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TEST45 In fact, each summer season is something of an old friend's reunion; this is th e
seventh year Pete has worked here, while it's the fifth for Rebecca. Come winter time,
Beach heroes they go offround the world - Pete's been surfing in Mexico and Rebecca's just back from
h all ver the world than a lifeguard. Bali, Hawaii and New Zealand. It's a case of not yet wanting to give up their seasonal,
There is no more welcome sight on b eac es O
. .
:c d ·1 ff- which h Not only
h pomt.
is ' of course, half the sunlit round of beaches. 'There's plenty of time for a proper job later; says Rebecca.
You can spot t h e lueguar s a mi e O
• d d
do they wear highly conspicuous re -an -ye ow 11 uniforms ' but some ow t ey manage
No Items Score
to look better than the rest of us too.
'Last year, we only had to make five rescues: says head lifeguard Rod Terry, 22. I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete th e 4 points
'Another year, we helped 29 people in the space of three hour~. You never know what statements, accordine: to the text.
1. Swimmers suffering from fatigue A
you're going to be called upon to do, which is why you need lifeguards who can cope 0
a. are dragged with a 'torpedo' buoy
with any situation: You'd think, of course, theya all be keen to perform some public 1
b. are offered a meal
heroics, but Rod is quick to rebuff any such suggestions.
c. are stuck within the exclusion zone
'As far as we're concerned, wea far rather stop someone getting into trouble than A
2. Depending on location there are dangers
have to get them out of it: One of the lifeguards in Rod's team is 24-year-old Rebecca 0
a. that might be lurking in the water 1
Surridge. She says, 'One minute you can find yourself dealing with minor cuts and b. that may make silly people jump off the harbour
grazes, and the next with a situation where one group of people on the beach is annoying c. they may pursue and retrieve people from the water
another group. You have to handle things sensitively too: Even if they do talk tough, 3. Lifeguards are not keen to perform A
the lifeguards have no legal authority with which to back up their words. 'We can only a. public heroics 1
advise; adds Rod. 'If someone wants to ignore a red flag, they're free to do so. 'A red flag b. minor cuts and grazes
is what the lifeguards put out when the sea's too rough for swimming. Exactly when c. handle annoying e:roups
4. Lifeguard spend time A
that moment is reached is something that Rod alone decides. A lifeguard since the age 0
of 14, first as a volunteer, he's now a paid member of the town council's leisure services a. patrolling the beach and rotating tasks 1
b. making conspicuous uniforms
department. 'You take into account a variety of things: you listen to the weather reports
c. practicing sports to look better
and forecasts and you assess the strength of the wind: Other factors to be considered, 2 points
depending on location, of course, are the dangers that may be lurking in the water. II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter
corresponding to the correct variant.
The vast majority of swimmers take notice of a red flag, but there are always those A
1. The word 'rebuff' in the text means: 0
who don't, and long before they start really getting into trouble, lifeguards will be on a.accept b. reject c. block
their way out to them, dragging with them a 'torpedo' buoy, which is a long sausage-
shaped inflatable on the end of a rope. This can help them bring in swimmers suffering 2. The word 'lurking' is closest in meaning to: 0
a. showing b.concealing c. demonstrating
from cramp, brought on by swimming too soon after a meal, or fatigue caused by 1
swimming out too far. 'Then you get the silly ones who jump off the harbour wall; sighs the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points
Rod. 'Mostly, though, swimmers stick within our exclusion zone: Ill Briefly answer
from the text.
This is a 100 m x 100 m patch of sea. The prime rule of the exclusion zone is that What is the thing that keeps the lifeguards alert at all times? A
1. 0
boats are forbidden to enter it - and humans forbidden to leave it. Even a rubber ring
is pursued and retrieved. If found floating out at sea, it could set off a coastal-wide
emergency search. At any one time, there are eight lifeguards on duty, either scanning A
2. What is Rod a member of? 0
the waves or patrolling the beach (lifebelts need checking, teleph ones need to b e kept
working in case of emergency calls). The team works five d ays a week, and constantly
. ..
has to rotate tasks as this facilitates maximum degrees of attention.• Th h h" h t
. . e ot er t mg t a
keeps the lifeguards alert is the fact that they all get on well t h , , •f •
• • h • - , . , oget er. Its not as 1 were
all sittmg t ere m si1ence, says Lisa. We're always talki t h
or down the two-way radio. . , ng o eac other' either in person

A VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in 8 points
3. How can you spot a lifeguard? o
1 the table with the letter corresoonding in the correct variant (A, B... )
A. Lifeguards are trained to cope with any situation on beaches. A
B. It is not easy to be a lifeguard as you don't have any legal authority. 2
4. Why do lifeguards need the 'torpedo' buoy? C. Being a lifeguard means being alert at all times. 4
D. People who disobey the red flags often get into trouble. 6
1 2 3 4 8

IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. 4 points
VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to 2 points
One is extra. the correct variant.
1. A lifeguard never knows a. you talk down the two-way radio A A
A. Summer is the season when most lifeguards stay alert, address
2. If someone wants to ignore most of the time. 0
things sensitively and collaborate for a safe environment for the 2
a red flag b. lifeguards usually goof round the 2 swimmers.
3. During wintertime world. 3
B. If a lifesruard is not attentive enou!!h, people might drown.
4. As a lifeguard c. you take into account a variety of 4
things. C. Being a lifeguard is a responsible job that relies on many of one's
d. they might as well do it. •personal traits.
e. when he is to be called uoon to do.
Written production. Write a 180-200 - word essay according to the given task.
1 2 3 4 _
Some people believe it is important to keep and protect historical buildings.
Others think it is always better to have more modem buildings around. Which
V Identify if the sentences are true orfalse. Circle the letter corresponding 6 points opinion do you agree with?
to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text and write
it in the lines below.
Consider the following:
1. . Most of the swimmers ignore the red flag. A Introduction (state the three arguments you are to use to support
a. True b. False 0 your opinion)
1 40 p
2 Body (give three arguments pros and/or cons to express your point
of view, give two examples to support your arguments)
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject)
Use linkers (6-8) for coherence and clarity.
2. IBoats are forbidden to enter the exclusion zone. A
a. True I b. False 0

3. I Lifeguards don't scan the waves, they listen to the weather forecast. A
a. True I b. False 0

'~ ~:rnmzerom: • • - 1 w n - w:cecrs - •
0 Written production. Write a 90-100 word article/letter accordin g to the given
l an article about a sport which
A school website has asked its readers to send in
is popular in an English-speaking country.
4 Conside r the following:
0 Introduction (name/location) 30 p
3 Body (description/importance/impact on the modern world)
6 Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject)
Use linkers (4-6) for coherence and clarity.
0 0
2 I
0 l
2 0
0 6
0 2
l 4
3 2
1 0
0 2
2 0
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 5

0 0
1 l
2 2
3 4
5 0
6 1
0 3
3 1jM
f I'~ -;Si:flilfttfif:( PfflFS:IPl£s5-:::s=-cse

Written production (write a 180-200 - word essay according to the given task checking) 12. Respecta componenta lexicala de vol um conform sarcinii indicate:
scale according to !en barem pr22.pdf: Se acorda 4 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 180-200 de cuvinte
40 PUNCTE. Se acorda 3 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 160-179 de cuvinte
1. ldentifica tema conform sarcinii indicate - I p. Se acorda 2 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 140-159 de cuvinte
2. Descrie/prezinta/relateaza despre fenomenul/problema/ac\iunile, conform sarcinii Se acorda 1 punct pentru respectarea volumului de 120-139 de cuvinte se acorda
indicate: 0 puncte pentru un volum mai mic de 120 de cuvinte.
• detaliat - 4 p. N.B.! 1n cazul depa~irii volumului maxim de cuvinte puncte nu se acordii.
• par\ial - 2 p. N.b.! Punctajul de la sarcina de volum se adauga la eel de la conµnut.
N.b.! Descrie/prezinta/relateaza l aspect/caracteristica/ particularitate despre
N.B.! Raspunsul in alta limbii decat cea indicata pe test anuleaza itemul, proba sau
fenomenul/problema/ac\iunile, conform sarcinii indicate - 2 p.; iar pentru 2 ~i mai
multe - 4 p.
3. Prezinta avantaje ~i/sau dezavantaje ale fenomenului/problemei/ aqiunilor, con-
Written production. Write a 90- I 00 word article/letter according to the given task
form sarcinii indicate:
according to 12 Jen barem pr22.pdf:
• 3-4 avantaje ~i/sau dezavantaje - 6 p.
• 1-2 avantaje ~i/sau dezavantaje - 3 p. 1. Identifica tipul institu\iei de inva\iimant, conform sarcinii indicate - 1 p.
4. Prezinta 2 exemple adecvate in baza de lecturi, experien\e etc., conform sarcinii 2. Indicii denumirea institu\iei de inva\amant ~i localitatea unde se aflii in tara
indicate: respectivii, conform temei de cultura/civiliza\ie indicate - I p.
• 2 exemple - 4 p. 3. Descrie activita\i academice/ activita\i extracuriculare/ manifestiiri relevante/profe-
• l exemplu - 2 p. sori/absolven\i vesti\i ce atrag studen\ii la aceasta institu\ie de invii\iimant, conform
5. Exprima opinia proprie asupra fenomenului/ problemei/ aqiunilor, conform sarci- sarcinii indicate:
nii indicate - 2 p. • detaliat - 6 p.
6. Justifica opinia asupra fenomenului/ problemei/ac\iunilor prin atitudini/senti- • par\ial - 3 p.
mente/impresii etc., conform sarcinii indicate - 3 p. N.B.! Descrie/prezinta/relateazii I aspect/caracteristicii/ particularitate despre
7. Structureaza clar ~i consecutiv ideile exprimate intr-un text coerent, utilizand o fenomenul/problema/aqiunile, conform sarcinii indicate - 3 p.; iar pentru 2 ~i mai
varietate de conectori logici adecva\i, cu distinc\ii intre introducere, desfa~urarea
multe - 6 p.
ideilor, concluzii, conform sarcinii indicate - 3 p. 7. Structureaza ideile exprimate
4. Explica importan\a/contribu\ia acestei institu\ii de invii\iimant la dezvoltarea
intr-un text _c~erent, utilizand 3-4 conectori de bazii, conform sarcinii indicate - 2 p.
societii\ii/poporului din \ara respectiva ~i/sau intreaga lume, conform temei de
8. Structureaza 1de1le expnmate sub forma unui text par\ial coerent, conform sarcinii
indicate - l p. cultura/civiliza\ie indicate:
9. Structureaza textul in paragrafe, conform sarcinii indicate - l p. • detaliat - 4 p.
10.Corectitu~inea la nivel de co~peten\a lingvistica (componenta lexicala ~i • partial - 2 p.
ortografica) - 6 puncte. Folose~te ~1 ortografiaza corect vocabularul pentru a descrie N.B.! Descrie/prezinta/relateaza l aspect/caracteristica/ particularitate despre
tema, conform sarcinii indicate. fenomenul/problema/aqiunile, conform sarcinii indicate - 2 p.; iar pentru 2 ~i mai
N.B.! S~ v~ scad_ea cate 1 p~nct p~ntru fiecare 3 gre~eli lexicale sau ortografice, prin multe - 4 p.
consecm~a, dadca sunt com1se ma1 mult de 18 gre~eli lexicale sau ortografice puncte s. Exprirnii atitudinea personala fa\ii de institu\ia de inva\amant prezentata, conform
nu se ma1 sea . temei de cultura/civiliza\ie indicate.
N.B.! Gre~eala
. . care se. repeta este considerata ca fiind una smgura. • -
• detaliat - 4 p.
11. Corectitudmea _) la mvel
.. de competen\a
_ . lingvistica (co mponenta gramat1ca • 1·a ~1•
• par\ial - 2 p.
fi ca - 6 p. Util1zeaza ~1 ortografiaza corect modu ·1 1-
t t ·1 · , n e, 1mpur e, 1ormeIe,
ii c 6. Structureaza clar ~i consecutiv ideile exprimate intr-un text coerent, respectand
s rue un e gramat1ca1e, con,orm situa\iei indicate. _ 6 . tipul textului, structura (titlu, introducere, cuprins, incheiere), conform sarcinii
·N.B.! Se va • scadea
- d -cate l punct. pentru fiecare 4 gre<ye1~I gramatica
· Ie sau ortografice, indicate _ 2 p. Structureaza ideile exprimate sub forma unui text par\ial coerent,
m consecm\a, aca sunt com1se mai mult de 24 de g I"I .
fice puncte nu se mai scad. re~e gramaticale sau ortogra- conform sarcinii indicate - l p.
_ Ortografiazii corect vocabularul necesar pentru a descrie subiectul propus, conform
N.B.! Gre~eala care se repeta este considerata ca fi•111d una smgura.
. 7
temei de cultura/civiliza\ie indicate. - Sp.

N .B. ! Se va scadea cate 1 punct pentru fiecare 3 gre~eli lexicale sau ortografice, in
consecinta, daca sunt comise mai mult de 15 gre~eli lexicale sau ortografice ce nu se
repeta puncte nu se mai scad.
N .B. ! Gre~eala care se repeta este considerata ca fiind una singura.
8. Utilizeaza, ortografiaza corect modurile, timpurile, formele ~i structurile gramati-
cale, conform temei de cultura/civilizatie indicate. - 4p.
N.B.! Se va scadea cate 1 punct pentru fiecare 4 gre~eli gramaticale sau ortografice, r
in consecinta, daca sunt comise mai mult de 16 gre~eli gramaticale sau ortografice
puncte nu se mai scad.
N .B. ! Gre~eala care se repeta este considerata ca fiind una singura.
Respecta componenta lexicala de volum conform sarcinii/temei indicate:
Se acorda 3 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 90-100 de cuvinte; se acorda
2 puncte pentru respectarea volumului de 80-89 de cuvinte;
Se acorda 1 punct pentru respectarea volumului de 70-79 de cuvinte;
E acorda 0 puncte pentru un volum mai mic de 70 de cuvinte.
N.B.! In cazul depa~irii volumului maxim de cuvinte puncte nu se acorda.
N .B. ! Punctajul de la sarcina de volum se adauga la eel de la continut.
N .B. ! Raspunsul in alta limba decat cea indicata pe test anuleaza itemul, proba sau

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