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Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on

Automation & Computing, University of Huddersfield,

Huddersfield, UK, 7-8 September 2017

OptiSEC: In Search of an Optimal Sensor Cloud

Muhammad Usman Atif Munam Ali Shah
Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology COMSATS Institute of Information Technology
Islamabad, Pakistan Islamabad, Pakistan

Abstract— The Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are widely with WSN we can overcome all these limitations. Cloud offers
being used for monitoring different environments and are very a lot of storage capacity to sensors plus the fast computational
effective for monitoring those areas where human presence can be power. An integrated version was proposed with the name of
critical. Meanwhile, Cloud Computing (CC) has emerged as a very Sensor-Cloud (SC) that combines all the advantages of WSN
large scale computational and storage service with pay-as-you-go and CC eliminating the limitations of WSN [6]–[9].
usage model which has taken the WSN to entirely a new paradigm.
This integration of WSN with CC provides the advantage of both The existing literature clearly lacks in providing a
technologies in shape of sensor cloud (SC). In this paper, our comprehensive survey of SC architecture. In this paper, a critical
contribution is twofold. Firstly, we provide a comprehensive analysis of different SC architectures is presented. Section II
survey of Sensor-Cloud (SC) architectures proposed over the briefly investigates the features that must include in an optimal
period 2010-2016 and categorized them into four key factors. SC architecture. In Section III, the related work is categorized
Secondly, we propose OptiSeC (optimal sensor cloud architecture) according to the four key factors of our proposed OptiSeC
which is composed of efficiency, security, performance and data architecture and a novel taxonomy diagram is also constructed
management, which must be present in any SC architecture. at the end. The SC architectures listed in Section III are
Furthermore, we predict the future and forecast the data growth evaluated in Section IV in tabular form under four key factors of
in OptiSeC till year 2022. OptiSeC and a valuable graph about market shares of data
Keywords—WSN; Cloud Computing; Sensor-Cloud, Optimal growth is computed at the end of this section. Finally, the paper
Sensor Cloud; is concluded along future direction in Section V.


With the emergence of Internet of Things (IoT), many Due to constant increase in IoT devices, issues like energy
technologies relating to IoT also evolved [1]. Out of many efficiency, data management and security are of key
technologies the two most important technologies are Cloud importance. Most of current SC architectures only focus on
Computing (CC) and Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). A WSN individual problems like security, energy efficiency, and data
is a large network of nodes deployed in a certain area for event management etc. and are unable to eliminate all above said
monitoring/sensing [2]. Event can be traffic monitoring, issues. For example, a paper providing security mechanism but
surveillance, healthcare services like patient monitoring, lacking in energy efficiency can be a security overhead. After
automatic packing monitoring in factory, flood, climate change, detail study of related papers and keeping in mind the cons of
etc. [3]. CC means using a large number of services remotely not WSN and pros of Cloud, we agreed that an optimal sensor cloud
locally. CC focuses on using any kind of service on demand
must have following characteristics:
which means one has to pay according to the use of that service.
Services may include Software as a Service (SaaS) means no A. Efficiency_ SC must be efficient in sense of energy, cost,
need to install a software just get internet connection and use storage and resource. Because it will help the sensor nodes
that software remotely, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) means to increase their lifetime. If the cost is less, then clients with
no need to arrange hundred or thousand devices to run a software low budget will also be able to use it. Less resource hungry
for testing and analyzing purposes just use this service remotely integration will also increase the efficiency. These
to get the job done, Platform as a Service (PaaS) means no need efficiency parameters closely relate to each other as a
to install or arrange machines having different platforms just use resource efficient architecture may also aid in energy and
this service to run your application on different platforms [4], cost efficiency.
[5]. Despite of having so much advantages of WSN some
disadvantages also exists. WSN nodes are very small in size, B. Security_ No matter how good the integration is but if there
they also have limited power source, limited processing speed is no security provided then it’s unreliable. Because if data
and limited storage capacity resulting a lot of data went un- is sensed and transmitted to cloud in a secure manner then
processed or un-stored. Sometimes it’s also required to access users will be able to retrieve a more reliable data from the
important data gathered by nodes, remotely. By integrating CC cloud.
C. Performance_ This characteristic is a little bit vast as it [26]. Authors proposed a novel Trust and Reputation
includes robustness means in any circumstances it must not based SC architecture in [27], [28]. Author in [30] deals
stop working, scalability means its size can be easily with security issue of SC in terms of SC3 (secured
increased or decreased and most importantly the routing integration with CC for u-life care). An innovative
strategy means there must be an optimal routing strategy architecture solving issues like scalability, security and
be used so that the transmission delay may be as minimum availability is presented in [32]. Reference [35] proposes
as possible. MSCC (mobile sensor cloud computing) framework and
provides security mechanism. In [37], an efficient and
D. Data Management_ Sensors produce huge amount of data
secured multicast approach is proposed which combines
so it’s very important to manage this data otherwise either
the Group Key and Time Key with the name CoGKTK.
we may loss important data or we may gather useless data.
So data processing, filtration, data traffic and delivery C. Performance
management must be implemented in order to sense and Performance is another key factor of our OptiSeC that
transmit useful data to end users. includes robustness, scalability and routing mechanisms.
In [14], [15] the authors proposed integration of mobile
cloud computing (MCC) with WSN by providing location
Different SC architectures have been investigated thoroughly. based sleep schedule of sensors. The integration of WSN
This section briefly inspects four key factors of OptiSeC. with CC is proposed in [16] that uses amazon web service
A. Efficiency EC2 (elastic compute cloud) as cloud that allows to
dynamically increase the computational resources. Papers
An efficient SC architecture deals with energy, cost,
[17], [18] propose a framework of transmitting sensory
storage and location awareness factors that’s why they are
data in a fast, reliable and secure manner to mobile users.
part of OptiSeC. Discussion regarding the integration of
Paper [29] deals with job scheduling topic of SC. Authors
light weight sensors with hybrid cloud is made in [11].
of paper [33] proposed a novel distributed multicast and
Connection of WSN API with three cloud services is
minimum transmission routing algorithm (DMTMRA). A
discussed in [13]. In [14], [15] the authors proposed
novel architecture of SC in which cloud is used as a virtual
integration of Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) with
sink for collecting data is proposed in [34].
WSN. Papers [17], [18] propose a framework of
transmitting sensory data in a fast, reliable and secure D. Data Management
manner to mobile users. A flexible integration of WSN With growing technologies, a large amount of data is
with cloud is explained in [19], [20]. Paper [21], proposes also producing. That’s why data management is also a key
a SC architecture that delivers secure, fast and reliable data part of OptiSeC. Papers [17], [18] propose a framework of
in a cost effective manner. In [23] an energy efficient SC transmitting sensory data in a fast, reliable and secure
architecture CEB (cloud, edge and beneath) is proposed. manner. In [21] a SC architecture that delivers secure, fast
Paper [31] proposes a new localization algorithm named and reliable data by providing proper data processing and
Centroid Localization Algorithm which is the enhanced management services is proposed. Paper [22] uses pipes
version of Malguki. Authors of paper [33] proposed a and filters where pipes buffer the sensed data and provide
novel Distributed Multicast and Minimum Transmission this data from output port to filters which eliminate the
Routing Algorithm (DMTMRA). A novel architecture of noise from data. In [29], data volume issue in large scale
SC in which Cloud is used as a virtual sink for collecting SC is discussed along with data representation, indexing,
data is proposed in [34]. User will get reliable data if WSN processing and querying. Authors proposed a novel trust
sense and deliver reliable data to cloud, Keeping this thing and reputation based SC architecture in [22], [23] so that
in mind paper [36] proposes TPSS architecture. users can get appropriate and error free data. The approach
B. Security that is proposed in [27] not only increases reliability in data
delivery but also provide secure data transmission.
Today there is more and more emphasize on security
of data, that’s why security is an important factor of We categories papers and create a novel taxonomy diagram in
OptiSeC. In [10] the author proposed pub-sub architecture Figure 1.
for WSN and cloud integration in which user can access
the data in a secure manner for various purposes. The IV. P ERFORMANCE EVALUATION
author proposed a secured integration of WSN with cloud All the papers described in Section III are evaluated on the
by implementing activity monitoring engine in [11]. Papers basic of four key factor of our proposed SC architecture that are
[17], [18] propose a framework of transmitting sensory efficiency, security, performance and data management and
data in a fast, reliable and secure manner to mobile users. shown in Table 1. Michael Dell says, the market shares of data
Paper [21], proposes a SC architecture that delivers secure, growth are increasing about 23.1% every year and will reach
fast and reliable data in a cost effective manner. A trust $48.6 billion in 2019. The statistical data obtained from [38]
based Trust Management strategy to enhance data security has been computed and a forecast for the year up to 2022 has
and processing in SC is discussed in [24]. A new military been plotted in Figure 2.
based SC architecture named Mils-Cloud is proposed in

Papers Efficiency Security Performance Data Management

DPU (data processing unit),

[10] Not handled IAMU (identity and access Not handles Not handles
management unit)
activity monitoring, filtration
[11] Not handles manager, query/response Not handled Not handled
Light weight sensors,
[12] eucalyptus (hybrid cloud). Not handled Not handled Not handled
amazon web service
Arduino with WSN api,
[13] Nimbits, ThingSpeak, Open Not handled Not handled Not handled (as cloud)
Location based sleep Location based sleep
[14][15] schedule for sensors Not handled schedule for sensors Not handled
providing energy saving providing robustness
Amazon elastic compute
[16] Not handled Not handled Not handled
cloud (ECC), load balancing
Cloud based data processing RSA for encryption, access Data traffic monitoring, data Huffman for data
prolong the lifetime security filtration compression, data prediction
REST web service, cyclic
[19][20] sleep for sensors, Not handled Not handled Not handled cloud
Local data filtration Symmetric key cryptography for BigQuery, Data hashing, etc
[21] Not handled
increases sensors lifetime encryption for data management
Pipes and filters used to
[22] Not handled Not handled Not handled
buffer and filter data
PPE (pull push envelop),
[23] deals with demand and Not handled Not handled Not handled
supply rate
Trust based, long term
[24] Not handled Not handled Not handled
reputation, short term risks
[25] Not handled Not handled Not handled Hadoop, Map Reduce,
Sensor network controller,
[26] Not handled sensor cloud scheduler, Not handled Not handled
application manager
Calculates trust and reputation Provides trusted data to
[27][28] Not handled Not handled cloud users
Priority based two phase
[29] Not handled Not handled Min-min and max min, ECT Not handled
(expected completion time)
Group based trust management,
[30] Not handled passive acknowledgement to set Not handled Not handled
trust value
Centroid localization
[31] algorithm (enhancement of Not handled Not handled Not handled
Attribute based encryption, RSK
[32] Not handled Not handled Not handled
(random symmetric key)
Distributed multicast to save Minimum transmission
[33] Not handled Not handled
energy routing for efficiency
Cloud as virtual sink and Decreasing the error rate in
[34] Not handled Not handled
WSN divided into zones packet transmission
Secured MSCC (mobile sensor
[35] Not handled Not handled Not handled
cloud computing)
PSS (priority based sleep
[36] schedule), TPSDT (selective Not handled Not handled Not handled
data transmission)
Combination of group key and Content based multicast
[37] Not handled Not handled
time key (CoGKTK) pub/sub system
Data Growth Analysis

Billion Dollar






2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Current 16.996 22.101
Increase 22.101 28.74 37.373 48.6 59.827 71.054 82.281
Decrease 22.101 16.996 13.07 10.051 7.032 4.013 0.994
Average 22.101 22.101 22.101 22.101 22.101 22.101 22.101

Fig. 2 Forcast for Data Growth Market Shares

V. CONCLUSIONS 330–342, 2010.

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