Instructions - VTEC - Diagnostic Software - 2018

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Diagnostic Software

You will need a USB cable with a standard type-B (printer) connector on one end
to use the VTEC Diagnostic Software with your computer.

©2018 Proprietary

Loading the V-TEC Software
Open the latest version of the VTEC Diagnostic Software.

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Loading the V-TEC Software
You will need to load the Drivers first.
Note: Due to your company’s security limitations, your IT department may need to load the drivers and
software for you.

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Loading the V-TEC Software
Double-click (open) the V-TEC USB Drivers.exe file.

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Loading the V-TEC Software
This message will come up when attempting to load software on your computer.
Click on the “Yes” button to continue.
Note: If your security settings require an Administrator at this point, stop the installation and contact
your IT department.

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Loading the V-TEC Software
If this message comes up, you can continue to load the software on your
computer. Click the “Extract” button.

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Loading the V-TEC Software
To continue, click the “Next” button.

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Loading the V-TEC Software
With the drivers loaded, click the “Finish” button.

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Loading the V-TEC Software
With the drivers loaded, click the “Setup.exe” file within the software folder.

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Loading the V-TEC Software
Clicking the “Setup.exe” will bring up another Install Security Warning message.
Select the “Install” button.
Note: If the security settings do not permit you to continue, contact your IT department to
complete the installation.

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Using the V-TEC Software
When the software opens the following page will come up with all of the fields blank.
Connect your computer to the V-TEC display connection port with the supplied communications cable.
If you do not have one, contact Vanair’s Service Department and a cable will be sent to you.

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Connecting to the V-TEC Software
With your computer connected to the V-TEC display, (1.) Click on the COM button located on the menu bar.
(A smaller menu will appear with a yellow note telling you to select a Com port. There should only be one selection
available.) (2.) Click on that selection and (3.) press the OK button.




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Connecting to the V-TEC Software
With the COM selected, (1.) Click on the Connect button located on the top menu bar.

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Connected to the V-TEC
All the fields will populate at this time. Check the D26 sheet to insure they both match.

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Select the “Troubleshooting” button on the menu bar.

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Troubleshooting Options
Select the “Enable Troubleshooting” button on the menu bar.
This will enable you to check the condition of the Inputs.

Red buttons indicate that the component is functioning correctly.

Gray buttons indicate that they are not activated or are not functioning.
The Speed related settings are the ONLY settings that require the truck to be running.

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Troubleshooting Outputs
Select the “Enable” button in the Output section to Force On individual outputs.

Red buttons indicate that the component is functioning correctly.

Gray buttons indicate that they are not activated or are not functioning.
The Speed related settings are the ONLY settings that require the truck to be running.

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Troubleshooting Outputs
Selecting the “Force On” option on Engage PTO will enable you to hear the PTO solenoid engage and the indicator
will turn Red if the device is working properly.

Click on the “Force On” button again to disable the output.

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Troubleshooting Outputs
Selecting the “Force On” option on Lock Convertor will send a 12 volt signal from the TCM to initiate the PTO.
Red indicates that this is functioning properly.

Click on the “Force On” button again to disable the output.

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Troubleshooting Outputs
Selecting the “Force On” option on the Cooler Fan will turn the fan on.
You should be able to hear it activate. Red indicates that this is functioning properly.

Click on the “Force On” button again to disable the output.


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Troubleshooting Speed Control*
Selecting the “Force On” option on the Speed Control will enable you to ramp up and down the engine RPM.
Red indicates that this is functioning properly.

*The Speed Control troubleshooting section Requires

the truck be running!


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Troubleshooting Speed Control*
Selecting the “Force On” option on the Speed Select 1 will enable you to Ramp UP the engine RPM.
You should hear the engine RPM increase. Red indicates that this is functioning properly.

*The Speed Control troubleshooting section Requires

the truck be running!


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Troubleshooting Speed Control*
You MUST disable the Speed Select 1 before selecting the “Force On” option on Speed Select 2.
This will enable you to Ramp Down the engine RPM. Red indicates that this is functioning properly.

*Disable Speed Select 1 BEFORE selecting Speed Select 2.

1. 2.

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Disable Troubleshooting
You MUST 1. Disable ALL of the Outputs before 2. Selecting “Disable” in the Outputs section and then select the
3. “Disable Troubleshooting” button on the menu bar.



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Alarm Log and History
Click on the “Alarm History” button located on the menu bar to display recent alarms, warnings and faults.

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Alarm Log and History
“Alarm Log” provides the last 10 alarms, warnings or faults.

“Alarm History” provides recent alarms, warnings and faults.


©2018 Proprietary

Exiting the program
From the Alarm Log or Alarm History screens - Click on the “Setup” button on the menu bar to exit the program.

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Exiting the program
Click on the “Exit” button on the menu bar to exit or close the program.

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V-TEC Technical Support

(219) 879-5100 ext. 400

For questions you may have while troubleshooting the V-TEC,

please contact our Service Department.

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