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Table of Contents

Background Literature - HCI Research.........................................................................................................3
2.2 HCI Theory.............................................................................................................................................4
Design Patterns............................................................................................................................................5
3.1 Conceptual Design.............................................................................................................................5
3.2 Design Principles..............................................................................................................................10
Research Study..........................................................................................................................................13
This report focuses on informing the conceptual design of a mobile application for snorkelers and
amateur scuba divers by exploring HCI research, theory, and design principles. We cover challenges, user
preferences, and design considerations. We propose a mid-level prototype and suggest a
comprehensive research study to test user preferences. This approach aims to create a user-friendly and
effective application that caters to the needs of these users in underwater and on-land scenarios.

Background Literature - HCI Research

To inform the conceptual design and requirements for the interactive prototype of the mobile
application designed for snorkelers and amateur scuba divers, it is crucial to delve into relevant
literature and studies related to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research within the context of
underwater activities and similar products. HCI research offers valuable insights into user preferences,
challenges, and design considerations necessary for creating a user-friendly and effective application.

1. Underwater Interaction Challenges

Underwater environments introduce unique challenges for interaction design, including limited visibility,
physical constraints, and the necessity for intuitive user interfaces. HCI research has highlighted the
following challenges influencing the design of underwater products:

 Limited Visibility: Studies have indicated that underwater visibility varies with depth and water
conditions, often decreasing significantly (Smith, 2017). As such, it is essential for the
prototype's interface to employ high-contrast visuals and large, easily identifiable buttons to
enhance visibility, ensuring that users can effectively interact with the application.
 Physical Constraints: Divers and snorkelers don specialized equipment such as masks, snorkels,
and gloves, which can limit their dexterity (Johnson, 2018). The literature emphasizes the
importance of designing user interfaces that are easy to navigate and interact with, even when
users have gloved hands, addressing the challenges posed by these physical constraints.

2. User Preferences and Experience

Understanding user preferences and overall user experience is paramount for designing a desirable
product. HCI research in the context of underwater activities has revealed the following detailed

 Photography and Video: Divers and snorkelers often prioritize capturing their underwater
experiences. Research has indicated that the ability to take high-quality photos and videos
underwater is a key user requirement (Clark, 2019). This aligns with the first aspect of the
design brief, which is enabling users to document their underwater adventures. To meet this
preference, the application should offer features such as adjustable camera settings, image
stabilization, and easy photo and video sharing options.
 Dive Monitoring: Studies have shown that divers highly value dive-related data, including depth,
ascent time, air left in the tank, and the duration of the dive (Lee, 2020). Providing real-time
monitoring and the ability to review this data post-dive is essential for enhancing the user
experience. The application should provide a comprehensive dive log with data visualization,
trend analysis, and the ability to share dive profiles with the diving community.
3. Mobile App Interfaces

HCI research on mobile app interfaces in water-related activities suggests the following best practices in
greater detail:

 Touch Gestures: Research indicates that underwater touch gestures should be simple and
intuitive (Gao, 2021). Tap and swipe gestures are more suitable for underwater interactions due
to the limited dexterity of users. Additionally, the application should provide customizable
gesture controls to cater to user preferences, allowing users to tailor their interaction
 Information Display: Studies have found that concise and easy-to-read information displays are
preferred (Wu, 2018). Real-time data, such as depth, air supply, and dive time, should be
prominently featured on the interface. Additionally, the application should offer customizable
dashboard options, allowing users to arrange and prioritize the information displayed according
to their preferences.

4. Usability and Desirability

HCI research has emphasized that the usability and desirability of a product are critical for user
satisfaction. To elaborate further, it is important to highlight that the prototype should focus on creating
a seamless and enjoyable user experience. This includes addressing potential challenges associated with
underwater interactions, such as accommodating different levels of diving expertise and user comfort
with technology.

In conclusion, the HCI research findings underscore the importance of addressing visibility, physical
constraints, user preferences, and the overall user experience when designing the interactive prototype
for the mobile application intended for snorkelers and amateur scuba divers. These insights will
significantly inform the conceptual design and requirements for the prototype, ensuring that it aligns
with the needs and expectations of the target users, both in underwater and on-land scenarios.

2.2 HCI Theory

In developing an interactive product for snorkelers and amateur scuba divers, understanding key
concepts and theories from the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field is essential. These theories
provide a foundation for creating a user-friendly and effective product that caters to both underwater
and on-land interactions. In this section, I will explain the key HCI concepts and theories and discuss how
they inform the design and requirements of the product. I will also provide Harvard-style references for
the relevant literature.

Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive psychology is a crucial concept in HCI as it focuses on understanding how users perceive, think,
and process information. In the context of our product, it informs our design by emphasizing the need
for interfaces that align with users' mental models and cognitive processes. To cater to the limited
visibility and physical constraints of underwater environments, we prioritize simple and intuitive
interactions. This means that users should be able to navigate the application easily, with minimal
cognitive load, even when wearing snorkeling or scuba gear (Stuart K. Card, 1938).

Interaction Design Theory

Modes of interaction refer to the various ways users can interact with a system or application. In the
underwater context, these modes include touch-based interactions, voice commands, and possibly
gesture-based interactions. Understanding these modes is crucial, as it allows us to design interfaces
that accommodate users' needs and constraints in underwater scenarios. For instance, we emphasize
simple touch gestures and voice commands to provide efficient and easy interactions (Cooper, 2019).

Modes of Interaction

Modes of interaction refer to the various ways users can interact with a system or application. In the
underwater context, these modes include touch-based interactions, voice commands, and possibly
gesture-based interactions. Understanding these modes is crucial, as it allows us to design interfaces
that accommodate users' needs and constraints in underwater scenarios. For instance, we emphasize
simple touch gestures and voice commands to provide efficient and easy interactions (Mack, 2003).

Types of Interaction

Interaction types include commands (e.g., taking a photo or checking air supply), queries (e.g.,
monitoring depth or dive time), and manipulations (e.g., swiping between screens). In our design, we
prioritize these interaction types to ensure users can effectively perform actions, access information,
and manipulate the application as needed. The design also focuses on providing clear and immediate
feedback on user actions (Shneiderman, 1998)

Design Principles

Design principles, such as visibility, feedback, and affordance, are fundamental guidelines that shape the
design process. Our product design adheres to these principles. Visibility ensures that critical
information, such as depth or air supply, is readily available. Feedback provides confirmation for user
actions, and affordance makes functions easily discoverable (Norman, 2013).

Design Patterns
Design patterns are reusable solutions to common design problems. In our product, we leverage design
patterns to simplify the design process and enhance user familiarity with the interface. For instance, the
"floating action button" pattern is employed for capturing photos and videos, while a "dashboard"
pattern is used for displaying real-time dive information (Erich Gamma, 1995).

How This Literature Informs the Product

HCI theories underpin our user-friendly product design, prioritizing clarity, simplicity, and intuitive
interactions. We address underwater and on-land challenges, ensuring seamless user experiences. The
incorporation of design principles, commands, and feedback facilitates effortless data capture. Design
patterns enhance user familiarity, contributing to a desirable and usable product.

3.1 Conceptual Design

In this section, we present the conceptual design of our proposed solution, an interactive mobile
application for snorkelers and amateur scuba divers. This design encompasses both digital interfaces
and non-technical attributes, providing a comprehensive overview of the product's appearance and
functionality. Our conceptual design is strongly influenced by the outcomes of extensive literature
research in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), aligning with the requirements and
recommendations derived from this literature.

Digital Interfaces

Our mobile application features two main modes: underwater interaction and on-land interaction, each
designed to cater to the unique needs and challenges of divers in those environments.

Underwater Interaction

 interface and Visuals: Underwater visibility limitations are addressed through a high-contrast
interface, featuring large, easily identifiable buttons. The primary screen offers real-time
information, including current depth, air supply, and dive time. Simple touch gestures,
influenced by HCI studies, enable users to navigate the app with gloved hands (Gao, 2021).
 Camera Functionality: To meet user preferences (Clark, 2019), the camera feature allows divers
to take high-quality photos and videos underwater. An accessible capture button simplifies this
process, even in challenging conditions.

On-Land Interaction

 User-Friendly Dive Log: On land, users can review their underwater experiences through an
intuitive dive log. This log includes photos, videos, and comprehensive dive data, aligning with
research indicating the value of dive monitoring (Lee, 2020).
 Browsing Functionality: The application provides an organized gallery of underwater media,
allowing users to easily browse and view their photos and videos. This design addresses user
preferences and the need to document underwater adventures (Clark, 2019).

Non-Technical Attributes

 Physical Prototype Description: While the interactive prototype is digital, we also include a
description of the physical product, which consists of a waterproof case designed to
accommodate various mobile devices. The case features tactile buttons for essential interactions
and an intuitive screen display, ensuring the product is user-friendly both underwater and on
land. The choice of a waterproof case aligns with user requirements for underwater
functionality and protection.
 Design Principles: The conceptual design adheres to fundamental design principles such as
visibility, feedback, and affordance (Norman, 2013). These principles guide the design of the
visual interface, ensuring critical information is readily available, user actions receive clear
feedback, and functions are easily discoverable.
 Design Patterns: Leveraging design pattern (Erich Gamma, 1995), our product incorporates a
"floating action button" for photo and video capture and a "dashboard" pattern for real-time
dive data display. These patterns simplify the design process and enhance user familiarity with
the interface.

Visualization of the product:

Figure 1Homepage Screen: visual representation of the application's homepage, indicating the layout, navigation elements, and
how users access the key features (e.g., taking photos, dive monitoring).

Figure 2Underwater Interface: A visual representation a mockup of the underwater interface, emphasizing the high-contrast
visuals, large buttons, and real-time data display. Highlight how touch gestures are used for navigation.
Figure 3On-Land Interface: A mockup Display of the on-land interface, showcasing the dive log and media gallery. Illustrate
how users can review their photos, videos, and dive data.
Figure 4Camera Feature: visualization of the camera feature in action, showing how users can take high-quality photos and
videos underwater.
Figure 5waterproof case

Figure 6 diving log.

Our conceptual design is a result of thorough research and is influenced by the outcomes of HCI
literature studies. The design caters to the specific needs and preferences of snorkelers and amateur
scuba divers, offering a user-friendly, intuitive, and enjoyable experience both underwater and on land.

3.2 Design Principles

In this section, we delve into the integration of essential design principles, encompassing visibility,
feedback, constraints, consistency, and affordance, within our interactive mobile application prototype
designed for snorkelers and amateur scuba divers. These design principles not only provide a foundation
for an effective and user-friendly product but also ensure that it caters to the specific needs and
preferences of our target users. Our design approach is strongly informed by HCI literature and research


Visibility is a fundamental design principle that emphasizes making critical information and functions
readily apparent to users. In our prototype:

 Underwater Interface: Visibility is addressed by employing high-contrast visuals that enhance

information visibility even in low-visibility underwater conditions. The primary screen
prominently displays real-time data, including current depth, air supply, and dive time. Users
can access these vital details briefly (Shneiderman, 1998).
 On-Land Interface: Similarly, when users review their dive logs and media on land, we maintain
a clear and organized layout. This ensures that photos, videos, and dive data are presented in a
manner that is easy to view and understand.


Feedback is a crucial aspect of user interface design, providing users with confirmation and information
about their actions. In our prototype:

 Confirmation for Actions: When users capture photos or videos underwater, they receive clear
feedback in the form of visual indicators, confirming that the action was successful. This aligns
with the design principles, ensuring that user actions are acknowledged (Norman, 2013).
 Data Updates: The application provides feedback on real-time dive data, updating users on their
current depth, air supply, and dive time.


Constraints limit the actions a user can perform and guide them toward appropriate interactions. Our
prototype is designed with constraints that cater to the physical limitations and conditions of
underwater and on-land environments:

 Underwater Touch Gestures: In the underwater interface, constraints are introduced through
simple touch gestures, accommodating users wearing gloves. This design decision aligns with
the physical constraints of underwater activities and reflects the HCI research findings (Mack,
 Underwater Interactions: The limited dexterity in underwater conditions is addressed by
providing clear, constraint-driven actions, such as tapping to capture photos or swiping to
navigate through screens.


Consistency in design ensures that users encounter familiar patterns and interactions throughout the
application. This design principle is reflected in our prototype:

 Design Patterns: Design patterns, such as the "floating action button" for capturing media and
the "dashboard" pattern for real-time dive data, are consistently implemented throughout the
application. Users will recognize and understand these patterns, simplifying their interactions
(Erich Gamma, 1995).


Affordance refers to the design's ability to suggest its use. In our prototype:

 Clearly Labeled Buttons: The physical prototype, illustrated in the conceptual design, features
tactile buttons with clear labels for essential interactions. These labels serve as affordances,
making it evident how users should interact with the device.
 Familiar Symbols: Iconography in the digital interface, such as a camera icon for photo capture,
provides visual affordances that users can easily recognize and understand (Norman, 2013).

The integration of these design principles enhances the usability and desirability of our prototype. By
adhering to these principles, we create an interactive product that not only caters to the needs of
snorkelers and amateur scuba divers but also provides a user-friendly experience, both underwater and
on land.

In this section, we will describe and evaluate the three types of prototypes, ultimately selecting a mid-
level prototype for our interactive mobile application designed for snorkelers and amateur scuba divers.
This choice aligns with the core design principles and concepts discussed in previous sections and is a
result of our extensive research. We will also include screenshots of the prototype's digital interfaces,
discuss our design process and iterations, and explain how the design has evolved over time.

Types of Prototypes

1. Low-Fidelity Prototype: Low-fidelity prototypes often take the form of paper sketches,
wireframes, or basic digital representations (McElroy, 2018). While these are quick and cost-
effective to produce, they may lack detail and interactivity. We did create some low-fidelity
sketches to brainstorm ideas and concepts.
2. High-Fidelity Prototype: High-fidelity prototypes are detailed and interactive, closely resembling
the final product. These prototypes are valuable for usability testing and visual design evaluation
(McElroy, 2018).
3. Mid-Level Prototype (Selected): A mid-level prototype strikes a balance between low and high
fidelity, providing a sufficient level of detail and interactivity while still allowing for design
flexibility. Our selection of a mid-level prototype stems from the desire to maintain the ability to
iterate and refine the design based on user feedback, which aligns with usability testing
principles (Cooper, 2019).

Prototype Informed by Research, Concepts, and Design Principles

The mid-level prototype is informed by extensive research and the concepts and design principles
discussed in previous sections:

 Cognitive Psychology: We incorporated a straightforward and intuitive underwater interface

that aligns with users' cognitive processes, ensuring ease of interaction and understanding.
 Interaction Design Theory: Our prototype adheres to interaction design principles, emphasizing
the creation of meaningful and effective interactions between users and the application.
 Modes of Interaction: Understanding the different modes of interaction, we designed touch-
based interactions and voice commands to cater to underwater and on-land scenarios.
 Types of Interaction: We prioritized commands (e.g., taking photos and videos), queries (e.g.,
monitoring depth), and manipulations (e.g., swiping through screens) in the prototype, ensuring
users can effectively achieve their goals.
 Design Principles: Our prototype consistently integrates design principles, such as visibility
(high-contrast visuals and data displays), feedback (confirmation for user actions), constraints
(simple touch gestures), consistency (design patterns), and affordance (clearly labeled buttons).

Design Process, Iterations, and Problem-Solving

The design process involved multiple iterations, starting with low-fidelity sketches to brainstorm ideas
and concepts. This concept was used to gather feedback from users. The mid-level prototype was
developed based on the insights and feedback obtained during the user acceptance testing of the low-
fidelity prototype.

Throughout the design process, some of the challenges that were met were optimizing touch gestures
for underwater use, ensuring the interface's clarity, and accommodating various mobile device sizes.
Problem-solving involves refining touch-based interactions, enhancing the feedback mechanisms, and
maintaining consistent design patterns.
Evolution of the Design

The design has evolved over time through an iterative process that focused on addressing user needs
and preferences. We have refined the visual design, streamlined interactions, and ensured the
prototype is user-friendly in both underwater and on-land scenarios. User feedback has been
instrumental in shaping the design and ensuring it aligns with the expectations and requirements of
snorkelers and amateur scuba divers.

The mid-level prototype allows for ongoing iterations and refinements based on usability testing,
ensuring that the final product will meet the needs of our target users.

Research Study
5.1 Research Study Proposal

In this section, we will thoroughly evaluate qualitative research methods, quantitative research
methods, and mixed methods research to determine the most suitable approach for our empirical
research study using the prototype. We will also propose a comprehensive research study to test at
least one design assumption and provide extensive details regarding research questions or hypotheses,
required materials, the study's methodology, and data analysis.

Evaluation of Research Methods

 Qualitative Research Methods: Qualitative research is characterized by its emphasis on

understanding complex human behaviors and experiences. It often involves in-depth interviews,
observations, and open-ended surveys. While qualitative research is valuable for exploring user
experiences, behaviors, and perceptions, it may not provide quantifiable data to test specific
design assumptions (Creswell, 2017).
 Quantitative Research Methods: Quantitative research is focused on numerical data and
statistical analysis. Surveys, experiments, and structured observations are common in
quantitative research. This approach is suitable for testing specific design assumptions, such as
the effectiveness of touch-based interactions vs. voice commands. However, it may lack insights
into the "why" behind user preferences (Creswell, 2017).
 Mixed Methods Research: Mixed methods research combines qualitative and quantitative
approaches to gain a comprehensive understanding of a research problem. It allows researchers
to gather both numerical data and rich qualitative insights. This approach is well-suited to our
research, as we aim to test design assumptions (quantitative) while also understanding the
reasons and user preferences (Creswell, 2017).

Proposed Research Study

mixed methods research will be used, a study that combines both qualitative and quantitative data
collection and analysis techniques. The study will focus on testing the design assumption related to user
preferences for interaction methods in the underwater mobile application.

Research Questions and Hypotheses

Research Questions:
1. How do users perceive the ease of taking photos and videos underwater using our mobile
2. What are users' preferences for browsing and reviewing underwater photos, videos, and dive
data on the mobile app?


Users will find touch-based interactions more intuitive and user-friendly than voice commands.

Materials for the Study

 Pre-study and post-testing questionnaires to collect quantitative data on user preferences

and satisfaction.
 In-depth interviews with participants to gain qualitative insights into the reasons behind
their preferences.
 Consent forms for participants, explaining the study's purpose and their rights.

Study Methodology

 Participant Recruitment: We will recruit a diverse group of snorkelers and amateur scuba divers
who represent our target user group. A sample size of at least 30 participants is planned to
ensure a robust dataset.
 Pre-Study Questionnaire: Participants will complete a comprehensive pre-study questionnaire
before the study to collect demographic information, diving experience, and their expectations
from an underwater mobile application.
 Prototype Testing: Participants will use the mid-fidelity prototype of the mobile application in a
controlled underwater environment. They will be tasked with taking photos and videos and
navigating the interface. Half of the participants will use touch-based interactions, while the
other half will use voice commands.
 In-depth Interviews: After prototype testing, participants will participate in structured in-depth
interviews to provide qualitative insights into their preferences, experiences, and the reasons
behind their choices.
 . Post-Testing Questionnaire: After the interviews, participants will complete a post-testing
questionnaire to provide detailed feedback on their experience with the prototype.
 Data Analysis: Quantitative data from the questionnaires will be analyzed using descriptive
statistics and inferential tests to assess the statistical significance of differences in user
preferences between touch-based and voice-command interactions.
Qualitative data from the interviews will be transcribed and analyzed using thematic analysis to
identify common themes and reasons behind user preferences.
The research hypothesis will be tested using appropriate statistical tests.

This report details the design process for a user-friendly mobile application for snorkelers and amateur
scuba divers, informed by HCI research and theory. It emphasizes underwater challenges, user
preferences, and design principles. A proposed mixed-methods research study aims to validate design
assumptions, while recognizing resource constraints and ethical considerations. Future steps include
usability testing, iterative prototyping, accessibility, environmental impact assessment, market research,
and potential collaborations.

Clark, A. &. A. B., 2019. Underwater Photography Preferences among Divers. Journal of Underwater
Technology, 3(145-158), p. 15.

Cooper, A., 2019. The Essentials of Interaction Design. 4th ed. s.l.:Wiley.

Creswell, J. W. C. a. J. D., 2017. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods
Approaches. 4th ed. Thousand Oaks, California, USA: Sage Publications.

Erich Gamma, R. H. R. J. a. J. V., 1995. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.
1st ed. s.l.:Addison-WesleyEdition.

Erich Gamma, R. H. R. J. J. V., 1995. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. 1st
ed. s.l.:Addison-WesleyEdition.

Gao, Y. &. C. Q., 2021. Touch Gestures for Underwater Interaction: Design and Evaluation. International
Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 9(883-896), p. 37.

Gao, Y. &. C. Q., 2021. Touch Gestures for Underwater Interaction: Design and Evaluation. International
Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 37(9), pp. 883-896.

Johnson, S. &. B. L., 2018. The Impact of Physical Constraints on Underwater Interaction Design.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 7(589-603), p. 34.

Lee, J. e. a., 2020. Dive Monitoring: User Preferences and Design Implications. Proceedings of the ACM
on Human-Computer Interaction, CSCW2(1-19), p. 4.

Mack, R. L., 2003. Human-Computer Interaction: Introduction and Fundamentals. 1st ed. s.l.:CRC Press.

McElroy, K., 2018. Prototyping for Designers: Developing the Best Digital and Physical Products. 1st ed.
New York, NY: O'Reilly Media.

Norman, D. A., 2013. The Design of Everyday Things. 1st ed. s.l.:Basic books.

Shneiderman, B., 1998. Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer
Interaction. 3rd ed. s.l.:Addison-Wesley.

Smith, R. e. a., 2017. Underwater Visibility Challenges and Design Implications. Journal of Underwater
Technology, 13(2), pp. 75-88.

Stuart K. Card, T. P. M. A. N., 1938. The Psychology of Human-Computer Interaction. 1st ed. Hillsdale,
New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Wu, H. e. a., 2018. Designing Information Displays for Underwater Applications. International Journal of
Human-Computer Interaction, 6(499-511), p. 34.


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