MGMT3038 Peer Review Form

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Peer Review Form

Rate the participation of other members of your group in the Graded Group Assessment.



5 = Excellent 4 = Good 3 = Satisfactory 2 = Fair 1 = Poor 0 = None

Team Time Establishing Professional Team Collaboration

Learning Team
Involvement Management and Following Communication Contributions Comments
Evaluation Form
(Member was (Member (Member (Member added value to the (Please include any comments
highly adhered to (Member communicated team assignment by doing the describing why each person
involved in and created and clearly and following) received the collaboration score
and fostered Encouraged met expected professionally) that you gave them.)
team others to goals, roles,
discussions) meet the and
team responsibilities
timeline) of the team)
List Names of Team Score Score Score Score Comments Comments
Members below
1. Anêle Hurst 5 5 5 5 Worked effectively with Good team dynamics and
the team during completed selected
WhatsApp and zoom questions on time.
meeting to peruse,
organize layout and
finalize the assignment.
2.Keneisha 5 5 5 5 Worked harmoniously Good team dynamics and
with the team during completed selected
Kennedy-Thaxter WhatsApp and zoom question on time.
sessions in relation to
editing and sharing

3 Khaleel Khan 5 5 5 5 Worked well with the Good team dynamics and
team during WhatsApp completed selected
and zoom meetings to question on time.
discuss and give
feedback where

*Please review the Learning Team Collaboration Guide on the next page for a description of the expectations for each category.

Group Project Collaboration Form

Team Time Establishing and Professional

Involvement Management Following Guidelines Communication
Excellent (5) Active and substantive Supported team’s timeline Took the lead on Interacted with other
involvement in team and met the assignment due establishing and following members of the team with a
discussions and activities. date. the goals, roles, and respectful and professional
responsibilities of the team. tone. Communication was
clear with no typographical
or grammatical errors.
Good (4) Good overall substantive Supported a majority of the Helped to establish and Interacted with other
involvement in team team’s timeline and met the follow the goals, roles, and members of the team with a
discussion and activities. assignment due date. responsibilities of the team. respectful and professional
tone. Communication was
clear with minor
typographical or
grammatical errors.
Satisfactory (3) Satisfactory involvement in Supported some of the Helped to establish and Interacted with other
team discussion and team’s timeline and met the follow some of the goals, members of the team with a
activities. assignment due date. roles, and responsibilities of moderate level of respect
the team. and professional tone.
Communication was
generally clear with a few
typographical or
grammatical errors.
Fair (2) Insufficient substantive Supported some of the Followed the goals, roles, Interacted with other
involvement in team team’s timeline and met the and responsibilities of the members of the team with
discussion and activities. assignment due date. team. an informal tone.
Communication was
effective with some
typographical or
grammatical errors.
Poor (1) Minimal substantive Did not support the team Did not always follow the Interactions with other
involvement in team timeline but still met the goals, roles, and members of the team were
discussion and activities. assignment due date. responsibilities of the team. disrespectful and
inappropriate at times.
Communication was poor
with numerous
typographical or
grammatical errors.
None (0) No substantive involvement Did not support the team Did not follow team goals, No communication.
in team discussion and timeline. roles, or responsibilities.

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