Personal Care

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Lesson Planning Form

Name of Activity – Hand washing

Originating Idea
To build on our all about me study and learn about hygiene practices.
Curriculum Area
Choose 1:
(Highlight one of the Categories)
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social Studies
KDIs – #19. Personal care: Children carry out personal care routines on their own.

Sink with running water, soap, paper towel, song to sing to

Appropriate Age group

Pre-K children – ages 4 and 5

Beginning of Activity
Opening statement
Today while we were outside, we played a lot in the sand box. Our hands got very dirty. How do
you think we could clean them? We are going to make sure to clean our hands and get all the
dirt, sand, and germs off them before snack. While you rub your hands together with soap, we
can sing a song to make sure that we are scrubbing them for at least 20 seconds. This makes sure
that we scrub all the germs away.

Middle of Activity – (what will the children be doing/saying – how will you transition from
the teaching to the children doing – should read like a script but can be brief)
Early Extension:
Children will need assistance pumping the soap or turning the faucet on. They will be
able to scrub their hands and sing the song with the teacher. The teacher will assist the
child by helping them pump the soap- using hand over hand or reaching the faucet to turn
it on. The teacher will also lead the child in singing the song and encourage the child to
keep rubbing their hands for the full song (20 seconds).

Children will be able to pump their own soap and turn the faucet on by themselves. They
will be able to rub their hands for the full song and sing along with the teacher. They
might count to 20 while rubbing their hands.

Later Extension:
Children will be able to pump their own soap and turn the faucet on by themselves. They
will be able to rub their hands for the full song and sing along with the teacher. They
might count to 20 while rubbing their hands. Ask the children to help make up a song to
wash their hands to.

End of Activity
Now that we all washed our hands and made sure that they are clean, lets make sure they are all
dry so we can sit down for snack.

Follow-up Ideas -
Could use paint on hands then wash to see how well the kids are scrubbing their hands while
they wash them. This could be a good visual for the kids to see.

Read “The Day I Forgot to Wash My Hands”.

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