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1. D
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. C
10. B
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. B
20. D
21. A
22. D
23. C
24. D
25. B

 1. SQL Query:
a. SELECT empId, empName, Age, Address from Employee WHERE empId = 1004;
 Result:

 b) Write the SELECT command to display all the records of table Employees.
 SQL Query:
SELECT * from Employee;
 Result:

 c) Write the SELECT command to display all the records of the employee whose name
starts with the character ‘R’.
 SQL Query:
SELECT * from Employee WHERE empName LIKE ‘R%’;
 Result:

1. Solution: See Figure 2

Note: Some of you reasoned that since there is not a double line from “Pharmaceutical
Co.” to “Phone”, the latter would not be considered multi-valued attribute. The
missing line was my error, and I was not looking for this as part of the answer.
However, we did accept that correction as part of the solution.
Date of
Age Name SIN Specialty Entry

Patients Physician Doctor

Name Phone Prescription Takes Quantity

M Trade
N M Name
Pharmacy Sell Drug
N Formula
Price Make

M Pharmaceutical
Contract Co.

Start Date End Date

Name Phone

Figure : Solution to Question 1

2. Datat integrity is have the same data in the database at any point in time
3. What are Entities and Relationships?
Entity: An entity can be a real-world object, either tangible or intangible, that can be easily
identifiable. For example, in a college database, students, professors, workers, departments, and
projects can be referred to as entities. Each entity has some associated properties that provide it
an identity.
Relationships: Relations or links between entities that have something to do with each other. For
example - The employees table in a company's database can be associated with the salary table in
the same database.
4. What is an Alias in SQL?
An alias is a feature of SQL that is supported by most, if not all, RDBMSs. It is a temporary
name assigned to the table or table column for the purpose of a particular SQL query. In
addition, aliasing can be employed as an obfuscation technique to secure the real names of
database fields. A table alias is also called a correlation name.
An alias is represented explicitly by the AS keyword but in some cases the same can be
performed without it as well. Nevertheless, using the AS keyword is always a good practice.
SELECT A.emp_name AS "Employee" /* Alias using AS keyword */
B.emp_name AS "Supervisor"
FROM employee A, employee B /* Alias without AS keyword */
WHERE A.emp_sup = B.emp_id
5. What are the various forms of Normalization?
Normal Forms are used to eliminate or reduce redundancy in database tables. The different forms
are as follows:
1. First Normal Form
A relation is in first normal form if every attribute in that relation is a single-valued attribute. If a
relation contains composite or multi-valued attribute, it violates the first normal form. Let's
consider the following students table. Each student in the table, has a name, his/her address and
the books they issued from the public library -

Section C: Mobile OS and computing

1) What is Android?
It is an open-sourced operating system that is used primarily on mobile devices, such as cell
phones and tablets. It is a Linux kernel-based system that's been equipped with rich components
that allows developers to create and run apps that can perform both basic and advanced

What is the Android Architecture?

Android Architecture is made up of 4 key components:
 Linux Kernel
 Libraries
 Android Framework
 Android Applications

What do you think are some disadvantages of Android?

Given that Android is an open-source platform, and the fact that different Android operating
systems have been released on different mobile devices, there's no clear cut policy to how
applications can adapt with various OS versions and upgrades. One app that runs on this
particular version of Android OS may or may not run on another version. Another disadvantage
is that since mobile devices such as phones and tabs come in different sizes and forms, it poses a
challenge for developers to create apps that can adjust correctly to the right screen size and other
varying features and specs.
What are the four essential states of an activity?
 Active – if the activity is at the foreground
 Paused – if the activity is at the background and still visible
 Stopped – if the activity is not visible and therefore is hidden or obscured by another
 Destroyed – when the activity process is killed or completed terminated
What is the Google Android SDK?
Google Android SDK is a set of tools required by developers to enable them write apps on
Android enabled devices. It has a graphical interface which imitates an Android handheld
environment, enabling them in testing and debugging their codes.

Section D:Database administration with mysql

What purpose does the model database serve?
Ans. The model database, as its name implies, serves as the model (or template) for all databases
created on the same instance. If the model database is modified, all subsequent databases created
on that instance will pick up those changes, but earlier created databases will not. Note that
TEMPDB is also created from the model every time SQL Server starts up.
Q3) How do you trace the traffic hitting a SQL Server?
Ans. SQL profiler is the SQL Server utility you can use to trace the traffic on the SQL Server
instance. Traces can be filtered to narrow down the transactions that are captured and reducing
the overhead incurred for the trace. The trace files can be searched, saved off, and even replayed
to facilitate troubleshooting.
What authentication modes does SQL Server support?
Ans. SQL Server supports Windows Authentication and mixed-mode. Mixed-mode allows you
to use both Windows Authentication and SQL Server Authentication to log into your SQL
Server. It’s important to note that if you use Windows Authentication, you will not be able to log
in as sa.
Q12) Explain about your SQL Server DBA Experience.
Ans. This is a generic question often asked by many interviewers. Explain what are the different
SQL Server Versions you have worked on, what kind of administration of those instances has
been done by you. Your role and responsibilities carried out in your earlier projects would be of
significance to the potential employer. This is the answer that lets the interviewer know how
suitable are you for the position to which you are being interviewed.

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