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WHAT IS A PACKER? A packer is a tool, which when set, seals the annular space between 2
strings of pipe or a string of pipe and the open hole. Packers also
must have the capability of permitting production flow through them
and on to the surface.

Even though a great number of types of packers exist, there are a few basic parts common to all
packers. These parts are the:

1. Elements 2. Flow mandrel 3. Wedge 4. Slips

The elements’ sole function is to form a seal between the packer’s flow mandrel and the casing in
which the packer is set. Elements are made of various elastomeric materials depending upon down
hole conditions. They are also available in various durometers (hardness) again depending on
down hole conditions or pipe weight availability.

The flow mandrel (sometimes called the packer mandrel) is the “tube” part of the packer which
allows production to enter the tubing and, in turn, on to the surface. It can be generally stated that a
packer consists of external components built around the flow mandrel. In many instances, the
pressure differential rating of a packer is dependent on the strength of the flow mandrel. Down hole
conditions will dictate the type of alloy used to make the flow mandrel.

The wedge is simply that part of the packer which forces the flips to move outward during the setting
sequence. The wedge is known by several other names such as the cone, expander, or expander

Slips are serrated or “tooth-like” parts of the packer. Once forced outward by the setting action, the
slips “bite” into the casing wall preventing the packer from moving when pressure differentials exist
across the packer. Some packers have two sets of opposing mechanical slips. The top set of slips
prevent the packer from moving uphole while the bottom slips prevent downward motion. Some
packers incorporate bi-directional slips, that is, one set of slips which prevent movement in either
direction. There are a few packer designs with a set of lower slips and a set of hydraulically
activated hold-down button slips. Other designs include packers with only one set of slips and
therefore can hold pressure from one direction only. Certain types of isolation packers have no
slips at all.

From the customer’s and service company’s point of view, packers can be classified into 2 major

1. Production packers
2. Service packers.

Production packers are those packers which are typically purchased by the customer from the
service company. Production packers typically remain in the well bore during normal well

Service packers are those packers which are used temporarily and then retrieved from or milled out
of the well. Well testing, cement squeezing, acidizing, and fracturing are common procedures in
which service packers are used. Since a retrievable service packer is normally used for only a short
period of time, the customer rents the packer instead of purchasing it.

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The Production Packers can be further divided into major types depending on certain mechanical
criteria. The following is one possible categorization scheme:

A. Permanent packers
B. Seal bore retrievable packers
C. Mechanical retrievable packers
D. Hydraulic retrievable packers
E. Hydrostatic set packers


Permanent packers as the name implies are packers, which when set, cannot be retrieved from the
well. General characteristics common to permanent packers include:

1. Permanently set. Once set, they cannot be released and retrieved from the well. A
milling tool is required to remove a permanent packer from the well. The milling
process will “mill over” the packer’s slips thus destroying it. The packer may then be
pushed to the well’s bottom or retrieved to the surface.
2. No weight or tension requirements. Once set, no tubing weight down on or tension
against a permanent packer is required to keep it in the set position.
3. Economical. Permanent packers have, by design, very few components. As a
result, these packers are less costly than other packers of comparable size and
4. Highest pressure rating. Permanent packers, due to simple design and few
components, can be built sturdier than other types of packers. Pressure differential
ratings as high as 15,000 psi are possible.
5. High temperature rating. Element packages are available to withstand temperatures
in excess of 500oF.
6. Popularity. Worldwide, permanent packers are the most frequently used of all packer
7. Seal assembly required and accessories can be used with permanent packers.

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Permanent packers can be sub-divided according to the method required to set the packer. Electric
Wireline, and Hydraulic, are the two setting methods available.

Wireline Set

The wireline set packer is the most commonly used of any type of packer. It can be run and set
quickly and accurately as a pre-determined depth. After the packer is set, a production seal
assembly and production tubing is then run into the well. Once the seal assembly seals into the
packer, tubing length is adjusted at the surface (spaced out) and the well is then completed.

Some common conditions and/or applications for the electric wireline set permanent packer include:

1. Set quickly and accurately – by means of an adapter kit, the packer is attached to a setting
tool and collar locator which allows accurate depth correlation. Reference point for critical
spacing of equipment, sump packer for gravel pack, and isolating “close together formations”
are a few examples for accuracy.

2. Shallow set capability – minimum depth setting should be limited by milling requirements.

3. With the addition of accessory equipment, can be used as a temporary bridge plug.
Formation taking fluid or fracing a zone above the packer are typical applications for this

4. If tension, compression or neutral space out is required on the tubing.

5. Able to accommodate large tubing movements with floating seals or travel joint arrangement.

6. High corrosion application – due to the fact of limited component exposure, a relative small
percent of the packer requires costly corrosion resistant alloy usage thus reducing expense.

7. Tubing easily pulled with no or very limited tubing rotation required depending upon seal
assembly configuration.

8. Tubing conveyed perforating – permanent packers are ideally suited for this application in
the fact that shock forces generated by the perforator will not accidentally release a
permanent packer. Strength of the electric wireline will dictate the amount of gun assembly

9. Zone testing and stimulation work are other common applications for wireline set permanent

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Hydraulic Setting Tool

There are instances when it is desirable to run a wireline set packer, however, hole conditions may
prevent using electric line. To accommodate the running of an electric wireline set packer, a
hydraulic setting tool may be used. The hydraulic setting tool takes the place of the electric line
setting tool when conditions so dictate. The packer is attached to the hydraulic setting tool and run
in the well on pipe. Once on depth, a ball is dropped through the pipe into the setting tool.
Hydraulic pump pressure activates the setting tool causing the packer to set. The hydraulic setting
tool and workstring are then pulled out of the well and production seals and tubing are run to
complete the well.

Some conditions which may require using a hydraulic setting tool are:

1. Assembly weight. If the packer and attached equipment weighs more than the
electric wireline can support, the assembly may be run and set on pipe using the
hydraulic setting tool.

2. Tight spots in the casing. The weight of the workstring can be used to “push” the
packer through a tight spot in the casing. This is a very sensitive situation and
extreme care and slow running speed should be implemented.

3. Seal assembly on bottom of the packer assembly. If a previously set lower packer is
in place, the seals for the lower packer may have to be pushed into that packer using
the workstring weight.

4. High angle of deviation. As the angle of deviation becomes greater, a point is

reached where the packer will no longer “slide” down the well. This condition
requires running the packer on pipe.

5. Heavy mud in the well. A thick, viscous mud may prevent the packer assembly from
falling on its own. Again, pipe weight may be required to push the packer assembly
down hole.

NOTE OF CAUTION: The ball required to pressure activate the hydraulic setting tool
may have to be circulated in place. Circulation must be
done at a very slow rate so as not to prematurely shear
the ball catcher seat in the hydraulic setting tool.

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Hydraulic Set Permanent Packer

The hydraulic set permanent packer is run in the well on production tubing. This type of packer
contains a piston/cylinder arrangement usually located in the lower end of the packer. A plugging
device must be installed in the tubing below the packer. This plugging device is usually a ball
catcher sub or a wireline landing nipple. The entire assembly (seal arrangement, packer, plugging
device) must be made up on the surface before the packer is run into the well. Once the proper
depth is reached and the plug in place, pressure applied down the tubing sets the packer.

There are two major inherent advantages associated with the hydraulic set permanent packer.
These are:

1. One trip operation. The packer may be run to depth and the Christmas tree installed
before setting the packer. This is advantageous when rig time and cost is of major

2. Large flow volumes required. An upper polished bore receptacle (PBR) or overshot
seal assembly is used with this type of packer. There is no seal assembly in the
packer’s mandrel, thus providing a larger flow area.

Primary applications for hydraulic set permanent packers include:

1. Heavy hang weight

2. Large flow volumes desired
3. Highly deviated well
4. High temperatures and/or pressures
5. Heavy mud in the well

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The term “Sealbore type retrievable” refers to a category of packers that is similar to the permanent
packer category. This group of packers was previously referred to as “permanent retrievable” in the
fact that as in the permanent packers, once set, no tubing weight or tension is required to keep the
packer in the set position. Their functions are similar to those of the permanent packers. The
retrievability of these packers make them particularly adaptable to use under medium to high
pressures and temperatures. Various types of sealbore packers may be run and set hydraulically,
by tubing rotation, or by electric wireline. Many accessories used with the permanent packer
category can also be used with the sealbore packers.

Seal bore retrievable packers are production packers designed for intermediate to high pressure
wells (11,000 psi differential). These packers incorporate the production features of permanent
packers with the added feature of retrievability. External components are millable should
conventional release not be possible. Once the production seal assembly and tubing have been
removed from the well, these packers are designed to be retrieved by a straight pull on the
workstring using the proper pulling tool. Electric line and hydraulic are the setting methods available
with this type of packer. When hydraulically set, the packer is ideal for deviated or directional wells
where it is difficult to rotate or set mechanical set packers.

Halliburton sealbore packers include the Versa-Trieve (VTL, VTR, HVT, VHR etc); Perma-Trieve
(PW, PR, PH), now obsolete; and the Gravel Pack packers (GP, HGP) also obsolete. It should be
mentioned that the Versa-Trieve packer with its gravel pack accessories makes an ideal packer for
gravel pack applications because no tubing rotation is required during the gravel pack job. Because
no rotation is required, the Versa-Trieve packer when used as a gravel pack packer is particularly
adaptable to situations where tubing torque (rotation) reaching bottom may be a problem. This
problem is commonly found in highly deviated holes such as those found in offshore wells. The no
rotation feature plus the heavy “hang weight” capabilities of the Versa-Trieve packer have resulted
in the Versa-Trieve packer replacing the Perma-Trieve and the Gravel Packer packers in
conventional and gravel pack completions. These packers may be used in a variety of applications,
1. Production
2. Tubing conveyed perforating
3. Stimulation
4. Gravel or slurry pack.
In short, the seal bore retrievable packers may be used in many of the same applications where
permanent packers used. A few factors which need to be considered when deliberating between
the use of a permanent or seal bore retrievable packer are:

1. Retrievability
2. Pressure requirements
3. Temperature requirements
4. Initial cost – purchase price more than that of a permanent packer but may be
released, pulled and redressed for use again
5. Gravel pack applications

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Seal Assembly

Since a permanent packer cannot be pulled out of the well, the tubing cannot be attached directly to
a permanent packer. Occasionally, the tubing may have to be retrieved and repaired or replaced.
However, a pressure tight seal must exist between the tubing and packer bore forcing production
into the tubing. This is accomplished by using a seal assembly which attaches to the tubing and
seals off in the packer.

Seal assemblies vary greatly in length, elastomer composition and metallurgy selection, again
depending on down hole conditions.

The basic seal assembly consists of a locator, a seal unit, and a mule shoe guide.

The locator is designed to prevent any further downward travel of the pipe once it has encountered
the head of the packer. The two standard locators are the (1) straight-slot locator and the (2) jay-
slot locator.

(1) The straight slot locator is used when a “free-to-move” seal assembly is
required such as in cases where large forces and tubing movement is

(2) The jay-slot locator is used in situations where small forces and little tubing
movement is expected. The “jay” slots of the locator latch into the lugs in the
packer’s head preventing motion.

The seal unit forms a seal into the packer’s bore. Hole conditions may permit the use of a standard
molded seal unit or require a premium seal unit be used. Standard molded seals units are used in
wells where pressures differentials are less than 10,000 pounds per square inch and temperatures
are less than 275oF.

Premium seals are used for harsh conditions – high temperatures, high pressures, and severe
environments such as hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, amine inhibitors and steam injection.

The sole purpose of the mule shoe guide is to facilitate the entry of the seal assembly into the
packer bore.

The overall length of a seal assembly can be adjusted by the number of seal units used and the
number and length of seal extensions used. A seal extension is simply a length of pipe without any

Sealbore extensions are designed to extend the polished surface of the packer bore to permit the
use of longer sealing units to compensate for the contraction and/or elongation of tubing.

The ratch-latch seal assembly must be used with a ratch-latch head packer. This seal assembly is
short because movement is prevented by the threaded ratch-latch arrangement.

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The mechanical retrievable packers are designed to be run and set on tubing, released, and moved
and set again without tripping the tubing. They can be retrieved, redressed (if necessary) and used
again and again. These packers are “ONE TRIP” packers.

There are several types of mechanical retrievable packers based on the tubing movement required
to set the packer.

The internal latch type of mechanical retrievable packers are designed to be run on tubing and set
by rotating the packer (approximately 1/4 right hand turn) and then setting weight on the packer.
Once set, tubing weight may be left on the packer or spaced out in tension or neutral. Release is
accomplished by tubing weight down and right hand rotation.

Applications for this packer include:

1. Production
2. Testing and zone stimulation
3. Tubing anchor

The mechanical hookwall retrievable packer is designed with many of the same features as the
previously mentioned latch packer. However, tension cannot be pulled against this packer. It is run
and set on tubing, released, moved and set again without tripping the tubing. They can be
retrieved, redressed (if necessary) and used repeatedly.

This packer is normally used for:

1. Production
2. Wells where high differential pressures are anticipated from above and below the
3. Acidizing-fracturing, testing, swabbing and other high-pressure well stimulation and
production operations.

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The single mandrel hydraulic retrievable packers and the dual mandrel hydraulic retrievable packers
are designed to be set by pressuring up the tubing string against a plugging device below the
packer. The packer is locked in the set position by internal slips. Several types of hydraulic
packers are available and are generally grouped into single (RH, PHL, AHC, AHR), dual (RDH,
BHD, DHR) or triple (RTH) packers.

In the RH, RDH and RTH packers, a lower set of mechanical slips is designed to retain the packer
against downward forces, and an upper set of pressure activated button slips is designed to retain
the packer against differential pressure from below.

The PHL packer is designed with two sets of opposing slips to prevent packer movement while the
AHR, DHR, and BHD packers have one piece bi-directional slips for securing the packer inside the

The AHC packer has barrel slips which hold it in place during pressure differentials across the

All hydraulic retrievable packers can be released and retrieved by straight upward pull on the tubing
string. The amount of upward pull force required to release the packer is determined by the number
and type of shear release screws installed in the packer. The AHC packer has an optional ‘cut to
release’ feature. In this case, the packer’s mandrel must be chemically cut in order to retrieve the

Regardless of type, these packers do not require any tubing rotation to set or to release. This can
be a major advantage under certain well bore conditions.

Applications for hydraulic retrievable packers include:

1. Highly deviated wells where rotation may be a problem.

2. Wells where small OD control lines are present and rotation may damage these lines.
3. Production
4. Multiple zoned wells where only a single zone is produced at a time through a single
string of tubing. These completions are referred to as single selective – selected
zone is produced through a single string.
5. Multiple zoned wells where 2 or more zones are produced simultaneously through
separate strings of tubing.
6. One trip operation. The packers are run and set hydraulically on tubing and released
by tubing pull on the packer.

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Hydrostatic Set Packers
A hydrostatic set packer consists of a regular MHR or AHC permanent packer and a hydrostatic
setting module. The packer is set without well intervention (i.e. no plugs or other devices required)
using available well hydrostatic pressure and an applied surface pressure. The packer has a
contingency setting feature that allows it to be set by installing a plug below the packer and setting it
by pressuring up the tubing string.

Reduces packer setting costs
Reduces rig time
Uses available hydrostatic pressure
Minimizes wellbore intervention risk to set/retrieve packer setting plug

• Uses field-proven Perma-Series Packer technology - Available with a variety of tubing
Patented barrel slips or conventional slips
Multi-duro element package
• Advanced rupture disc technology
• Dual rupture discs for reliabilityfor reliability
• Built-in anti-preset features
• Minimal fluid transfer maximizes setting reliability
• Can be set in heavy completion/drilling fluids
• Independent contingency setting mechanism
• Tested to meet ISO V0 requirements

How does it work?

The hydrostatic module, which contains an atmospheric chamber, is assembled to the bottom sub
of the packer. Rupture disks are incorporated into the design of the module. Upon application of
pressure at the surface to the wellbore, the disks rupture, exposing the hydrostatic setting piston to
wellbore hydrostatic pressure. The pressure differential between the atmospheric chamber and
wellbore hydrostatic provides the setting force necessary to set the packer.

Where can it be used?

Hydrostatic set packers can only be used prior to perforating the production casing or in a well in
which the casing and tubing string can be pressured up to a predetermined value.

Currently, the absolute pressure at the packer should be between 4,000 and 7,500 psi. Absolute
pressure is defined as hydrostatic pressure at the packer plus pressure applied at the surface. The
pressure applied at the surface is recommended to be 25% of the hydrostatic pressure at the
packer. The 4,000 psi minimum ensures a full packer set. The 7,500 psi maximum ensures that any
collapse load induced on the hydrostatic setting module by the absolute pressure does not bind the
module and thus prevent packer setting. For wellbore conditions near these limits, please contact
the Global Advisor for assistance in determining whether this technology should be used in the

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Information required to determine if the well is a candidate.

• Is the well perforated?

• What is the weight of the completion fluid in the tubing and annulus at the time the packer
would be set?

• What is the TVD at packer setting depth?

• What is the temperature at the packer setting depth?

What pressure can be applied to the casing string?

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By no means are all wells completed with packers. A packer is used only when there is a need for
it. The principle reasons for running a packer could be arbitrarily grouped as:

- production control
- production testing
- protection of equipment
- well repair and well stimulation
- safety

Examples are given in the following list.

Production Control

- prevention of annulus surge (heading)

- packer type gas anchor
- casing pump

In a gas lift well:

- to keep casing pressure off the formation (intermittent or chamber lift)

- to facilitate kick off (and, incidentally, to prevent passing well liquids, which might be
abrasive, through the gas lift valves)

In a dual, or multiple, completion well, to segregate the producing layers for one of the following

- incompatibility of pressures of producing intervals

- separate production, and gathering of two crudes of distinctly different qualities
- control of an individual layer for high G.O.R., or for water cut

In a steam injection/steam soak well –

- to maintain an empty annulus and thus prevent loss of heat from the tubing (and,
incidentally, reduce expansion of the casing)

Production Testing

- the production test of an exploration well, i.e. producing a discovery well, where the
performance and the properties of the formation are as yet unknown

- testing a producing well to locate point of gas or water entry (where production logging
services are not readily available)

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Protection of Equipment

- keep undesirable high oil or gas pressure off the casing or the wellhead
- protect the casing from the effects of corrosive fluids
- in an injection well, to keep high water or gas injection pressure off the casing or the

Well Repair and Well Simulation

- pressure testing the production casing

- location of casing leak
- isolation (temporary?) or a casing leak
- squeeze repair of casing leak
- temporary shut-off of undesirable gas or water entry (particularly on a low producing or
depleted well)
- during fracturing, to keep high “frac” pressure off the casing
- during acidizing, to ensure acid enters formation
- to avoid formation damage by work-over fluid during well repair (the packer would
probably be in the well already, for some other purpose)


- in a marine well, to protect against the effect of collision, or other surface hazards
- reduce the risk of well head leaks on a high pressure well
- environmental protection of prolific or high pressure wells in a housing area

As wells get older and conditions more hostile, more sophisticated and efficient packers will
doubtless be developed to add an increasing number for running packers to the already
inexhaustible list.

The following pages are a guide to packer selection. The list of available Halliburton packers is not
complete, and it must also be remembered that technology has doubtless improved since the
printing of this manual.

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The decision about what kind of production packer to run can be very complex and the list of packer
features available today is almost endless. Examining packer features in general is not the way to
begin. The best approach is to first examine well conditions and desired operational capabilities
and then determine which packer features meet those well conditions and best fulfil those
operational requirements.

A. The Main Functions of a Production Packer are:

1. To keep formation pressure off of the casing. This is necessary in order to prevent
casing failure.

2. To keep formation gases or fluids off of the casing. It is desirable to keep formation
gases and fluids away from the casing, as many corrosive agents may be present in them. If
the casing is exposed to corrosive agents, premature failure might result.

3. To isolate zones or bad casing. Most often, it is necessary to keep zones separated
within a well bore. A packer must be used to do this. One of the most economical methods
for isolating old perforations or casing failures is by placing a packer on either side of the

4. To hold kill fluids in the annulus. It is very desirable, in many cases, to leave weighted kill
fluids in the casing annulus. Kill fluids in the annulus reduce the differential pressure across
the tubing from the inside in high pressure wells. Kill fluids also reduce the pressure
differential on the casing from the outside. Many times, inhibitors are incorporated in the
fluids to reduce corrosive action on the tubing and casing.

5. To keep gas list pressure off the formation. Gas lift wells usually produce more efficiently
where a packer is used to keep gas lift pressure off of the producing formation. Also, it is
usually better to prevent gas from passing around the end of the tubing during gas lifting.

6. Safety. Formation pressure is more easily controlled through the packer-tubing system than
if the formation is working on the entire casing.

7. Test formations. Packers are commonly used to test the productivity of a formation before
the well is completed, thus avoiding the completion expense of the well proves to be a “dry

8. Gravel pack. There are several methods which may be used to gravel pack a well. Some
methods require the use of a packer and some do not. However, it is generally agreed that
those methods using a packer provide a better pack than those methods which do not use a

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B. Factors to be Considered in Packer Selection.

1. Well conditions.

a. Well pressure must be considered since a packer must be selected with the proper
pressure capabilities for the well. It is necessary to know if pressure differentials will
be from the top or the bottom of the packer and if the differential will change from one
side to the other during the life of the well. Some packers will only withstand very
limited pressure from one side.

b. Pressure change is also one of the factors involved in tubing movement (elongation
or contraction). Temperature is a consideration since some packers will perform at
higher temperature than others. Retrievable packers should normally be limited to
temperatures of 300oF maximum. Sealing compounds used on seal units for
permanent packers or packer bore receptacles will be selected for best performance
at a given temperature range.

c. Corrosive agents in the well fluids must be considered. Usually retrievable packers
do not perform well in wells with high H2S concentration. Many times, the alloys
used in the manufacture of a packer must be selected to withstand the corrosive
agents they will encounter.

d. Longevity of a producing zone is a prime consideration in the selection of packers. If

a zone is expected to produce for many years without remedial work, it may be
desirable to use a permanent type packer or hydraulic set retrievable packer.
However, if it is anticipated that remedial work to the well will be necessary within a
short period of time, it may be more desirable to use a mechanical set packer.

e. If the well is to be treated with acid or frac materials or pumped into at high rates and
pressures for any reason, the proper packer must be selected Packer failures most
often occur during treating operations. Tubing contraction may be very severe during
treating. Contraction can cause retrievable packers to release, or it can cause the
seal elements to move out of the seal bore in a permanent packer or packer bore

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2. Compatibility with other downhole equipment.

a. Often packers are selected because of the compatibility with other equipment. For
example, where hanger systems are used with surface controlled subsurface safety
systems, it is desirable to use hydraulic set packers. Hydraulic set packers allow the
operator to install and set the complete safety system and the tree before setting the
packers. Well fluids may then be displaced with lighter fluids while the well is under
complete control. The packers can be set after displacement of fluids is completed.

b. If wireline equipment is to be serviced in the tubing or through tubing perforating is to

be accomplished, it is desirable to use packers that do not require tubing weight to
keep them set. Wireline operations can be more successfully completed if tubing is
kept straight by landing it in neutral or tension. This is increasingly important in
deeper wells.

c. In many instances, packers are selected for use with gas list valves to keep lift
pressure off of the producing formation and to prevent gas from blowing around the
end of the tubing.

d. If a packer is to be used with a rod pumping unit, it is usually desirable that the tubing
be placed in tension. A packer must be selected to allow this.

3. Customer preference. It must be recognized that often times, several different types of
packers may be successfully used in the same installation. Many times, a packer may
be selected by the operator because he has experienced good success using it in the

4. Economics. Economics may become a factor in packer selection. In some instances, the
operator must complete a well as cost effective as possible and will select a packer
because of its lower cost.

5. Setting accuracy. If a packer is set by electric conductor line, it is possible to place the
packer in the casing very accurately. Sometimes, producing intervals are very close
together, making it necessary to place the packer accurately.

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C. Running, Setting and Space-out Considerations.

1. Shallow-set capability (2,000’/610m). One of the most common considerations with

respect to running and setting is setting depth. The extremes of both very shallow and very
deep represent the “out of the ordinary” capability the operator must try to find. If the
completion design requires a very shallow (2000’) packer setting depth, most packer types
will suffice. It is more appropriate to note the types that pose problems in shallow set
situation. Compression-set packers generally require 8,000 to 14,000 pound minimum
setting forces on the elements (packer element durometer and temperature at setting depth
must also be considered). This can, of course, be a problem at less than 2,000 feet since
the necessary pipe weight is questionable depending on the packer size and tubing
size/weight per foot. In general, any setting mechanism that does not depend on tubing
weight is more appropriate. This would include mechanical-tension-set, electric-line-set and
hydraulic-set. The most common choice for a shallow set completion is the mechanical-
tension-set packer. This is probably because a shallow well generally indicates more
marginally economic circumstances and the tension-set mechanical tend to be less
expensive than the hydraulic set or wirleline set retrievable counterparts. Permanent
wireline set packers would probably rival the tension set mechanical for cost competitiveness
(if disregarding E/L expense), but as with all permanent, the problems of milling at very
shallow depths must be strongly considered.

2. Very deep set capability. Situations requiring production packers to be set very deep
(12,000 feet/3,658m +) indicate the need for setting mechanisms which are not dependent
on tubing manipulation, namely the hydraulic and electric line set packers. This is due to the
increased possibility of tubing manipulation (especially rotation) problems with increased
depth. Hydraulic and electric wireline setting systems are free from this potential limitation.

The most popular packer selection for deep set applications are the E/L set or hydraulic set
permanent packers. The preference of permanent over retrievable is probably due to other
conditions usually accompanying deep wells. These conditions (increased temperature and
pressure differential requirements) are more easily and most often satisfied by permanent
packer design features.

3. Setting without pump or electric line unit-(mechanical set). At times it is necessary to

utilize a specific packer setting mechanism because the associated support equipment is not
available to accomplish the setting operation by some other means. For example, if a pump
is not available for hydraulic setting and an electric line unit is not available for wireline
setting then a mechanical set packer is the remaining choice.

4. Setting on pipe without tubing manipulation-(hydraulic set). If electric line set capability
is not available for some reason and hole conditions or pipe handling equipment makes
tubing manipulation difficult or impossible, hydraulic setting is the remaining choice. The
most popular choices in this situation are standard hydraulic set retrievable or permanent
packers. However, given other considerations including availability, another possible choice
is the use of an electric line set packer (permanent or retrievable) run on tubing with a
hydraulic setting tool. This piece of accessory equipment is removed from the well with the
tubing after it is used to set the packer.

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5. Run and set the packer quickly and accurately-(wireline set). It is sometimes desirable
or necessary to be able to run and set a packer as quickly and accurately as possible. In
these cases, the need is often related to another need – the need to plug the well. The
electric line set packers, whether permanent or retrievable, are considered most appropriate.
Many accessories area available for use with these packers to accomplish this related need
for plugging. The setting depth accuracy is accomplished by correlating depth using an
electric line collar locator which is run above the setting tool.

6. Heavy tailpipe carried on bottom of packer-(solid connections through packer). In

order for a packer to be able to carry in long lengths of pipe below it, it is necessary that the
packer have a solid mandrel through to the lower tubing thread or if not, the release
mechanism must allow for a strong enough bearing mechanism in the run position to carry
the weight. Some packers may need accessory equipment or modifications to insure
retrievability after set. Others may be limited in the amount of weight that may be run in by
the setting pins. This is true of some hydraulic packers. Also, in the case of electric line
packers, if the pipe weight exceeds the recommended tensile rating of the line itself, it would
be necessary to use the accessory hydraulic setting tool.

7. Hydraulic set with low set pressure-(large setting piston area). At times it is necessary
to be able to hydraulically set a packer using lower pump pressure because of surface or
downhole support equipment or completion equipment pressure limitations. Assuming that
the majority of element packages set with about the same force and pressure capability is
limited, then the only other variable is piston area. Some hydraulic packers are designed
with a large piston area. The piston areas will, of course, be dependent on dimensional and
pressure limitations of the design. At times, a double piston can be utilized to lower the
necessary pressure needed for a desired setting force.

8. Multiple set/release on same trip-(mechanical-set retrievable). Many times well

conditions and operational goals make it necessary to run a packer that can be set and
released multiple times. Several different packer design features are necessary for this
capability. However, the possible combinations are complex and need not be detailed at this
point. These packers, generally referred to as “hookwall packers”, are specifically designed
for these needs.

9. Retrievable bridge plug capability, bi-directional pressure, tubing and packer

retrievable. The capability to use a production packer as a retrievable bridge plug is
desirable in many different completion situations. Basically, this capability simply means the
packer can be left in the hole in a plugged condition (tubing is retrieved separately). To
further fit the definition, the packer must have bi-directional pressure holding capability and
the packer itself must be retrievable.

Because production packers are designed to be produced through, the necessary plugging
ability is not naturally a part of any production packer and must be added on as accessory
equipment. Overshot tubing seal dividers, flapper valves, foot valves, tubing nipples with
wireline plugs and retrievable sealing plugs are all examples of such accessory equipment.
The most effective matching of packer types and accessory plugging equipment types is
dependent on the design of each.

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10. Permanent bridge plug capability, bidirectional pressure, permanent packer. The
same basic criteria apply to permanent bridge plug capability as with retrievable but without
the packer retrievability requirement. Also, the accessory plugging equipment is essentially
the same.

11. Run and set in deviated/crooked hole, run on tubing, hydraulic set capability. Offshore
platform drilling and other difficult drilling conditions today have produced a greater number
of wells that are highly deviated or even horizontal. Because of the particular difficulty of
downhole tubing manipulation, especially rotation, mechanical set packers are not generally
desirable. Those requiring multiple rounds at depth instead of 1/3 turn would be most likely
to pose setting problems. Packers requiring rotation for release would be even more likely to
result in operational difficulties.

Electric line set capability can also be a problem under these well conditions because no
pipe weight is available to overcome the friction between the packer assembly and the
casing in a deviated hole, the chances of getting the packer to depth are reduced. In a
horizontal completion, this would be out of the question.

Hydraulic set packers or packers run on hydraulic setting tools are most likely to be
successful since they require no tubing manipulation and can take advantage of pipe weight.

12. Easy sting-in of seals in deviated hole-(scoop head). Also associated with deviated
holes is the possible problem of stinging seal units into the packer. Packers with special
“scoop heads” or tube guides are the best designs for reducing the chance of this problem.
Another thing to consider is the packer ID. The larger the ID (and OD of the seals), the
greater the chance for sting-in success. A “muleshoe” guide is generally used on the seal
assembly to increase the chances of stinging into the packer. The size of the muleshoe
guide is naturally dependent on the seal OD. The larger the seal OD, the larger the
muleshoe guide. This should result in easier stringing. There are also muleshoe guides on
the market that reciprocate with up and down motion of the tubing.

13. Run and set in heavy mud, run on tubing. Sometimes well conditions make it necessary
to run and set the packer in heavy mud. Electric line set packers are many times
undesirable because running time in the highly viscous mud may be very long or it may
become impossible to get the assembly to depth if the mud is in poor condition. The
assembly weight itself may not be sufficient.

As in deviated or crooked wells, packers run on tubing have the advantage of the pipe
weight. Also, mechanical set (especially multiple rotation set) packers may pose a problem.
Poor mud conditions can result in difficulty getting the necessary movement between the
moving parts to get the packer set.

Even the remaining alternative, hydraulic setting is not without possible problems. The
necessity of dropping setting ball or running a wireline plug in heavy mud may become a
problem and be time consuming if the mud is in poor condition. The chance of the mud
conditions deteriorating is high because, during the time consuming running operations,
circulation to bottom is not possible.

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14. Leave tubing in tension, upper slips or internal latch. Operational conditions requiring
that the tubing be spaced-out in tension are numerous. Production conditions such as high-
flowing bottomhole and surface temperatures would be an example. The use of side pocket
gas lift mandrels and the associated frequent wireline service work would make it desirable
to keep the tubing in tension for optimum serviceability.

If a packer is to be used and the tubing placed in tension, the packer must have a set of
upper slips. If the packer has an integral bypass, it must also have an internal latch of some
kind so that the bypass stays closed when the tubing is placed in tension. Permanent or
seal bore type retrievable packers may be used for this purpose as long as there is an
associated latching type locator run with the seal assembly. The exception to these
requirements is if a lower packer with latch and upper hold-down mechanism is used to set
the element package of an upper packer with no upper slips. These are most often used in
zone isolation applications.

15. Leave tubing in compression, lower slips or lower stop. The need to leave the tubing
spaced-out in compression is usually related to possible subsequent treating operations.
The compression is often left to overcome the tubing shrinkage usually associated with
treating. A set of lower slips is necessary to allow for this space-out option. The only
exception is if a lower packer is used as a stop for an upper packer without lower slips.
These exceptions are most often found in zone isolation applications.

16. Leave tubing in neutral, lock compression in element package. The need to leave the
tubing in neutral can be generated by a large variety of operational conditions or goals. In
general, a tubing in neutral space-out affords some accommodation for tubing elongation
during production as well as tubing contraction due to treatment operations. If neither
operation results in extreme movement, then this neutral space-out condition may be

For a packer to be capable of being run and set and then the tubing left in neutral, the
packer should have bi-directional pressure capability and must be of such a design that the
element compression is maintained by some means other than the tubing compression or
tension. This is “automatic” for permanent and seal bore type retrievable packers but for
retrievable packers, it means an internal latch mechanism is necessary.

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D. Production and Treating Considerations

1. Ability to accommodate large tubing movements, floating seals or compatible with

travelling joint. If large treatment jobs or the production of high bottomhole temperature
reservoirs are anticipated, then the packer must be able to accommodate large tubing
movements. Extremes of tubing movement require either a packer with a floating seal
assembly and preferable seal bore extensions or compatibility with some other accessory
designed for tubing movement. Permanent or seal bore type retrievable packers are
specifically designed for this purpose when used with a non-latching seal assembly. Also,
retrievable packers with internal latch mechanisms can be adapted with accessory
equipment such as extended length overshot tubing seal dividers and travel joints.

2. Need for extra large bore through packer, designed for largest ID. Large production
rates and through-tubing perforating are two of several reasons that an operator may require
an ID compatible with larger tubing sizes. Specific packers have been designed with a large
ID as a primary design criteria. Most notable are the permanent versions that provide a
sealing point for the packer and seal assembly above the primary mandrel. This allows for a
larger overall ID because the seal area dimension does not have to be “fitted inside” the
elements, slips and wedges.

3. Produce two zones simultaneously, dual bore or dual mandrel design. The obvious
answer to this desired production capability is the use of dual permanent or dual retrievable
packers. However, other permanent or seal bore type retrievable packers may be used in
conjunction with twin-flow conversion units to accomplish the same thing. This may even be
the preferred option if large tubing movements and/or very hostile well conditions and
pressures are anticipated. Concentric production using two single packers is another
possible though rare option for duel production.

4. Produce three zones simultaneously, triple mandrel design. Other than very rare and
special combinations of single and dual packers, the only option for triple production is by
use of a three mandrel, retrievable packer (RTH). The hydraulic version is about the only
type ever utilized.

5. Inject chemicals below packer, dual bore or twin-flow adaptability. This is very much
like the need for dual production capability. Either a dual mandrel packer, a dual bore
permanent packer or a single packer with a twin-flow must be used. Because the need to
inject/circulate chemicals below the packer is most often associated with high corrosion
problems, the most frequent choice is a twin-flow conversion unit with a permanent packer.
Another closely associated accessory called a chemical injection head may also be used for
the same purpose. Special side pocket gas lift type mandrels are often used effectively with
the twin-flow and chemical injection heads to accomplish “below packer circulation” of
chemicals without the use of a second tubing string. The casing/tubing annulus or control
line banded to the tubing provides the injection conduit in these cases.

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6. High corrosion application, limited packer component exposure. As mentioned above,
increasingly deeper drilling is producing increasingly more hostile environments. The need
for greater corrosion resistance of the packer is a natural result. As with the temperature
consideration, permanent packers seem to be more popular. Simplicity of design and
reduction in the number of component parts to be exposed to corrosive fluids and gases
makes the permanent packer desirable. Fewer parts exposed to corrosive fluids and gases
makes the permanent packer desirable. Fewer exposed parts not only means fewer
possible failure points, it also means fewer parts that may have to be made of the expensive
corrosion resistant alloys resulting in lower cost. Recently, some special retrievable packers
have been designed with limited component part exposure in mind for these applications.
Suitability of these retrievables will be dependent on what other features may be needed.

7. High differential pressures on elements, three-piece multi-durometer element

package. Many production and treating conditions require the packer elements be able to
withstand high differential pressures. A three piece, multi-durometer element package
provides that capability. The higher durometer and elements help to compress the softer
middle element for a low pressure initial seal. The geometry of this seal package maximises
the seal potential of all three elements. For higher pressure use, one or more metal shoes
may be used to close the extrusion gap between packer OD and casing ID. For less
extreme conditions, molded-in springs serve that function in retrievable packers.

8. High temperature capability, special high temperature element stack available. High
temperature capability is becoming a more popular requirement as deeper drilling activity
increases. Because of this close association between high temperature capability
requirements and drilling depth, the permanent packers are most often used for high
temperature applications. The possible problems of setting and pulling retrievable packers
at these greater depth make the permanent packer more popular. Permanent packers often
utilize single or dual metal shoe back-ups to increase the pressure integrity at elevated
temperatures. New elastomers have been developed in recent years that can be used on
retrievable packers to allow higher temperature ratings if a shallower set is anticipated.

9. Easy pull tubing without releasing packer, limited rotation latch mechanism. The need
for easy release of the tubing from the packer is most often generated by deviated and/or
crooked hole conditions. Other specific torque limitations may also cause problems in this
regard. Here the need for easy release assumes that there is a latch that must be released.
Many different latch mechanisms can be used on packers and associated accessory
equipment and the greater the amount of rotation necessary, the greater the possibility of
problems in releasing in a deviated hole. In those cases, packers with 1/3 turn release
mechanisms would be preferable to multi-rotation types simply because less torque must get
downhole. Also, wireline sliding sleeve release type latches require no rotation at all and
may be preferable when available. Recently, hydraulically released ratch-latch seal
assemblies have been designed for horizontal well application.

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10. Automatic zone plugging on tubing retrieval, integral shutoff device. In many cases,
the operator would like to have the packer automatically act as a bridge plug if the tubing is
removed. That is, no wireline plug would have to be run or no second tubing trip would be
necessary. This capability is most often sought after in cases where frequent tubing change-
out is necessary as in some disposal wells. In some instance where externally mounted gas
lift valves are used, this capability may be popular if the valves must be pulled for routine
maintenance. Accessory equipment is necessary to convert almost any packer for this
purpose. Flapper valves have been used for years for this purpose. More recently, ball-
closure-type foot valves have been used both with permanent and retrievable packers. The
ball-closure valves in some cases offer a bi-directional pressure capability which the flapper
valves cannot.

11. Use with electric submersible pump. The application of using an electric submersible
pump almost always requires the use of a dual bore packer. There have been some large
bore, single packers with dual heads designed for submersible pump use, but they are
uncommon and used only in larger casing sizes.

12. Sand control applications. Many methods of sand control exist. Chemical, mechanical
and combination are the major methods. On a world wide scale, the present preferred sand
control method is mechanical in nature. This method usually involves running a sand screen
across the perforated interval, blank pipe above the screen and a packer at the top of the
assembly. The packer is equipped with a flow sub attach below. Sand is placed between
the sand screen and casing ID and into the perforation tunnels. Placing the sand is
accomplished by various methods depending on service tool and packer design.

Practically any packer can be modified for use in a sand control application. There are
packers available which have been designed for sand control applications as well as
conventional completion applications. These types of packers require a minimum of
accessories. Using a packer not targeted for sand control generally requires extra
modification and accessories resulting in additional cost to the customer.

13. TCP completions. Tubing conveyed perforation completions have increased in customer
use since its inception. Using TCP, the well can be completed, perforated and ‘cleaned up’
in one trip. This is ideal in applications where rig cost is elevated. The TCP guns can be run
below the packer. Once the TCP guns are in place, the packer can be set, the well head
installed, and flow lines attached. The TCP guns are then detonated. During detonation,
large shock forces may be generated. These forces, even though they may last only micro-
seconds, can have detrimental effects on the packer if the incorrect type of packer is used or
allowances for shock-loading are not taken into consideration.

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E. Retrieving Considerations.

1. Release packer with minimum tubing manipulation, straight pull or 1/3 turn release.
Many times well conditions or other downhole equipment in the string make it desirable to
have the packer release with little or no tubing manipulation. Deviated holes are examples
of the former, while the presence of eccentric gas lift side pocket mandrels or lengths of 1/4"
control line in the hole would be examples of the latter. A straight pull release mechanism is
the most desirable option in most cases. These packers are usually shear pinned in the set
position (exception –some tension set types). Another option is a minimum rotation type
release (1/3 turn at the packer) that some retrievables have. Many seal bore type
retrievables are released by straight tension but only after the production seal unit has been
pulled. These packers require an additional trip with a releasing tool in order to pull the
packer. However, no tubing rotation is required. A few special packers have also been
designed and run that are straight pull release after a wireline sleeve has been shifted. This
option is somewhat unpopular because the ability to pull the packer is dependent on wireline
access to the packer. Lack of tubing access may very well be the reason for needing to pull
the packer in the first place.

2. Back up release capability, safety shear release or rotating release. Undesirable well
conditions, unplanned production problems and incompatibility with other downhole tools are
all reasons that may make a back-up release capability a needed feature. If the primary
release mechanism cannot or does not function for some reason, such a feature becomes
very important. At times, these possibilities can be anticipated and such a feature should
hold a high priority in packer selection. The most common type of secondary release is by
shearing shear pins or screws with straight pull. However, rotation-type secondary releases
have also been incorporated on some packers.

3. Tubing or packer retrievable with some fill, packer bypass or flush seal unit. Some
production operations may result in moderate fill in the casing above the packer. An
example would be production of a second zone above a single packer in the tubing/casing
annulus. Produced fines from the upper zone may settle out on the packer top. In such
cases, the packer should be placed as close as possible to the bottom of the upper zone or
a sliding sleeve should be placed as close as possible to the packer top. However, even
then some fines will remain and a bypass or pressure unloader is very useful to allow tubing
to casing circulation above the elements to remove the fines or debris. In permanent or seal
bore type retrievables, a seal assembly can provide the same ability. This functions best
when the seal assembly is equal to or smaller in OD than the tubing.

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4. Equalize pressure on packer release, pressure unloader or separate seal unit. When
packers are run past moderate depths, it becomes possible or probable that considerable
pressure differentials may exist across the packer upon release. If the operator does not
load the tubing before release, the casing fluid pressure maybe substantially higher than the
pressure of the partially depleted reservoir being isolated. A differential from below may
exist under other conditions if the isolated reservoir is charged by injection or is naturally

In either case, if a pressure-equalizing device of some type is not available, then there is a
good possibility that packer release may be difficult and/or the element package will be
damaged in the releasing process. This is an especially important feature if the packer
needs to be reset on the same trip. An option to the internal-pressure-unloader design
feature is that the same equalization may be done by pulling the seal assembly out of a seal
bore type retrievable packer.

5. Release packer with no tubing trip, tubing connect directly to packer. As mentioned
previously, some packers require a round-trip of the tubing in order to retrieve the seal
assembly and re-run the pulling tool. This is not acceptable in certain instances. In some
filed operations where regular workover is common, the economics of such pulling
procedures could not be justified. In order to be able to pull the packer without making a
tubing trip, it must be of the type that is designed to be threaded directly to the tubing and
not the seal bore type retrievable that is attached to the tubing via a latch on seal assembly.
The exception is the wireline release version previously discussed. Many of these thread-to-
packer types may be modified with accessories so the tubing may be pulled separately from
the packer and still retain the retrievability without a tubing round trip.

6. Easily milled packer, minimum mill distance and non-rotating. The needs for an easily
and quickly millable permanent packer are obvious. Packer designs that make this possible
include millable metal components, designs for minimum mill distances, designs for
minimum milled OD’s and anti-rotation locking features.

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Packer Application/Selectivity Table
Desired Operator Permanent Sealbore-Type Retrievable Mechanical-Set Retrievable Hydraulic-Set Retrievable
Trade Perma- Perma Perma-
Capability/Need Necessary Perma-Seriesz Versa-Trievez
Name Latchz Lachz Lachz

Shallow Set Capability (2,000/610 Meters)

1 1 1 1
Mechanical Tension, Electric Line or Hydraulic { { { { { z z z z z z z
Very Deep Set (12,000/3.658 Meters)
2 2 2
Hydraulic-Set or Electric Line Set z z z z { { { { { { { {
Set Without Pump or Electric Line Unit
Mechanical Set z z z z z
Set on Pipe Without Tubing Manipulation
z z z z
Hydraulic Set {c {c {c z {c
Run and Set Packer Quickly and Accurately
Electric Line Set z z z z z
Heavy Tailpipe Carried on Bottom of Packer
Running, Setting, and Space-Out Conclusions

Solid Connections Through Packer 5 6

{c {c {c z z z { z { z z z z z
Hydraulic-Set with Low Set Pressure
Large Setting Piston Area 3 3 3 3 3
{c {c {c z zc zc z z z z
Multiple Set/Release on Same Trip
Mechanical-Set Retrievable
z z z z
Retrievable Bridge Plug capability Bidirectional
Pressure—Tubing and Packer Retrievable
Permanent Bridge Plug Capability
Bidirectional Pressure—Permanent Packer
Run and Set Deviated/Crooked Hole
Run on Tubing—Hydraulic Set Capability
{c {c {c z z z z z z
Easy Sting-In of Seals in Deviated Hole
Scoop Head z z z z
Run and Set in Heavy Mud—Run on Tubing 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10
{c {c {c z zc zc z z { { { z z z z
Leaving Tubing in Tension
Upper Slips and/or Internal Latch 7
zS zS zJ zF zF z zF z z
Leave Tubing in Compression
Lower Slips or Lower Stop
z z z z z z z z z z z z z z
Leave Tubing in Neutral
Lock Compression in Element Package
z z z z z z z z z z z z
Able to Accommodate Large Tubing
Floating Seals or Compatible with Travelling
zG zG {B {B zG zG zG {B {B {B {B {B

Need for Extra-Large Bore Through Packer

Designed for Largest ID 15
z z { z14 z14 z14 z14
Produce Two Zones Simultaneously
Dual Bore or Dual Mandrel Design
{H {H {H {H {H {H z {
Produce Three Zones Simultaneously
Production and Training Considerations

Triple Mandrel Design

Inject Chemicals Below Packer
Dual Bore or Twin-Flow Adaptability
{H {H {H {H {H {H { { z z
High Corrosion Application
Limited Packer Component Exposure
z z z z
High Differential Pressure on Elements
Three-Piece Multi-Duro Element Package 11 11 11 11
z z z z z z z z { z z z z z
High Temperature Capability
Special High Temperature Element Stack
Available { { { { { { { { { { { { {

Easily Pull Tubing Without Releasing Packer

Limited Rotation Latch Mechanism 13 13
z z zADE zADE z z z zA {A {A {A {A
Automatic Zone Plug on Tubing Retrieval
Integral Shutoff Device
{D {D {D {D {D
Use with Electric Submersible Pump
z z z z
Sand Control Applications 15 15 15
{ { { { {
TCP Completions
z z z z z z z { z z { {
Release Packer with Minimum Tubing
z z
Straight Pull of 1/3 Turn Release {G {G z z z { { z z

Back Up Release Capability

Retrieving Considerations

Safety Shear Release or Rotating Release

z z
Tubing or Packer Retrievable with Some Fill
Packer Bypass or Flush Seal Unit
zG zG {K {K z zG zG z z z
Equalizing Pressure on Packer Release
Pressure Unloader or Separate Seal Unit
z z z z z z
Release Packer with No Tubing Trip
Tubing Connected Directly to Packer
z z z z z z z z z
Easily Mixed Pkr.-Mn Mill Distance &
Nonrotating z z z z z

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Key for Application/Selectivity Table
z = Standard application or feature
{ = Nonstandard application or feature

Notes Accessory Equipment

1. Milling over at shallow depths may be difficult. A. Overshot tubing seal dividers

2. At depths in excess of 12,000 ft, it may be B. Travel joint, extended length overshot
difficult to get the necessary rotation to the tubing seal dividers, or polished bore
mechanical set models. Ease of retrievability should receptacles
be considered in deep hole conditions.
C. Hydraulic setting tools
3. Set pressure level depends on the specific
packer size. D. JP and RP retrievable plugs, EP
expandable plugs, foot valves, and flapper
4. Retrievability with heavy hang weight below may valves
require accessory equipment.
E. Wireline plug-in nipple profile
5. Weight of the pipe on secondary or third string
side of the packer may be limited. F. J-latch type seal unit

6. Tension or compression set pressure depends G. Straight slot type seal unit with sealbore
on how the packer is run. extensions

7. Secondary release mechanism of the packer H. Twin-flow conversion units and

may limit the tension capacity at very high levels. chemical injection heads

8. Upper anchor mechanism consists of a J. Ratch-Latch® seal unit

hydraulically actuated holddown with tungsten
carbide teeth. K. Opening converter upper sealbore and
Ratch-Latch® seal assembly
9. Mud must be in good condition; otherwise, it may
be difficult to move the parts necessary to
accomplish mechanical set.

10. Mud must be in good condition; otherwise, the

setting ball may be dropped or other problems may
occur during the running of the wireline plug for
hydraulic sets.

11. Element package includes one or more metal

backups to close the extrusion gap and increase
pressure capabilities.

12. Packer has pressure balance uploader to assist

in equalization and in treating operations.

13. Collet or sliding sleeve release collet seal unit.

14. Does not require a stab-in seal assembly.

15. Requires a special packer head arrangement.

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