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4. Brad ..... told the world he was a m1.1hon
TEST29 a. obviously b
• generally
aire. A
c. reluctantly 1
II In the text,ngidentify the meanin f h
Lottery stories 0
correspondi to the correct varia!t. t e words. Circle the letter 2 points
For every millionaire who gets into debt, there are many more who invest wisely, use
1. The word 'concern' in the text means:
their money to change the world, or even give it all away to help others. Take Allen and a. worry
b. change 0
Violet Large from Canada, who won over $10 million in 2010. Since they were in their c. overthink 1
seventies at the time, and already pretty secure financially, they decided to share what 2. The word _'desperate' is closest in meaning to: A
they had won, not just with their grown-up kids, to whom they were very generous, a. cravmg b. anguished c. frenzied 0
but with causes they had always supported. Many institutions, ranging from hospitals
III Briefly answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points
to the local fire department, benefitted from the couple's generosity. When they had from the text.
first been presented with all the money, it had been a real source of concern for them.
1. Why were the institutions keen on getting rid of the given money? A
Uncomfortab le with being so rich, hating all the press coverage, and worried that people J' 0
would look at them in a different way, they were keen to quickly get rid of it all. 1
It's not just in Canada that lottery winners have been keen to share their winnings. 2. How did the Scottish couple use their money? A
Colin and Christine Weir, a couple from Scotland, used their money to support a 1
promising young artist and help out one of their neighbours, a teenage single mother.
3. What was being built on the lottery jackpot winner's money? A
They actually gave the young mum a house they owned so she would have somewhere 0
to live. Unlike the Larges, however, they also bought things they had never thought they
4. How could Brad keep his happy, normal life despite being a A
would ever own. They renovated a hundred-yea r-old mansion and purchased a yacht so 0
they could take up sailing. In another story of remarkable generosity, American lottery lottery winner? 1
jackpot winner John Kutey donated a portion of his winnings to constructing a water

park near where he had grown up. Loving the media spotlight, Kutey told journalists 4 points
IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below.
the construction of the park was a childhood dream. One is extra.
Aware that with sudden wealth comes many pressures, not least the pressure of 1. The couple from Canada a. pointless to be rich unless you keep A
being asked for money by jealous friends and relatives desperate to get their hands on 2. Many lottery winners doing the things you love. 1
your cash, American Brad Duke decided, at first, not to tell anyone about his lottery 3. Many people are aware of b. were quite secure from the financial 2
ii win except for his parents and his lawyer. He also kept both his old job and his ordinary 4. Many consider it point of view. 4
,a apartment. In fact, while others might have blown their money on yachts, mansions c. no point in spending money on
and holidays, there was just one thing Brad was keen to buy, and that was a brand useless things.
new, state-of-the- art mountain bike. Being a keen biker, that was all he really wanted. )
d. the sudden pressures that come
In time, he reluctantly told the world he was a millionaire, but what has helped him a,_,,, ' ·' with wealth.
~·11 stay normal and happy has been the hobby he had before he was rich. Brad still goes ·~nl ' '
e. are pretty keen on sharing their
" mountain biking every weekend. In the end, there's no point being a millionaire unless
' winnings.
. 4
you can keep doing the things you love. 2 3

No Items Score . . e orfialse. Circle the letter corresponding 6 points

V Identify 1f the sentences ar~ tru er b uoting the text and write
I Circle the letter correspondin g to the correct variant to complete the 4 points to the correct variant. Justify the answ Yq
statements, according to the text. . e on charity A
A it in the lines below.
1. The Scottish couple gave a house they ..... to a young mum. I
1. The Largest decide to spend all their mon y 1 • 0
0 b. Fa se 1
a. bought b. held c. owned 1 2
a. True
2. John ..... some of his money to construct a water park. A
a. donated b.expelled c. exported 1
3. Many institutions ..... from the couple's generosity. A
a. asked for b. benefitted c. requested 1

2. The Scottish couple purchased just a yacht to keep on sailing. A I----
a. True b. False I 1
- 4
3. John Kutey felt anxious because of the media coverage.
a. True b. False I 0
2 3

VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in 8 points - 0
the table with the letter corresponding in the correct variant (A, B... )
- 2
A. Many lottery winners spend their money wisely. A 4
dream projects. 0 -
B. Others donate money to charity or childhood 2 0
C. Being rich and doing the things you love is the key to a normal and 4 2
happy life. 8 •
D. There's quite a lot of pressure and jealousy when it comes to being • 0
r known for becoming rich.
1 2 3 4

VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the 2 points 2
correct variant.
A. Many millionaires suggest investing money wisely rather than A 0
donating. 2 I
B. Though everyone wants to become a lottery winner, it is important
to acknowledge all the pressure and responsibility that comes 0
with the money.
C. Money can help people have their dreams come true. 3
- 4
Written production. Write a 180-200 - word essay according to the given task. 5
Some people believe that advertising has a strong effect on a person's decision- 6
making process. Others feel that it has little or no real impact. Discuss both views - 0
., and give your own opinion. - I
Consider the following: - 4
Introduction (state the three arguments you are to use to support - 5
your opinion) - 6
Body (give three arguments pros and/or cons to express your point 40p ~I
of view, give two examples to support your arguments) 0
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject)
Use linkers (6-8) for coherence and clarity. 3

Written production. Write a 90-100 word article/letter according to the given task. TEST 30
A school website has asked its readers to send in an article/letter about a poet/
poetess from an English speaking country. Body language
Some people are good at interpreting body language, while others find the whole
Consider the following: thing a mystery. Improving your ability to recognise how others really feel is a useful
Title skill, an~ one you ~an quite qui~kly improve if you learn what signs to watch out for.
Introduction (name/location) 30p Take facial expressions. One thmg you should remember about facial expressions is
Body (description/importance/impact on the modern world) that they are rarely to be trusted. That's because we are all aware that other people try
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject) to read our true feelings and as a result, we are all pretty expert at hiding them. From
Use linkers (4-6) for coherence and clarity.
childhood, we all learn how to fake a smile, for instance. To become expert at interpret-
' 0 ing a smile, we should observe the eyes, not the mouth. If someone is really smiling,
their eyes brighten, they raise their eyebrows and even tilt their head. If only the mouth
0 is smiling then it is a sure sign that the person you are looking at is only pretending.
I As faces are dishonest, experts at reading body language look elsewhere for the
best clues to how a person truly feels. The torso, consisting of our shoulders, chest and
3 stomach, is a good indicator of how we feel. It is where we have our vital organs, so
6 evolution has taught us to cover them up, especially when we feel threatened. Crossed
,, arms often means 'leave me alone: The way we move our hands can also be revealing.
1,,.. 0 Even though we are all taught how to restrain our hand movements - we learn not
4 to point to avoid being rude, for example - it is not as easy to fake as the look on our
face. As a general rule, the higher our hands, the more positive we feel, which is why
,.... 2
fans at a concert feel an irresistible need to lift their hands. Think about it. If we hear
good news, we leap up, bad news and our shoulders drop. Surprisingly, there is another
I~ 0
part of the body more incapable of fibbing than any other. Over millions of years, our
hands, arms and faces have learned how to pretend as well as how to communicate,
I but in contrast, evolution has taught our legs to do one thing, and one thing only, and
2 that's get ready to run at the first sign of danger. Subconsciously, we position our feet in
\I 0 the direction we want to go. Next time you are chatting to a boy or girl you really like,
1 glance down at your feet, and notice how they will be pointing right at your partner. If
2 they are pointing at yours, that's good news, but if one of their feet is pointing away, or
3 if they keep moving a foot in an outward direction, then I'm afraid they probably don't
\ IL/. 5 like you as much as you might have thought.

0 No Items Score
2 I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points
3 statements, according to the text.
4 ' 1. To become an expert at understanding what is behind a smile, A
one should .... The eyes and the mouth. 0
0 c. look at 1
1 a. notice b. observe
2 2. The torso is a good ..... of how we feel. A
3 a. pointer b. looker c. indicator 0
READING - 3. There is another part of the body that is more ....of fibbing that A
DATE any other. 1
POINTS a. invaluable b. incapable c. unworthy
148 149
The torso ..... of our shoulders, chest and stomach can help in A 2. I Facial expressions should be trusted. A
0 a. True b. False 0
reading body language. 1 I
a. comprised b. withheld c. contained
II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter 2 points
corresponding to the correct variant. 3. If the feet point right at you the person who is talking to you feels A
1. The word 'fibbing' in the text means: A
0 threatened. 0
a. lying b. saying c. laying a. True I
1 b. False 2
2. The word 'restrain' is closest in meaning to: A
a. prevent b. hold back c. analyse 1
III Briefly answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points VI I Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in 8 points
from the text. the table with the letter corresponding in the correct variant (A, B... )
1. What do you need to do to be good at interpreting body language? A A. A smile is not always honest unless the eyes brighten, the eyebrows A
0 are raised and the head is sometimes tilted. 0
1 2
B. Though we are being taught from an early age to restrain our move- 4
ments, when we are excited, we have irresistible needs that uncover 6
;-m 2. Why do we cover the torso when we feel frustrated? A
our true feelings.
C. Subconsciously we position our body in the direction that our inte-

rests are stirred.

3. What do fans usually do when they feel the most positive? A D. Body language is a very useful skill nowadays as it helps understand
1 what people really mean while communicating.
I 2 3 4
4. How can you recognize if somebody is interested in you? A
1 VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the 2 points
correct variant.
IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. 4 points A. I Experts say that we shouldn't trust people unless we can read A
I One is extra. their body language.
a. to observe how we move our hands. A 2
1. Experts look B. I The better we get at interpreting body language, the easier it is
2. It's quite revealing b. should observe the eyes not the mouth. 1 ;oing to be to communicate efficiently.
3. Our hands have learnt c. for the best clues to reading body 2 C. I Our subconscious will always tell the truth no matter how skilled
4. When we see a person language. 3
11 tl smiling we d. should be sure to not be pretending. 4 we are at hiding our true feelings.
e. how to pretend and how to
Written production. Write a 180-200 - word essay according to the given task.
Some people believe that every human can create art. Other people think that
1 2 3 4
art can only be created by people with special talents. Discuss both these views and

V Identify if the sentences are true or false. Circle the letter corresponding 6 points give your own opinion.
to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text and write
it in the lines below. Consider the following:
1. Evolution has taught us to always be prepared to run if there's a A Introduction (state the three arguments you are to use to support
possible danger. 0 your opinion) 40p
a. True
1 Body (give three arguments pros and/or cons to express your point
I b. False 2
of view, give two examples to support your arguments)
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject)
J.Jse !inkers (6-8) for coh_erence~nd clarltv-

150 151
0 Written production. Write a 90-100 word article/letter according to the given task.
I A school website has asked its readers to send in an article about an important
historical event from an English speaking country.
~Consider the following:
0 Introduction (name/location)
3 Body (description/importance/impact on the modern world) 30p
6 Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject)
Use linkers (4-6) for coherence and clarity.
0 1

2 I

{ 0
0 - 3
3 6
- 0
- 0 .,.
I I : 4
3 0
' 2
0 4
0 1
1\1 2 0
\ 3 1
'- I
4 2
\ 5 3
6 4
1 0
2 2
3 3
4 4
6 0
0 2
1 3
4 I II Ill IV V


152 153
- 4. The publicity c_a~ •••• to society how young people can help their
local commumties.
a. reveal b. observe c. show
YOPEY II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter 2 points
Whilst barely a week goes by without seeing dramatic tabloid headlines about teen- corresponding to the correct variant.
age criminality, it is rare to come across any positive stories about young people in the 1. The word 'numerous' in the text means: A
press. Indeed, anyone reading newspapers would conclude that the younger generation a. variations b. various 0
c. enormous
must be made up of the worst sort of criminals. That's why Young People of the Year, 1
or YOPEY, is such a breath of fresh air. What it aims to do is give young people a fairer 2. The word 'persuading' is closest in meaning to: A
image in the media by highlighting their achievements. It does this by spreading good a. convincing b. talking to c. showing off 0
news stories about young people by asking celebrities, politicians and well-known com- 1
III Briefly answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points
panies to endorse or sponsor their campaign, and by running schemes which get young
from the text.
people to work with vulnerable older people. Its main focus, though, is on getting ordi-
nary people to nominate under nineteens in their community who have helped others, 1. What is efficient to do to inspire kids to try to help their community? A
and then presenting them with an award. 1
Not only does the award make young people feel positive about themselves, but the
publicity surrounding it inspires other kids to try to help in their community. If only 2. How did Daniel manage to create a skatepark? A
,' the media were to focus on covering award schemes like this one, rather than devoting 0
so much coverage to stories of petty crime. To my mind, it would not only reveal to ' 1
society just how many young people get a lot out of life by helping their local commu-
nities, but it would also remind us all of how important it is to include young people 3. How did Laura obtain money from the wealthy companies? A
1: in their communities, and the benefits for everybody that would bring. We should en-
courage young people to play a full and active role in their neighbourhoods.
i" While always full of admiration for celebrities prepared to use their fame to self-
4. Why does anyone reading newspapers conclude that younger A
lessly advance important causes, or business leaders ready to put their hands in their 0
generations are made up by the worst criminals? 1
pockets, no-one inspires me more than a youngster willing to put others before them-
selves. Take Laura, the winner of a recent YOPEY award, and a wheelchair athlete who '
has completed numerous long-distance events, all in the name of charity. By getting
\ wealthy companies and individuals to sponsor her performances, she has financed the IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. 4 points
\ building and equipping of a play centre for children with special needs. Or take Daniel, One is extra.
.~ who has spent the last two years helping to create a skatepark in a town near to where 1. Good news stories are a. inspires teens to help in their community. A
he lives. No athlete himself, his talents lie elsewhere. He has worked tirelessly to gather spread b. to show off your involvement in charity. 1
together funds for the project, persuading local businesses to get behind his ideas, and 2. Quite often celebrities c. to include young people in local 2
local celebrities to contribute. 3. The surrounding communities. 3
publicity d. to endorse campaigns.
No Items Score 4. It is bitterly important e. selflessly advance important causes.
I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points 1 2 3 4
statements, according to the text.
l. Yopey aims at highlighting the young people ...... A
-V Identify if the sentences are true or false. Circle the letter correspond~g
6 points
a. realizations b. successes c. achievements
1 to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text and wnte
2. Daniel worked hard to make celebrities to ...... for the project. A it in the lines below. A
a. bring b. contribute c. give 0 1. It is good that the media covers petty crimes. 0
1 b. False 1
a. True 2
3. It is important to .... young people in their communities. A
a. implicate b. imply c. include 0 -
1 -
2. Daniel is famous for his athletic skills.
a. True b. False
, 0
2 -
- 0
- 4
3. Only celebrities can help advance important causes. A - '
a. True b. False 0 0
2 - . 3
- 6
- 0
VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in 8 points " 2
the table with the letter corresponding in the correct variant (A, B... )
- 4
A. Ordinary people can get nominated and awards for involvement in A 0
their communities. 0
B. Athletic or not, everyone can help by working tirelessly with those
2 - 2
who can contribute. 6 "i 0
C. The media today covers only the worst of the young generation. 8 ill: 3
D. It is important for the society to acknowledge the importance of
including young people in community projects.

1 2 3 4 t-.
11 3
VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the 2 points 0

correct variant. ~- 1
A. Celebrities have a great impact on advancing important causes. A -a.,
B. Talented people and businessmen can help build better living
0 .- 0
2 ,+
conditions. ,J 2
C. The more young people we include in helping local communities ,1. 3
the better conditions can be provided for everyone involved. 4
Written production. Write a 180-200 - word essay according to the given task. .
Some people feel that the media has the strongest impact on people's lives. Others 0
feel that it is politicians who have the most control over the way people live. Discuss 1
both views and give your own opinion. 2
Consider the following: 5
Introduction (state the three arguments you are to use to support 6
your opinion) 0
Body (give three arguments pros and/or cons to express your point 40p 1
of view, give two examples to support your arguments) 2
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject) 3
Use linkers (6-8) for coherence and claritv.

156 157
Written production. Write a 90-100 word article/letter according to the given task.
A school website has asked its readers to send in an article about a historically
Making music
important sculpture/mon ument from an English-speaking country.
Many teenagers dream of having a hit single and b ecommg • f; . .
a amous musICian but
n:i..anna mad e h er d ream come true• BYthe time• h
s e was seventeen, she had released
Consider the following: .KU' .
her first album and . 1e pon d e Rep1ay.
had an. international smash hit wi"th her fi rst smg
Title .
Today she 1s a successful smger with fans all over the world.
Introduction (name/location) 30p
Body (description/im portance/impac t on the modern world) Rihanna was born Robyn Rihanna Fenty in 1988 in Saint Michael, Barbados. She
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject) grew up there with her two younger brothers. As a child, she loved singing. She formed
Use linkers ( 4-6) for coherence and clarity. her firs_t gro~p with two friends from secondary school when she was just fifteen. In
0 2004 fnends mtroduced the group to American record producer Evan Rogers, who was
1 on holiday in Barbados. Rogers thought Rihanna could be a big star in America so she
moved there aged sixteen to pursue her music career while she finished school.
1 Rihanna lived with Rogers and his wife and recorded a demo of four songs during
the school holidays. As a result of the demo, she signed up with Def Jam Recordings
0 and started work on her first album, Music of the Sun. It came out in 2005 and got
6 into the top ten. Over 69,000 copies of the album were sold in the first week alone. It
went on to sell over two million copies worldwide and Rihanna quickly became a big
0 star. Her second album, A Girl Like Me, came out a year later and included the song
4 SOS, which was her first number one hit in America. In 2007 Rihanna brought out her
third album, Good Girl Gone Bad, which had more dance tracks than the first two al-
0 bums. It featured five top ten hits, including three number one singles in America and
2 the worldwide hit Don't Stop the Music. The album was nominated for nine Grammy
Awards and won Best Rap Sung Collaboration for the song Umbrella, which she sang
0 with rapper Jay-Z. Her fourth album, Rated R, came out in 2009, followed by her fifth
1 album, Loud, in 2010. These featured five international hit singles.
Rihanna has sold more than fifteen million albums and forty-five million singles
0 worldwide, and had nine number one singles between 2005 and 2010, the most of any
1 artist at the same time. However, she manages to find time for her charity work, too. She
2 has performed in several concerts to raise money for charity and in 20_?6 she c~eated
4 her Believe Foundation to help sick children. She also took part in Guccis campaign to
5 raise funds for children in Africa.
0 Score
1 No Items
2 . th ect variant to complete the points
I Circle the letter correspondmg to e corr
3 .
4 statements according to the text. A
Rihan~a's first album sold over two million copies..... h 0
1. c. anyw ere
b. worldwide 1
0 a. everywhere
1 A
rd 0
2 2. The third album won Best Rap Sung •••• ~wa • c. Cooperation 1
3 a. Communication b. Collaborat10n
READING . to help children. 0
ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ITEM ESSAY ARTICE/ POINTS GRADE DATE 3. Rihanna created a foun dauon d. •• c disabled 1
I II Ill IV V VI VII LETTER b.dan1age •
a. sick
TEST31 -
4. Rihanna was helped to ....her first demo of four songs.
c. register
- - 2. Rihanna is utterly unknown all over the world.
a. True
a.record b. show I - b. False 1
II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter corres- 2 points 2
ponding to the correct variant.
1. The word 'smash' in the text means: A - 3. She_ has taken part in campaigns raising funds for children in
0 A
a. shattering b. successful c. leaking I Afnca. 0
2. The word 'pursue' is closest in meaning to: A a. True b. False 2
a. follow b. generate c. create 1 "
III Briefly answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points
from the text. VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in 8 points
1. What is Rihanna's fifth album feature? A the table with the letter corresponding in the correct variant (A, B... )
0 A. Rihanna loved singing and a fortunate occasion in Barbados brou- A
1 0
ght her to America.
B. Her first album was successful at once. 4
2. Why did Rihanna move to America? A
0 C. Thou~ famous and successful Rihanna is always open in charity 6
1 campaigns. 8
D. Many teens dream of becoming famous and successful musicians, a
3. What charity campaigns has Rihanna been involved in? A few have made their dreams come true.
0 I 2 3 4

4. How did Rihanna manage to get acquainted with Evan Rogers? A VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the 2 points
0 correct variant.
1 A
A. It is important to focus on achieving your dream and work hard
all the time to see good results. 2
IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. 4 points B. Having a dream and seeing it coming true is fulfilling, and Rihanna
One is extra. is an example of selfless involvement in charity campaigns despite
1. She grew up with her siblings a. fifteen albums worldwide. A
0 her full schedule.
2. She has sold over b. to raise money for charity 1 C. Rihanna is an example of what it means to work hard and be
3. Due to quick selling of her campaigns. 2 talented at what you do.
albums c. to pursue her music career. 3
4. She has performed d. and enjoyed singing. 4
Written production. Write a 180-200 - word essay according to the given task.
e. she became a big star.
Some people feel that the primary function of a university should be to prepare
1 2 3 4
students for the working world. Others argue that the purpose of a university
education is to provide knowledge for knowledge's sake. Discuss both views a
V Identify if the sentences are true or false. Circle the letter corresponding 6 points
to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text and write give your own opinion.
it in the lines below.
1. The third album contained less dance tracks than the first two A Consider the following:
ones. 0 Introduction (state the three arguments you are to use to support
a. True I b. False 2 your opinion) oint 40p
Body (give three arguments pros and/or cons to express your p
of view give two examples to support your argumentbs~ )
' al • • the su 1ect
Conclusion (express your person opmwn on
Dse linkers (6-8) for coherence and clari
160 161
4. ;:,ome people in UK ....that is
TEST 33 society. not good to exclude sections of A
b. cherish c s .1 l
Firhall In the text, identify the meaning of the w0rd . • ,pOI
Firhall is a village near Nairn in Scotland. It was built in 2003 and there are ninety- corresponding to the correct varia t s. Circle the letter 2 points
three homes. At first sight, it seems like a typical village -there is very little traffic and 1. The word 'reason' in the text means:
no pollution, it is surrounded by beautiful scenery and it is peaceful. However, in other a. aim b. motive c. objective 0
ways it is very different: Firhall is Britain's only child-free village. How does it work? 1
2. The w~rd_ 'perhaps' is closest in meaning to:
Grandchildren and children of friends can stay for limited periods of time but families A
with children cannot live there. And there are many other rules to follow. For a start, to a. s1milarly b. obviously c. possibly 0
own a house there, you must be over forty-five years old. There is a maximum of three III Briefly answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points
adults per house, you can't start car engines between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. or hang washing from the text.
outside and so on. So why do people choose to live there? 1. Why are people attracted to Firhall? A
People's reasons for moving there vary. Firhall is certainly not a place for those who 0
are after nightlife or a lively atmosphere but many of the residents are attracted by the

peace and quiet. Marie and David have lived in Firhall for two years. 'Children and 2. What is Firhall surrounded by? A
noise go together; says David. 'It's wonderful to sit out and not hear kids screaming or 0
rr banging the fence with a football. And there's no litter because it tends to be kids who

drop it: Maureen Gregson was also attracted to the idea of a quiet place to live. 'We What makes Firhall unique? A
came to make new friends and have a bit of peace; Maureen explained. 0
Others have moved there for different reasons. Another resident, Harriet Hollis, 1
said that Firhall's beauty attracted her and her husband. 'You see a lot of wildlife. It's
4. What do most residents like about Firhall? A
just a lovely place to live; she said. Homeowner Barry Edwards said that for him the 0
deciding factors were the price of the house, the local sports facilities and easy access to 1
Inverness Airport. Other residents like the fact that there is a strong sense of community.
4 points
However, some people in the UK believe that nobody has the right to exclude IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below.
children from living in a neighbourhood. They argue that it is not a good thing to have One is extra.
a. to have the elderly separated A
a village where older people are separated from the rest of society and that it could I. It is an amazing sit out 0
2. It is not a good thing from the rest of the society. 1
encourage other villages to ban different sections of society. So far, worries that other
b. very strict rules to follow.
places might set up similar projects have proved unfounded, so perhaps Firhall will 3. There's no litter
c. similar projects to be built.
3 -
remain unique. 4. There are quite a few 4
d. without screaming kids.
e. as there are no kids around.
No Items Score I
3 I 4
1 2
I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points I
statements, according to the text. 6 points
V Identify if the sentences are true orfalse. Circle th~ letter correspondi~g
1. Firhall is .... by beautiful scenery. A .fy th r by quotmg the text and wnte
0 to the correct variant. Justi e answe
a. suppressed b. surrendered c. surrounded l it in the lines below. A
2. Firhall. ..... are attracted by the peace and quiet. A 1. I Firhall is a place of peace and quiet. 0
0 b. False l
a. residents b. communities c. citizens l a. True I 2
3. Barry's deciding ..... were the cost of the house, the sports facili- A
ties and the airport. 0
a. notes b. factors c. facts l

2. IIt's not quite convenient to access Inverness Airport.
a. True I b. False
- 0

' 4
3. IIt is a good idea to ban sections of the society. A
a. True I b. False 0
I - 0
2 - 6

VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in 8 points
the table with the letter corresponding in the correct variant (A, B... )
' 2
A. Family and friends have limited time to live there. A (
0 ,, 0
B. Firhall is a unique place that has stirred controversy.
2 2
C. Though unique, many consider that excluding sections of society is 4
not a good thing. 6 0
D. The peace and quiet, the facilities and strong sense of community 8 3
has attracted many residents. f

2 3
' 0
1 4
'P 1
' 2

VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the 2 points 3
correct variant.
A. Being a part of a community like Firhall is great for the elderly A 1
as they can enjoy a stressless life without kids and other family 0
members. 0
B. Firhall withholds great facilities for the elderly, but the policy 1
1ll 2
of restrictions and rules make it a place hard to be approved by
people in UK. 3
C. Places like Firhall do not exist in the UK due to the complexity of
rules and restrictions for other sections of the society. 6

Written production. Write a 180-200 - word essay according to the given task. 0
Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most l 1
people's lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness in spite of greater 3
responsibilities. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. :t' 4
Consider the following: " 6
Introduction (state the three arguments you are to use to support
your opinion)
- 1
Body (give three arguments pros and/or cons to express your point 40p 2
of view, give two examples to support your arguments) - 3
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject) - . 4
Use linkers {6-8) for coherence and clarity. -

166 167
Written production. Write a 90-100 word article/letter according to the given task. TEST 34
A school website has asked its readers to send in an article/letter about a TV
presenter/show presenter from an English-speaking country. Personality tests· Can the •d f fy
The next time you apply for a ·ob . y I en I the real you?
u h the companies that mak J h, you might be asked to take a personality test. Even
Consider the following: tho g . . . e t e tests are not keen on them actually being used to
Title select staff dunng the mterview process, the business of personality is big and growing.
Introduction (name/location) But do the tests work?
Body (description/importance/impact on the modern world) A ~ew years back, ~y ni~ce was looking for a summer job. She heard the tips were
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject) good m a restauran~ m Chteago, and decided to apply. But before the interview, she
Use linkers (4-6) for coherence and clarity. had to fill out an onlme application including a psychometric test - a test which would
0 reveal a lot about her personality. She explained that there was a whole section on ethics
I and how youci react in a particular situation, like dealing with a difficult customer, for
example. And apparently the message was pretty clear - if you're easily annoyed, don't
1 be a waitress. She was surprised, but was faced with a similar test when she applied to
work in a bookshop. Personality tests are now appearing in all types of industry. In
0 a global recession, many firms want to be sure they are employing the most suitable
6 person for the job. They cannot afford to pick the wrong one. Smaller profits also mean
staff are working under more stress. Therefore, companies want to make sure their
0 employees get on with each other. Disagreements are costly and inefficient. In the US
2 alone, there are about 2,500 personality tests on the market. One of the most popular is
1 4
called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator or MBTI. Used by 89 of the top 100 companies,
1 0 it has been translated into 24 languages. It has also been adopted by governments and
2 military agencies around the world.
"Myers-Briggs is the most successful psychometric test out there and deservedly
0 so;' says Rachel Robinson of the consultancy firm YSC in central London. "I~ has be:n
1 a fantastic vehicle for people to think about themselves and how others are different.
Perhaps its attraction lies in its simplicity - according to the MBTI, we all match
0 one of 16 character types. But it's the fact that it is so straightforward that makes some
1 people suspicious. Like many personality tests, MBTI is based on the work of Carl J~g,
3 the Swiss psychiatrist who, together with Sigmund Freud, ~elpe~ lay the found~tl~ns
4 of modern psychology. Jung developed the idea of ~pposite pairs of charactens~ics.
5 This refers to qualities such as being friendly or unfnendly, or lazy or hard-':~rking,
· are present m
which · all o f us. He suggested that m • terms of each pair of qualities,
. we .
1 tend to be one or the other. The MBTI was invented thanks to an awkward relations~ip
2 . K h • B ·ggs a wealthy housewife
between a woman and her future son-m-1aw. at enne n ,
3 from Washington DC, realized Clarence Myers was a good m~tch fo: he~:;ug;:•
Isabel when she brought him home from college. He seemed hke a n;ce { g '
0 but hi~-way of thinking was so strange to her that she turnbedl to b~o:steodrbyeJ~r moth-
1 . dh d soon Isa e was m1ec
2 Jung's Psychological Types f:ascmate er, an . b e very interested in how
er's enthusiasm. Over the next two decades, e ecam b t Isabel Briggs Myers
people behave.. Jung only identified eig?t pers~n ~iTr::~ry~ody can be described
eventually doubled that number. Accordmg to t e ' ISFJ or ENTP. The various
bY four letters chosen out of a total of ei'ght, for examp.
I II III IV V VI VII combinations of letters make ~p e s~ of the 2 _5 million Americans who take the
POINTS Apparently the overwhelmmg maJor ty d fit their personalities. However, the
MBTI assessment each year feel their resu1ts

168 169
Myers Briggs Foundation itself discourages the use of the test for hiring and firing. JV Match the halves of the sentences Write the
One is extra. •
. h
answers m t e table below. 4 points
Instead, they see it mainly as a means of getting employees to think about how they
interact with colleagues and work as a team. So, if you are asked to do a personality test 1. Companies want to make
a. has become a not so surprising A
at some point in the future, think carefully about the reason behind it. It may not be for sure thing. 0
the reason you thought! 2. Getting to take tests for b. the tests are popular on the market. 1
employment c. the test fits their personality. 2
3. The test is attractive due to 3
No Items Score ~ d. that employees befriend each other. 4
4. The majority of the people e. its simplicity.
I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points ,., consider
statements, according to the text. 1 2 I 3 4
1. There are tests that would ...... a lot about a personality. A
a. reveal b. show c.change 0
1 V Identify if the sentences are true or false. Circle the letter correspon- 6 points
2. The test was invented due to a/an ..... relationship between two A ding to the correct variant. Justify the answer by quoting the text and
people. 0 write it in the lines below.
a. frustrated b. awkward c. weird 1
1. Disagreements are not as efficient as one might think. A
3. The foundation ..... to use the test for hiring or firing. A a. True b. False 0
a. suggests b. punishes 0
c. discourages 1
1 2
ff 4. Those who want a person for a job, cannot ........ to pick the A
wrong one. 0 A
f 1 2. The most popular test has been translated into more than 89
a. afford b. perform c. support 0
II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter 2 points 1
a. True b. False 2
corresponding to the correct variant.
1. The word 'dealing' in the text means: A
a. facing b. trading c. changing 0
1 A
3. You should take personality tests whenever you have a chance,
2. The word 'straightforward' is closest in meaning to: A 0
there's nothing to worry about. 1 b. uncomplicated c. meticulous 0
b. False
1 a. True I 2
III Briefly answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points
from the text.
1. Why is Myers-Biggs considered to be the most successful A 8 points
psychometric test? 0 VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in tJ:ie text. Fill in
the table with the letter corresponding in the correct vanant (A, B. •·)
A. Companies rely on personali~ tests to make sure fewer 0
disagreements happen on the Job. .d f 2
2. What message was pretty clearly implied by the online A B. Personality tests are quite simple as they develop the 1 ea o 4
application for a job in Chicago? 0 6
opposites. . on thing these 8
1 C. Taking personality tests has become qmte a comm
days. . fit th m one should
D Though many believe that personality testsl'k the. '
What was different in Jung's and Isabel's identification of •
personality types?
A always be aware of the reason beh1•nd a test 1 e 1s. 4
1 I
1 2 3
2 points
. .d f the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the
VII What is the mam 1 ea o •
How are the psychometric tests mainly used? A correct variant. . . developing personality tests they A
0 A. Due to researchers involved m 0
1 2
are now used on a large scale.

Written production. Write a 90-100 d •
B. Personality tests are designed to be easy and are developed to . h wor article/letter according to the given task.
stand out the qualities of a person, however they are not to be h I b .
A sc oo we site as asked its readers to send man article/letter about a symbol
taken serious! on hirin or firin . that couId b e used to represent an English speaking country.
C. The more we test ourselves the more we can improve our
ualities. Consider the following:
Written production. Write a 180-200 -word essay according to the given task.
Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding Introduction (name/location)
, Body (d~scription/importance/impact on the modern world) 30p
change. Others, however, prefer to take risks and think that change is a positive
thing. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject)
Use linkers (4-6) for coherence and clarity.
Consider the following: . 0
Introduction (state the three arguments you are to use to support 1
your opinion)
Body (give three arguments pros and/or cons to express your point 40p 1
of view, give two examples to support your arguments) '
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject) 0
Use linkers (6-8) for coherence and clarity. ,' L
0 -· 6
0 0
2 2
4 4
0 I
3 0
6 2
0 4
_I 2 .
4 0
0 1
2 c,.-.. ,

'-, 3 .. 0
0 ,,_ 1
• ~1 ' 3
3 ~1f 4
0 l 5
I rl
0 0
1 'j
2 r ( . l,,, 2
4 3
5 4
6 J \ L

0 . 0
I 1
2 2
3 3
-- ----.--------=:-:;--:-;~NcrG
4 TEST34

172 173
.-- 2. When people died they were buried in a
a. tidy
. ..... cemetery.
b special
. • c. cosy 1
Stone-age Mini Skirt Discovered 3. The thmgs found at the site showed that 1 . h
For more than 40 years, fashion experts have argued over the ori~ins _of the mini- ...... from. peop em t e past got A
I 0
skirt. Some say British designer Mary Quant came up with the design m the 1960s a. work b. enjoyment 1
c. information
However, others point to Frenchman Andre Courreges. And some experts even be- 4. It was exciting for the scientists to find a ......... meta1worksh op.
lieve it made its first appearance in Hollywood ten years earlier. But now archaeolo- A
a• grand b• soph'1sticate
• d c. elaborate 0
gists say the true origins of the mini skirt go back to the very beginning of civilization. ' 1
They have uncovered evidence that Stone Age women were, in fact, wearing mini-skirts II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter 2 points
more than 7,500 years ago. The trend at the time was to wear them with short tops corresponding to the correct variant.
and bracelets. A series of stone statues wearing the prehistoric fashions were found at 1. The word 'ancestors' in the text means: A
one of Europe's oldest known villages. This community was situated between rivers, a. priceless b. successors 0
c. suppressors 1
mountains and forests in what is now southern Siberia.The findings in this ancient vil- I
2. The word 'advanced' is closest in meaning to: A
lage push back the origins of fashion and art in Europe by hundreds of years, to a time 0
a. organized
b. developed c. overcame
when our ancestors were actually just learning about farming. J\.ccording to the statues 1
we found, young women were beautifully dressed, like today's girls: said archaeologist III Briefly answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points
Julka Kuzmanovic-Cvetkovic. The unnamed tribe of people lived between 5400 and from the text.
4700 BC in the 120-hectare site at what is now Plocnik in Serbia. Various things found 1. What was the trend back 7,500 years? A
at the site show us that they knew about trade, art, and how to sew. They celebrated 0
1 beauty and produced 60 different forms of wonderful pottery and statues. According to
Dr Kuzmanovic, these not only represent the things they respected, but also things they I', 2. What did the underground mine nearby Mlava suggest to the A
got enjoyment from. Women, it seems, have always paid attention to their appearance. archaeologists? 0
Little is known about the life of the people - known as the Vinca - who made the
....... 1
statues. The Vinca culture developed quickly between 5500 and 4000 BC in Bosnia,
Serbia, Romania, and Macedonia. It got its name from the present-day village ofVinca
3. What have the archaeologists at the site of Plocnik in Serbia A
on the Danube River near Belgrade where eight villages have been found. 0
The latest discoveries suggest these early farmers were more advanced than we think. shown the archaeologists? 1

The dead were buried in a tidy cemetery, houses had stoves, and there were special
holes for rubbish. People slept on rugs and fur, made clothes of wool and leather, and
kept animals. It also seems that they were especially fond of children. This is clear 4. How have the archaeologists proven that the Vinca cared for the A
because some of the things found include toys such as animals and rattles of clay, and children? 1 I
small, badly crafted pots apparently made by children at playtime. One of the most
exciting finds for archaeologists was the discovery of a sophisticated metal workshop.
'This might prove that the Copper Age started in Europe at least 500 years earlier 4 points
IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below.
than we thought: Dr Kuzmanovic said. The Copper Age was the first use of tools by
humans. It is thought to have started around the 4,000 BC in south-east Europe, and One is extra.
a. who made the statues. A
earlier in the Middle East. The discovery of Europe's oldest underground mine at the 1. Women have always 0
b. was to wear them with short 1
nearby Mlava river suggested at the time that Vinca could be the first place in Europe 2. People used to sleep on
tops and bracelets. 2
to use metal, a theory which seems to be now supported by the Plocnik site. 3. The trend of wearing mini- 3
c. who made clothes of wool. 4
No Items Score --, d. paid attention to their
4. Little is known about the Vinca
I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points appearances.
statements, accordin to the text. e. rugs and fur.
3 4
1. Archaeologists have uncovered .......... that women used to wear A 1 2
miniskirts. 0 '
a. roof b. witnesses c. evidence
174 175
Written production. Write a 90-100 word article/letter according to the given task, TEST36
A school website has asked its readers to send in an article/letter about the cur-
rency in an English speaking country. . The ultimate frequent flyer
Jack Vroom, an American businessman f D ll
ultimate frequent flyer. In a period of 20 rom a. as, Texas, has made a claim as the
Consider the following: . . . E . years, he estimates that he flew a staggering 38
Title rni 1110n m11es. ven more amazmgly h d'd
ft h . fl ' e 1 t h'is without
• paying for any of the flights.
Introduction (name/location) But ab er bavmg dofwn enflo~gh times to go round the world 1,600 times, Mr Vroom has
Body (description/importance/impact on the modern world) now een anne rom ymg on American Airlines.
Conclusion (express your personal opinion on the subject) Mr Vroom's adventure
. . . began
. in 1988 , when a friend
• told him about a unique
Use linkers (4-6) for coherence and clarity.
opportumty. American A1rlmes were selling an unli·m·t 1 ed, 1·c
11e-long fi rst-class travel
1 pass called the AAirpass. For a fee of $350,000 plus interest, the ticket-holder and one
companion could fly first-class anywhere, whenever they wanted, and as much as they
0 wanted. On top of that, the ticket holder could also collect air miles each time they flew.
,... 1
Although they were expensive, American Airlines sold a total of 40 tickets, before they
0 stopped issuing them in 2004.
6 The pass was designed mostly for business use, but Jack Vroom decided to use it
all the time. The AAirpass quickly paid for itself. He would fly across the USA to
0 watch his son play American football at university, or to pick up his father-in-law from
,,- 4 Washington DC so he could babysit his children. He told friends it was cheaper than
paying for a local babysitter. He would also go abroad too, often just for a few hours. He
2 flew to Milan to pick up some parts for a motorbike, and to Guadalajara, Mexico, just
4 to buy some belts. Mr Vroom flew so often that he knew the planes better than most of
the cabin crews. He didn't even need to show his pass, and everyone at his local airport
1 knew him by name.
2 His adventure came to end, though, in 2009 on a flight back from London. He had
0 used his companion pass to fly his daughter's friend back to the US, but when they
1 arrived at Heathrow airport, Mr Vroom was taken to the VIP lounge and was given a
2 letter saying that he could never use the ticket again. Although he believes he hadn't
4 done anything wrong, American Airlines disagreed. When they checked who he was
5 flying with, they noticed he booked trips with people he had never flown with before.
0 They also noticed he would fly to far-away destinations in Europe and Asia, but only
1 stay for a few hours. Tuey accused him of selling his companion ticket, which was
2 against the rules. His frequent flying was also costing the airline millions of dollars a
4 year.
. ·th the decision and believes there was nothing
0 Mr Vroom d1sagrees w1 , . . •
. h 'd h 't allowed to gain compensation from his compamon
1 a nywh ere wh 1c sa1 e wasn . •
2 ticket. He believes that any money made was for his business services, or simply because
friends wanted to pay him for the flight.round • • lectures
working as a teacher and givmg
These days Mr Vroom stays on th e g '
READING · h'1s h ouse in' .
• the United States.

178 179
V Identify if the sentences are true or fi I .
No Items Score ding to the correct variant. Justify th: se. Circ~e the l~tter correspon- 6 points
I Circle the letter corresponding to the correct variant to complete the 4 points write it in the lines below. answer Yquotmg the text and
statements, according to the text. 1. The American Airline sold 40 life long first class travel passes.
1. Mr Vroom was advised to take a unique ..... a. True b. Fa1se 0
a. shot tot begin the adventure 0 1
1 2
b. chance to begin the adventure
c. opportunity to begin the adventure
2. Mr Vroom considered himself just, but the American Airline ....... A
a. disagreed b. disputed c. disappointed 0 2. Mr Vroom was accused of selling his ticket to other people.
1 A
a. True b. False 0
3. Mr Vroom's ............. flights have cost too much money. A 1
a. usual b. frequent c. regular 0 2
4. The American Airline attracted passengers by offering ......... A
life-long first class travel passes. 0
a. infinite b. endless c. unlimited 3. Mr. Vroom knew the planes better than the cabin crews. A
II In the text, identify the meaning of the words. Circle the letter 2 points a. True b. False 0
corresponding to the correct variant. 2
1. The word 'banned' in the text means: A i

a. compromised b. refused c. forbidden 0

2. The word 'issuing' is closest in meaning to: A VI Write the most important ideas in order they come in the text. Fill in 8 points
a. equipping b. publishing c. concerning 0
1 the table with the letter corresponding in the correct variant (A, B... )
III Briefly answer the questions below, choosing words and/or numbers 4 points A. His adventure ended as the company accused him of selling his A
from the text. companion ticket. 2
1. Why was Mr Vroom banned from flying the American Airlines? A B. Mr Vroom had made money for his business services, but as the 4
0 pass got cancelled, he turned to teaching. 6
1 8
C. Mr Vroom had travelled for years before he got banned by
2. What did Mr Vroom disagree with the decision taken by the A American Airlines.
0 D. Mr Vroom got a life-long first-class travel pass that he used all the
American Airlines?
1 time.
2 3 4
3. What made him take the flight to Milan? A 2 points
0 VII What is the main idea of the text? Circle the letter corresponding to the
correct variant.
4. What does Mr Vroom do now? A. Jack Vroom travelled for 20 years and had even ~a_de some money 0
A before his life-long pass was cancelled by the A1rlme co'.11pany. 2
1 B. What started as a n adventure ended sadly for an American
businessman. 11 d
IV Match the halves of the sentences. Write the answers in the table below. 4 points h ex erience for Mr Vroom, was cance e
C. What started as a appy P . from the American Airlines,
One is extra.
20 years later with th_e accusatI~t~s the decision, he stays on the
1. Mr Vroom made money for his a. millions of dollars a year. A though Mr Vroom disagrees wi
2. The ticket holder could b. business services 0
1 ground.
3. Mr Vroom flew to Mexico to c. million miles 2 . 00 - word essay accordmg to the given task.
4. Mr Vroom flew a staggering of d. collect airmiles. 3 Written production. Wnte a lS0- 2 . h ld be dealt with by governments.
e. buy some belts. 4 Some people feel that global w~r~~ng ;f :dividuals in society to solve the
1 2 3 4 Others feel that it is the responsibility . . n
. our own opimo .
Problem. Discuss both views an give Y
Conside r the following: Written producti on. Write a 90-100 word article/letter according to the given task.
Introdu ction (state the three argumen ts you are to use to support A school website has asked its readers to send in an article/letter about
. natural resources of an English-speaking country.
your opinion )
Body (give three argumen ts pros and/or cons to express your pomt 40p
of view, give two examples to support your arguments)_ Conside r the following:
Conclus ion (express your persona l opinion on the subJect)
Use linkers (6-8) for coheren ce and clarity. Introduc tion (name/location)
0 Body (description/importance/impact on the modern world)
1 Conclus ion (express your personal opinion on the subject)
0 Use linkers (4-6) for coherence and clarity.
2 0
4 I
0 0
3 I
0 3
2 6
0 2
2 4
0 0
3 2
1 0
2 I
3 2
0 0
I 1
0 3
1 4
2 5
4 0
- 5 I
6 2
- 3
0 4
2 0
- 3 I
4 2
5 3

3 I II Ill IV


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