How To Generate Miscellaneous Charge Manually

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User’s Manual

Edit. /Rev.: Pauline Wafula

Date: 23/06/2016

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Configuration ............................................................................................... 3
2. Miscellaneous charges generation ............................................................. 3
3. Miscellaneous Charge Cancelling .............................................................. 8
4. Miscellaneous charges billing ...................................................................10
5. Miscellaneous charges and Prepayment system ......................................12

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 2 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

1. Introduction
Miscellaneous charges (MC) in CMS are charges that are not associated to a tariff and are
not calculated recurrently, and only generated with regard to special scenarios like contract
charges adjustments, faulty meters, reconnections, frauds… following, it is specified the
functionality on regards to bill corrections or customer balance adjustments.

1.1 Configuration

For each miscellaneous charge the following parameters/indicators can be specified:

 Tax indicator – indicates if for the given charge, VAT/tax will be calculated
 Online creation indicator – enable/disable creation manually by user, in case of
adjustments: “enable”
 Credit/debit indicator – indicate if given MC should have negative or positive value
 Inclusion into consumption bill – indicate if MC can be included into next cycle energy
bill or will be created as a separate invoice, if yes, this means that if it is not selected
to be issued independently, it will be included in next consumption bill. By default
customer balance adjustments will be configured with “yes”.
 Bill type – specify code of bill type if separate invoice is generated (in case that the
contract is inactive, they will always bill independently)
 Default amount – default amount for miscellaneous charge
 Debt indicator – indicate if given MC should be included into customer debt.(always
regarding issuing process, i.e. deposit will be considered debt till the moment the
outstanding charge is settled)
 Automatic bill indicator – indicate if given MC will be issued upon creation

This parameterization must be set before implementation of CMS for each MC type that will
be used in company. If a new type will be introduced after implementation of CMS, then also
this parameterization must be set correctly.

2. Miscellaneous charges generation

The screen for miscellaneous charges generation requires the following fields:

 Service Point and contract

 Miscellaneous charge type (only the types that have been configured for online
 Amount (if the given MC does not have a default amount configured)
 Comments (in order to clarify the reason for the credit/debit )

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 3 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

 User (automatically, the user that generates the MC will be store associated to the

After confirmation of the data introduced, the system will generate a miscellaneous charge
with status generated.
Note that a miscellaneous charge becomes “debt” for the customer after billing and issuing.
When the MC is only “generated” it is not considered debt for the system.

Steps in system:

 To generate a new miscellaneous charge, click the icon “Misc. charges” from the
window “Inquiries by SPN/GSPN”.

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 4 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

 The first card “Service Charges, Deposit and Misc. charges payments - Details” of the
wizard “Miscellaneous Charges” will be opened. Information about the existing
miscellaneous charges of the customer is displayed.

 Click the right button of the mouse in the list of miscellaneous charges in the upper part
of the window. A local menu will be displayed.

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 5 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

 Select the “Create” option from the local menu.

 Fields in the lower part of the window will become editable – you can set the
miscellaneous payment type, document, total amount and comment.

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 6 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

 As you enter the amount, the calculation of the VAT and total amount will be displayed in
the upper part of the window.

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 7 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

 To complete the generation, click the button “OK” and confirm the operation.

3. Miscellaneous Charge Cancelling

A miscellaneous charge in status generated can be cancelled any time from the
corresponding option in the system according to the configuration, though this option must be
allowed only to certain profiles.
If a miscellaneous charge is already billed, then:

 If a miscellaneous charge is included in a consumption bill – it cannot be cancelled

 If miscellaneous charge has been billed independently
 If the bill is partially or fully paid – It cannot be cancelled (payment can be
transferred firstly)

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 8 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

 If the bill has not been paid – it can be cancelled according to the configuration
and the user profile.

Steps in system:
 To cancel a new miscellaneous charge, click the icon “Misc. charges” from the
window “Inquiries by Supply Number”.
 The first card “Service Charges, Deposit and Misc. charges payments - Details” of the
wizard “Miscellaneous Charges” will be opened. Information about the existing
miscellaneous charges of the customer is displayed.
 Select the charge that you want to cancel from the list in the upper part of the window
and click the right button of the mouse. A local menu will be displayed.

 Select the option “Cancel” from the local menu and confirm the operation.

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 9 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

 The status of the miscellaneous charge will be updated to “Cancelled”.

4. Miscellaneous charges billing

According to parameterization (or if contract is not active), the MC can be billed and issued
automatically (through the daily batch process or online) by generating an independent bill or
During the generation of miscellaneous charges if it is configured that independent invoice
can be generated, then, it will also be necessary to specify if the bill must be issued on line or
batch. (By default it will be only due to the current problems with the bill distribution).
Note that the bill generated (the independent bill) will have the bill type configured for the
corresponding MC.

Steps in system:
 To bill a miscellaneous charge, click the icon “Misc. charges” from the window
“Inquiries by Supply Number”.

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 10 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

 The first card “Service Charges, Deposit and Misc. charges payments - Details” of the
wizard “Miscellaneous Charges” will be opened. Information about the existing
miscellaneous charges of the customer is displayed.
 Select the charge that you want to bill from the list in the upper part of the window and
click the right button of the mouse. A local menu will be displayed.

 Select the option “Billing” from the local menu and confirm the operation.

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 11 of 12

Version: 01

Name: User’s Manual – How to generate

miscellaneous charges Kind of Document: Manual

5. Miscellaneous charges and Prepayment system

For the prepaid contracts MCs should be always billed independently regardless the
configuration and these charges should be immediately sent to Prepayment System.

User Manual – How to generate Miscellaneous Charges Date : 23/06/2016 Page 12 of 12

Version: 01

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