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Planning Form

Name of Activity- Sorting emotion pictures on the mood meter

Originating Idea-
Students will sort the emotion pictures and words on the mood meter where they think they
Curriculum Area
Highlight 1:
Approaches to learning
Social and emotional development-9 Emotions
Physical development and health
Language, literacy, and communication
Creative arts
Science and technology
Social studies
Materials- Emotion pictures, emotion words and a mood meter
Appropriate Age group- Preschool
Beginning of Activity-
Opening statement
What do you notice about the pictures in front of you? Do you see the different ways they
might be feeling? I want everyone to sort their pictures they have and put them on the mood
meter where you think they might be feeling based on their facial expressions. They
together we can come up with some words to describe how you think they are feeling
Middle of Activity
Early: Students place their emotion pictures at random on the mood meter
Middle: Students place their emotion pictures where they think they belong, using simple
language such as happy, mad, calm and mad as description words.
Later: Students place their emotion pictures where they think they belong, using a wider
range of words to describe how they think the people in the pictures are feeling.
End of Activity-
Closing statement
Okay now we can see how different emotions can look on different people, how can we help
our friends when we notice they might be feeling upset or frustrated? Students and teachers
will have a conversation about emotions and the safe way to express them.
Follow-up Ideas
1. Mood Meter
2. Classroom Charter

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