The Dark Coveanent

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Starting planet Kindurrac a planet in the outer rim near the edge of imperial remnant space near the

planet Ord mantel around a 3 million citizens make the planet there home with around another half a
million being imperial prisoners of war there was a large imperial presence on the planet until just a
few weeks ago in 11 aby the new republic moved on the planet in a bid for more territory the invasion
was mostly successful except a large amount of the imperial forces escaped to bunkers and safe houses
scattered thought the planet and amongst its population the Pyke syntactic and black suns with some of
the hut cartels getting there slimy brains in there a perfect mess for new bounty hunters to make names
for them selves amongst the chaos the party will have to come up with a reason they are working
together maybe it’s because they will have an easier time getting to the bounty’s or something like that
it depends on what’s going on and what they want to do

Bounty # 1

the players are arrive at the destination of their query the new republic bounty board as the players
arrive they the board blank bunt a republic trooper sitting at a table with a data slate and stack of papers
after brief conversation he offers the players a bounty a storm trooper by the name of damask creath is
wanted for the crimes of murder of imperial and republic citizens executing prisoners of war and use of
false surrender tactics Bounty 3500 Credits if brought back dead payment halved

Damask has these stats.

Thug 2 /soldier 2

Str 12 Dex 13 Con 11 Int 10 Wis 8 Cha 9

Base attack bonus +4

Feats Powered armor Point blank shot Toughnessx2 rapid shot athletic

Skills climb 5 jump 5 stealth 3 intimate 3

Defenses 15 vitality points 12/WP 17 DR 3

Saves fort +5 ref +2 Will +0

Combat jump suit imperial model

Kife +5 1d4 +1

Merson 44 +6 3d6
1 frag grenade he will use as a threat

The republic trooper can give the PCs some info were he was last seen wich is a cantina on the edge of

Is the players go to the cantina they can question around to gety info wich will send thiem to a were
hose by their space port that is owned by local company and they when get there they wont be allowed
in the players will then have found a way in and prosed to find him in the were hose he is stand offish
and threatens the players with the grenade if they don’t let him go the players can try to talk him don or
stun him or just shoot kill him

When the player return to get there bounty the trooper hands them the credit chip and says that if they
come back tomorrow the bounty board should be set up


This beauty is for a qwarren male named Kalde domos a known gang boss on Kindurrac he is wanted for
the murder of 2 republic soldiers and theft of around 20000 credits of medical supplies to the refugee
camps soldiers his payment is full along as they bring him back alive or dead.

Bounty 15,000

Kaldes location can be found by performing some gather information checks and as well as some
diplomacy or intimidation checks. If they can make it though those hoops him and his posy can be found
at a cantina called the drunken Sarlack it is in the industrial side of town he is there with 5 of his other
thuggish friends

Kindurrac thug

Thug level 1

Str12 Dex11 Con10 Int8 Wis10 Cha8

Base attack bonus +1

Feats point blank shot

Defense 11 wounds 10

Saves fort +1 ref +0 will +0

Commlink 50 physical credits

Blaster pistol +2 3d6+1

Club +2 1d6+1

Or knife +2 1d4+1


Socundral2 / scout 1

Str14 Dex13 Con16 Int12 Wis12 Cha8

Base attack bonus +2

Feats point blank shot toughness power attack

Defence 13 vitality 17 wounds 19 Dr 2

Saves fort+4 ref +4 will +2

Gear blast vest

Vibrodagger +4 2d4+2

Blaster pistol +4 3d6+1

He has 250 physical credits and a cred stick with 500 more on it

Bounty # 3

Dalab Donda is a human imperial loyalist citizen of the planet Kindurrac wanted for the destruction 2
speeders belonging to the republic army as well as the destruction of 4000 credits of war miliarial he is
wanted alive as if he is killed there will be no pay out

Bounty 12,000 (killed 0)

Dalab will be hard to find as he is working hard to cover his trail and work with other loyalists the
players can find info by asking around until the can find out he lives in a miner hab block near the center
of the city

When dale leans of the players tracking him he will set an ambush using the stolen blaster rifle A280 and
his blaster pistol he will take pot shots at the players and try to escape them he has these stats

Human fringer 3/ thug 1

Str14 Dex14 Con12 Int9 Wis9 Cha8

Base attack bonus +3

Feats proficiently blaster pistols proficiency blaster rifles head strong point blank shot

Climb3 jump 3 intimate 2 demolishes 3 stealth 2 spot 2 profession miner 5

Defence 15 15/ 12 Dr 2

Saves fort +4 ref+4 will +1

Commlink that can be traced 180 phisical credits and a manifesto

A280 long blaster new republic model +5 3d8+3

Blaster pistol +6 3d6+1

Knife +5 1d4+2

Imperial stun grenade

Blast vest

After these 3 bountys the players level up to second level

When the players get back form the 2 other bounty’s they can return to the bounty board they can find 3
new bounty’s on the board
Bounty #4

This bounty is for a pro imperial cell leader named binasal Kulick a human officer for the imperial navy on
the planet he is wanted for 20 000 credits of destructions of republic war goods dewath of new republic
citizens and unjust killing of new republic troops totaling his bounty out to around 19000 credits alive or
with indisputable proof of death.

Credits 19,000 alive or dead

Binasal is hiding in outside of the city in a set of caves with pro imperial militias he also has a 2 storm
troopers who have arrived to assist him form the remining planetary command

The cave system has 15 guerrilla fighters located in it along with 2 storm troopers and binasal him self

Pro imperial fighter Thug 2

Str12 Dex11 Con12 Int10 Wis9 Cha10

Base attack bonus +2

Feats point blank shot power attack

Climb 1 jump 2 stealth 2 spot 3 demolition 1 intimidate 1 search 1

Defense 11/ 12 wounds

Saves Fort +3 ref +1 will +1

Commlink med kit

5 have E11 blaster rifle + 3 3d8+1

The rest have blaster pistols +3 3d6+1

Club +3 1d6+1

Storm trooper thug 4

Str 12 Dex 11 con 12 int 10 wis9 cha 10

Base attack bonus +4

Feats powered armer point blank shot toughness

Climb -1 jump -1 profession storm trooper 2 intimate 2 search +2 spot +2

Defence 12 wounds 15 DR5

Saves fort +5 ref +1 will +1

Commlink med kit frag grenade grapple hook utility belt

E-11 +5 3d8+1

Knife +5 1d4 +1

Binasal Kulick

Noble 2 soldier2

Str14 dex12 con13 int12 wis9 cha12

Base athack bonus +3

Feats point blank shot rapid shot power attack martial arts

Astrogate +4 diplomacy +4 timadte +4 stealth +3 climb +2

Saves Fort +3 ref +5 will+5

Defense 15 vitality 23 wounds 13 dr 2 blast vest

Commlink orders medical

e-11 +5 3d8+1

vibrio dagger +5 2d4+2

2 frag grenades

Bounty #5

This bounty is for a Naboo socialite a prolific artifact dealer of alien and human cultures is wanted for the
illegal sale of over 300,000 credits of stolen artifacts the sale of artifacts without proper licensing and the
hiring of mercenaries without a permit these are crimes that he has been accused of his rap sheet
mostly much longer his name is Zadas Crejk he is wanted alive at full payment or dead at half payment

Credits 18,000 alive 9,000 dead

Zadas is not to hard to track down as he is Kida a prick so people in the city wont really hide were he is
he is hiding out in a building near the edge of the town that was once an imperial garrison that is
defended by him and his nikito mercenaries they number in the range of 12 mercenarys and him sleft
with 4 on the perimeter and 8 inside the building defending it
Nikito mercenary

Thug 2

Str13 Dex12 Con14 Int8 Wis8 Cha7

Base attack bonus +2

Feats power attack

Skills spot 2 search 2 hide 1

Defense 13 wounds 14 dr 2

Saves +3 ref +1 will-1

Blast vest 2dr

Blaster carbine +3 3d8

Or blaster pistol +3 3d6

Vibrio dagger +3 2d4+1


Nikito soldier 3

Str14 Dex13 Con16 Int11 Wis9 Cha8

Base attack bonus +3

Feats muilty weapon fighting ambidexterity power attack.

Skills spot 3 intimidate 3 search 3 hide 2 move silently 2

Saves + +6 ref +2 will+0

Defense 17 vitality points 24 /16 dr 4

Gear padded battle armor 4DR

Heavy blaster +4 3d8

Mtw stun staff +4/+4 2d8+4


Human noble 3/scoundrel2

Str11 Dex15 Con12 Int16 Wis13 Cha18

Base attack bouns +3

Feats skill emphasis appraise point blank shoot trust worthy

Defense +15 20/ 14

Mtw dc17 +6 3d6+2

vibrio dagger +3 2d4

Bounty # 6

The player are contacted by a member of the Hutt cartel by the name of grozel keta a human delegate
to his Hutt he says he need the players to transport a weapon shipment and he will pay 13,000 credits
to the players if they can get were it needs to be

The players are given a land lift truck with 4 crates of weapons and some miscellaneous supplies and
then have to make a 2 hour drive through the waste land to get the refugee camps on the way they are
attacked by gangsters form a rivel Hutt clan that being langar the Hutt he has 12 goons atahck the
transport keep in mind the must make dc 10 jump checks to jump across and if any one gets hit while
standing on a speeder of the truck they must make a reflect 15 save or get nocked off taking 3d4 damage

The first wave has 3 ground speeders getting near sothat they can each drop 2 goons off the players have
2 rounds to shoot at them befeor they ar5ve but they have half cover

The next group are a bit later and is 3 goons on speeder bikes who try to shoot the players still on the
roof of the truck or shoot whoever is driving it

Hutt Goon

Thug 2

Str12 Dex13 Con12 Int10 Wis 9 Cha 8

Base athack bonus +2

Feat Point blank shot

Skills jump 2 intimidate 1

Saves fort +2 ref +1 will-1

Defense 12 wound point 12 2 DR

Gear blast vest 2 dr

Blaster pistol +3/+4 3d6 +1

Dagger+3 1d4+1

Blaster carbine +4 3d8+1

Bounty # 7
The players are given a new task alliance command has put out a bounty for anyone who can kill an
imperial army Sargent by the name of Sladam Voth who escaped the battle of the Kindurrac capital he
has been leading guerrilla operations abints new republic forces the alliance knows where he currently is
they just can’t scale troops to round him out and this is were the hunters come in if they can capture or
kill him they can get themselves a hefty bounty but they will need to fight there way though his hoard of
goons and other troops in the imperial bunker he is hiding in

The hunters can get some info about the base if the ask around the bounty office as there are some
troops who will talk abit about what they now about it

The bunker is a tie fighter refueling base across the waste land and a storage area for gunships of the
LAAT variety most of the imperial garrison was decimated ion the initial ground invasion(false/ true) the
alliance thinks so they fiscality is probably underhand (true) they think there will problem just be some
imperial ground forces (True? There is other officers) and there suhld be only about 24 hostiles (false
there is closer to 40)

Bounty 28,000 alive or dead

The base is split into 3 major parts the entrance hangers and command area if the players fuck around
feel free to drop more troops on them


The entrance is a group of barricades and simple fence that is set up in the waste and that leads to the
entrance in the cliff face there is 8 guards on duty and a officer over seeing them along if the players
don’t kill the troopers in 3 rounds 4 more come to reinforce unless the fight looks bad and they cant win
they then hold the hangers

Hanger the hanger has a squad of 12 troopers spread around different groups of cover along with 2
heavy weapons troopers.

If the players don’t kill them in 5 rounds 4 more will come to reinforce

The players will notice that there are almost no vehicles in the hanger besides one LAAT and 2 tie fighters

Command post the command post has 7 more guards along with sladam and one other officer as the
players enter he is talking to a traducing on the hollo projector who tells him stick to the plan and not
stray form or its his head on the masters desk
Tlaloc the revere dark side parties to talon vrakas

Male Trandoshan soldier 3 dark side marauder 3

Str19 Dex12 Con14 Int8 wis10 Cha10

Base attack bonus +6

Feats force sensitive control rage alter iron will burst of speed power attack weapon focus point blank

Skills intimidate 9 treat injury 4 athletics 4 stealth 3 jump 3 force stealth 2 enhance ability 3 force grip 3
force defense 1

Defense 17 vitality points 42 wound points 14 DR 4

Saves fort +7 ref +6 will+4

Gear padded battle armor.

Vibro Ax +11/+6 or+13/+8 when raging 2d10 +6 or +9 when raging

Blast tech dl 18 +7/+2 3d6+1 multi fire able but Tlaloc only uses this if he feels force grip is not worth it
or he has to low heath

3 frag grenades and average speeder bike use basic stats.

The twelfth sister

Nautolan inquisitor

Jedi guardian 7/ inquisitor 4 Dark jedi


Base attack bonus +10/+5

Feats weapon proficiency light saber Exotic proficiency inquisitor light saber alter sense control power
attack cleave improved initiative infamy saber defense knight defense malevolent armor proficiency

Ability’s Deflect +2 defense -4 to hit back to all within 2 meters. Light saber damage 4d8 authority
resources access

52 skill points max 11 per skill

Saves Fort +11 ref +9 will +9

Defense 26 (28)(30) when deflecting vitality 85 wounds 16 DR 6

Gear inquisitor battle armor personal light saber inquisitor model with under water upgrade personal
speeder bike tie reaper “barracuda” painted all black lost after inquisitor shuttle was lost in a fight with
the new republic 20 micro explosives

Personal light saber +15 /+10 or if in double blade mode + 11/+7 and +7 damage 4d8+7

Unarmed strike +14/+10 1d3+4

Micro charges +12/+7 1d8 throws 2 charges.

Inquisitor armor this is +2 padded battle armor but does not reduce speed it cannot be percuss as it is
only made for inquisitor and gives them 12th sisters armor gives her +6 bonus on swimming check as it is
made to be worn in the water.

Inquisitor light sabers these single or double bladed light sabers give a bonus of +4 defense when
spinning as the can catch opponents of guard the main problem thin the disease is that the light sabers
are not made of light saber resistant material and can easily be sunder these light sabers can be
sundered as regular weapons because the garde is so big the have an hp 10 and a hardness of 5

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