V.3 Ingles

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Upper Intermediate Word lists

Abreviaturas para las clases de palabras:
Las abreviaturas usadas en la lista de palabras son las siguientes: n = nombre, v = verbo, adj = adjetivo, adv = adverbio, phr = frase, phr v = verbo frasal
Word Pronunciation Definition Example(s) Translation
Unit 3
host (v) /həʊst/ to plan and provide services as a Greece hosted the Olympic Games in 2004. Ser anfitrión
venue for a special event
anticipate (v) /ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ to expect something We anticipate more tourists this year. Anticipar
attitude (n) /ˈætɪtjuːd/ the way you feel or behave Sarah's attitude towards the boss should Postura
towards somebody or something change if she wants to get promotion.
awareness (n) /əˈweərnəs/ knowing that something exists or is The campaign aims to raise awareness on the Conciencia
important issue of racism in schools.
bronze (adj) /brɒnz/ made of reddish colour metal China won several bronze medals in the last Bronce
Olympic Games.
captain (v) /ˈkæptɪn/ to lead and be in charge of a team, Diane captained the school hockey team. Capitán/a
group, ship or plane
championship (n) /ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp/ a competition which decides who is The international swimming championships Campeonato
the best player will be held in France next year.
compete (v) /kəmˈpiːt/ to take part in a competition I'd like to compete in the next track race. Competir
energetic (adj) /ˌenə(r)ˈdʒetɪk/ being active with a lot of energy Young children can be very energetic. Lleno/a de
forward (n) /ˈfɔːwəd/ a team player, e.g. in football, who She played as a forward in the school football Delantero/a
has an attacking position towards team.
the front in a game
goal (n) /ɡəʊl/ the act of kicking a ball into a net Andy shot the winning goal for his team Gol
to score a point
hold (a record) (v) /ˌhəʊld (ə ˈrekɔːd)/ to have (the best result or the Do you know who holds the world record for Ostentar un
highest level, etc.) the fastest runner? récord
season (n) /ˈsiːzn/ a period or time when an event The cricket season starts around summer Temporada
takes place time.
set (a new record) /ˌset (ə njuː ˈrekɔːd)/ achieve the best results than ever Sam set a new personal record in swimming Batir un récord
(v) before in a particular activity when he came second in the final race.
smash (v) /smæʃ/ to break something He smashed the world cycling record by five Hacer pedazos
status (n) /ˈsteɪtəs/ social position People in certain professions, such as doctors Posición social
and lawyers, are regarded as having a high
social status.
technique (n) /tekˈniːk/ method or way you do something The coach’s technique helped them get into Técnica
the next round of the championship.
fame (n) /feɪm/ the state of being known and Many people would prefer fame and fortune Fama
recognized by many people over leading a simple life.
medal (n) /ˈmed(ə)l/ a flat piece of metal given to the He won three medals in the Paralympics. Medalla
winner of a competition
play a key role in /ˌpleɪ ə ˌkiːˈrəʊl ɪn/ to be an important part of Helen played a key role in winning the game. Jugar un papel
(phr) fundamental
positive role model /ˌpɒzətɪv ˈrəʊl a person you admire that offers Doctors who work for free are very positive Referencia
(phr) ˌmɒd(e)l/ good qualities role models for young children. positiva
real passion (phr) /ˌrɪəl ˈpæʃən/ a strong feeling of love, hate, Kelly has a real passion for music. Auténtica pasión
anger, etc.
role model (n) /ˈrəʊl ˌmɒd(ə)l/ a person you admire It's good to have healthy athletes as role Modelo a imitar
determine (v) /dɪˈtɜːmɪn/ to discover the facts about Athletes have to go through blood tests to Determinar
something determine whether they are fit to participate
in major competitions.
stamina (n) /ˈstæmɪnə/ physical or mental strength that He didn't have enough stamina to finish the Resistencia
helps you do something race.
agree with (v) /əˈgriː wɪð/ to say that you share the same I agree with the idea that all animals should Estar de acuerdo
opinion be protected. con
instantly (adv) /ˈɪnstəntli/ immediately I instantly recognised my cousins after so Inmediatamente
many years.
injury (n) /ˈɪndʒəri/ harm done to part of the body He suffered serious injuries in the car Lesión
junk food (n) /ˈdʒʌŋk fuːd/ unhealthy pre-cooked food like Eating too much junk food can cause many Cómida basura
crisps, sweets, etc. health problems.
money (n) /ˈmʌni/ what we use to pay for things We had just enough money to buy a new car. Dinero

personality (n) /ˌpɜː(r)səˈnæləti/ parts of a person’s character that You need a strong personality to be Personalidad
make them different from others successful in business.
amount (n) /əˈmaʊnt/ sum or quantity We've had an enormous amount of rain this Cantidad
choose (v) /tʃuːz/ to decide which one to use from We chose to visit the stadium and not the Elegir
two or more people or things museum.
elite (adj) /ɪˈliːt/ of a small group of people with Politicians are among the elite groups in our Élite
power and influence society.
establish (v) /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/ to start or create an organization The women's club was established in 1968. Establecer
exception (n) /ɪkˈsepʃ(ə)n/ person or thing not included in a With very few exceptions, the work is of high Excepción
general statement standard.
funding (n) /ˈfʌndɪŋ/ money given for a specific purpose Governments should give more funding to Financiación
schools and hospitals.
select (v) /sɪˈlekt/ to choose between two or more Denise was selected for the national Seleccionar
people or things swimming team.
set up (phr v) /ˌset ˈʌp/ to organise something The police set up a new system to help them Poner en marcha
catch thieves.
sum (n) /sʌm/ the amount of something The sum of the building costs was quite large. Suma
tackle (v) /ˈtækl/ to make a strong effort to deal with We tackled the problem with great care. Abordar
something difficult
target (n) /ˈtɑːɡɪt/ the result you aim to have Zach has set high targets for his business. Objetivo
top (adj) /tɒp/ the highest place or part; the best The team's top player broke his arm and can't Parte superior

principle (n) /ˈprɪnsəpl/ a moral idea, or belief Lying goes against all my basic principles. Principio
ranking (n) /ˈræŋkɪŋ/ position somebody or something is Serena Williams is a top ranking tennis Clasificación
in that shows how good or player.
important they are
billion (n) /ˈbɪljən/ 1,000,000,000; one thousand Athletes and actors can make billions of Mil millones
million dollars.
conquer (v) /ˈkɒŋkə(r)/ to defeat somebody or succeed in He managed to conquer his opponents and Vencer
something won first place.
debt (n) /det/ money somebody owes When Caroline lost her job, she fell into debt Deuda
and lost her house.
educational (adj) /ˌedjʊˈkeɪʃnl/ connected with education He needed better educational qualifications Educativo/a
for the job.
expense (n) /ɪkˈspens/ the money you spend on She has more expenses than she can afford. Gasto
formal (adj) /ˈfɔːməl/ suitable for official situations It's important for children to receive a formal Académico/a
glory (n) /ˈɡlɔːri/ fame, praise or honour for She enjoyed the glory of coming first in the Gloria
achieving something important race.
schedule (n) /ˈʃedjuːl/ programme of activities; timetable Her busy schedule always includes a morning Horario
similarly (adv) /ˈsɪmələrli/ in nearly the same way The staff members were all similarly dressed De manera
in formal suits. similar
specialize (v) /ˈspeʃəlaɪz/ to be an expert in a particular area Joanne specializes in speech therapy for Especializarse
of work young children.
spirit (n) /ˈspɪrɪt/ feelings or state of mind He was in high spirits when he won the finals. Ánimo
subway (n) /ˈsʌbˌweɪ/ a system of trains that travel under The best way to get around New York quickly Metro
the ground is by taking the subway.
tend to (v) /ˈtɛnd tuː/ likely to do something Healthy people tend to live longer. Soler hacer algo
terminal (n) /ˈtɜːmɪnl/ a set of buildings at an airport London Heathrow is a busy airport with Terminal
where passengers arrive and leave several large terminals.
long-term (adj) /ˈlɒŋˌtɜːm/ having an effect or results over a Her long-term plan will help them save more A largo plazo
long period of time money in the end.
nation (n) /ˈneɪʃən/ a country with people who speak Africa is a continent with many different and Nación
the same language, have the same interesting nations.
history and culture, and live under
one government
participate (v) /pɑːˈtɪsɪpeɪt/ to take part in I love to participate in online games and Participar
pay off (phr v) /ˌpeɪ ˈɒf/ to finish paying money you owe He was able to pay off his house in six years. Concluir el pago
percentage (n) /pəˈsentɪdʒ/ a part of the whole of something A high percentage of Europeans can speak Porcentaje
preferably (adv) /ˈprefrəbli/ in a way that is more suitable, We'd like to have a holiday somewhere near Preferentemente
better for you a beach, preferably an island.
psychological (adj) /ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ connected with a person’s mind Taking care of our psychological health is Psicológico/a
and the way it works very important.
represent (v) /ˌreprɪˈzent/ to act or speak on behalf of a Only a few athletes represented our country Representar
group, etc. at the Olympic Games.
slightly (adv) /ˈslaɪtli/ a little, not too much We agreed to take a slightly different route Ligeramente
back home.
surface (n) /ˈsɜːfɪs/ the top part of something The surface of the wooden table was smooth Superficie
and highly polished.
quote (n) /kwəʊt/ the exact words that somebody has Freddy knows a lot of quotes by famous Cita
said or written philosophers.
intensively (adv) /ɪnˈtensɪvli/ in a way that requires doing a lot in They trained intensively to make sure they Intensivamente
a very short time were ready for the finals.
advance (n) /ədˈvɑːns/ development or progress in It’s hard to keep up with technological Avance
something advances as new products are constantly
being developed.
athletic (adj) /æθˈletɪk/ physically strong, fit and active James is quite athletic and enjoys taking part Atlético/a
in different sports.
entire (adv) /ɪnˈtaɪə(r)/ all of something We searched the entire house for the missing Completo/a
evolve (v) /ɪˈvɒlv/ to develop from something simple The idea to plant a forest in our village Desarrollarse
to something more complex evolved from a simple picture of a tree.
gardening (adj) /ˈɡɑːdənɪŋ/ used for working in a garden The Browns keep all their gardening tools in Jardinería
their garage.
greatly (adv) /ˈɡreɪtli/ very much I greatly appreciate all his help. Enormemente
slow down (phr v) /ˌsləʊ ˈdaʊn/ to stop going fast If Greg doesn't slow down and stop working Frenar
so much overtime, he'll get ill.
subsequently (adv) /ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli/ as a result after something else has Mr Jones left and, subsequently, I became the Posteriormente
happened new manager.
technological (adj) /ˌteknəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ related to technology The computer must be the most important Tecnológico/a
technological development of the twentieth
largely (adv) /ˈlɑːdʒli/ generally The team is made up largely of boys. En gran medida
marathon (n) /ˈmærəθn/ a race that is about 42 kilometres A marathon can take up to two or more Maratón
long hours for the fastest runners.

accelerate (v) /əkˈseləreɪt/ to go faster As I was about to cross the road, a car Acelerar
accelerated at great speed around the
brand (n) /brænd/ a name on products made by a Joe likes to wear famous brands like Nike or Marca
particular company Adidas.
change the face of /ˌʧeɪnʤ ðə ˈfeɪs ɒv/ to alter; to make different The facilities built to host the European Cambiar el
(phr) Games have changed the face of our city for aspect de
the better.
essentially (adv) /ɪˈsenʃ(ə)li/ used to emphasize the important Though Pablo doesn’t show his emotions En lo
aspect of something easily, he's essentially a very good person. fundamental
evolution (n) /ˌiːvəˈluːʃ(ə)n/ the development of something It’s interesting to observe the evolution of the Evolución
over a long period of time fashion industry over the centuries.
shrink (v) /ʃrɪŋk/ to become smaller My woollen sweater shrunk when I washed it Encogerse
in hot water.
specific (adj) /spəˈsɪfɪk/ detailed and exact The technician gave us specific instructions Concreto/a
on how to set up the printer.
suit (v) /suːt/ to be right for a person, situation Flexible working hours suit me very well. Convenir
or occasion
throughout (prep) /θruːˈaʊt/ in every part Team sports like football and basketball are En todas partes
popular throughout the world.
fade away (phr v) /ˌfeɪd əˈweɪ/ to slowly disappear The noise from the crowd faded away as we Apagarse
moved away from the stadium.
muscle (n) /ˈmʌs(ə)l/ a piece inside the body that helps Athletes have to stretch their muscles before Músculo
you move a part of the body and after a race.
popularity (n) /ˌpɒpjʊˈlærəti/ the state of being liked or Her songs are gaining popularity around the Popularidad
preferred by a large number of world.
chart (n) /tʃɑː(r)t/ a drawing that shows information The chart shows the amount of daily exercise Gráfico
in a simple way recommended according to age and gender.
closely (adv) /ˈkləʊsli/ in a way that shows you are Jane works closely with her students to give Estrechamente
connected or interested feedback on their progress.
question (v) /ˈkwestʃ(ə)n/ to ask about something It’s a good idea to question where an item of Preguntar
clothing is made before buying it.
recreation (n) /ˌrekriˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ activities done to for pleasure I enjoy walking as a form of recreation. Actividades
when you are not working recreativas
vast (adj) /vɑːst/ great; huge Catherine owns a vast amount of land on the Enorme
roughly (adv) /ˈrʌfli/ about; approximately Roughly 200 hundred guests came to the En líneas
wedding. generales

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