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2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

The Hejaz railway was a narrow-gauge  Featured Tours Discovery Tours Rail Journeys  Christian Tours  Small Ships

railway, opened in 1908, that ran from

Damascus to Medina, through the Hejaz
region of modern day Saudi Arabia, with a
branch line to Haifa on the Mediterranean Sea.

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18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

The Ottoman Empire was very sensitive about the adaptation of modern technology to the country. For example, it is seen that
communication technology such as the telegraph was transferred to the Ottoman
Featured Tours Discovery country shortly
Tours Rail after it started
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West. The telegraph began to be used in the west in 1832 and in the Ottoman Empire in 1853. The first proposals for railway
construction in the Ottoman Empire coincided with the use of railways in the west. First, the British officer Francis Chesney’s project
in the 1830s to connect the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf partly by rail and partly by river.

The idea of ​building the railways in the Ottoman country was built on different concerns for the Ottoman and Western countries.
Railways in the Ottoman Empire, the state’s influence in the country’s far-flung corner, to take an important role in ensuring the
security of the country, to contribute to the development of the country, the opening of new land to the production and product
variety, the country to integrate market integration and more efficient tax collection was important. From the point of view of
England in the western countries, especially in the United Kingdom, which has made the industrial revolution ahead, the countries of
the continent have been banned to enter other markets, the UK has found new markets to its own products and the countries
benefit from the raw material resources. it would be possible. Similar concerns were raised for other western countries.


There were many proposals for the construction of the railway in the Hejaz region, both domestic and foreign. 1864’de German-
American engineer Dr. Charles F. Zimpel’s railway project to unite the Red Sea and Damascus was rejected on the grounds of two
fundamental grounds; one was the reaction of the Arab tribes on the route, and the other was the high cost of the railway. At the
1872, German engineer Wilhelm von Pressel was suggested to provide significant facilities for the military control of the Hijaz,
particularly in the railway project for Ottoman Asia. In this case, in the 1874 of the Ottoman army, Ahmed Rashid, 1878, Elphinstone
Dalrmple in the offer of a British.

A detailed design for the construction of the railroad in the Hejaz area was arranged by Hasan Fehmi Pasha of Nafia at 1880. Hasan
Fehmi Pasha’s foundation was a general project for the development of the country. Hicaz Governor and Commander Osman Nuri
Pasha was another name. Osman Nuri Pasha had written a reformatory at 1884. 1892’e again presented a layiha. Another offer at
1890 is Dr. The governor belonged to Shahire. 4/25
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Ahmet Izzet Efendi was the most experienced in the Hicaz region. While Ahmet Izzet Efendi was the director of Jeddah Evkaf, he was
presenting the importance of the railroad that will be built to the Tours
Featured Hejaz inDiscovery
which he
Railpresented through
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Naval Forces at 1892 February. Ahmet Izzet Efendi, who was doing analyzes on the backwardness of the Hejaz region, referred to the
security of the region. Ahmet Izzet Efendi pointed to the emergence of a new danger for the Arabian peninsula, especially for the
Hejaz region, and for the activities of the countries carrying colonialist aspirations. Especially with the opening of the Suez Canal, the
Arabian peninsula entered the area of ​interest and intervention of Europeans and became open to external threats and attacks.

Ahmet İzzet Efendi said that only a defence from the land was possible in the face of an intervention from the sea to the holy land, in
order for this to be done from Damascus or any other suitable place to the Hejaz. Layihada especially the Muslim Qibles and the holy
land of the Prophet’s holy sacred territory of all kinds of protection would be possible to protect this line was specified. On the other
hand, it was emphasized that with the security of the pilgrimage road, more pilgrims and visitors would contribute to the future and
the economy of the region. According to Ahmet İzzet Efendi, the Hijaz region would be controlled and the political position of the
Ottoman Empire in Arabia would be strengthened thanks to the military superiority and convenience provided by the railway line.
Since the transportation and transportation facilities to be constructed will increase, there will be positive contributions to the
development of the region.

Ahmet Izzet Efendi’s release is on 19 February 1892. He was presented to Abdulhamid. The Sultan sent Nate to Harbiye Feriki
Mehmed Sakirir Pasha to learn the content and get his views. Mehmed Şâkir Pasha, together with the technical details of the issue,
emphasized the economic importance of the railway and the political dominance of the Ottoman Empire in the region.

Egyptian Supreme Commissioner Ahmet Muhtar Pasha 1897 in the history of II. He pointed to the British activities in the event of a
failure in Abdulhamid, noting that the African coasts opposite the Hejaz and Yemen coasts and some of the interior points would be
in danger of future occupation. Again, the port of Sevakin into the hands of the British, the holy land of an external force of the
threat and entered into the domain. According to the Pasha, diplomatic initiatives should be carried out by the British and a railway
line extending from Konya to Damascus and Damascus to the Suez Canal should be laid. With the railway line, it is mentioned that
the power of Ottoman Empire to protect the caliphate will increase and many benefits will be provided.

In the 1897 there was the idea of ​a Muslim journalist Mohammad Inashallah, a Damascus-Medina-Mecca railroad that was to be
built by the Ottoman state and financed by Muslims all over the world. This railway would extend to Yemen. Muhammed İnşaallah 5/25
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had intensified propaganda for the realization of this project through Islamic newspapers. Probably due to this propaganda, the
issue of the Hejaz Railway was negotiated in the Ottoman government
 Featured Tours council.
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Sultan Abdulhamid considered the construction of the railway in the Ottoman lands as a military and strategic necessity, and
thought that it would be possible to have an easy mobilization during war or any internal disturbance. In the 93 war, it was seen how
important the Istanbul-Plovdiv railway was in the dispatch of soldiers. Seljuk-Istanbul, the monastery-Thessaloniki lines that 1897
provided in the Ottoman-Greek War, strengthened the idea of ​railway construction, which Sirb and Montenegro ordered to build
upon the troubles faced by the lack of railway lines. The Sultan also did not ignore the economic and political benefits of the railway.

According to Sultan Abdulhamid, the Arabian Peninsula had a special place. The presence of Mecca and Medina, the holy cities of the
Muslim world, and the fact that Abdulhamid was also the caliph of Islam increased interest in the region. The influence of the Sultan
and the Ottoman Empire in the Islamic world as a means of penetration and leadership was possible not only in the theoretical plan
but also in practice. Also in Arabia, 19. century was a new target and interest of European imperialism, which was strengthened.
Again, it was necessary to take into account the leaders of the Bedouin leaders.

The only thing to be done against these conditions was to protect these large territories, where the Muslim Qibles were, at all costs
against internal and external dangers. For this reason II. As Abdulhamid knew the importance of Arabia for its political future, he
meticulously considered the railway projects presented to him. Despite the negative convictions that such a large investment cannot
be achieved with the financial and technical facilities available to the majority of the specialized owners and the state, “the honor of
God’s Almighty and the resul-i Ekrem SAV ”Will give orders.

The reasons for the construction of the Hejaz railways can be listed clearly as follows;
1- Religious reasons; Ottoman history constitutes an important period of Islamic history. The Ottoman state is also an important
member of the historical Islamic states. Therefore, religion has a special place in the Ottoman Empire. The existence of a powerful
state and a strong sultan is important for this. In addition to the safety of life and property of the subjects, it is necessary to ensure
the security of religion. 6/25
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The mission of guarding religion was seen in the forefront of the Ottoman Empire. The theoretical justification was based on the
preservation of religion and religious endeavour. When
 the Portuguese
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 the Suez Canal
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which would enable the Ottoman fleet to be opened to Suez for the retreat of the Ottoman Navy, was to cut the roads of the
Muslims who came to visit Haremeyn-i Şerifeyn from India, and moreover, it would not be possible for Muslims to be in the throne
of the infidels.

The importance attributed to the Hejaz railways was also due to this. The preservation of the important towns of religion, the living
of the people living in the emperor, the rise of welfare levels, the security of the pilgrimage road and facilitating the pilgrimage
journey, the power of the state to reach these places more effectively made the Hejaz railways important.

The purpose of the construction of the Hejaz Railway was explained as facilitating the pilgrimage to public play. Considering the
pilgrimage that lasts for months, the importance of the Hijaz Railway for Muslims is better understood. For example, a person
departing from Damascus for the pilgrimage to Medina about 40 a day, 50 day was reaching Mecca. During this long journey,
infectious diseases, water shortage, occasional bedouin attacks and travel expenses increased the difficulties of pilgrimage. This long
and tedious pilgrimage journey from the Hejaz Railway would bring the round-trip 8 to the day. If the daily worship time of the 10
was added to it, the pilgrimage would be made within the 18 days. Moreover, the cost of pilgrimage would be reduced and more
Muslims would be able to fulfill the pilgrimage. Again, the Hijaz Railway would be connected to Jeddah with a branch line and the
other pilgrims who came to the holy land from different countries of the world would be moved to Mecca and Medina.

Hijaz Railway to facilitate the pilgrimage journey, to increase the number of arrival to the pilgrimage II. It will strengthen
Abdulhamid’s prestige in the Islamic world. Abdülhamid’s commitment to the Ottoman caliphate would increase, and the bonds of
brotherhood of Muslims would be strengthened.

2- Military and political reasons; Another important reason for the construction of the Hejaz Railway was military and political. The
Ottoman Empire had to be strong in the region. Because the influence of the state in the holy land with the decline of the state’s
reputation and trust before Muslims would be deeply shaken. This was clearly stated in the reports and layouts submitted to Sultan
Abdulhamid II.

Arabia, 19. In the seventeenth century, Europe had become the focus of attention of the European states. The British resorted to
various ways to penetrate the region, with influential local leaders and notables, with the Mecca sheriffs and the Bedouin tribes. 7/25
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These contacts were the result of the UK’s long-term plan for the region. On the one hand, the British were selling weapons to the
urbans on the shores of Yemen and the Hejaz. On the  other hand,
Featured they were
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sent to the Hejaz region in the guise of doctors, teachers or engineers, and they were distributing brochures that the Ottoman
caliphate was not legitimate. The newspapers and journals broadcasting in the form of the fact that they were the real owners of the
caliphate of Mecca were published by the British.

When the British took control of the Suez Canal, they decided that they would not allow another state to rule in the Red Sea and
Aden Bay, settled in Cyprus, and then occupied Egypt, Somalia, Sudan and Uganda, capturing Aden in the early days of 1839. Their
footing in Yemen posed a threat to the future of the Arabian peninsula, particularly in Yemen and Hijaz.

The British were sending agents to the region in order to turn the Yemenis against the Ottomans. They were trying to do so in
Yemen by aiming to undertake a ı government-per- sonal ini under their influence and then to carry out their plans in the Hejaz

The same expansionist activities were carried out in and around Basra. Many tribal sheikhs, especially the Ibn Saud dynasty,
struggling in central Arabia, were supported by the British. In the Najd region of England, instead of a strong Ottoman domination,
he preferred the establishment of a Vehhâbi power.

Sultan II. Abdulhamid was trying to resist the expansionist policies of European states, especially Britain, against the expansionist
attempts of the Ottoman Empire. For this purpose, religious scholars and special representatives were sent to various places where
the Muslim population lived. There were representatives from China, Japan, Malaysia, India, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Bukhara and
Caucasus. The sects within the politics of the Islamic Union had a special place. Members of the religious order, such as Sayyid,
sheikh and dervish, were given important duties. E.g; He served as a bridge between the Muslims of Russia and the Caliphate. In the
same way, they were working as voyagers in Asia and dervishes as propagandists of Islamic politics.

II. Abdulhamid was going to implement the same policy in the Arabian Peninsula. Because this region, where the holy places were
located, was more important than any other state in the eyes of the sultan. During his reign, he restored his former power and
splendour to Islam. kazan. The value of the region was indisputable for a sultan and the caliph of the Islamic world who aimed to The
influence of a caliph who could not dominate Arabia would also disappear. Being aware of this, Sultan II. Abdulhamid tended to 8/25
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establish sincere friendships with local leaders and people living in various parts of the Arabian peninsula and achieved some
success in this regard.  Featured Tours Discovery Tours Rail Journeys  Christian Tours  Small Ships

However, more ambitious measures had to be taken against European states. Because the Hijaz region and the Red Sea coasts
should be taken to prevent the loss of effective defense measures. The holding of the Hejaz and its environs was once more
important after the British controlled the Suez Canal. This channel allowed the British to control the region. In fact, the Ottoman
Hijaz and Yemen even sent military troops with the Suez channel. In any case, the closure of the Suez canal, the Ottomans were in
contact with the Hijaz and Yemen. When the Hejaz line was completed, the Suez Canal would be eliminated in this sense, and it
would be connected to Istanbul, Mecca and Medina by rails.

The construction of the line had an important function against the attacks coming from outside and would help to take control of the
Hejaz in the military.

According to the consular reports 20. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ottoman domination was weakened except in the
Hijaz and Yemen. Since the Hijaz line would facilitate the dispatch of soldiers and materials, it would change the balance of forces in
the region against the Ottomans, break the influence of the local forces and strengthen the political and military authority. In this
way, the centre would be able to effectively control the remote provinces. Ottoman sovereignty could be taken to Middle Arabia
through this line.

On the other hand, the negative propaganda of the UK’s pilgrimage road was unsafe. The Hijaz line would be a source of morale for
the Ottomans and Muslims.

3- Economic reasons; The Hejaz line would have an important function in the economic development of the region. The natural
resources of the places where the line passes kazan would become possible. It was calculated that significant savings would be
achieved if the military shipment from the Suez Canal was shifted to the Hejaz line. In addition, it was predicted that if the line was
built, it would lead to the economic development of the Syrian region and the Hejaz in the long run, and to increase the commercial
circulation. The number of pilgrims and visitors, which was expected to increase greatly with the commissioning of the line, would
expand the trade volume of Mecca and Medina. The money left by the pilgrims was important for the people of the Hejaz as much
as the railway management. 9/25
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In the case of construction of the line, significant revenue would be provided from the grain and the goods transport. There would
be employment and commercial opportunities for the  people living
Featured on the
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Also in the vast
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and Medina agricultural production was to be encouraged. Due to the inadequacy and cost of the transport vehicles, it would be
possible to transport the products that could not be delivered to the distant markets to the remote markets with the cheap and fast
transportation of the railway. When the line was connected to the Red Sea with a branch line in the future, its commercial and
economic function would increase. The realization of this plan meant the conversion of Arabia, Anatolia and Hind trade from Suez to
the Hejaz Railway.

It was also suggested that the Hejaz Railway would facilitate mineral exploration in Arabia, lead to the establishment of small-scale
industrial plants, positively affect livestock farming, encourage settlement and increase population. It was also thought that the
Bedouin’s relations with the modern world would increase.


In the Islamic world: The Hejaz Railway project has attracted great publicity and has been welcomed with great pleasure and
enthusiasm in both the Ottoman and the whole Islamic world and has been considered as the most prosperous investment of the

The newspapers of the period published news about the project almost every day and attracted the attention of the public. The
importance and the material and moral benefits of the Hejaz Railway were explained. İkdam newspaper, 3 May 1900 dated in the
Hijaz Railway, the spirit of the Prophet was presented as a work that would please the spirit. Sabah newspaper said that the Hijaz
Railway would facilitate pilgrimage. Thanks to the Hejaz Railway, the number of pilgrims would reach five hundred thousand. This
line was worthy and sacred enough to make the Muslims thank the Muslims. Such an auspicious project should be supported by all
Muslims. Sultan II. Because of this decision, Abdulhamid was praised as ”The Age of Sultan ef, ter Efzunter, Abd and ş Shaykhah ş.

The Hejaz Railway project has been widely accepted in the whole Islamic world. Indian Muslims, Moroccan, Egyptian, Russian,
Indonesian and many other Muslims would show their satisfaction with the construction of the Hejaz Railway. The Al-Raid al-Mimiss
newspaper in Egypt wrote that the Hejaz Railway was the Suez Canal of the Muslim world. 10/25
18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

In Western countries: The Hejaz Railway Hicaz Railway

project had a great impact in the Islamic  Featured Tours Discovery Tours Rail Journeys  Christian Tours  Small Ships
world, but was not taken seriously in
Europe at first. According to Westerners,
it was not possible for the Ottomans to
realize such a big project. According to
them, the Ottomans had neither the
financial power nor the technical means
for this project. The British did not see
the Ottomans capable of building the
line. According to them, the aim of the
Ottomans was to collect donations. The
French were also of the same opinion; It
was mentioned as a paniclamic utopia
that could not be realized from the Hejaz


The total cost of the Hejaz Railway was estimated at 4 million pounds in the first stage. This amount exceeded the 1901 of 18 in the
Ottoman state budget. It was impossible to allocate an additional allowance from the budget. In these years, foreign debts continued
to be paid, army expenses were increasing and Russia was paid war compensation due to the 93 war. Due to financial instability, the
budget was open and due to shortage of resources, civil servant salaries could not be paid regularly. Moreover, there was no capital
accumulation to realize this giant project.

In order to realize the Hejaz Railway project, it was necessary to find new sources of funding outside the budget. As the Hejaz
Railway was to be the joint work and pride of not only Ottomans but all Muslims, it was decided to cover the expenses of
construction with the donations to be collected from the Muslims first. Ziraat Bank would receive a loan for the urgent needs of the
construction of the Hejaz Railway. However, in the face of new needs and shortage of cash after the commencement of the 11/25
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construction, new resources will be put into use by understanding that this large investment cannot be made only with limited bank
loans and donations. Cuts from civil servant salaries;
official papers
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Tours were sold
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Journeys of the railway;
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and postcards were removed; money from the sale of sacrificial leather was transferred to the railway fund; revenues from the rial
exchange were allocated. In order to generate income for the Hicaz Railway commission, the operating or operating privileges of
many coal and iron mines were also given. Later, when the Hejaz Railway arrived at Maan in 460 km from Damascus, the operating
revenues of the transportation between Damascus and Maan-Haifa were reserved for the incomplete part of the line.

Donations from the Islamic world were

made for the Hijaz Railway. At the
beginning, all the government and all
sections of the society were donated.
Donations from the Sultan and his
entourage, Ottoman statesmen,
bureaucrats, provinces, custody and
other official institutions, army and
security officers, ilmiye class, justice,
education and health personnel, as
well as donations from men and
women, small and large people by
almost all ages. It was made. The cult
satans and spiritual leaders were
included in the donation. Thanks to the
donation propaganda, aid was
Hejaz Railway provided from all corners of the
country. The newspapers were telling
the importance of the project every day, and some were collecting donations.

Apart from the Ottoman borders, the countries and regions where Muslims lived were encouraged to donate by the shahbender.
Important help came from India, Egypt, Russia and Morocco. In addition, donations were made from Tunisia, Algeria, Ümid Cape, 12/25
18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

South Africa, Iran, Singapore, Javanese, China, Sudan, America, Cyprus, Balkans, England, Vienna, France and Germany. Those who
contributed to the Hijaz Railway were being rewarded
 with various
Featured medals.
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The contribution of Indian Muslims in the Hejaz Railway project is truly admirable. On the basis of these contributions II. During the
reign of Abdulhamid, the work of the Muslims of India and the result of these studies had an important role for the Ottoman
Caliphate. The support of Indian Muslims to the Hijaz Railway started in 1900 and continued until 1908 where the line reached
Medina. He was cut like a knife by abdication of Abdulhamid. Muhammad İnşaallah 1909, a great supporter of the Hejaz Railway
project in India, wrote in August that he would lose the reverence and conversations of the Muslims living outside the Ottoman lands
if he did not explain the true causes of the destruction they made against the Union and Progress Society.

Sultan II. While Abdulhamid did not hesitate to accept the donations made by some non-Muslim Ottoman citizens and Europeans
except for the Muslims, it is interesting that he did not collect aid vouchers from Zionist societies abroad and showed his sensitivity
about Zionism.

When we evaluate the sources of income, we come across a table. The sum of the revenues obtained from 1900-1908 was 3.919.696
lira. The percentage of donations in this total was about 29. When the money provided from the victim’s skin is added to the
donations, this rate reaches% 34. 1902 of 82 year was composed of% 22 of donations. The donations are% 12 with the official paper
and paperwork in the form of ilmühaber, with the rate of% 10 Ziraat Bank credit, the share of the treasury with the share of rials
from the exchange rate of% 1900, deductions from civil servant salaries, taxes and fees, operation revenues were followed by
revenue from victim skins. Thanks to successful financial management, revenues from 1909-XNUMX have been higher than the
expenses of each year.

Construction work was carried out by commissions. Founded on 2 May 1900, the Commission was made up of members working
under the leadership of the sultan. The Commission was the centre and authority of all affairs. In addition to this commission, the
commission of Damascus, Beirut and Haifa commissions were also established. 13/25
18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

The majority of the staff working in the construction of the Hejaz Railway was domestic. Very few foreign personnel were employed.
In addition, measures were taken to train engineers,technicians and management
Featured Tours officersRail
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Journeys  in the Hejaz
Christian Railway.
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maximum use of the soldiers in construction. Thousands of soldiers were employed in the Hejaz Railway construction. The technical
material for the Hejaz Railway was imported from Europe and America.

2 May 1900 After the will of the Hejaz Railway, preparations for the Hejaz Railway have been started, and although there are various
views on the determination of the railway route, it was decided to carry the Hejaz line along the historical pilgrimage route at the
request of the Sultan. The line was to be extended from Damascus to Meke. Later, from Mecca to Jeddah, it was thought that it
would be lowered to the Gulf of Aqaba and then extended from Mecca to Yemen and from Medina to Baghdad in the direction of
Najd. In addition, it was conceived to build branches in Cebel-i Düruz, Aclun and Jerusalem.

According to the plan, the construction will start between Damascus and Maan-Madinah. In the meantime, with the idea of ​
preventing non-Muslim Ottoman citizens from ennobling colonization in the vicinity of the Hejaz Railway, no one other than the
Muslims would be allowed to seek settlement and mining in the region, and the previously issued mining licenses would be

The Hijaz Railway was actually launched in 1 on September 1900 in Damascus with an official ceremony. 1 1904 line in September
460. reached Maan in kilometres. The Haifa line, which will ensure the connection of the Hejaz Railway to the Mediterranean, ended
in September at 1905.

In the meantime, he had the idea of ​connecting the Hejaz Railway to the Gulf of Aqaba with a branch line between Maan and Aqaba.
With this line, the money paid for the shipment to the Suez Canal company will be kept in the treasury, and all the military and civil
transport will be carried out by the Hejaz Railway in the future. The efficiency of the Ottoman Empire in the Hejaz, Red Sea and
Yemen would increase thanks to the convenience to be provided in the dispatch of weapons and soldiers.
The British reacted violently to the idea of ​connecting the Hejaz Railway to the Gulf of Aqaba with a branch line. At the time of the
preparations for this line, the Egyptians moved into the Sinai Peninsula of Aqaba, where they moved the Egyptians to establish police
stations. The Ottomans claimed that Aqaba was a part of the Hejaz. As a result of the intense pressure of the British Aqaba railway
project was abandoned. The British intention was to keep the Ottomans away from the Red Sea and Suez. 14/25
18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

The Hicaz line reached the 1906 by 750. 1

September 1906’den Maan-Tebuk 233  Featured Tours Discovery Tours Rail Journeys  Christian Tours  Small Ships
km, and a year later the 288-km-T-Bum-
el-Ulâ part was completed. Al-Ulâ was
also the starting point of the holy land,
which was forbidden for non-Muslims to
set foot. For this reason, the El-Ula-
Medina line of the 323 kilometer was
built by Muslim engineers, contractors,
technicians and soldiers. As the line
approached Medina, the violent
opposition and attacks of the tribes in
the region began. Finally, this chapter
was completed in 31 on July 1908, and
was officially commissioned by the Hijaz
Railway at an official ceremony on 1
September 1908.

During the construction of the railway, many bridges, tunnels, stations, ponds, factories and various buildings were built. For
example, small large 2666 masonry bridges and culverts, 7 ponds, 7 iron bridges, 9 tunnels, Haifa, Der’a and Maan’da 3 factory,
locomotives and wagons were repaired a large factory was built. In addition, a repair shop in the Medina station, a pier in Haifa, a
large station, anbar, foundry, workers’ buildings, pipeline and business building, a hotel in maan, a hospital in Tebuk and Maan, 37
water tank was built.

The total cost of the line, which reached 161 kilometres together with the 1464 km Haifa line of the Hejaz Railway, had reached
3.066.167 liras. With another calculation, it had reached 3.456.926 liras. This cost of the line was cheaper than the railways built by
European companies in Ottoman lands. This cheapness was due to workers’ wages.  15/25
18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

Most of the expenses related to the Hejaz Railway went to the material brought from abroad. Another significant portion of the costs
belonged to the construction costs, the salaries of engineers
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technical staff in Syria,
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Railthe wages and
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Operation battalions.

After the opening of the Hejaz Railway, between Haifa and Damascus, each day, between Damascus and Medina three days a week,
the passenger and the merchandise were working. During the pilgrimage season, three other mutations were held between him and
Damascus until the end of the Safer month. Only for the pilgrimage period, only one ticket was required.

Before the Damascus-Medina route with camels in the 40 day, while the same distance with the Hijaz Railway 72 hours (3 days) had
landed. Moreover, the movement hours were arranged in accordance with the prayer times, the trains were kept in the stations until
the passengers were ready to make prayers were provided great convenience. Those who wanted to make their prayers in the
mosque wagon. In 1909 there was an officer who was muezzin on the same wagon in five days of the day. An application started
from 1911 and organized special train services on religious and national holidays. For example, the days of Mevlid-i Nebevi in ​
Medina, which was quite cheap Mevlid trains departed. In addition, wagons were arranged in such a way that Muslim families could
travel easily.


II. Hejaz Railway will also be affected by the political developments after the Constitutional Monarchy. Many high-ranking officers
working on the line were dismissed, experience in railway works. kazanThe officers who had served in the 5th Army were included in
the XNUMXth Army and regimental officers removed from Yıldız were brought to the vacated places. In addition, the naval soldiers in
Haifa, who had been employed for years, were withdrawn, the officers of the movement were dismissed, while many officers
resigned of their own accord. A sufficient number of engineers and operating officers could not be found for the Hejaz line. Searches
for civil servants began with newspaper advertisements. Due to the lack of experienced personnel in the first years of the
Constitutional Monarchy, Europeans had to be employed in various parts of the railway. 16/25
18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

II. In the post-constitutional period, the administrative structure of the Hejaz Railway was changed. The name Hamidiye-Hicaz
Railway was called Hicaz Railway. Over the course of time, many changes
Featured were made
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Tours administration
Journeys  ofChristian
the railway.
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commissions before the railway administration was attached to Harbiye, Evkaf, and direct loyalty. With the beginning of World War I,
all the railways were allocated for military transportation.

II. After Abdulhamid’s state, some branch lines were built. First, the starting point of the line at 1911 was brought to the centre of
Damascus. The subway lines of the Jerusalem branch opened. During World War I, railway construction continued and military lines
were built. These were the lines of the Egyptian branch of the Hejaz Railway.
These lines, which were built on the Palestinian territories of Syria under the Hejaz Railway, were carried out despite the opposition
of the French. The French have voiced their concerns about the railroad to Cavid Bey, who went to Paris for the purpose of securing
the 1913; In return for the debt to be given to the Ottoman Empire in Syria and Palestine, strictly stopped the construction of the
railway and stopped the need to stop immediately. The French also wanted the concessions to be given in the Ottoman lands,
including the work of the Hejaz Railway, to be given to them.

Along with other secondary lines, the length of the Hijaz Railway at 1918 exceeded the 1900 kilometre.
It was originally planned to extend the Hejaz Railway to Mecca and to be connected to it seriously. The Medina-Mecca-Jeddah railway
line was of great importance for the Ottoman State. Hicaz Railway was able to reach the destination with the construction of this line.
The construction of this line would increase the influence and reputation of the Ottoman State in the Islamic world. The greatest
wish of the Muslims who donated from the Islamic countries to the Hejaz Railway was to complete the lines of Jeddah and Mecca.
The 12-day road taken with the camels between the two holy cities would be reduced to 24 hours by train. Thus, the number of
pilgrims coming to the region would increase.

The Medina-Mecca-Jeddah lines were of political and military importance as well as religious. First of all, it was possible to effectively
convey the authority of the state to these areas. However, this line was to be greeted with the opposition of the Emir of Mecca, Sharif
Ali Pasha, the Hijaz Governor Ahmet Ratip Pasha and the Bedouin tribes. This opposition of the Pashas II. The opposition of the
Bedouin persisted, even though the constitution was abolished. However, the line that was decided to start was not started because
of the war in Tripoli and the Balkans. The project was suspended. Again, the conception of extension of the Hejaz Railway to Yemen,
Suez, Najd and Iraq remained inconclusive.

The beginning of the end in Hicaz railway  17/25
18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

During the First World War, the Hijaz

 Featured Tours Discovery Tours Railway
Rail began
Journeys  toChristian
suffer serious
Tours  Small Ships
problems. The railway is closed to civilian
transportation due to war, and the ban
on pilgrimage for the same reasons leads
to economic problems in the Hejaz.
Commercial activities are significantly
reduced. Increased shipment through
the Hejaz Railway during the war has
made material procurement more

More importantly, the rebellion of Sharif

Hüseyin, the Emir of Mecca, will bring the
end of the Hejaz Railway. Şerif Hüseyin
did not look warmly at projects that
would reduce his influence in the region,
he was secretly opposed to the
construction of the Mecca-Jeddah line.
After seeing the heavy economic and
political picture that the Ottoman Empire
had fallen into after the Balkan and
Tripoli wars, Sherif Huseyin began to
pursue bigger goals that would ultimately
lead to independence. For the first time,
he contacted the British in 1912 through
his son Abdullah. Sheriff Hussein’s
pursuit of the establishment of the Arab
empire. He needed strong support from
the outside. Sheriff Huseyin was 18/25
18.04.2024 06:51 The Story of the Hejaz Railway - Guidepost Tours

considering reaching an agreement with England and reaching his goal with the support of this state. Hussein spread the border of
the Arab empire he established, to the Taurus in the
north, the Ottoman-Iranian
Featured Tours Discoveryborder
Tours in Rail
the Journeys
east, andthe Christian
Gulf of Basra,
Tours the
 Small Ships
Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea in the west, and the Arabian sea except Aden in the south.

Sheriff Hussein agreed with the British. According to the agreement, if he rebelled against the Ottomans, he would be given money,
weapons, ammunition and food supplies, and the establishment of an independent Arab state at the end of the war. The Ottoman
Empire could not imagine that Sheriff Hussein would rebel.
1916 Sheriff Hussein, who masterly staged the Ottoman Empire until June, rebelled in June 1916. On this date Jeddah, Mecca in July,
September in the hands of the rebels Taif passed. With the revolt of Sharif, a front in the Hejaz was opened against the Palestinian
and Sinai fronts, and the security of the Hejaz Railway became prominent.

One of the tools used in the Hejaz

rebellion was to sabotage the railway
lines. Although the Ottoman Empire
established a protection army consisting
of thousands of soldiers for the security
of the line, it was not successful. The
sabotage and attacks of the Bedouins
were organized by the British. Rather
than destroying the Ottoman forces on
the Lawrence Hejaz Railway, he found it
more rational to destroy the rails and

As a matter of fact, on March 26, 1918,

after the mail train coming from the
north, no other train could come to
Medina, and the last train sent from
Medina to the north would not be able to
pass up Tabuk. By October 1918, all Arab lands, except Medina, had fallen into enemy hands. On October 30, 1918, with the16th 19/25

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