Action Research Proposal

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Action Research Proposal: Enhancing Avocado Production through Grafting in

Rural Ethiopia

1. Introduction

Ethiopia has a growing demand for high-value fruits like avocados. However, traditional
avocado production in rural areas suffers from low yields and susceptibility to diseases.
This action research project proposes introducing avocado grafting techniques to
improve production and livelihoods in these communities.

2. Problem Statement

Rural avocado production in Ethiopia faces several challenges:

 Low Yields: Unimproved avocado trees often produce small fruits and low overall
yields, limiting income generation for farmers.
 Disease Susceptibility: Traditional avocado varieties are susceptible to diseases like
avocado wilt, further impacting yields and tree health.
 Limited Knowledge and Skills: Farmers in rural areas often lack knowledge about
modern grafting techniques and best practices for improved avocado production.
3. Research Question

Can the introduction of avocado grafting techniques in rural Ethiopia lead to increased
yields, improved fruit quality, and enhanced livelihoods for smallholder farmers?

4. Objectives
 Primary Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of avocado grafting in improving
yield, fruit quality, and disease resistance compared to traditional propagation methods
in rural Ethiopia.
 Secondary Objectives:
o To train local farmers on avocado grafting techniques and best management practices.
o To assess the economic viability of grafted avocado production for smallholder farmers.
o To raise awareness among rural communities about the benefits of grafted avocado
5. Methodology
 Action Research Design: This project will employ a participatory action research
approach, actively involving farmers in the research process.
 Site Selection: Identify two rural communities in Ethiopia with existing avocado
 Farmer Selection: Select a group of farmers interested in participating and willing to
allocate a portion of their land for the project.
 Training Workshops: Conduct workshops led by agricultural extension agents or
experienced avocado growers to train farmers on:
o Selection of rootstock and scion varieties suitable for grafting in the local climate.
o Grafting techniques (cleft grafting, side grafting etc.)
o Post-grafting care and maintenance of grafted trees.
 Establishment of Demonstration Plots:
o Establish two demonstration plots, one with grafted avocado trees and one with
conventionally propagated trees, in each participating community.
o Ensure plots are of similar size and receive equal care except for the propagation
 Data Collection:
o Monitor and record data on tree growth, yield (fruit quantity and quality), disease
incidence, and farmer observations throughout the project period (2-3 years).
o Conduct pre- and post-project surveys to assess changes in farmers' knowledge,
attitudes, and economic outcomes related to avocado production.
6. Data Analysis
 Analyze yield data to compare fruit production (quantity and quality) between grafted
and non-grafted trees.
 Analyze disease incidence data to assess the impact of grafting on disease resistance.
 Analyze economic data to compare profitability of grafted avocado production with
traditional methods.
 Analyze survey data to evaluate changes in farmers' knowledge, attitudes, and adoption
of grafting techniques.
7. Dissemination and Utilization of Results
 Share research findings with participating farmers through community meetings and
field days.
 Prepare extension materials (fact sheets, posters) in local languages to disseminate
information on avocado grafting techniques and benefits.
 Collaborate with local agricultural extension services to integrate grafting training into
their programs.
 Present research results at relevant conferences and workshops to raise awareness
among stakeholders.
8. Expected Outcomes
 Increased avocado yields and improved fruit quality through grafting.
 Enhanced disease resistance of avocado trees.
 Increased income and improved livelihoods for smallholder farmers.
 Increased knowledge and adoption of avocado grafting techniques in rural communities.
 Development of extension materials and training programs for wider dissemination of
grafting knowledge.
9. Sustainability
 Train local leaders (model farmers) to become trainers and continue disseminating
grafting knowledge within their communities.
 Explore partnerships with NGOs or government agencies for continued support to
farmers in adopting grafting techniques.
 Identify potential buyers for avocados produced by farmers participating in the project.
10. Ethical Considerations
 Obtain informed consent from participating farmers before commencing the project.
 Ensure fair distribution of benefits and knowledge gained throughout the research
 Uphold principles of cultural sensitivity and respect for local knowledge systems.
11. Conclusion

This action research project has the potential to significantly improve avocado
production in rural Ethiopia. By introducing avocado grafting techniques and
empowering farmers with the necessary knowledge and skills, the project can contribute
to increased yields, improved livelihoods, and enhanced food security for rural

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