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Astana IT University


Course: Quality Management

Professor Assel Nurguzhina

Work by: Adeliya Bekturganova, Aigerim Yenissey, Sabina Abuzar,

Miras Mukanov

Group: ITM-2204

Astana, 2024
Task Division

Adeliya Bekturganova is responsible for researching and writing about functional structure in the
marketing department, mission and vision.
Aigerim Yenissey is responsible for researching and writing about documents guided by the marketing
department, quality control and policy.
Sabina Abuzar is responsible for researching and writing about Coca-Cola organizational structure.
Miras Mukanov is responsible for researching and writing about geographic division structure and
processes in the organization.

Mission and Vision

Purpose: "Refresh the world. Make a difference."

Vision: Coca Cola's vision is to craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in
body & spirit. And done in ways that create a more sustainable business and better shared future that
makes a difference in people’s lives, communities and our planet.

Quality Control and Policy

Coca Cola’s governance framework includes regulatory compliance, standards, requirements and
guidelines. Their framework covers all aspects of the supply chain including: Product Formulation,
Supplier Management, Ingredients, Packaging, Labeling, Claims and Communications, Manufacturing,
Equipment, Occupational, Safety, Environmental Protection, Marketplace Management and Risk.

Coca Cola prioritizes product safety and quality by partnering with committed suppliers and adhering
to legal and internal quality standards globally. They implement programs like Good Manufacturing
Practices and HACCP, and Coca-Cola Operating Requirements (KORE) mandate compliance with
FSSC 22000. Leadership commitment, employee engagement, and stakeholder collaboration further
enhance quality and food safety culture, ensuring continual improvement and consumer satisfaction.

Coca-Cola Organizational Structure

The Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1892 by Asa Griggs Candler who purchased a beverage
brand and recipe from pharmacist John Stith Pemberton. After three short years, Coca-Cola was
available in every state in the union.
Today, the Coca-Cola brand is one of the most valuable in the world and is available in all but two of
the world’s 195 countries. Сompany has a somewhat complex matrix organizational structure with
geographic divisions and functional structures to manage its global operations efficiently. This
approach allows the company to navigate the complexities of its diverse business landscape effectively.

Geographic division structure

Geographical structures divide operations based on regions or territories. Each geographic region is
overseen by a regional manager responsible for localized operations, sales, and marketing strategies.
The divisions are:

1. Europe
2. Eurasia & Africa
3. Latin America
4. North America
5. Asia Pacific

Functional structure (Marketing department)

Functional structures organize operations based on specific business functions or departments. Key
functional areas include:

● Marketing and finance

● Human resources
● Research and development
● Production

Each department is led by a specialized manager who oversees activities within their domain.

Functional structures ensure coordination and alignment of activities across different functions to
achieve overarching company objectives. Coca-Cola’s marketing department that we have chosen
develops global campaigns while tailoring strategies to suit regional preferences, illustrating the
integration of functional and geographical structures.

The marketing department of Coca-Cola has a multitude of responsibilities and makes significant
contributions to the company's success. Here are some key aspects:

● Brand Management: The marketing department oversees the management and development of
the Coca-Cola brand. This involves maintaining brand consistency and ensuring that the brand's
values and messaging are effectively communicated to consumers.
● Advertising and Promotion: Coca-Cola's marketing department is responsible for creating
advertising campaigns and promotional activities to increase brand awareness and drive sales.
● Market Research and Consumer Insights: Understanding consumer behavior and preferences is
crucial for the success of any marketing campaign. The marketing department conducts market
research to gather insights into consumer trends, preferences, and buying habits.
● Product Development and Innovation: The marketing department collaborates closely with
product development teams to identify opportunities for new product launches or improvements
to existing products.

According to this key aspects the Coca-Cola marketing department use 4P’s strategy which is includes
the company’s product, price, place, and promotions, which led to its success and has been used as a
prominent tool for creating marketing strategies.

Documents guided by marketing department

● Marketing Plan: Outlines the marketing objectives, strategies, tactics, budget allocation, and
timelines for achieving desired outcomes. It includes market analysis, target audience
identification, competitive analysis, and marketing mix elements such as product, price, place,
and promotion strategies.
● Brand Guidelines: Detailed instructions and standards for maintaining consistency in brand
identity, messaging, visuals, and tone across various marketing channels and materials. They
ensure that the Coca-Cola brand maintains its integrity and resonance with consumers.
● Campaign Briefs: Before launching a marketing campaign, a brief is created to outline the
campaign's goals, target audience, key messages, creative concepts, media channels, and
expected outcomes. This document serves as a blueprint for the creative and media teams
involved in developing and implementing the campaign.
● Market Research Reports: Marketing departments rely on market research to gather insights
into consumer behavior, preferences, trends, and competitive landscape. Reports generated from
market research activities inform decision-making processes.
● Performance Reports: These documents evaluate the effectiveness of marketing initiatives by
analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales, brand awareness, customer
engagement, website traffic, and return on investment (ROI).
● Creative Briefs: They guide the creative team in producing materials that align with brand
guidelines and resonate with consumers.

Processes in the organization for which the marketing department is responsible

The marketing department at Coca-Cola plays a key role in promoting products and strengthening the
brand in the global market. The responsibilities of this department include:
● Marketing Strategy development: The Marketing Department is responsible for developing
comprehensive strategies for promoting Coca-Cola products.
● Advertising and promotion: One of the main aspects of the marketing department's work is the
creation of advertising campaigns and marketing events.
● Brand Management: The Marketing Department is responsible for managing the Coca-Cola
brand, including maintaining its reputation, creating a positive image of the company and
products, and protecting the brand from negative influences.
● Market Research and analytics: Conducting marketing research and analyzes data on the
market, consumers and competitors in order to identify new business development opportunities
and improve marketing strategies.
● Cooperation with other departments: The marketing department works closely with other
departments of the company to coordinate efforts and achieve common goals of the company.

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