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Journal of Arid Environments 217 (2023) 105028

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Soil organic carbon sequestration potential of conservation agriculture in

arid and semi-arid regions: A review
Vesh R. Thapa a, 1, Rajan Ghimire a, b, *, Kamal P. Adhikari c, Sushil Lamichhane d
New Mexico State University, Agricultural Science Center, Clovis, NM, USA
New Mexico State University, Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Las Cruces, NM, USA
Manaaki Whenua - Landcare Research, Palmerston North, New Zealand
School of Environmental and Rural Science, University of New England, Armidale, NSW, Australia


Keywords: Conservation agriculture is increasingly adopted for efficient soil and water management in dry environments,
Carbon sequestration yet their role in climate change mitigation through increased soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is not fully
Cropping system intensification understood. This study reviewed the literature on SOC change in arid and semi-arid regions with the adoption of
Arid and semi-arid regions
cover cropping, diverse crop rotations, and reduced or no-tillage management to elucidate the role of conser­
vation practices on SOC sequestration. Published data between 1990 and 2021 were evaluated based on com­
parison counts and discussed in terms of percentage or mean change for SOC storage and sequestration potential.
Results revealed mean SOC sequestration of 271 kg C ha− 1 yr− 1 and 235 kg C ha− 1 yr− 1 with cover cropping and
diverse crop rotation, respectively, in the upper 30 cm soil depth. However, the SOC sequestration potential
varied with soil type and tillage management. The SOC response to cover cropping or diverse crop rotation was
more evident in medium-textured soils than other soils, in which diverse cropping systems with conservation
tillage sequestered 10% more SOC than conventional tilled crop-fallow systems, greater than SOC sequestration
with diverse cropping or conservation tillage alone. It was also noteworthy that the SOC sequestration rate was
high in the first five years of adopting conservation practices and decreased as time passed until it reached a new
equilibrium. The average SOC sequestration rate for studies <5 yr was highly variable across the arid and semi-
arid regions, while the rate was low but consistent in the studies >10 yr. Conservation systems can benefit arid
and semi-arid agrosystems by enhancing SOC sequestration; stacked conservation practices could effectively
harness greater benefits.

1. Introduction unprotected, loosely aggregated, and coarse-textured, leading to inher­

ently low fertility status (Plaza-Bonilla et al., 2015).
Arid and semi-arid regions spread across western North America, Continuous cropping is challenging in arid and semi-arid agro­
northern Europe, central Africa, Northwest China, and southwest systems because of low precipitation. Fallowing is a common practice to
Australia, covering ~41% of the global terrestrial area. Crop production conserve rainwater in soils in dry regions, which involves leaving land
in arid and semi-arid regions is often challenged by the low availability without cropping for one or more growing seasons (Hansen et al., 2012).
of water (annual precipitation ≤700 mm) and nutrients (Plaza-Bonilla Fallowing is considered essential in arid and semi-arid regions because
et al., 2015; Tchakerian, 2015; Gallart et al., 2002). These regions of the lack of enough precipitation during the crop-growing season
experience frequent and intense droughts, strong winds, and (Ghimire et al., 2018). These areas often experience evapotranspiration
high-intensity, short-duration rainfall during the wetter months. Such greater than total annual precipitation (Gallart et al., 2002; Tchakerian,
extreme weather conditions limit plant biomass production, ground 2015). Therefore, substantial storage of plant-available water in the soil
coverage, and biomass carbon (C) inputs to the soil resulting in C-deficit profile is needed to supplement the growing season precipitation.
soils. Moreover, soils in arid and semi-arid regions are often However, the water conservation efficiency of a fallow is only about

* Corresponding author. 2346 State Road 288, Clovis, NM, 88101, USA.
E-mail address: (R. Ghimire).
Current address: University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, Lincoln, NE, USA.
Received 25 December 2022; Received in revised form 3 July 2023; Accepted 6 July 2023
Available online 12 July 2023
0140-1963/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
V.R. Thapa et al. Journal of Arid Environments 217 (2023) 105028

10–35% (Dalrymple et al., 1993; Nielsen and Vigil, 2010). In addition, six months between summer corn harvest and soybean planting, and
leaving land fallow for a long time limits the biomass C inputs to the soil another five months between soybean harvest and next spring wheat
due to insufficient crop residue return to the soil, depletes SOC, induces planting (Liu et al., 2013).
soil erosion, and increases weed problems (Rasmussen et al., 1998; Fallowing has recently increased in the drylands of Australia and
Sherrod et al., 2003). Frequent tillage is used to incorporate surface northern Europe as an adaptation strategy to frequent droughts (Manalil
residue and control weeds that would otherwise compete for available and Flower, 2014). For example, western Australia has a semi-arid
soil moisture during fallow periods (Schillinger and Papendick, 2008). Mediterranean climate characterized by hot, dry summer and cool,
However, repetitive tillage has long been known to contribute to further wet winter. In this area, fallowing is practiced after the harvest of a
SOC loss (Al-Kaisi and Yin, 2005; Hansen et al., 2012; Ghimire and wheat crop in a wheat-fallow rotation and late winter or early spring
Khanal, 2020). Depletion of SOC by up to 63% has been reported from (August–September) in a three-year wheat-annual pasture-fallow rota­
the Great Plains and Pacific Northwest of the USA (Bowman et al., 1990; tion. In both rotations, wheat is sown typically in early May (autumn),
Ghimire et al., 2015; Norton et al., 2012; Ghimire and Khanal, 2020). allowing crops to grow through winter, flower in September (spring),
These highlight the need to identify management strategies that increase and harvest in late November or early December (summer). Annual
SOC storage in arid and semi-arid regions to mitigate climate change and pastures usually included in wheat-annual pasture-fallow rotation are
sustain crop production. subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) with volunteer annual
A better understanding of how management strategies that increase grasses and herbs such as medic (Medicago spp.), and the growing season
cropping intensity and diversity and reduce soil disturbance affect SOC typically extends from April/May until October when two-thirds of the
storage is needed to make informed decisions on SOC sequestration and annual rainfall occurs (Oliver et al., 2010). Both rotations have a 10–18
enhance climate resilience in arid and semi-arid regions (Nicoloso and month fallow period commencing mid-summer to mid-autumn
Rice, 2021; Jaya et al., 2021). Therefore, we reviewed and synthesized (January–April) (Latta and O’Leary, 2003). Grain legumes such as len­
available research on cover cropping and diverse crop rotation to further tils (Lens culinaris Med.), chickpeas (Cicer arietinum L.), grain lupin
our understanding of tradeoffs, challenges, and opportunities for (Lupinus angustifolius L.), and field peas (Pisum sativum L.), oilseed break
adopting such practices in water-limited environments. Specifically, we crops, including canola (Brassica napus L.) and mustard (Brassica juncea
evaluated published data to understand the C sequestration potential of L.), and cereals such as oats (Avena sativa L.) and barley (Hordeum vul­
cover crops and diverse crop rotations compared to crop-fallow or gare L.) are planted in drylands of Australia to reduce the negative im­
mono-cropping systems across arid and semiarid regions of the world. pacts of long fallow periods (Oliver et al., 2010; Seymour et al., 2012).

2. Cropping systems in arid and semi-arid regions 3. Review approach

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) are the two We conducted a thorough literature search of the peer-reviewed
principal crops in arid and semi-arid regions. Winter wheat is typically papers (1990–2021) that have reported changes in SOC with cover
rotated with fallow; the length of fallow periods varies with geographic cropping and diverse crop rotation in various parts of the world (Fig. 1).
locations and cropping systems. In a winter wheat-fallow system, a two- The literature was searched in Google Scholar and the Web of Science
year rotation starts with planting winter wheat in October and har­ database. The search terms included: “cover crop(s)”, “green manure”,
vesting in subsequent July, followed by a 14-month fallow (one crop in “catch crop”, or “trap crop” and “arid” or “semi-arid” in combination
two years). A winter wheat-sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench)-fallow with “soil organic carbon”, or “soil organic matter”. We searched and
(WSF) rotation is typical in the Central and Southern Great Plains of the downloaded about 100 papers, then used the criteria discussed below to
USA, where two crops are produced in three years with two 11 months determine a publication to be included in the current review. We
fallow periods (one between wheat harvest and grain sorghum planting included only field studies and did not include greenhouse or pot
and another between grain sorghum harvest and wheat planting) studies. Studies that either provided SOC stocks or the information
(Baumhardt and Jones, 2002). In wheat–summer crop–fallow systems of necessary to calculate SOC stocks [i.e., % SOC or concentration (g kg− 1)
the Great Plains and the Pacific Northwest, fallow length varies with with bulk density] and reported the depth of measurement and time
crop in rotation with winter wheat (Cann et al., 2020; Hansen et al., frame for changed management were selected. Only studies that have
2012; Schillinger and Papendick, 2008). A continuous winter wheat reported comparisons between crop-fallow (predominant dryland
cropping system with a short fallow period of three months is also cropping system) and cover crops or diverse cropping practices were
practiced in the northern Great Plains and Pacific Northwest of the USA, considered. Tillage information was also recorded as a secondary vari­
where wheat is planted in October and harvested in July of the following able to study SOC sequestration. When studies have not reported mean
year (Cann et al., 2020). In the Northern Great Plains of the USA and annual precipitation, we estimated such values for the nearby city listed
semi-arid regions of the Canadian prairies, spring wheat and durum
wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) are grown rather than winter wheat, but a
similar wheat-fallow rotation as in Central or Southern Great Plains is
practiced (Campbell et al., 2002). Spring and durum wheat are typically
planted in April and harvested in July, with fallow periods of eight
months in wetter areas to 21 months in drier regions (Hansen et al.,
In the semi-arid Loess Plateau of China, continuous winter wheat or
maize monoculture is commonly practiced with fallow periods of three
and seven months, respectively (Sun et al., 2018). Rotation of winter
wheat-spring maize with two harvests in two years and ten months
fallow from the winter wheat harvest in June to spring maize planting in
the March of the following year is also practiced in the dry part of the
Fig. 1. Distribution of cover cropping and diverse crop rotation studies across
Loess Plateau (Liu et al., 2013). In northeastern China, spring wheat is the arid and semi-arid regions of the world overlaid on the spatial distribution
grown instead of winter wheat. In this area, spring wheat-summer corn of soil organic carbon stocks sourced from SoilGrids version 2.0 for the top 100
(Zea mays L.)-fallow/soybean (Glycine max. ev. Bayueza) in a three-year cm (Poggio et al., 2021). The white (blank) area in the figure represents the
cycle has been practiced for a long time. This practice leaves about eight region outside of arid and semi-arid environments, which is beyond the scope of
months fallow between spring wheat harvest and summer corn planting, the current review.

V.R. Thapa et al. Journal of Arid Environments 217 (2023) 105028

in the paper via online sources (https://www.worldweatheronline. superimposed on the spatial distribution of SOC stocks for the top 100
com/and With these criteria, 69 cm depth.
and 93 comparisons were adapted from 22 and 26 studies related to
cover cropping and diverse crop rotation, respectively. The majority of 4. Cover cropping and soil organic carbon sequestration
these studies collected were from North America. Each comparison re­
ported in the selected studies was independent of one another. Cover crops are plants selectively grown to provide surface cover to
The SOC accumulation with improved management practices may reduce soil erosion, enhance water infiltration, control weeds and pests,
differ across regions as climate, management practices, cropping sys­ and improve soil quality (Clark, 2008). Integrating cover crops in arid
tems, soil type, and other factors vary widely. Therefore, data on SOC and semi-arid cropping systems adds biomass C to the soil, ultimately
stocks were tabulated by cover cropping and diverse crop rotation increasing SOC and improving soil health (Blanco-Canqui et al., 2013;
practices at different locations, soil type, study duration, soil sampling Thapa et al., 2022). In general, the roots of the cover crop account for a
depth, tillage system, cropping system/rotation, and cover crop species large part of the C input (up to 75%) in the cover cropped system (Gale
for each study (Supplemental Table S1). The locations included in this et al., 2000; Kätterer et al., 2011). Studies show that C inputs from roots
study have a mean annual precipitation of ≤700 mm. The SOC values are more stable and release less CO2 than from aboveground biomass
presented in the figures (e.g., bar graphs) were extracted using Web­ due to the slow decomposition of roots (e.g., Gale et al., 2000; Kätterer
PlotDigitizer (, and SOC stocks were et al., 2011). Supplemental Table S1 summarized 69 comparison counts
calculated by multiplying SOC concentration with soil bulk density from 22 studies on cover crops and SOC stocks from arid and semi-arid
where necessary. Any data reported as soil organic matter (SOM) was agrosystems across the world. Among 69 comparisons (crop-fallow vs.
converted to SOC by dividing SOM by the Van Bemmelen factor of 1.72 cover crop), 63 counts (91.3%) indicated SOC increase, and six indicated
(Pribyl, 2010). We computed percentage change, means, and accumu­ loss. The accumulation of SOC by cover crops ranged from 2 to 1300 kg
lation rate to discuss the difference in SOC between crop-fallow and ha− 1yr− 1, with an average accumulation rate of 271 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in the
alternative management practices. The difference in SOC stocks between upper 0–30 cm soil depth. The average SOC accumulation rate observed
alternative management practices and business-as-usual practices was in the present review is 18.1–52.1% lower than the average SOC accu­
divided by the years over which the management change occurred to mulation rate (320–547 kg ha− 1 yr− 1) reported in the previous global
determine the rate of SOC accumulation per year. Irrespective of loca­ cover crop studies (Abdalla et al., 2019; Poeplau and Don, 2015).
tions, soil types, cover crop species, and tillage systems, we also Studies included in previous reviews were not limited to dry environ­
analyzed data using a power regression procedure to predict SOC ments, while our study compared only studies from arid and semi-arid
accumulation rate as a function of years after management changes. In regions. The rate of SOC accumulation is often higher when water is
the present review, comparison counts in SOC stocks were used as a not a limiting factor for biomass production. We even observed a
primary approach to evaluate the effects (increase, decrease, or no ef­ reduction in SOC stocks in a few cases (8.7%), mainly associated with
fect) of cover cropping, diverse crop rotation, and tillage systems on SOC legume cover crops. Legume-derived fresh organic matter (low C:N
stocks compared to crop-fallow systems. We chose comparison counts ratio) might have a positive priming effect because low C:N ratio resi­
rather than the number of studies as several studies included multiple dues added to the soil can increase the decomposition of old soil organic
cover crop species, crop rotation, and tillage systems with differing ef­ matter (Poeplau and Don, 2015).
fects on the soil ecosystem service. In addition, we opted to use com­ The effect of cover cropping on SOC stocks in our study showed a
parison counts instead of other methods of comparison (e.g., very high regional difference. The rate of SOC increases were 201 (n =
meta-analysis) because most studies did not report a measure of vari­ 13), 135 (n = 8), 645 (n = 9), 339 (n = 8), 131 (n = 19) kg C ha− 1yr− 1 in
ance [i.e., a least significant difference (LSD), standard deviation, or the western United States, Canadian prairies, Loess Plateau of China,
standard error] of SOC stocks, which are needed for a meta-analysis. northern Europe, and Western Australia, respectively (Fig. 2). The in­
To better explore how factors, such as cover crop species, soil type, creases were equivalent to 7.0%, 9.3%, 8.6%, 6.3%, and 18.3% increase
and duration of management changes affect SOC content, cover crops of the original SOC stocks, respectively. Regional differences in SOC
were grouped by functional groups as grasses, legumes, brassicas, and accumulation could be attributed to the differences and complexities in
diverse-mixes, soil type as coarse-textured (loamy sand and sandy soil and management systems, initial SOC levels, number of comparison
loam), medium-textured (loam and silt loam), and fine-textured (clay counts, soil type, climate, etc. For example, relatively greater SOC
loam, silty clay loam, and clayey soils), and duration of management content observed in the current review in northern Europe and Canadian
changes as short term (≤5 yr), medium term (5–10 yr), and long-term Prairies could be associated with slow organic matter turnover rates due
(>10 yr). Similarly, tillage was grouped into two categories: conven­ to comparatively cooler climates than hot, dry regions (Huang et al.,
tional (moldboard, chisel, mechanical, stubble-mulch, heavy-duty 2016). The increased temperature typically increases soil microbial ac­
cultivator, disking, harrowing, rotary, ridge, traditional) and conserva­ tivity (Wang et al., 2016), stimulating SOC decomposition and lowering
tion tillage (reduced, minimum, zero, strip, no-tillage) to investigate its levels. Nevertheless, the increase in SOC storage with the inclusion of
how tillage interacted with cover crop and crop rotation effects on SOC cover crops is associated with their potential to increase above- and
We also created a map of arid and semi-arid regions of the world. The
arid and semi-arid areas were delineated using an annual precipitation
data layer of 30 arc-second resolution from the WorldClim V1 datasets
available in the repository of Google Earth Engine (Hijmans et al.,
2005). As for the literature review, a threshold of ≤700 mm annual
precipitation was used to determine arid and semi-arid regions while
creating the map (Fig. 1) (Gallart et al., 2002). The SOC stocks for the
top 100 cm were calculated using predicted SoilGrids version 2.0 mean
SOC content, bulk density, and coarse fragment raster layers available at
the spatial resolution of 250 m (Poggio et al., 2021). Carbon stocks were
calculated for different layers, namely, 0–5 cm, 5–15 cm, 15–30 cm,
30–60 cm, and 60–100 cm, and added to get the carbon stocks for the
entire 0–100 cm depth. The distribution of cover cropping and diverse Fig. 2. Regional differences in SOC storage in the upper 30 cm soil depth due to
cropping studies across the arid and semi-arid regions were cover cropping in water-limited environments across the world.

V.R. Thapa et al. Journal of Arid Environments 217 (2023) 105028

belowground biomass C inputs, rhizodeposits, and soil microbial activity introduction), and in 96% of comparisons (26 of 27) in the long-term
due to the presence of a large amount of readily available organic sub­ (>10 yr after cover crop introduction). The mean SOC accumulation
strates (Blanco-Canqui et al., 2013; Thapa et al., 2022). For instance, in a rates were 410, 142, and 124 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in the short-term, medium-
semi-arid area of Indonesia, cover crop [mung bean (Vigna radiata L. term, and long-term management with cover crops, respectively. These
Wilzeck)] that produced 8.3 Mg ha− 1yr− 1 of aboveground biomass results indicate that the highly C-depleted soils of water-limited regions
increased SOC by 60% compared to control without cover crops (Jaya may have more room for accumulating SOC in the first few years. SOC
et al., 2021). In contrast, after five years of cover cropping in the hot, then increases at a decreasing rate as time passes until it reaches an
dry, semi-arid climate of the Southern Great Plains of the USA, Thapa equilibrium. The simple power regression analysis (Fig. 3) further sup­
et al. (2022) did not show an increase in SOC compared to crop-fallow ported that the SOC accumulation rate can decrease with increasing
under limited-irrigation conditions, possibly due to low cover crop years of cover cropping.
biomass input. On average, the annual cover crop biomass input in their
study was only 2.1 Mg ha− 1, which may not be enough to increase SOC 5. Crop rotation intensification for soil organic carbon
levels significantly in a hot, dry environment because of the high sequestration
decomposition rate in warmer areas. A review and analysis of US cover
crop studies suggest that cover crops might not increase SOC if they Crop rotation includes planting different crops sequentially on the
produce <2 Mg biomass ha− 1yr− 1, whereas they increase SOC if biomass same land to improve soil quality, optimize nutrients, and combat pest
production is > 6 Mg ha− 1yr− 1 (Blanco-Canqui, 2022). Cover crop and weed pressure. Cropping systems intensification extends the
biomass production may have considerably contributed to regional photosynthetic capture duration, thus increasing soil organic C inputs.
differences in SOC accumulation in water-limited environments. Different cereal grain crops (corn, proso millet, sorghum), legumes
The review results also indicated that SOC benefits with cover crops (forages and grains), oilseed crops, and brassicas could be promising
also varied with cover crop type or species. The number of comparison options to increase the complexity of rotations. Crop rotations may in­
counts included for grasses, legumes, brassicas, and cover crop mixes fluence SOC by affecting the time for biomass accrual and altering soil
were 10, 34, 10, and 5, respectively. The mean SOC increase by grasses nutrient availability, structure, and microbial properties (Campbell
was highest (11.1%, n = 10), followed by legumes (10.7%, n = 34), et al., 2000). Supplemental Table S1 summarizes 26 studies on diverse
cover crop mixes (5.7%, n = 5), and brassicas (5.1%, n = 10). The crop rotation and SOC stocks in arid and semi-arid regions of the United
variation in SOC levels could have been related to differences in biomass States, Canada, China, Iran, Spain, Argentina, and Australia. The 26
production and C:N ratios between cover crop species, as the amount of studies resulted in 93 comparison counts (crop-fallow vs. diverse crop
biomass C input primarily determines the SOC storage (Ghimire et al., rotation), out of which diverse crop rotation accumulated SOC (kg
2017). Grasses with dense fibrous root systems produce greater biomass ha− 1yr− 1) in 75 counts (81%), with no effect in 3 counts (3%) and
with high C:N ratios, while legumes and brassicas typically provide decreased SOC in 15 counts (16%). Soil organic C accumulation by
better quality residue with low C:N ratios (Thapa et al., 2022). Higher C: diverse crop rotation ranged from 12 to 1750 kg ha− 1yr− 1, with an
N ratios of grasses compared to legumes and brassicas may have slowed average SOC sequestration rate of 235 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in the upper 30 cm
down the mineralization rate of the residue, thereby increasing SOC soil depth. Similar results were reported in global data analysis from 67
contents. Furthermore, robust and dense root systems and a large can­ long-term agricultural experiments indicating that enhancing rotation
opy cover of grasses enable better soil anchorage for SOC stabilization complexity can accumulate SOC on average 200 ± 120 kg ha− 1 yr− 1
and reduce residue decomposition rates (Amsili and Kaye, 2021). The (West and Post, 2002). The release of N from decomposing residues may
lower rate of increase in SOC with the use of mixtures and brassica cover better synchronize with plant uptake, possibly increasing N-uptake ef­
crops compared to grasses and legumes in the present review contrasts ficiency and crop yield (Fageria and Baligar, 2005; Sugihara et al.,
with the results of a previous meta-analysis by Jian et al. (2020). The 2012). Diverse crop rotation increases the amount of biomass C entering
distinction in our results may be related to the differences in the spatial the soil, moderates soil temperature, reduces abrupt fluctuations in
distribution of studies compiled in the meta-analysis versus the present temperature, and thereby increases SOC levels (Sherrod et al., 2003).
review and the differences in the amount of cover crop biomass inputs. Diverse crop rotations can also nourish diverse microbial communities
These findings imply that the average SOC accumulation rate reported by releasing various compounds, including root exudates, cap cells, ly­
for a particular cover crop varies with location. sates, and mucilages (D’Acunto et al., 2018). Various microbial exuda­
The SOC accumulation by cover crops also varied with soil types. tes/organic polymers help bind soil particles to form stable aggregates
Supplementary Table 1 reports 34 comparison counts from fine-textured and promote C stabilization. For example, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi
soils, 24 medium-textured soils, and 11 coarse-textured soils. The pro­ (AMF), in particular, physically entangle soil particles in hyphae to form
portion of the comparison counts with increasing SOC by cover crops aggregates, secrete cohesive substances such as glycoproteins that
were 88% (30 of 34), 96% (23 of 24), and 91% (10 of 11) in fine-
textured, medium-textured, and coarse-textured soils, respectively.
The mean SOC accumulation rate was 179 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in fine-textured
soils, 350 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in medium-textured soils, and 310 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in
coarse-textured soils, suggesting the SOC sequestration with cover crops
was more visible in medium-textured soils than coarse- and fine-
textured soils. Higher plant-available nutrients and water in medium-
textured soils could have increased cover crop biomass production and
thereby carbon input into the soil than fine- and coarse-textured soils,
favoring a greater SOC accumulation (Jian et al., 2020; Blanco-Canqui
et al., 2022).
While all cover crops capture CO2 from the atmosphere via photo­
synthesis, the amount of C captured and stored in soils may depend on
the duration of improved management practices. In this study, years
after introducing cover crops varied from 2 to 94 y (Supplemental
Table S1). Cover crops increased SOC in 88% of comparisons (30 of 34)
in the short-term (≤5 yr after cover crop introduction), in 88% of Fig. 3. Relationship between SOC sequestration rate and years of
comparisons (7 of 8) in the medium-term (5–10 yr after cover crop cover cropping.

V.R. Thapa et al. Journal of Arid Environments 217 (2023) 105028

enhance aggregation, and contribute to SOC stabilization (Wilson et al.,

The effects of cropping system intensification on SOC accumulation
varied with the experimental location (Supplemental Table S1). Diverse
crop rotation, on average, increased SOC by 8%, 7%, 12%, and 14%,
equivalent to C accumulation of 150 (n = 19), 133 (n = 21), 232 (n =
20), and 104 (n = 7) kg ha− 1yr− 1 in western United States, Canadian
Prairies, Loess Plateau of China, and western Australia, respectively
(Fig. 4). The variability in SOC accumulation rate could be attributed to
the differences in mean annual precipitation and temperature, biomass
production, soil type, and duration of the changed management. For
example, a relatively greater increase in SOC stocks was observed in the
Loess Plateau of China and western Australia, possibly due to greater
annual biomass C additions due to shorter fallow periods between main
crops. Approximately 6.8–7.6 Mg residue ha− 1yr− 1 is estimated to
maintain SOC stocks in the semi-arid Central Great Plains of the USA Fig. 5. Relationship between SOC sequestration rate and years after intro­
(Halvorson and Schlegel, 2012). Supplementary Table 1 reports 33 ducing diverse crop rotation.
comparison counts from fine-textured soils, 39 from medium-textured
soils, and 21 from coarse-textured soils. Diverse crop rotation accumu­ 6. Does conservation tillage complement the effects of cropping
lated SOC in 82% of comparisons (27 of 33) in fine-textured soils, in 90% intensification?
of comparisons (35 of 39) in medium-textured soils, and in 62% of
comparisons (13 of 21) in coarse-textured soils. There was no effect of Adopting conservation tillage systems can enhance the SOC accrual
diverse crop rotation in one comparison in medium-textured and two rate of cover cropping or other forms of cropping system intensification.
comparisons in coarse-textured soils. Supplemental Table S1 shows most of the cover cropping or crop rota­
The amount of SOC storage resulting from diverse crop rotation also tion studies were conducted under a single tillage system. In cover crop
varied with the duration of management changes (Supplemental studies, 34 comparison counts were from conventional tillage, 33
Table 1). Years of crop rotation diversification varied from 2 to 30 y comparisons from conservation tillage, and 2 comparisons from manual
among the 26 studies cited (93 comparison counts; Supplemental plow systems. Cover crops increased SOC in 91% of comparisons (31 of
Table S1). The number of comparison counts by diverse crop duration 34) in conventionally tilled soils and 91% of comparisons (30 of 33) in
was 25 for short-term, 31 for medium-term, and 37 for long-term, conservation tillage systems soils. The mean SOC sequestration rate due
indicating most comparison counts were from long-term (40%) and to cover cropping was 232 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in conventional tillage, while it
medium-term (33%) studies. Diverse crop rotation accumulated SOC in was 298 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in conservation tillage systems. A recent global
72% of comparisons (18 of 25) in the short-term, 68% of comparisons meta-analysis of 121 long-term tillage (>5 years) studies reported that
(21 of 31) in the medium-term, and 97% of comparisons (36 of 37) in the intensification of no-tillage with legume cover crops could accumulate
long term. The mean SOC accumulation rate was 508 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in the 4.7 ± 1.9 Mg C ha− 1 at 0–60 cm depth (Nicoloso and Rice, 2021).
short-term, 212 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in the medium term, and 108 kg ha− 1yr− 1 In crop rotation studies, 56 comparison counts were from conven­
in the long term. It appears SOC accumulation occurred at a greater rate tional tillage, 31 comparisons from no-tillage, and six comparisons from
in the first ten years in C-deficit soils of water-limited regions and may a combination of both (Supplemental Table S1). Diverse crop rotation
decrease over time. The simple power regression analysis also indicated increased SOC in 79% of comparisons (44 of 56) in conventionally tilled
that the SOC accumulation rate could decrease with time after inte­ soils and 81% of comparisons (25 of 31) in conservation tillage soils. The
grating diverse crop rotations (Fig. 5). A global data analysis by West mean SOC accumulation rate due to diverse crop rotation was 175 kg
and Post (2002) reported similar results indicating 5–10 yr of changed ha− 1 yr− 1 in conventional tillage, while it was 291 kg ha− 1 yr− 1 for
management as a peak period for C accumulation, with SOC reaching a conservation tillage systems. Studies evaluating SOC accumulation with
new equilibrium in approximately 40–60 y after the imposition of management changes under different tillage systems within the same
rotation complexity. The review results also implied soils with high experiment may provide better insights into the comparative efficiency
initial SOC content may mask the SOC storage benefits of improved of a conservation tillage system to complement cropping system inten­
management shifts such as diverse crop rotation (Liebig et al., 2010). sification. Only three studies (Halvorson et al., 2002; Sainju et al., 2006;
Therefore, SOC-depleted soils in arid and semi-arid regions often McConkey et al., 2003) in our assessment evaluated diverse crop rota­
allowed SOC accumulation with diverse crop rotation. tion under conventional and no-tillage systems within the same exper­
iment (Supplemental Table S1). When averaged across all comparison
counts by tillage, diverse crop rotation increased SOC on average by
4.4% and 5.3%, equivalent to C accumulation of 149 and 170 kg ha− 1
yr− 1 in conventional and no-tillage systems, respectively (Fig. 6).
No-tillage and diverse cropping systems had 10% more SOC than con­
ventional tillage crop-fallow systems, suggesting greater SOC benefits of
cropping intensification when integrated with no-tillage. In line with
this, Halvorson et al. (2002) observed no-till with continuous cropping
increased C accumulation in the drylands of the northern Great Plains of
the USA by 233 kg ha− 1yr− 1, compared with a loss of 141 kg ha− 1yr− 1 in
conventional tillage.
Cover cropping or cropping system intensification under conven­
tional tillage may not significantly contribute to SOC accumulation
because tillage promotes soil C loss by increasing residue-soil contact,
exposes soil aggregates to wet-dry and freeze-thaw cycles at the surface,
Fig. 4. Regional differences in SOC storage in the upper 30 cm soil depth due to and increases aggregate disruption (Six et al., 2002). Disruption of
diverse crop rotation in water-limited environments across the world.

V.R. Thapa et al. Journal of Arid Environments 217 (2023) 105028

Data availability

Data will be made available on request.


This work is part of the NMSU Carbon Management and Soil Health
Initiative, funded by project No. GR0007378 of USDA Natural Resources
Conservation Services, and partly by the New Mexico Department of
Agriculture. Financial support for the contributions of the third author
came from the Strategic Science Investment Fund (SSIF) for Crown
Research Institutes from the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Em­
ployment’s Science Innovation Group, New Zealand.

Appendix A. Supplementary data

Fig. 6. Effects of diverse crop rotations under conventional tillage (n = 5) and
no-tillage (n = 5) systems on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in the upper 30
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
cm soil depth.

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