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1. Have you noticed an increase in the use of marijuana among teenagers in our community?

A. Yes, I have noticed a significant increase in marijuana use among teenagers in our community.
B. No, I have not noticed an increase in marijuana use among teenagers in our community.
C. I am not sure.

2. What do you believe are the main reasons why teenagers in our community are using marijuana?
A. Peer pressure and influence from friends.
B. Curiosity and experimentation.
C. Stress or mental health issues.
D. Easy access to marijuana.
E. Other (please specify): ________________________________________.

3. How do you think marijuana use is affecting the academic performance of teenagers in our
community? .
A. It is negatively impacting their academic performance.
B. It is not affecting their academic performance.
C. I am not sure.

4. Are there any specific challenges or consequences that you have observed as a result of teenage
marijuana use in our community? .
A. Increased substance abuse issues.
B. Poor decision-making skills.
C. Legal consequences.
D. Mental health issues.
E. Other (please specify): ________________________________________.

5. What resources or support do you think would be helpful in addressing the issue of marijuana use
among teenagers in our community? .
A. Increased access to mental health services.
B. Education and awareness programs.
C. Parenting workshops on drug prevention.
D. Community-based prevention programs.
E. Other (please specify): ________________________________________.

6. How can parents, schools, and community organizations work together to prevent and address
teenage marijuana use in our community? .
A. Implementing drug prevention programs in schools.
B. Encouraging open communication between parents and teenagers.
C. Providing resources and support for teenagers struggling with substance abuse.
D. Collaborating on community-wide prevention initiatives.
E. Other (please specify): ________________________________________

7. Do you think there is a need for more education and awareness programs about the risks of
marijuana use for teenagers in our community?
A. Yes, there is a need for more education and awareness programs.
B. No, I believe the current level of education and awareness is sufficient.
C. I am not sure.

8. What steps do you believe should be taken to create a safer and healthier environment for
teenagers in our community in relation to marijuana use? .
A. Implementing stricter regulations on marijuana access.
B. Providing more support services for teenagers at risk of substance abuse.
C. Engaging the community in prevention efforts.
D. Increasing collaboration between stakeholders.
E. Other (please specify):________________________________________

9. How does marijuana use among teenagers in our community affect their academic performance?

A) It has no impact
B) It improves academic performance
C) It decreases academic performance
D) It varies depending on the individual

10. What potential legal consequences do teenagers in our community face if caught using marijuana?

A) No legal consequences
B) Community service
C) Fines
D) Juvenile detention

11. How does marijuana use among teenagers in our community impact their mental health?

A) It has no impact
B) It improves mental health
C) It worsens mental health
D) It varies depending on the individual

12. Are there specific resources available in our community to help teenagers struggling with marijuana

A) No resources available
B) Counseling services
C) Support groups
D) Substance abuse treatment facilities

13. What steps can parents, educators, and community leaders take to prevent teenage marijuana use in
our community?

A) No action needed
B) Promote open communication
C) Provide education on the risks of drug use
D) Offer support and resources for teenagers struggling with substance abuse.

14. Do teens in our neighborhood find it easy to get marijuana?

A. Yes C. No

B. Maybe D. I don’t know

15. Do you think more teens in our area are using marijuana?

A. True B. False

16. Does using marijuana affect the school performance of teens in our neighborhood?

A. Yes _______________________________________________

B. No

if YES give reasons for your answer

17. Have you noticed any changes in behavior among teen marijuana users in our community?

A. Yes and why?______________________________________________

B. No and why?_______________________________________________

18. Why do young youth get into smoking marijuana ?________________________________________.

19. What is the effect it has when they finish smoking marijuana?_______________________________.

20 . Why did the youth decide to smoke?__________________________________________________.

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