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Lesson Planning Form

Name of Activity – Make the story

Originating Idea
Children enjoyed making up silly stories during lunch time.
Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
(Highlight one of the Categories)
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social Studies
KDIs –
#21. Comprehension: Children understand language.
#22.Speaking: Children express themselves using language.
Paper, drawing materials, writing implements, book (any story could work).

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement

I found this book at the library, but I think the beginning of the book and ending are missing. For small group
today, would you help me make the beginning and end of the story? I would like you to draw the parts of the
story. Read the book but skip the beginning and end.

Middle of Activity –
Early Extension:
Children may recount part of a familiar story or make up their own parts. They may draw some parts.
The teacher should ask what might happen after a certain part of the book that you read.

Children will draw what they think could have happened at the beginning of the story and end. They will
tell the teacher what they are drawing. The teacher should encourage the children to describe what they are
drawing and thinking of.

Later Extension:
Children will draw what they think could happen at the beginning/end of the story. They will tell the
teacher what they are drawing. The teacher should encourage the children to think about different parts
of the story and see if they can change the ending or add a twist to their version of the story.
End of Activity
Children will come together at large group and share what they drew and can tell the class about it.

Follow-up Ideas -
During a read aloud stop and ask the children what they think will happen next in the story to build on #22
Play Simon Says during outside or gym time to build on #21 comprehension.

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