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Action Plan Outline

The purpose of the Action Plan is to look at the situation from a learning lens. What was the situation?

How were others affected? What will help me to make a new choice in the future? What practice will help

me prepare for it? What can I do to repair it?

Student: ___________________________

Date of Incident: ____________________

Date of Action Plan:__________________

1. Let's look at the situation- what happened? (what did I try first, who was involved, where was
it, what was going on for me…etc.)





2. How did your choice affect others?




3. What is a New Choice that you could make if something happens again?





4. What could you do to repair this situation?





5. What practice can I do to prepare myself better for next time?





6. What are the consequences of your choices?




7. What will be the consequence if a situation happens again?





Purposeful Practice;



Staff Comments:





Staff Signature: _____________________ Student Signature: __________________ Parent

Signature: ____________________ Date: ______________________________

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