Emotions Parton

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Lesson Planning Form

Name of Activity – The faces I make

Originating Idea
We are reading about emotions and learning about our bodies.
Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
(Highlight one of the Categories)
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social Studies
KDIs – 9. Emotions: Children recognize, label, and regulate their feelings.

Handheld mirrors

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement

For small group today, I thought it would be fun for us to explore our own emotions. We can explore how we
look in the mirror and make different faces. I wonder what you all might look like if I told you we would have
ice cream for snack or if I told you I broke your favorite toy. Can you make those faces in the mirror?

Middle of Activity – (what will the children be doing/saying – how will you transition from the teaching
to the children doing – should read like a script but can be brief)
Early Extension:
Children will make faces in the mirror. They will not yet describe or connect the emotions to the faces
they make. The teacher imitates the faces that the child is making and makes the connection. Example:
“You are smiling what a happy face you have.”

Children will be making different faces in the mirror. The teacher will ask the children what emotion
they might be feeling with the faces that they make. Ask the child what face they might make if they
were (insert emotion).

Later Extension:
Children will make faces in the mirrors, connect the emotions to the faces. Teachers prompt student to
ask what might make them feel that way to make that face. Example: “What could have happened to
make you so angry to make that face?”

End of Activity
Have children show the teacher and a friend their favorite face and try to name the emotion that goes with it.
Then ask the child to put the mirrors into the bin.

Follow-up Ideas -
Emotion matching during choice time.
Adding a feelings thermometer to the calming area.
Emotion eggs- creating different emotions/faces with Easter eggs that have been drawn on and split in
half for each side to be able to be connected to another egg.

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