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Lesson Planning Form

Name of Activity – Classroom map planning

Originating Idea
A fun new way for children to plan their work time.
Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
(Highlight one of the Categories)
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social Studies
KDIs –
# 6. 2.Planning: Children make plans and follow through on their intentions
Teacher created classroom map including all the interest areas- laminated, toy car, toy person, toy

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement

Today during planning time, you get to plan your work time in a fun and new way. Today you can choose to
where you want to work by showing me on a map that I made of the classroom. You can pick to use a car to
drive on the map or a person or animal to walk on the map to show where you will work today.

Middle of Activity –
Early Extension:
Children might make a plan of where they will work, but they might not use the map. They might say a
different interest area than what they are showing on the map if they use it. The teacher can help the
child plan by asking them what they might want to do and then showing them the map and asking where
they think they could do that in the room.

Child will be able to make a plan for work time. They will use the map, and use it correctly. The teacher
can prompt the child by asking them where they want to work or what they want to work with. The teacher can
also help the child find an area on the map by reminding them of other areas that are near the area they are
looking for, so the child might be able to better find it.

Later Extension:
Child will be able to make a plan for work time. They will use the map, and use it correctly. The teacher can ask
the child how they think they will get to that area from where they are now. The child might be able to show on
the map how they would get to that area.

End of Activity
The child will put their car or other toy away then go to wherever they planned to work.

Follow-up Ideas -
Cover areas of the map to see if the children can locate the missing areas
In the PM on a Friday ask the children to make a plan for what they want to do this weekend. When the children
return on Monday ask them to recall if they followed through on their plan.

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