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Project Proposal

Counselling Services system for Vintage Health Wellness


BANNER ID: 001242540

STUDENT NAME: Emmanuel Matewere

PROGRAMME OF STUDY: BSc. (Hons) in Computing Information Systems


CONTACT DETAILS: 0994167753/ 0882944267 /

Table of Contents
1. OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 3
2. AIM ................................................................................................................................................ 4
3. OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Investigating and analyzing current system ............................................................................. 4
3.2 Designing the system ................................................................................................................... 5
3.3.1 Developing the system.............................................................................................................. 5
3.4 Testing and implementing the system ....................................................................................... 5
3.5 Documenting the system ............................................................................................................. 6
4. PLAN AND METHODOLOGY .................................................................................................. 6
Methodology ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Hardware ........................................................................................................................................... 8
1. OTHER ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................................ 8
Legal-issues ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 9
References ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Appendix 1- Work Breakdown Structure .............................................................................................. 11

Vintage health wellness is a private clinic that offers treatment or counseling to inpatient or
outpatient clients for the maintenance or enhancement of mental health or the treatment of
mental or behavioral disorders for individuals and group contexts. Vintage health was
registered in 2011 to empower diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish general
wellness through nutrition and psychotherapy services. The company is located at Midland
Physiotherapy Number 33 Chilembwe Road Next to the Hub and Dappers Restaurant, on your
way to St Patrick's Primary.

The company offers a range of services such as corporate wellness talks and psychotherapy
sessions. For a client to acquire a therapy session he/she has to first book an appointment, the
appointment is made through phone call or text messages. The appointments are added to the
appointment book that the admins use to sort the days and session details, clients are then
informed of the available appointment days and times, and they have to confirm or reschedule
if it does not fit their schedule. Once the appointment has been approved the client can attend
the session on the agreed date and time. The clients are then diagnosed to check what type of
treatment they require. The therapy sessions are done at the clinic, and can last for 45 – 60
mins, if the client is unable to attend the session, a phone call has to be made to the admins to
reschedule the appointment. The clients are required to hand in medical documents to their
psychologist before they can begin their session. Clients that are unable to travel to the office
of the psychologist have to reschedule their appointments. If the psychologist is not in office
on a particular day, the admin is required to inform each client scheduled that day that their
appointment has to be moved.
The current system faces several problems. When it comes to appointments some of the
problems the company faces are rescheduling and arranging available time slots for the
appointments. The admins are required to inform clients about appointment schedules through
phone calls, this can be time-consuming as the clinic only has one administrator, and this can
also cause clients to miss deadlines or forget to confirm their appointments. Admins have to
manually organize through the appointment books to change the date and to check on dates
that are fully booked. The other main problem of the current system is that admins have to
perform manual analysis and summarizing of clinic-related tasks to generate reports proves
repetitious and time-demanding for the admins, resulting in the generation of low-quality clinic
statistics reports. The last problem is that the current system does not support online methods
to attend a therapy session such as calling the psychologist or messaging the psychologist, this
is a challenge as most clients have to travel to the hospital to attend their sessions.

The proposed system is to create a web application that supports both user and organization
requirements. The system will provide a video calling feature that the patients and
psychologists will use to conduct online sessions. The system will allow clients to apply for
treatment. The system will allow clients to make an appointment for a therapy session with the
psychologist. The system will allow administrators to manage appointments, conduct
scheduling, and monitor the process of the appointments, such processes included
appointments cancelled, pending appointments and completed appointments. The system will
also be capable of sending notification alerts to clients and administrators, informing them of
account modifications, session updates, and appointment details. The proposed system will
also provide the admins with an automated report feature that will generate monthly, weekly
or daily reports faster and reduce the time admins spend searching for the reports.

2. AIM

The proposed system aims to create a web application that will assist counselling services. The
proposed system will allow clients to book an appointment online, set appointment reminders,
change appointment details, apply for counselling, set a treatment plan, and interact with a
psychologist through a video chat. Admins will also be able to schedule appointments and
organize appointment time slots to avoid double bookings. The system will also be able to
generate automated statistical reports reducing time spent manually searching for information.

-3.1 Investigating and analyzing the current system
3.1.1 Gathering current system information

• This requires using several approaches to collect data from the case study
• This is done to identify issues with the present system and to find a solution to
the problems.

3.1.2 Conducting a literature review

• • This comprises analyzing previous projects to the proposed system to

acquire a clear grasp of what was not done and the problems faced by those
similar systems (, n.d.).

3.1.3 Reviewing system development technologies

• Examining technologies and tools offers a clear image of which

technologies and tools are most suited for the project at hand, as well as the
expertise possessed by a developer.
3.2 Designing the system
3.2.1 Designing proposed system architecture

• System architecture employs models and diagrams that depict the logical
flow of the system. These models, which include class diagrams, sequence
diagrams, and use case diagrams, help users understand how the system will

3.2.2 Designing the proposed system user interface

• This will cover how to utilize software to build a graphical representation of

the user interface. A system prototype will be constructed at this stage.

3.2.3 Designing the proposed system database

• Models that describe the system's database will be created. This entails
identifying entities and their relationships, which will be shown in an Entity
Relationship Diagram.

3.3.1 Developing the system

3.3.2 Developing system user interface

• A system interface will be created that will serve as the system's front end
and allow users to communicate with the system's back end.

3.3.3 Developing system database

• A system database will be constructed to store the records made by the

system's actors.

3.3.4 Developing system functionalities

• At this stage, functions of the proposed system will be created to assist

improve the system's usability and importance.

3.4 Testing and implementing the system

3.4.1 Test plan development

• This section will provide the criteria that will be used to test the entire
system to verify if it meets the mentioned functionality.
3.4.2 Testing system functionalities

• At this point, unit testing will be performed to verify that each functionality
is tested by the test plan that will be created.

3.4.3 Reviewing and fixing errors

• After testing and finding some errors in the system, those errors will be
reviewed to ensure that the ones that can be resolved are resolved.

3.5 Documenting the system

3.5.1 Developing system documentation

• • This will be a document that describes and explains everything that will
occur throughout this project.

3.5.2 Developing system user manual

• This document will be created to serve as a guideline for system users. Steps
on how to use and perform specific capabilities will be further defined in
this document to help users understand the system better.

3.5.3 Producing test logs

• • This is a document that will be created to show how the system's testing
was carried out, as well as the test results.


The methodology to be used for this project is Object Oriented Methodology. Object
Oriented Methodology is a system development approach that supports the reuse of
software components (Shoval, 2006). This concept describes information systems as a
collection of interacting elements that collaborate to complete tasks. This system
guarantees increased production, cheaper maintenance costs, and improved quality.

This methodology also adopts the international standard Unified Modelling Language
(visual-paradigm, n.d.). The Unified Modelling Language (UML) is an Object Oriented
analysis design standard that allows a developer to create models that describe the logical
architecture of a system. This allows developers and system users to see how the actual
system will operate in terms of functionality and data flow (visual-paradigm, n.d.).

Software/Resources Justification
Visual studio code is a code editor redefined and optimized for
building and debugging modern web and
cloud applications (visualstudio, n.d.).

StarUML Class diagrams, use cases, and sequence

diagrams are examples of system models
that may be created with this application.

Microsoft Office Package Contains apps that will be used to create

project documents, such as Microsoft
PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft

Adobe Xd Adobe's program is a vector-based digital

design tool for websites and applications. It
is a powerful and dependable user
experience design tool that is used to create
system prototypes, mock-ups, and full
designs (Anon., 2022). This will be used in
the design stage to develop a system

API This is an acronym for Application

Programming Interface. It is a middle
software that allows two applications to talk
to each other (redhat., 2017). This tool will
be used to implement the instant messaging
functionality which acts as a notification of
delivered products.

Is a back-end JavaScript runtime

Node js environment that is open-source, cross-
platform, and runs on the V8 engine. It
executes JavaScript code outside of a web

Git hub GitHub is a platform for hosting code that

allows for version control and collaboration.
It enables you and others to collaborate on
projects from anywhere.

Wamp server Will be used as a local server for the web

application system


Will be used for coding the system, designing the program logic, and writing project

Pen and Papers

Will be used to write any ideas that come up while carrying out the project.

External hard disc

This will be used to copy back-ups of system resources.


Duty of Care: The Provider-Patient Relationship.
The responsibility of care stemming from the doctor-patient relationship applies to all
healthcare workers, not only, physiotherapists, massage therapists, and psychologists
(Donaldson, 2020). When a doctor assists in the treatment of a patient, a duty of care
typically arises. This includes phone consultations and situations in which an expert
assesses a patient's imaging, blood, or tissue samples without ever meeting the patient in

Variation in care is introduced across the mental health care system as a function of race,
age, money, and other social characteristics. These parameters impact how patients get
mental health care, and some individuals encounter prejudice as a result of some of these
characteristics. The system is designed for Malawi's healthcare business and would ensure
that all consumers are treated fairly. This guarantees that patients have access to all of the
services they require.

Conflict of Interest
The risk of a conflict of interest arises when psychologists begin to utilize their knowledge
to design mHealth apps to aid in the evaluation and treatment of mental health disorders
(East & Havard, 2015). According to Ethics Code Standard 3.06, psychologists should
avoid taking on tasks when their professional or financial interests can undermine
objectivity or expose a client to harm or exploitation. If psychologists earn financially from
current clients installing their apps, they are likely to have a professional conflict of interest,
which may impair their judgment (Presser, 2016).

Integrity is what ensures that professionals maintain their promises. It also prevents people
from surrendering their ideals, even if it means following a more difficult path. Being
honest – to yourself and to the people you meet – is linked to integrity. Your values and
actions are in sync, and everyone can see you're sincere (mindtools, n.d.).


This document provides an overview of the vintage wellness center, the current system, and
the issues that have arisen as a result of the present system. The present system was used to
propose a new system, and the objectives were specified appropriately. The project plan
includes a list of dates and events to follow during the development of the project.
Anon., 2022. Design with Precision – An Adobe XD Review. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 18 March 2022].

Donaldson, A., 2020. The Doctor-Patient Relationship and Duty of Care – How Wide Should The Net
Be Cast? [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 March 2022].

mindtools, n.d. Professionalism. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 16 March 2022].

open. ac, n.d. Postgraduate study skills. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 16 March 2022].

Presser, N. R. K. a. N. R., 2016. Ethical and Legal Issues Addressing the Use of Mobile. [Online]
Available at:
Addressing-the-Use-of-MobileHealth-mHealth-as-an-Adjunct-to-Psychotherapy.pdfEthical and Legal
Issues Addressing the Use of Mobile
[Accessed 17 03 2022].

RedHat., 2017. what-are-application-programming-interfaces. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 16 March 2022].

Shoval, P., 2006. Functional and Object Oriented Analysis and Design_ An Integrated Methodology
[Shoval 2006-06-28]. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 16 March 2022].

visual-paradigm, n.d. What is Unified Modeling Language (UML)? [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 16 march 2022].

visualstudio, n.d. visualstudio. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 16 March 2022].
Appendix 1- Work Breakdown Structure

Start End Date

Planning ➢ Creating the project 18 March
29 April
Project Proposal
proposal 2022 2022
Analysis ➢ Reviewing the technology 27 Mayth
23rd June Analysis/
to be used. 2022 2022 Literature Review
➢ Gathering information
through interviews.
➢ Researching similar
➢ Prioritizing requirements.
Design ➢ Designing the class 27th July 29th July Design (System
diagrams, and sequence 2022 2022 Architecture)
➢ Designing data flow
diagrams, and a rich
➢ Designing the prototype of
the system.
➢ Designing the database
Implementation ➢ Developing the User 11th July 15th
System Prototype
Interface of the system. 2021 September
➢ Developing the database 2022
of the system.
➢ Coding the system.
Testing & ➢ Testing system user- 1 October 10 October
st th
System test cases
Deployment friendliness. 2022 2022 and test logs
➢ Testing system
functionality using the test
cases and coming up with
the test logs.
➢ Testing database
➢ Deploying the system
using Parallel Installation.
Documentation ➢ Document the project's 11 th
7th October Final report and
final report. August 2022 user manual.
➢ Document the user 2022
Appendix 2: Grant chat

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