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Supply and Demand

Mart Niton S. Getalia BSA 1

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Cielo D. Magno, PhD is a Filipino economist and professor who was the
Undersecretary of the Philippine Department of Finance from August 2022 to
September 2023. Her areas of expertise include public finance, environmental
economics, and health economics. Furthermore, she strongly advocates
transparency and accountability in the extractive sector. The most conspicuous
graph among many associated with Magno is the supply-demand graph she
uploaded on her Facebook back in September, 2023. “I miss teaching” was
considered an insult at the time directed at Marcos’ administration and its rice
price ceiling policy depicted in the graph. It was revealed that if price capping
was done, then there will be very small volumes of rice in the market. she
engaged in disputes over mining policy, as well as criticizing the government over
rice price floor policies.
Rice shortages are serious which can cause people’s death. If we try doing
something to prevent or reduce rice shortage, then everyone will have enough of
this basic food. The Philippines is a major rice-producing country, but it is also
a net importer of rice. This makes the country vulnerable to rice cartels, which
have been known to operate in the Philippines in the past. This followed the
resignation when Magno uploaded a graph on Facebook that raised doubts
concerning the success of the price ceiling approach. Likewise, Magno is highly
critical of the Administration’s mining policy, arguing for more stringent
environmental standards and increased taxation of miners.
Magno's resignation was met with mixed reactions. Some people
commended her bravery for standing up against the government, and others
deemed that as an unprofessional act. This resignation raised another issue that
centers on the ability of government officials to criticize government policies, it
serves as a reminder to government officials on the need to exercise free speech,
even though such expressions may not be in line with the position of the
administration. Also, the government officials should be allowed to criticize the
government policies in a constructive manner. It reminds us that we can never
stop fighting for the freedom of speech as well as debating government policy
issues. Moreover, this story serves as a message to us that we need to dare to
speak up when our fellow people are being oppressed.

Sadly, Magno’s resignation will continue to be part of the fight that should
be taken against corruption in the Philippines. She is a source of inspiration with
courage and unwavering belief in herself for all of us. It is crucial that we keep
on struggling for freedom of speech as well as holding our government
responsible. We should therefore not forget that we are all involved in
democracies. Each one of us has a voice and every person’s duty is to utilize that
voice to enhance the world.

Cielo Magno Pofile
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, September 7)
Former agri chief blames rice tariffication law for cartel’s power

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