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Planning Form

Name of Activity- Creating our classroom charter

Originating Idea-
Students and teachers will work together to create a classroom charter with rules and
expectations that everyone will follow.
Curriculum Area
Highlight 1:
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development-11 Community
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies
Materials- Paper and markers
Appropriate Age group- Preschool
Beginning of Activity-
Opening statement
I’ve noticed that over the last week we have had some friends getting really frustrated with
other friends because they are doing things they don’t like. I was thinking that in order for
everyone to be safe and happy, we can come up with some classroom rules together and
then we can write them on my paper here. After we all come to an agreement together, we
can each sign it agreeing that we are gonna follow the rules we have created.
Middle of Activity
Early: Students will sit at the carpet and observe their other classmates coming up with
the rules. They will scribble their name at the bottom.
Middle: Students will sit at the carpet, repeating the ideas they hear from their peers. They
will be able to use letter-like forms to sign their name at the bottom.
Later: Students will sit at the carpet and actively participate in conversation, offering
different ideas. They will be able to clearly sign their name at the bottom.
End of Activity-
Closing statement
Okay now that we have all decided on these rules and signed our names at the bottom
showing that we are going to follow these rules, we need to all work together to make sure
everyone remembers the rules that we came up with together as a class.
Follow-up Ideas
1. Mood meter
2. Matching faces to emotions

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