatives, calling into question the
institution's commitment to true diversity and inclusion. Each piece collectively
underscores the need for critical scrutiny of the narratives presented as truth in
various spheres of society.
Strong Distrust of O cial Narratives, Cont.

My work at ASU reflects a deep mistrust of official narratives. In my Voter Integrity PowerPoint (VIP), I
uncovered troubling gaps in electoral processes. The discussion board on Values and Integrity in
Educational Institutions (VIEI) revealed inconsistencies in academia's moral claims. My paper on
Ethics in Leadership and Corporate Standards (ELCS) dissected the often empty nature of corporate
ethics, while my Critical Thinking (CT) paper challenged the widespread acceptance of mainstream
narratives, which can easily be disproven by critical thinking. Most notably, my OGL 481 EP Portfolio's
case study demonstrated ASU's biases against Christians and conservatives, calling into question the
institution's commitment to true diversity and inclusion. Each piece collectively underscores the need
for critical scrutiny of the narratives presented as truth in various spheres of our society.

Reflection: Delving into topics like voter integrity, academic ethics, corporate standards, and critical
thinking, I have learned to critically assess and question prevailing narratives. My work, especially the
case study on institutional bias at ASU, taught me the value of vigilance and the power of truth-seeking
in advocating for genuine transparency and accountability in our schools that dictate the narratives to
an unsuspecting populace.

Mission Statement

My mission is to work in an environment where I can apply my

entrepreneurial spirit and creative insight to drive innovation and lead with
conviction. I am dedicated to cultivating a professional landscape that is built
upon strong Christian and family values, allowing for structured, conscientious
work that achieves excellence. I seek to mentor and inspire a generation of
critical thinkers dedicated to the pursuit of truth, justice, and fairness for all.
Embracing my outgoing nature, I will actively foster teamwork and vibrant
connections, and as an independent thinker, I will challenge traditional
narratives and practices. My leadership and managerial abilities will be
directed towards creating strategies that inspire change and growth. This
mission encapsulates my dedication to questioning the status quo, leading by
example, and ensuring that each voice can contribute to and bene t from
collective success.

Vision Statement

My vision is to establish a legacy of principled leadership,

combining integrity, imaginative thinking, and a well-ordered
approach to guide and shape our future. I am dedicated to guiding
generations that value critical thought, truth, and justice,
emphasizing the creation of a level playing eld for all. Through my
commitment to strong family and Christian values, I am
determined to impact both personal and professional spheres,
promoting the importance of self-reliance and a thoughtful
evaluation of accepted beliefs. My goal is to lead by example in
championing informed independence and equitable, sincere
exchange of ideas, ensuring that each individual can achieve success
and make their voice heard in a balanced and just environment.

In conclusion, this thematic analysis has been an insightful process, reinforcing

my understanding of myself and my professional capabilities. It has highlighted
my entrepreneurial spirit and underscored my managerial competence, and
passion for innovation, elements of my character which I am particularly
pleased to see validated. Delving into personal characteristics such as
conscientiousness, extroversion, and a preference for autonomy has provided a
clearer picture of how these attributes can shape my actions and contribute to
my success. It also shows that I have a fun creative side that is seeking
expression. Ultimately, this thematic exploration has consolidated my
recognition of the fundamental qualities that are crucial to my professional
identity and ongoing personal contentment, and I will be utilizing this
information on my updated resume and LinkedIn pro le.

Arizona State University (n.d.). OGL 220 Behavioral Dynamics in Organizations. Canvas. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from

Arizona State University (n.d.). OGL 357: Assessment in Organizations. Canvas. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from

Arizona State University (n.d.). OGL 200 Introduction to Organizational Leadership. Canvas. Retrieved April 7, 2024,

Arizona State University (n.d.). OGL 345 Organizational Ethics. Canvas. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https://

Arizona State University (n.d.). PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology. Canvas. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https://

Christi Gram Digital Portfolio. (2024). Weebly. Retrieved April 7, 2024 from

Dean’s List (email from Dean Joanna Grabski 1/22/2024)

Citations, Cont.
DISC assessments (n.d.). The Most Accurate DISC Test Online. Online Disc Test. Retrieved April 7,
2024, from
msclkid=4a8b55da7 8135acbac33c88a4f12ef&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign
=DiSC%20Test&utm_term=disc%20pro le%20test&utm_content=Ad%20group%201

Discover Your Values (n.d.). Personal Values Assessment. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from

Kuder (n.d.). Kuder Career Interests Assessment. Kuder Journey. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https://

Kuder Journey (n.d.). Skills Con dence Assessment, Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https://

Kuder Journey (n.d.). Super's Work Values Inventory. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https://

LinkedIn (n.d.). Retrieved April 7, 2024, from

Citations, Cont.

OGL 481 (N.D.) Pro Seminar 1


OGL 482 - Inspiration Book Project - Clear, J. (2018). Atomic Habits, An Easy & Proven Way to Build
Good Habits & Break Bad Ones (pp. 13-15). Penguin Random House, LLC.

OGL 482 (n.d.) Pro Seminar 2, Module 1, Career Anchors Assessment. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from

The Myers-Briggs Company (n.d.). MBTI. MBTIonline. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from https:// B/

123 Test (n.d.). Big Five Personality Test. Retrieved April 7, 2024, from

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