Bugreport Citrus - Id QKQ1.200830.002 2021 12 27 09 55 06 Dumpstate - Log 15574

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Module metadata package name: com.google.android.

modulemetadatacan't find the pid

Failed to find: /data/misc/anrd/
Duration of 'DUMPSYS CRITICAL': 0.72s
Duration of 'DUMP TRACES': 23.86s
Adding dir /cache/recovery (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/recovery (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/update_engine_log (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/logd (recursive: 0)
/data/misc/logd: No such file or directory
Unable to read link for /proc/25098/ns/mnt: No such file or directory
MOUNT INFO: 71 entries added to zip file
execvp on command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed (error: No such file or directory)
*** command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed: exit code 1
Duration of 'CPU INFO': 1.46s
*** command 'cat /d/tzdbg/qsee_log' timed out after 10.001s (killing pid 16191)
Duration of 'QSEE_LOG': 10.00s
*** command 'cat /d/tzdbg/log' timed out after 10.002s (killing pid 16222)
Duration of 'TZ_LOG': 10.02s
Duration of 'PROCESSES AND THREADS': 0.83s
Warning: Skipping
"android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.atrace@1.0::IAtraceDevice/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.audio.effect@5.0::IEffectsFactory/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.audio@5.0::IDevicesFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4::ICameraProvider/legacy/0":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.cas@1.0::IMediaCasService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.cas@1.1::IMediaCasService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/clearkey": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/widevine": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gnss@1.1::IGnss/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gnss@2.0::IGnss/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1::IComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2::IComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.3::IComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.ir@1.0::IConsumerIr/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.light@2.0::ILight/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.c2@1.0::IComponentStore/software": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmxStore/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-dsp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-gpu": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-dsp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-gpu": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-dsp": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-gpu": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.power@1.0::IPower/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.power@1.1::IPower/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.power@1.2::IPower/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio.config@1.0::IRadioConfig/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio.config@1.1::IRadioConfig/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot2": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.sensors@2.0::ISensors/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.hardware.tetheroffload.config@1.0::IOffloadConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.0::IOffloadControl/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.thermal@1.0::IThermal/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.1::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.1::ISupplicant/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.2::ISupplicant/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/AtCmdFwdService": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/camerapostprocservice": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/dpmQmiService": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/gnss_vendor": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsrtpservice": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/legacy/0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook0": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-dsp": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-gpu": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient0": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer0": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wfdhdcp": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine": cannot be fetched from
service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysession": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionimagetrack":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionvideotrack":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.net.netd@1.0::INetd/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.net.netd@1.1::INetd/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintEngineering/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintNavigation/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintSensorTest/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api@1.0::IdpmQmi/dpmQmiService": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
: cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
: cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
: cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.0::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.1::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.2::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.0::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.1::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.2::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.3::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.4::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.5::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.0::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.10::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.11::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.12::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.13::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.14::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.15::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.16::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.1::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.2::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.3::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.4::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.5::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.6::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.7::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.8::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@1.9::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.postproc@1.0::IDisplayPostproc/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.focaltech.fingerprint@1.0::IFocalFingerprintService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.data.factory@2.0::IFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.data.factory@2.1::IFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.0::IEsePowerManager/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@1.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@1.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@1.2::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@2.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@2.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.gnss@3.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.audiohalext@1.0::IAudioHalExt/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.bluetooth_sar@1.0::IBluetoothSar/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.btconfigstore@1.0::IBTConfigStore/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.cacert@1.0::IService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot1":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot2":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot1":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot2":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.data.latency@1.0::ILinkLatency/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.display.composer@2.0::IQtiComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.display.composer@2.1::IQtiComposer/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.fm@1.0::IFmHci/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0::IQSEECom/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IAppConnector/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IGPAppConnector/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot2": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.radio.atcmdfwd@1.0::IAtCmdFwd/AtCmdFwdService": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio0": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa0": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.1::IUimLpa/UimLpa0": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.1::IUimLpa/UimLpa1": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook0":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook1":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot1": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot2": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim0": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim0": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim0": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim1": cannot be fetched
from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
uimRemoteClient0": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
uimRemoteClient1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
uimRemoteServer0": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
uimRemoteServer1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.sensorscalibrate@1.0::ISensorsCalibrate/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.0::IServicetracker/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.1::IServicetracker/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0::ISoter/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemEvent/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemResource/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0::ITuiComm/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystoreExt/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.0::ISupplicantVendor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.1::ISupplicantVendor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
"vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.2::ISupplicantVendor/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
wifidisplaysessionimagetrack": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
wifidisplaysessionvideotrack": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.ims.callinfo@1.0::IService/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.ims.factory@1.0::IImsFactory/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.0::IRTPService/imsrtpservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.1::IRTPService/imsrtpservice": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.power.pasrmanager@1.0::IPasrManager/default": cannot
be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping
default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mfidoca@1.0::IFidoService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0::IMiSys/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0::IMiSys/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0::IMiSys/default": cannot be
fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.0::IMlipayService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.1::IMlipayService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.0::IMTService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.1::IMTService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.2::IMTService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.0::ITidaService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.1::ITidaService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.2::ITidaService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.xiaomi.hardware.vsimapp@1.0::IVSIMService/default":
cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
*** command 'lshal -lVSietrpc --types=b,c,l,z' failed: exit code 136
Duration of 'HARDWARE HALS': 1.09s
android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default' failed: exit code
android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.frameworks.schedulerservice@1.0::ISchedulingPolicyService/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default' failed: exit code 128
android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.frameworks.stats@1.0::IStats/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.atrace@1.0::IAtraceDevice/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.atrace@1.0::IAtraceDevice/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.audio.effect@5.0::IEffectsFactory/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.audio.effect@5.0::IEffectsFactory/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.audio@5.0::IDevicesFactory/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.audio@5.0::IDevicesFactory/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.biometrics.fingerprint@2.1::IBiometricsFingerprint/default does
not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.bluetooth.audio@2.0::IBluetoothAudioProvidersFactory/default does
not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4::ICameraProvider/legacy/0 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.camera.provider@2.4::ICameraProvider/legacy/0' failed: exit code
android.hardware.cas@1.0::IMediaCasService/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.cas@1.0::IMediaCasService/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.cas@1.1::IMediaCasService/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.cas@1.1::IMediaCasService/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.configstore@1.0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default' failed: exit code
android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.configstore@1.1::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs/default' failed: exit code
android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/clearkey'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::ICryptoFactory/widevine'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/clearkey' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.0::IDrmFactory/widevine' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/clearkey'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/wfdhdcp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::ICryptoFactory/widevine'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/clearkey' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/wfdhdcp' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.1::IDrmFactory/widevine' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/clearkey'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.2::ICryptoFactory/widevine'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/clearkey does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/clearkey' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/widevine does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.drm@1.2::IDrmFactory/widevine' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gnss@1.0::IGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.gnss@1.1::IGnss/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gnss@1.1::IGnss/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.gnss@2.0::IGnss/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.gnss@2.0::IGnss/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1::IComposer/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.1::IComposer/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2::IComposer/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.2::IComposer/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.3::IComposer/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.graphics.composer@2.3::IComposer/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.health@2.0::IHealth/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.ir@1.0::IConsumerIr/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.ir@1.0::IConsumerIr/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.light@2.0::ILight/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.light@2.0::ILight/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.media.c2@1.0::IComponentStore/software does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.media.c2@1.0::IComponentStore/software' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmx/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmxStore/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.media.omx@1.0::IOmxStore/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.memtrack@1.0::IMemtrack/default'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-
default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-dsp does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-dsp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-gpu does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.0::IDevice/qti-gpu'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-
default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-dsp does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-dsp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-gpu does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.1::IDevice/qti-gpu'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-
default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-dsp does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-dsp'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-gpu does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.neuralnetworks@1.2::IDevice/qti-gpu'
failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.power@1.0::IPower/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.power@1.0::IPower/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.power@1.1::IPower/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.power@1.1::IPower/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.power@1.2::IPower/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.power@1.2::IPower/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.radio.config@1.0::IRadioConfig/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.radio.config@1.0::IRadioConfig/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.radio.config@1.1::IRadioConfig/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.radio.config@1.1::IRadioConfig/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.0::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.0::ISap/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.1::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.1::ISap/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.2::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.2::ISap/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.3::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.radio@1.4::IRadio/slot2' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.sensors@2.0::ISensors/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.sensors@2.0::ISensors/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.tetheroffload.config@1.0::IOffloadConfig/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.tetheroffload.config@1.0::IOffloadConfig/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.0::IOffloadControl/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.0::IOffloadControl/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.thermal@1.0::IThermal/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.thermal@1.0::IThermal/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hardware.usb@1.1::IUsb/default does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.usb@1.1::IUsb/default' failed: exit
code 128
debug() FAILED on android.hardware.vibrator@1.0::IVibrator/default:
android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.0::ISupplicant/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.1::ISupplicant/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.1::ISupplicant/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.2::ISupplicant/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hardware.wifi.supplicant@1.2::ISupplicant/default' failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/AtCmdFwdService does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/AtCmdFwdService' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim0' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/Uim1' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa0' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/UimLpa1' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/camerapostprocservice does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/camerapostprocservice'
failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice' failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/dpmQmiService does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/dpmQmiService' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/gnss_vendor' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio0' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsradio1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsrtpservice does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsrtpservice' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/legacy/0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/legacy/0' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook0' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/oemhook1' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-default' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-dsp does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-dsp' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-gpu does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti-gpu' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qti.ims.connectionmanagerservice' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient0' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteClient1' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer0' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/uimRemoteServer1' failed:
exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wfdhdcp does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wfdhdcp' failed: exit code
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine' failed: exit
code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysession does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysession'
failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack' failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionimagetrack does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionimagetrack' failed: exit code 128
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionvideotrack does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/wifidisplaysessionvideotrack' failed: exit code 128
debug() FAILED on android.hidl.manager@1.2::IServiceManager/default:
android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.system.net.netd@1.0::INetd/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.system.net.netd@1.0::INetd/default' failed:
exit code 128
android.system.net.netd@1.1::INetd/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.system.net.netd@1.1::INetd/default' failed:
exit code 128
debug() FAILED on android.system.suspend@1.0::ISystemSuspend/default:
android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default'
failed: exit code 128
com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintEngineering/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintEngineering/default' failed: exit code
com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintNavigation/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintNavigation/default' failed: exit code
com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintSensorTest/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.fingerprints.extension@1.0::IFingerprintSensorTest/default' failed: exit code
com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api@1.0::IdpmQmi/dpmQmiService does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E com.qualcomm.qti.dpm.api@1.0::IdpmQmi/dpmQmiService'
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.0::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.0::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice' failed:
exit code 128
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.1::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.1::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice' failed:
exit code 128
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.2::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice does not
exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice@2.2::IUceService/com.qualcomm.qti.uceservice' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.0::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.0::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.1::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.1::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.2::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.2::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.3::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.3::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.4::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.4::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.color@1.5::IDisplayColor/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.color@1.5::IDisplayColor/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.0::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.0::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.10::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.10::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.11::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.11::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.12::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.12::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.13::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.13::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.14::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.14::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.15::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.15::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.16::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.16::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.1::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.1::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.2::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.2::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.3::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.3::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.4::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.4::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.5::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.5::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.6::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.6::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.7::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.7::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.8::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.8::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.config@1.9::IDisplayConfig/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.config@1.9::IDisplayConfig/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.display.postproc@1.0::IDisplayPostproc/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.display.postproc@1.0::IDisplayPostproc/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.focaltech.fingerprint@1.0::IFocalFingerprintService/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.focaltech.fingerprint@1.0::IFocalFingerprintService/default' failed: exit
code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
default' failed: exit code 128
default does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.data.factory@2.0::IFactory/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.data.factory@2.0::IFactory/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.data.factory@2.1::IFactory/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.data.factory@2.1::IFactory/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.0::IEsePowerManager/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.esepowermanager@1.0::IEsePowerManager/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@1.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@1.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@1.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@1.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@1.2::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@1.2::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@2.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@2.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@2.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@2.1::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.gnss@3.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.gnss@3.0::ILocHidlGnss/gnss_vendor' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.audiohalext@1.0::IAudioHalExt/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.audiohalext@1.0::IAudioHalExt/default' failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.bluetooth_sar@1.0::IBluetoothSar/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.bluetooth_sar@1.0::IBluetoothSar/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.btconfigstore@1.0::IBTConfigStore/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.btconfigstore@1.0::IBTConfigStore/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.cacert@1.0::IService/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.cacert@1.0::IService/default'
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.capabilityconfigstore@1.0::ICapabilityConfigStore/default does
not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot1 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot1' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot2 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.0::IDataConnection/slot2' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot1 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot1' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot2 does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.connection@1.1::IDataConnection/slot2' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.data.latency@1.0::ILinkLatency/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.data.latency@1.0::ILinkLatency/default' failed: exit code 128
debug() FAILED on vendor.qti.hardware.display.allocator@3.0::IQtiAllocator/default:
vendor.qti.hardware.display.composer@2.0::IQtiComposer/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.display.composer@2.0::IQtiComposer/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.display.composer@2.1::IQtiComposer/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.display.composer@2.1::IQtiComposer/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.fm@1.0::IFmHci/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.fm@1.0::IFmHci/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default' failed: exit
code 128
debug() FAILED on vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.1::IPerf/default:
vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0::IQSEECom/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0::IQSEECom/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IAppConnector/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IAppConnector/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IGPAppConnector/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.qteeconnector@1.0::IGPAppConnector/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.am@1.0::IQcRilAudio/slot2'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.atcmdfwd@1.0::IAtCmdFwd/AtCmdFwdService does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.atcmdfwd@1.0::IAtCmdFwd/AtCmdFwdService' failed: exit
code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.0::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.1::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.2::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.3::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.4::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.ims@1.5::IImsRadio/imsradio1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa0 does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa1 does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.0::IUimLpa/UimLpa1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.1::IUimLpa/UimLpa0 does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.1::IUimLpa/UimLpa0'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.1::IUimLpa/UimLpa1 does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.lpa@1.1::IUimLpa/UimLpa1'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook0 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook0' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qcrilhook@1.0::IQtiOemHook/oemhook1' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@1.0::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.0::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.1::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.2::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.3::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot1 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot2 does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.qtiradio@2.4::IQtiRadio/slot2' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim0' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.0::IUim/Uim1' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim0' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.1::IUim/Uim1' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim0 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim0' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim1 does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.radio.uim@1.2::IUim/Uim1' failed:
exit code 128
uimRemoteClient0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
uimRemoteClient0' failed: exit code 128
uimRemoteClient1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
uimRemoteClient1' failed: exit code 128
uimRemoteServer0 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
uimRemoteServer0' failed: exit code 128
uimRemoteServer1 does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
uimRemoteServer1' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.sensorscalibrate@1.0::ISensorsCalibrate/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.sensorscalibrate@1.0::ISensorsCalibrate/default' failed: exit
code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.0::IServicetracker/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.0::IServicetracker/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.1::IServicetracker/default does not exist, or
no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.1::IServicetracker/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0::ISoter/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.soter@1.0::ISoter/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemEvent/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemEvent/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemResource/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemResource/default' failed: exit code
vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0::ITuiComm/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.hardware.tui_comm@1.0::ITuiComm/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystoreExt/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystoreExt/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.0::ISupplicantVendor/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.0::ISupplicantVendor/default' failed: exit
code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.1::ISupplicantVendor/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.1::ISupplicantVendor/default' failed: exit
code 128
vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.2::ISupplicantVendor/default does not exist,
or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.hardware.wifi.supplicant@2.2::ISupplicantVendor/default' failed: exit
code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
wifidisplaysessionaudiotrack' failed: exit code 128
wifidisplaysessionimagetrack does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
wifidisplaysessionimagetrack' failed: exit code 128
wifidisplaysessionvideotrack does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
wifidisplaysessionvideotrack' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.ims.callinfo@1.0::IService/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.ims.callinfo@1.0::IService/default' failed:
exit code 128
vendor.qti.ims.factory@1.0::IImsFactory/default does not exist, or no permission to
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.ims.factory@1.0::IImsFactory/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.0::IRTPService/imsrtpservice does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.0::IRTPService/imsrtpservice' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.1::IRTPService/imsrtpservice does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.qti.imsrtpservice@2.1::IRTPService/imsrtpservice' failed: exit code 128
vendor.qti.power.pasrmanager@1.0::IPasrManager/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.qti.power.pasrmanager@1.0::IPasrManager/default'
failed: exit code 128
does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mfidoca@1.0::IFidoService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mfidoca@1.0::IFidoService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0::IMiSys/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@1.0::IMiSys/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0::IMiSys/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@2.0::IMiSys/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0::IMiSys/default does not exist, or no permission
to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E vendor.xiaomi.hardware.misys@3.0::IMiSys/default'
failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.0::IMlipayService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.0::IMlipayService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.1::IMlipayService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mlipay@1.1::IMlipayService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.0::IMTService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.0::IMTService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.1::IMTService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.1::IMTService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.2::IMTService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.mtdservice@1.2::IMTService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.0::ITidaService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.0::ITidaService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.1::ITidaService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.1::ITidaService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.2::ITidaService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.tidaservice@1.2::ITidaService/default' failed: exit code 128
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.vsimapp@1.0::IVSIMService/default does not exist, or no
permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E
vendor.xiaomi.hardware.vsimapp@1.0::IVSIMService/default' failed: exit code 128
Duration of 'DUMP HALS': 14.47s
Adding dir /data/misc/bluetooth/logs (recursive: 1)
taking late screenshot
drop_root_user(): already running as Shell
Screenshot saved on /data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/bugreport-
Duration of 'SYSTEM LOG': 3.76s
Duration of 'EVENT LOG': 1.37s
Duration of 'RADIO LOG': 1.57s
logcat read failure
*** command 'logcat -L -b all -v threadtime -v printable -v uid -d *:v' failed:
exit code 1
AddAnrTraceDir(): dump_traces_file=/data/anr/dumptrace_uGZVuo,
Dumping current ANR traces (/data/anr/dumptrace_uGZVuo) to the main bugreport entry
Error unlinking temporary trace path /data/anr/dumptrace_uGZVuo: Permission denied
Duration of 'DUMPSYS HIGH': 18.95s
execvp on command 'parse_radio_log /proc/last_radio_log' failed (error: No such
file or directory)
*** command 'parse_radio_log /proc/last_radio_log' failed: exit code 1
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path
Ignoring empty dumpstate_board.bin
Can't find service: android.service.gatekeeper.IGateKeeperService
Can't find service: apexservice
Error dumping service info: (Unknown error -2147483646) ashmem_device_service
Can't find service: gsiservice
Can't find service: idmap
Error dumping service info: (Unknown error -2147483646) miui.fdpp
Error dumping service info: (Unknown error -2147483646) suspend_control
Can't find service: vold
Duration of 'DUMPSYS': 26.72s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS PROTO': 8.24s
Duration of 'CHECKIN MEMINFO': 13.56s
Duration of 'APP SERVICES PLATFORM': 0.81s
Duration of 'APP SERVICES NON-PLATFORM': 3.28s
Duration of 'DUMPSTATE': 126.34s
Adding main entry (bugreport-citrus_id-QKQ1.200830.002-2021-12-27-09-55-06.txt)
from /data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/bugreport-citrus_id-
QKQ1.200830.002-2021-12-27-09-55-06.tmp to .zip bugreport
dumpstate id 1 finished around 2021/12/27 09:57:38 (152 s)
Adding zip text entry main_entry.txt
dumpstate_log.txt entry on zip file logged up to here

Removing temporary file

Vibrate: 'cmd vibrator vibrate 75 dumpstate'
Vibrate: 'cmd vibrator vibrate 75 dumpstate'
Vibrate: 'cmd vibrator vibrate 75 dumpstate'
Final bugreport path: /data/user_de/0/com.android.shell/files/bugreports/bugreport-
Sending broadcast: '/system/bin/cmd activity broadcast --user 0 --receiver-
foreground --receiver-include-background -a
com.android.internal.intent.action.BUGREPORT_FINISHED --receiver-permission
android.permission.DUMP --ei android.intent.extra.ID 1 --ei
android.intent.extra.PID 15574 --ei android.intent.extra.MAX 1600 --es
QKQ1.200830.002-2021-12-27-09-55-06.zip --es android.intent.extra.DUMPSTATE_LOG
QKQ1.200830.002-2021-12-27-09-55-06-dumpstate_log-15574.txt --es
drop_root_user(): already running as Shell
Broadcasting: Intent { act=com.android.internal.intent.action.BUGREPORT_FINISHED
flg=0x11400000 (has extras) }
Broadcast completed: result=0
Final progress: 1600/1600 (estimated 1600)
Saving stats (total=3200, runs=2, average=1600) on /bugreports/dumpstate-stats.txt
done (id 1)

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