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Skateboards to Uganda

Avery Carpenter • 113026430 •

Kilian Cross • 112693493 •
Alex Moya • 113703185 •
Executive Summary
California Cheap Skates (CCS), a well-established skateboard company, has identified a

significant opportunity for expansion into the Ugandan market. With Uganda's substantial and rapidly

growing consumer market, driven by a young population and a rising interest in skateboarding, CCS aims

to tap into this niche segment of the outdoor recreation industry. By understanding the current marketing

situation and consumer behavior of Uganda, CCS can successfully penetrate the Ugandan market and

establish itself as a leading brand in skateboarding.

CCS brings decades of experience and expertise in producing high-quality skateboards and

related products. With a strong presence in the skateboarding industry since 1985, CCS has built a

reputation for delivering top-notch products to skateboarders worldwide. By leveraging its distinctive

competency, CCS can offer Ugandan skateboarders access to reliable and durable skateboarding

equipment that meets international standards.

Uganda's economy has experienced steady growth, and while disposable income may be limited,

the positive economic outlook suggests the potential for increased consumer spending. By offering

affordable skateboarding products, CCS can cater to the budget-conscious consumer. Moreover,

establishing skate shops in Uganda could create job opportunities for young individuals, addressing the

skills gap in the labor market and contributing to the local economy.

Expanding into Uganda presents a unique and promising opportunity for California Cheap Skates.

By understanding the current marketing situation, consumer behavior, and macro-environmental factors,

CCS can successfully penetrate the Ugandan market. With the growing interest in skateboarding among

the youth and the potential for increased consumer spending, CCS can establish itself as a leading brand,

providing affordable and high-quality skateboarding products while contributing to the local economy

and supporting the skateboarding community in Uganda.

Table of Contents
Current Marketing Situation………………………………………………………………………………..4

Current Product/Services Situation…………………………………………………………………………4

Current Market Situation…………………………………………………………………………...………6

Consumer Situation…………………………………………………………………………………………7

Macro-environment Situation……………………………………………………………………………..10

SWOT Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………...11


Marketing Strategy………………………………………………………………………………………...13

Promotion Strategies………………………………………………………………………………………16

Projected Profit and Loss Statement………………………………………………………………………18



Current Marketing Situation

Market Overview
Uganda's consumer market is substantial and rapidly growing. With a high annual population growth rate

of around 3%, Uganda has one of the fastest-growing populations in the world. The majority of

Ugandans, nearly four in five, are under the age of 30 (, 2023).

Uganda's economic factors are characterized by steady growth, with an average annual GDP

growth rate of approximately 6%. The economy is diversified, encompassing agriculture, manufacturing,

construction, and services as key sectors. The agricultural sector plays a significant role, employing a

substantial portion of the population and contributing to both domestic consumption and exports. In terms

of political factors, Uganda operates as a democratic country with improving political stability over the

years. Peaceful transitions of power through elections have become the norm, and the government has

implemented policies and regulations to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) and support business

growth. Socioculturally, Uganda is known for its cultural diversity, with over 50 ethnic groups residing in

the country. English and Swahili are the primary languages spoken, alongside numerous local languages.

Technological factors indicate a growing adoption of technology in Uganda, facilitated by increasing

internet penetration and mobile phone usage. Advancements in the telecommunications sector have led to

improved connectivity and access to digital platforms.

Current Product/Services Situation

The global skateboard market was valued at USD 1.9 billion in 2018, and it is expected to

experience a surge in demand due to the growing interest in sporting activities among the younger

generation. Skating is increasingly being recognized as a popular sport in many countries, driving the

demand for skateboards. In addition to providing entertainment, skateboarding offers flexibility and helps
maintain physical fitness. The rising focus on fitness has led to an increase in outdoor sports activities,

contributing significantly to the market's growth.

The popularity of skateboarding has been further bolstered by various competitions like X Games

and Street League, leading to a rise in skateboard sales. Notably, the International Olympic Committee

announced the inclusion of skateboarding in the 2020 Summer Olympics, generating even more

awareness about the sport. Graphics also play a crucial role in attracting consumers to skateboards.

Particularly among teenagers, the inclination towards vibrant and eye-catching graphics on the boards has

increased their interest in riding them. As a result, companies employ effective marketing strategies to

promote their brands by incorporating them as symbols on skateboards. They also utilize popular slogans

and keywords to drive sales effectively in the market.

Company Situation
California Cheap Skates (CCS) is a well-established company that specializes in producing

skateboards and related products. It has had a strong presence in the skateboarding industry and has

catered to skateboarders since 1985. The company has an annual revenue of between 15 and 25 million

dollars and between 51 and 200 employees. Initially, CCS was a mail-order skateboard company.

However, with the rise of the Internet, CCS lost its competitive advantage of offering a wide variety of

brands on its website and catalog that were once hard to find. Since the early 2000’s there have been

many changes in ownership that introduced their first few brick-and-mortar locations. Since CCS was

merely meeting quotas instead of innovating, creating infrastructure, and strengthening the skate

community, they quickly fell out of touch with the skateboard community and had to close the stores.

The skateboard market in Uganda is a niche but growing segment of the outdoor recreation

industry. The market is driven by the increasing popularity of skateboarding among the youth, who see it

as a creative, social, and empowering activity. CCS can take advantage of this growing interest in the

sport to successfully introduce their company into the Ugandan market.

Current Market Situation
The socio-economic data of Uganda shows that the country has a large and young population,

with about 75% of its 45 million people under the age of 30. The country also has a low GDP per capita

of $794, which means that most people have limited disposable income for leisure activities. However,

the country has a positive economic outlook, with an average annual growth rate of 4.3% in the past 4

years. This suggests that there is potential for increased consumer spending and demand for recreational

products in the future.

According to the Uganda Skateboard Society, there are about 200 active skateboarders in the

country. The society also runs an online platform that showcases local skateboarders and their stories, as

well as selling merchandise and accepting donations. Other online platforms that sell skateboards and

related products include Jumia Uganda, an e-commerce site that offers a variety of skates, skateboards,

and scooters.

The segments that exist in the skateboard market in Uganda are mainly based on age, gender, and

skill level. The majority of skateboarders are male, aged between 15 and 25 years old. The skill level of

skateboarders ranges from beginners to advanced, depending on how long they have been skating. The

society organizes events and competitions to encourage more participation and recognition of

skateboarders across different segments.

The expected demand of each segment is difficult to estimate due to the lack of reliable data and

statistics on skateboarding in Uganda. However, based on anecdotal evidence and observations, it can be

assumed that the demand is higher among the younger and more skilled segments, who are more

passionate and enthusiastic about skateboarding. The demand is also influenced by factors such as the

availability and affordability of skateboarding materials, accessibility and safety of skateparks, awareness,

and acceptance of skateboarding culture, and exposure and inspiration from local and international

The distribution of similar products within this industry is mainly through informal channels such

as word-of-mouth, social media, online platforms, and donations. The formal channels such as retail

stores, wholesalers, and distributors are limited and often charge high prices for imported products.

Society tries to bridge this gap by providing access to skateboarding materials at low or no cost to the

youth who need them most.

The media that is available for promoting skateboarding in Uganda includes traditional media

such as newspapers, radio, and television, as well as digital media such as websites, blogs, podcasts,

videos, and social media. The society uses both types of media to spread awareness and education about

skateboarding in Uganda, as well as showcasing local talent and achievements. The society also

collaborates with other organizations and stakeholders such as schools, NGOs, government agencies, and

sponsors to create more opportunities and support for skateboarders in Uganda.

The barriers that exist to entering into this marketplace include high costs of importing

skateboarding products due to taxes and tariffs; lack of infrastructure such as roads, electricity, and

internet; lack of regulation and standardization of skateboarding products; lack of awareness and

appreciation of skateboarding culture and its benefits; and lack of professional training and development

for skateboarders and coaches. The society tries to overcome these barriers by lobbying for policy

changes, building DIY skateparks, creating a network of skateboarders and supporters, and providing

mentorship and guidance to aspiring skateboarders.

Consumer Situation
Uganda's consumer market is substantial and rapidly growing, driven by the country's high

population growth rate. With an annual growth rate of around 3%, Uganda's population is one of the

fastest-growing in the world. The majority of Ugandans, nearly four in five, are under the age of 30, and

half of the population is under the age of 15. This youthful demographic presents significant opportunities

for businesses to cater to the needs and preferences of a young consumer base.
Uganda's economy faced severe challenges due to the strict COVID-19 restrictions imposed to

combat the pandemic. The country only fully reopened its economy in January 2022 after almost two

years of partial and full lockdowns. The restrictions, such as a 7 pm curfew and the closure of public

schools, had a significant impact on the economy, including the youth population. The strict COVID

guidelines affected the youth in terms of limited educational opportunities and reduced access to

employment. Due to these strict guidelines, Ghandan youth found enjoyment in the COVID-safe hobbies

they could partake in, leading to an increase in outdoor activities/pastimes.

In terms of education, Uganda faces certain challenges. According to the UNDP's 2020 Human

Development Index, Uganda ranked 159 out of 189 countries. While the adult literacy rate stands at

76.5%, there is a high primary school dropout rate of 64.5%. Additionally, only 5% of Ugandans enroll in

tertiary education. The International Labor Organization (ILO) reported in 2019 that 73% of Ugandan

workers lacked the necessary level of education for available jobs. Employers have noted that university

graduates often lack basic technical, managerial, and communications skills. Given the lack of specialized

skills in the workforce and the high unemployment rates among young people, the establishment of skate

shops could present job opportunities that do not require high levels of education or specialized skills.

These shops could offer employment and training opportunities for young individuals, providing them

with valuable work experience and potentially addressing the skills gap in the labor market.

There are also some relevant cultural considerations when marketing CCS boards to Uganda.

Skateboarding may not be as familiar or prevalent in Ugandan culture compared to other countries.

Therefore, it is essential to introduce and educate the population about skateboarding and its cultural

significance. Highlight the positive aspects, such as creativity, self-expression, and the potential for

personal and professional growth. An approach that values uniqueness and individuality can resonate well

with the local population's desire for personal creativity. Language must be taken into account when

expanding into Uganda. CCS must consider the language spoken in Uganda, which is predominantly

English, as well as various local languages such as Luganda, Swahili, and others. Luckily, there is not

much tailoring of marketing materials required since the language will be the same.
Another important factor in the success of this expansion is to engage with locals who have a

passion for skateboarding. Collaborating with respected individuals can help bridge the gap between the

sport and the Ugandan population, increasing acceptance and interest. A prime example of this would be

collaborations with the Ugandan Skateboard Society. it was initially founded by Gerald Gose when he

discovered skateboarding as a Canadian NGO worker rode past him in 2005.

Our target market is Ugandan youth, ranging from ages 11-18. This group tends to be very

involved with their families and most of their purchasing habits are dependent on their parents. Teenagers

typically do not work until after they graduate from university and therefore have limited personal

spending money other than pocket money sometimes given by their parents. Most Ugandan households

do not have access to the internet other than local internet cafes, therefore Ugandan youth does not

receive much exposure to media that is exclusive to the internet. Families more commonly have access to

radio or television in their households: “In 2015, BBC World Service’s nationally representative survey

found that the majority of the Ugandan adult population had a working radio (87%) and mobile phone

(74%) in their household. Only a third had a working TV (34%) and only 13% of the adult population had

access to the internet within their household.” (BBC, 2019) Their main source of news is radio, and their

secondary source is television. Within families, most items such as clothing and electronic gadgets are

shared by siblings.

In skateboarding, there is a subculture of a vibrant and diverse community that revolves around

the sport. It has its own unique style, fashion, and attitude that sets it apart from mainstream culture.

Skaters form a tight-knit community, united by their shared love for skateboarding and the freedom it

represents. Skate parks, streets, and empty swimming pools become their playgrounds, where they can

express themselves through tricks, flips, and grinds. Music, art, and fashion also play a significant role

within the skating subculture, with many skaters identifying with punk, hip-hop, or alternative styles.

Skating is not just a sport but a way of life for those who are part of this subculture. The members that are

a part of/show interest in these communities tend to be young people, typically in the age range of our

target market.
Macro-environment Situation
Due to Uganda’s economic situation, CCS will have to market its lower-end boards to

accommodate the limiting reach of budgets. To analyze the market conditions of Uganda and evaluate the

potential impact on marketing efforts for CCS skateboards, sociological and economic factors must be

considered. Uganda has a young population, with a significant portion belonging to the youth

demographic. This could present an opportunity for marketing skateboards as a popular youth activity.

In 2009, 40% of skateboarders were between 6 to 12 years old, 30% were 13 to 17 years old, 70%

were under 18 years old, and 13% were 18 to 24 years old (source: BoardTrac). In terms of the population

distribution in Uganda, 48.47% of the Ugandaís population is in the 0-14-year-old age group, and

21.16% of the total population is represented by the 15-24 year age group. Around 69% of Uganda's

population fits the CCS target market.

Access to the internet and mobile technology plays a vital role in marketing efforts, as digital

platforms can be utilized for advertising, e-commerce, and engaging with potential customers. Emphasize

investments into the community-building aspect of skateboarding. Organize events, workshops, and

competitions that encourage participation and interaction among skateboarders in Uganda. Foster a sense

of belonging and provide a platform for individuals to connect, share experiences, and grow together. Red

Bull has done this in Uganda and Ethiopia with their skate aid project. The most important economic

condition is the disposable income afforded to the average member of our target market. Ugandans have a

rather low purchasing power, but skateboarding has brought a culture of sacrifice. Many skateboarders

make personal sacrifices to pursue their passion. They may forego conventional career paths or academic

pursuits, opting to prioritize skateboarding and its associated lifestyle. Sacrifices in terms of financial

stability, societal expectations, and other personal commitments are often made to fully immerse oneself

in skateboarding.
Identification of Distinctive Competency:
California Cheap Skates (CCS) is a skateboard company that offers affordable and quality skateboards for

the US market. The company's distinctive competency is its low-cost production and distribution model,

which allows it to offer competitive prices and reach a large customer base. CCS also has a strong brand

image and reputation among skateboard enthusiasts, who value its authenticity and variety of products.

Key Issues Regarding Comparison of External Factors to Internal Factors:

External Factors:

● The Ugandan market is relatively untapped and has a high potential for growth, as skateboarding

is becoming more popular among the youth.

● The Ugandan market also has some challenges, such as low-income levels, poor infrastructure,

lack of awareness, and cultural barriers.

Internal Factors:

● CCS has a strong financial position and resources to invest in the Ugandan market.

● CCS has a loyal customer base and brand recognition in the US market, which could be leveraged

to attract new customers in Uganda.

● CCS has limited experience and knowledge of the Ugandan market and culture, which could pose

some risks and challenges for its entry and operation.


Financial Objectives
1. Achieve a break-even point within the first year of operations in Uganda.

○ This objective focuses on reaching a point where the revenue generated covers all

expenses and results in neither profit nor loss. It sets a realistic target for CCS to establish

a sustainable presence in the market.

2. Gradually increase sales and revenue over time, aiming for a steady growth rate of 10% annually.

○ This objective takes into account the market conditions in Uganda and acknowledges the

need for gradual growth rather than setting overly ambitious targets.

Marketing Objectives
1. Build brand awareness among the target market, aiming for a 20% increase in brand recognition

within the first year.

○ This objective recognizes the need to introduce CCS to the Ugandan market and gain

recognition among potential customers, considering the limited awareness of


2. Foster a loyal customer base by providing exceptional customer service, high-quality products,

and personalized experiences, resulting in a 10% increase in customer retention rate within the

first year.

○ This objective emphasizes the importance of establishing trust and loyalty among

customers through positive experiences and continuous engagement.

3. Establish partnerships with local skateboarding communities, influencers, and organizations to

enhance brand visibility and credibility.

○ This objective aims to leverage local networks and establish meaningful collaborations to

gain traction within the Ugandan skateboarding community.

4. Develop an online presence through social media platforms and a user-friendly website to reach

and engage with the target market effectively.

○ This objective recognizes the importance of digital channels in reaching the target

audience and providing accessible information about CCS's products and initiatives

Marketing Strategy

A. Identification of the Possible Markets

Geographic segmentation: Divide the market based on location within Uganda, targeting major cities

and urban areas where skateboarding is popular, such as Kampala, Jinja, and Entebbe.

Demographic segmentation: Target young individuals aged 11-18, as they are more likely to engage in


Psychographic segmentation: Focus on individuals who are adventurous, open-minded, and interested

in alternative sports and lifestyles. Target those who value self-expression, creativity, and individuality.
B. Targeting Strategy
The target market consists of Ugandan youth aged 11-18 who have a keen interest in skateboarding. An

approach to appeal to that market consists of using localized marketing campaigns. The marketing

materials would be tailored to Ugandan youth, which would be advertisements, posters, and flyers, that

resonate with their culture and aesthetics. They would incorporate local language, slang, and imagery to

create a sense of authenticity and connection.

C. Positioning Strategy
Focus on individuality and self-expression: Highlight how skateboarding allows individuals to express

their unique style and creativity, positioning the skateboards as tools for self-expression.

Cost-effective: Promote the skateboards as affordable, with emphasis on high quality for a great price.

D. Marketing Research Strategy

Conduct market surveys: Gather insights from potential customers to understand their preferences,

needs, and buying behaviors related to skateboarding equipment. This information can help refine product

features and marketing strategies. Facebook is the most popular social media website in Uganda,

therefore advertisements encouraging users to participate in market surveys will be displayed there.

Facebook advertising costs, on average, $0.94 per click and $12.07 per 1000 impressions (WebFx).

Typically a sample size of 300-400 is all that is necessary for a market survey, so once that is reached the

ads will be taken down. This would cost an estimated $376 (400 people times $0.94 per click) but may

end up being more if a significant number of users that click on the ad don’t end up partaking in the

E. Product Strategy
Diverse skateboard range: Offer a variety of skateboard designs, sizes, and styles to cater to different

skill levels and preferences. Include options for complete skateboards as well as individual components

for customization.

Localized designs: Collaborate with local artists to create skateboard designs that resonate with the

Ugandan culture and aesthetics, appealing to the target market's sense of identity. For the design of the

skateboards, Ugandan artists would be commissioned to design art to be used on the skateboards. The

designs would include the typical imagery associated with skate culture with Ugandan patterns

incorporated in. An option for a designer would be Afroscope, an award-winning African artist whose

mission is to “develop and sustain a creative and artisanal culture in Ghana and across Africa.” His art is

unique and colorful and fits the skateboarding culture aesthetic, and the designs would also translate well

on skateboards. Commission prices vary by artist and typically range from $50-$250, so it can be

estimated that it would cost around $250-$500 for five unique designs.

F. Service/Customer Service Strategy

Knowledgeable staff: Train employees about skateboarding equipment, maintenance, and safety to

provide customers with accurate information and guidance. This strategy would be cost-effective because

it doesn’t require a highly specialized training program, just employees who are knowledgeable about

skateboarding. “Up to 2021, the minimum wage in Uganda has been UGX 60,00 (About USD 1.6) per

month,” (Mwesige, 2022) which is what employees will be paid. The shop could be run by four

employees to start, as well as a manager who would be paid a higher salary. The estimated salary for a

Store Manager is UGX 4,500,000 (1,221.70 USD) per month in the Kampala, Uganda area (Glassdoor,

G. Price Strategy
Value-added packages: Create bundled packages that include additional accessories to provide value

and encourage larger purchases. According to IFC, “Refugees from the DRC residing in South West and

West Nile districts of Uganda tend to be highly skilled at crafting products such as sandals, bags,

wristbands, necklaces, and other products from local materials such as banana fiber, hides, and beads.

They are also skilled at making the African fabric kitenge” (IFC, 2021). For the accessories and clothing

to be sold at the skate shops, locally crafted items from those districts could be used. Ugandans tend to be

proud of their culture and would want to incorporate local Ugandan designs into their skating life.

Purchasing these products for resale would not only be cost-effective but also help support local art from

rural areas of Uganda in the process. In the marketing campaigns, emphasis will be placed on this facet of

the business in order to garner a charitable image and show support/respect for the country in which the

product will be introduced. It is difficult to estimate how much this will cost due to a lack of information

regarding the prices of locally crafted foods.

H. Distribution Strategy
Strategically placed storefronts: Distribute skateboards through stores located in Kampala, Jinja, and

Entebbe, and ideally within an 8-mile radius from skate parks. An estimated month’s rent for a storefront

in Kamwokya, an area in Kampala, would be approximately 800,000 USH (roughly 217.19 USD).

Online sales: Establish an e-commerce platform to enable online sales and reach customers who prefer

the convenience of online shopping.

I. Promotion Strategies

i. Personal Selling/Sales Strategy

Skateboarding workshops: Organize workshops and training sessions where skilled skateboarders can

teach interested individuals basic skateboarding techniques. Use these opportunities to showcase the

quality and performance of the skateboards.

Sponsor local skateboarding events: Support local skateboarding competitions and events, where your

sales team can engage with participants and attendees. Offer exclusive discounts or promotions during

these events to encourage sales. Uganda recently established a skateboarding team to compete in the

Olympics, so there will be lots of opportunities to implement this strategy with those events. Sponsoring

an event typically costs around $4,000.

ii. Advertising Strategy

Social media campaigns: Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to

showcase the skateboards. Create visually appealing content that highlights the features, durability, and

unique designs of the skateboards. Collaborate with local skateboarding influencers to increase reach and

credibility. This strategy would not cost any money, however, at some point later on it may be beneficial

to hire a social media marketer to run the accounts.

Radio advertisements: Utilize local radio stations and TV channels to run targeted advertisements,

emphasizing the benefits and excitement of skateboarding. According to BBC, “Uganda has a lively

broadcasting scene, with more than 200 radio stations and around 30 TV networks, most of them

privately-owned” (BBC, 2023). There is a lack of information on the costs of radio advertising on popular

Ugandan stations, so the estimated cost is $50 per week. Since radio is very popular in Uganda, it is

worthwhile to invest in air time. The radio ads would run for 6 months out of the year to save costs.

iii. Sales Promotion Strategy

Limited-time discounts: Offer special discounts or promotional pricing during specific periods, such as

holidays, back-to-school seasons, or the Summer Olympics.

Bundle deals: Create package deals that include skateboards, protective gear, and accessories at a

discounted price. This encourages customers to purchase a complete set of equipment while saving

money. Since skateboards can be sold in parts to be assembled, this would be particularly effective.
iv. Publicity/Public Relations Strategy
Collaborate with local media: Reach out to local newspapers, magazines, and online publications to

feature stories or interviews about the growing skateboarding culture in Uganda. Highlight the quality and

appeal of CCS skateboards. The Monitor is one of Uganda’s top news publications, so investing in ads

will reach a high number of potential consumers. A half-page, full-color ad costs 4,650,000 UGX (around

1262.42 US) (QG Saatchi, 2015).

v. Digital Marketing Strategy

Engaging website: Develop a user-friendly website that showcases the skateboards, provides detailed

product information, and offers online purchasing options. Optimize the website for mobile devices, as

smartphone usage is prevalent in Uganda.

Content marketing: Create valuable and informative content related to skateboarding, such as tutorials,

tips, and inspirational stories. Publish this content on the website and share it through Facebook to

establish CCS as a go-to resource for skateboarding enthusiasts.

vi. Direct Marketing Strategy

Direct mail and catalogs: Send physical catalogs or promotional materials to targeted addresses, such as

skateboarding clubs, sports facilities, and schools. Include incentives like discount codes or limited-time

offers to encourage conversions.

Projected Profit and Loss Statement

Marketing Budget

The allocation of the marketing budget is based on the importance of each element in promoting

and selling skateboards in Uganda. Product development and quality control are crucial to ensure

customer satisfaction and build a positive brand image. Pricing research and analysis help determine

competitive and attractive pricing strategies. Distribution channel development, inventory management,

and retailer support are essential for efficient product availability and customer access. Promotion

activities aim to create awareness, generate interest, and drive sales through various channels.

The impact of these marketing expenditures on the overall financial performance of California

Cheapskates can be significant. By investing in product improvement and quality control, the company

can enhance customer satisfaction and build a loyal customer base. Pricing strategies can influence sales

volume and profit margins. Effective distribution and inventory management can reduce costs and

improve efficiency. Promotional activities can increase brand awareness, attract customers, and generate

sales. All of these factors contribute to the financial success of the organization.
● Performance Standards: Specific performance standards will be established for each marketing

objective, such as sales targets, customer awareness levels, and market share goals. These

standards will serve as benchmarks for evaluating the success of the plan.

● Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular monitoring and evaluation will be conducted to assess the

performance of marketing activities against the established standards. This includes tracking sales

figures, customer feedback, website analytics, and social media metrics.

● Corrective Action: If performance falls below the set standards, corrective actions will be taken

promptly. This may involve adjusting marketing strategies, reallocating resources, or revising

promotional campaigns. Regular performance reviews will allow for the timely identification and

implementation of corrective measures.

● Contingency Plans: California Cheapskates will develop contingency plans similar to those of

Skate-aid and the Red Bull project. These plans will outline alternative strategies and actions to

be taken in case of unforeseen circumstances, such as changes in market conditions, competitor

activities, or supply chain disruptions. Contingency plans will help mitigate risks and ensure

adaptability in a dynamic business environment.

By implementing these controls, California Cheapskates can effectively monitor the progress of its

marketing plan, identify areas of improvement, and take corrective actions to ensure the plan's success.

Regular monitoring and contingency planning will provide flexibility and resilience in response to market

changes, ultimately contributing to the achievement of the organization's financial and marketing


The research conducted indicates that California Cheap Skates (CCS) has a promising

opportunity to expand into Uganda's skateboard market. With a young and growing population interested
in outdoor activities like skateboarding, CCS can establish itself as a trusted brand in this market. By

offering high-quality, affordable products and building relationships with local organizations and

influencers, CCS can capture the interest and loyalty of Ugandan skateboarders.

Lessons learned from this project include the importance of understanding the local market

dynamics and cultural context when entering an international marketplace. Collaborating with local

stakeholders, such as the Uganda Skateboard Society, is crucial for tailoring marketing strategies to meet

the specific needs of the target audience. Future international marketing plans should involve

comprehensive market research and a focus on fostering a sense of community and engagement among

the target markets.

In summary, CCS has the potential to successfully expand into Uganda's skateboard market by

adapting its marketing strategies, collaborating with local organizations, and providing high-quality,

affordable products. By doing so, CCS can contribute to the local economy and support the growing

skateboarding community in Uganda.

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