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Induced EMF & Lenz's Law

● An EMF will be induced in a conductor if there is relative movement between the

conductor and the magnetic field
● It will also be induced if the conductor is stationary in a changing magnetic field
● For an electrical conductor moving in a fixed magnetic field
○ The conductor (e.g wire) cuts through the fields lines
○ This induces an EMF in the wire

Current-Carrying Wire Moving Through a Magnetic Field

Moving an electrical conductor in a magnetic field to induce an EMF

Bar Magnet Moving Through a Solenoid

When the magnet enters the coil, the field lines cut through the turns, inducing an EMF

● For a fixed conductor in a changing magnetic filed

○ As the magnet moved through the conductor (e.g. a coil), the field lines cut
through the turns on the conductor (each individual wire)
○ This induces an EMF in the coil

A magnet moved towards a wire creates a changing magnetic field and induces a
current in the wire

● A sensitive voltmeter can be used to measure the size of the induced EMF
● If the conductor is part of a complete circuit then a current is induced in the
○ This can be detected by an ammeter

Lenz's Law
● Lenz Law states:
The direction of an induced potential difference always opposes the change that
produces it

● This means that any magnetic field created by the potential difference will act so
that it tries to stop the wire or magnet from moving

Demonstrating Lenz's Law

● If a magnet is pushed north end first into a coil of wire then the end of the coil
closest to the magnet will become a north pole
● Explanation
○ Due to the generator effect, a potential difference will be induced in the
○ The induced potential difference always opposes the change that
produces it
○ The coil will apply a force to oppose the magnet being pushed into the coil
○ Therefore, the end of the coil closest to the magnet will become a north
○ This means it will repel the north pole of the magnet

Bar Magnet Approaching a Solenoid

Magnet being pushed into a coil of wire inducing a current in the wire

● If a magnet is now pulled away from the coil of wire then the end of the coil
closest to the magnet will become a south pole
● Explanation:
○ Due to the generator effect, a potential difference will be induced in the
○ The induced potential difference always opposes the change that
produces it
○ The coil will apply a force to oppose the magnet being pulled away from
the coil
○ Therefore, the end of the coil closest to the magnet will become a south
○ This means it will attract the north pole of the magnet

Bar Magnet Leaving Solenoid

Magnet being pulled away from a coil of wire due to force of attraction

Right-Hand Dynamo Rule

● When moving a wire through a magnetic field, the direction of the induced EMF
can be worked out by using the Right-Hand Dynamo rule

Right-Hand Dynamo Rule

The Right-Hand Dynamo rule can be used to deduce the direction of the induced EMF

● To use the rule:

First Finger = Field:

○ Start by pointing the first finger (on the right hand) in the direction of the

ThuMb = Motion:

○ Next, point the thumb in the direction that the wire is moving in

SeCond = Current:

○ The Second finger will now be pointing in the direction of the current (or,
strictly speaking, the EMF)
● The direction of the induced EMF always opposes the change that produces it
○ This means that any magnetic field created by the EMF will act so that it
tries to stop the wire or magnet from moving

Exam Tip
Remember that current is always in the direction of positive charge carriers. Therefore,
current flows from the positive to the negative terminal of the battery.

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