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The Fabule

Name:____________________________________. Group: ________ List No. _____

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each sentence and mark with a “X” if it True or False
True False
A fable is a short story.
A fable never starring animals
A moral is lesson or learning at the end of the story .
Fables were used by medieval troubadours, musicians and poets.
The word "fable" comes from the Latin "fabula", or"story".

INSTRUCTIONS: Mark with a “X” the characteristics of the fable.

Long story with fantastic elements.
Written in verse or prose for children.
The setting can be only in the street or jungle.
It has 4 parts: exposition or beginning, development, resolution of the conflict and moral.
It has 6-7 characters maximum.
Starring animals.
Horror (Terrorific tone)
The moral at the end of the story is intended to give a lesson or learning for daily life.

INSTRUCTIONS: Match each part of the fable with it correct picture.

It is the learning or lesson of history


RESOLUTION The events of the story are developed

DEVELOPMENT The conflict is resolved

The characters and the main plot of the story

MORAL are introduced.
Name:____________________________________. Group: ________ List No. _____
INSTRUCTIONS: Read the fable and label each part in the correct place.

Moral Development Beginning Title Resolution

The cicada and the ant

The cicada was happy because .during the summer he rested, sang and enjoyed the sun. On the
other hand, the ant worked and saved enough food for the winter.
Winter came and the ant said to the little ant:
Can you give me some grains to eat? I will give them back
to you when I can.

The little ant replied:

-What did you do the summer while I was working?
Now assume the consequences of your actions.

It is important to rest, but it is essential to always be

prepared for lean times.

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the correct answer for each question.

During what season does the story take place?

Summer Spring Winter Fall

What is true about the cicada in the story?

It was hungry. It helped the ants. It shared its food. It sang for the ants.

The cicada sings very beautifully.

Fact Opinion

What instrument did the cicada probably play?

Piano Trumpet Violin Flute

Which of the following would be the moral of the story?

We should treat our neighbors well.
We should do our work before we play.
We should plant in the spring and harvest our food in the fall.
We should listen to our parents.

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