Developmental Checklist

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Developmental Checklist

Child’s Name: Zion Hopewell

D.O.B.: 09/16/2017

3 Yr Old Developmental Checklist

Social/Emotional Development
Social Detailed Observations: Possible Goal(s):
Say please and thank you • Zion tends to do more parallel play. • A goal for Zion is to start to
Begin to learn how to share Sometimes she’ll try and do more cooperative engage in more cooperative
Use words to resolve conflicts play. play.
Answers questions: 1st name? Who’s that? • Zion doesn’t ask for help very much. She’s • Another goal for Zion is
Engages in pretend play more independent. sharing and using her words.
Imitate adult actions • When there’s conflict, Zion tends to stay Zion tends to grab things
Interacts with other children/parallel or silent. from other children, but if
associative play something is grabbed from
Working in small groups her she doesn’t say anything.
Seek help from trusted adults when upset
Use simple language to ask adults for help
Remember and use names of familiar peers

Emotional Detailed Observations: Possible Goal(s):

Awareness/responsiveness to others feelings • Zion doesn’t seem to respond as much to her • A goal for Zion would be to
Vocalizes needs peer’s emotions verbally. identify how her friends are
Shows pride/accomplishment in work • Zion will express her wants and tell you what feeling.
Starts to understand there are consequences she wants to do. She’ll let you know if she
Express wants and make choices wants to stay outside, or sit in your lap for
Show affection to other peers large group time.
Waits a short time to get what they want • Most of the time Zion is good about waiting
Recognize facial expressions or actions her turn.
associated with different emotions
Cognitive Development
Math Detailed Observations: Possible Goal(s):
Matching shapes, colors, #s • Zion can sort multiple colors. • A goal for Zion is to start
Match object to picture of object • Zion is good at recognizing various shapes, like learning to count and identify
Begin to point to colors, #s hexagons. Zion can draw circles. numbers from 1-15.
Complete puzzles: simple & complex (9-24 • Zion can count and identify numbers one to • Another goal for Zion is to
pieces) ten with minimal mistakes. start drawing more shapes
Attempt to draw circles and lines from a model • Zion can complete puzzles with no help. other than lines and circles.
Begin to understand bigger, smaller, heavy
Recognize time, schedules, routines
Rote counting to 5/1:1 counting

Communication/Language Detailed Observations: Possible Goal(s):

Average sentence 3-5 words • Does the child use descriptive words? What • A goal for Zion is to use more
Talks about objects/people not present words do they use? descriptive words when
Uses descriptive words • Does the child sing phrases of songs? When do communicating.
Engage in short back and forth conversations they demonstrate this? • Zion doesn’t always sing
Ask and answers basic questions • Does the child follow two step directions? during song time, so another
Follows two-step directions How do you know? goal would be getting Zion to
Talk to themselves and others about their • Zion is pretty good about following directions. sing and interact in song
actions In small group she doesn’t need any help time.
Sings phrases of songs when following directions. • Another goal for Zion is just
Uses words/actions during dramatic play to act • Zion is good at using average sentences, but getting her to feel confident
sometimes she gets very quiet and it can be in her communication and
hard to understand her. language skills.
• Zion doesn’t sing
Cognitive Development
Reading/Literacy Detailed Observations: Possible Goal(s):
Identifies the letters in their name/recognizes • Zion loves to read/look at books. She holds the • A goal for Zion is to be able to
their name in print book upright, looks at the pages from left to identify letters verbally and
Writes the letters in their name right and turns the pages front to back. have more interest in letters
Shows interest when a story is read • Zion loves to listen to stories and enjoys to • Another goal is to have Zion
Book handling skills: turn pages, identify cover look at the pictures. write her letters and spell her
When listening to book, chime in or repeat words • Zion doesn’t seem to be interested in letters, name.
Begin to recognize reading left/right/up/down or writing her name. Zion does recognize her
Tell what they see in pictures/labeling name though.
Recognize environmental print, like hand washing
Begin to understand concepts of print (lists,
Demonstrate an interest in letters they encounter

Science/Inquiry Detailed Observations: Possible Goal(s):

Identify items in nature • Zion is very interested in observing things with • A goal I have for Zion is for
Recognize differences in plants/animals/people tools, like magnifying glasses. her to start verbally
Cause toys to move and simply describe (“My • Zion uses multiple tools, like magnets, and expressing the things that
train go fast!”) shovels to explore. she’s observing.
Recognizing weather and appropriate clothing • Zion recognizes the mixing of colors makes
Use simple tools to investigate objects new colors.
(magnifying glasses, ramps for balls, spoon for
Use one word descriptions of new materials (hot,
soft, bumpy)
Asks “What’s that?”
Recognizes properties of objects when mixing &
Try out different materials to create a structure

Physical Development
Fine Motor Detailed Observations: Possible Goal(s):
Manipulates small pegs and puzzles • Zion will sometimes put the wrong fingers in • A goal for Zion is to hold and
Thread beads with large holes the scissor holes, but does well and enjoys cut with scissors using the
Puts on, takes off shoes/socks, put on mittens cutting paper. proper finger positioning.
Can roll play dough into snake • Zion does well with puzzles and can complete • Another goal for Zion is
Builds towers using 6 or more cubes them on her own. starting to complete bigger
Begins to copy a circle • Zion is able to manipulate her play-doh. puzzles with more pieces.
Can handle utensils – feed themselves • Zion enjoys painting and can paint the paper
Begins to fold paper with no problems.
Holds scissors • Zion uses the tripod grasp when using coloring
Use tools that require finger and hand control or writing utensils.
(large paintbrush, measuring cups, shovels)

Gross Motor Detailed Observations: Possible Goal(s):

Moves with increasing independence and control • Zion is able to ride a strider bike with control. • A goal for Zion is to work on
Catches large ball • Zion is able to climb rocks and other her balance. Sometimes she
Begins to ride tricycle playground equipment. falls over, or has to hang onto
Performs actions smoothly with balance (bend • Zion uses one foot per step when going down something.
over to pick up a toy, reach up high on a shelf) the stairs.
Walks upstairs alone using both feet on one step
Jumps backwards
Begin to balance on one foot
Begins jumping distances with both feet leaving
and landing together
Kicking ball
Climbs jungle gyms

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