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Special Assignment 01

1. Find the domain, range and sketch the following functions:

√ 2
(i) 1 + 2 − x, (ii) , (iii) 2 cos(πx), (iv)x2 − 2
2. A satellite that requires 10 watts of power to operate at full capacity is equipped
with a radioisotope power supply whose power output P in watts is given by P =
82e−t/150 , where t is the time in days. How long can the satellite operate at full capacity?

3. Sketch the functions (i) f (x) = |x + 1| + |x − 1|, (ii) f (x) = 1 − ex .

4. A function f (x) is defined as follows:
2x − 1 ; x < −2
f (x) =
−1 − x2 ; x ≥ −2.

Test continuity and differentiability of f (x) at x = −2.

5. A robot moves in the positive direction along a straight line so that after t minutes
its distance is s = 6t4 feet from the origin.
(i) Find the average velocity of the robot over the interval [2, 4].
(ii) Find the instantaneous velocity at t = 2.
6. Using numerical evidence, approximate a root of the equation x3 − x + 2 = 0 upto
two decimal-places accuracy.

7. Evaluate following limits:

x+1 5 5 − 2x 5 − 2x
(i) lim 2
, (ii) lim , (iii) lim , (iv) lim .
x→2 x −4 x→4 x − 4 x→−∞ x + 2 x→+∞ x3 + 2

8. Find dx
2 √ √
(i) y = cos x
ex −2x
, (ii) y = {cos(e−2x sin x − ln x)} 3 , (iii) y = tan3 ( x) + x3 + csc x.
cos x 2
(iv) y = , (v) y = (x2 − 2x) 3 , (vi) y = (ex − 2x2 )(lnx + sin x2 ).
sin x − 2x
9. Find an equation of tangent line to the curve y = 5x3 − 2x + 1 at the point x = 1.

10. Find all values of A so that y = A sin 3t satisfies the equation

d2 y
+ 2y = 4 sin 3t.

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