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Dorothy Kate V.


FM 1-2

If I’m gonna start to put a business it will be a pastry shop because I like sweets and I think it is going
to be popular or demand because when people celebrates some of events and occasions they buy cakes
and sweets because this desserts are always present in any kinds of occasions, pastries can be a
souvenir like for the kids and I think people love sweets just like me. I will choose monopolistic
competition as the market structure of my business. In the market structure monopolistic competition it
is the combination of monopoly and perfect competition, this type of market structure can be apply to
the businesses that has many firms offering products that are similar but not identical and the products
can be charge whatever price the owner want. I chose monopolistic competition as my market structure
for my business because it is fit for my business which is a pastry shop it is a common business, many
business men and women put up a pastry shop just like what I said because it is demand specially when
it comes to the teens who do their activities at a shop, people who buy products at a pastry shop for
occasions and cravings of sweets. The only difference of my business to the other pastry shops if ever is I
will offer different kinds of cakes, cupcakes and pastry, different kinds of designs to attract more
customer and the prices of my products that will be surely can afford by my future or possible

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