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ask for a like from each person and a comment from each anime MOB PSYCHO fan and

also use the

legendary subscription nojutsu technique and the strongest bell nojutsu technique I wish everyone a
pleasant viewing and a million of the most pleasant emotions!

The third season begins with the fact that Mob learns that his love Tsubomi-Tyan is going to enroll in
Yuzu High School, where the best of the best. And immediately afterwards he meets Tsubomi in the
corridor of his school, but she ignores him. Since she and her vegetable friends are too busy talking
about high school. And it also turns out that, in between, our main character needs to hand over to the
teacher a completed questionnaire about his future profession after graduation. However, Mob never

I haven't thought about it and he has no idea who he wants to become. In this regard, as usual, he came
to Reagan for advice, who told him not to worry. After all, a place has already been reserved for him in
the Reagan Corporation Spiritual Rituals. After all, according to him, this is the vocation of the Mob. But
Mob replied that he perceives this work as a side job. Based on which he asked Reagan if he dreamed
when he was a schoolboy. What will become a consultant in the spiritual rituals of the sphere of
psychics? Reagan immediately lied and said that when he noticed his unusual abilities as a teenager, he
decided to use them for their intended purpose. And that's why he then decided to try himself in the
field of psychics. And it's clear that the Mob believed in this noodles. Then Sarizawa appeared in front of
whom Reagan decided to show his professionalism. But when a client came with an allegedly cursed
statuette for eight ten thousand yen. Reagan, seeing nothing unusual, touched this statuette. Where it
turns Mob and Sarizova immediately noticed a powerful cursed evil energy. And now, based on this,
Reagan began to get out of it in a panic, he decided to give the newcomer Sarizawa a chance in quotes.
Exorcise the evil spirit from this statuette. Making it look like that's what Reagan planned to do. And in
the end, Sarizawa dealt with the spirit without any problems. However, because of this, the arm of the
expensive statuette fell off and now the great and terrible psychic Reagan Himself used his secret
technique of a big rice explosion in which he glued his hand back.

After that, at home, the Mob told his relatives about the questionnaire, where the Father said that the
Mob should not worry much about this. After all, he still has 10 years to decide on a profession, but
Ritsu's younger brother suggested that his brother write a magician's profession for now. After all, a
Mob with its power can become a real Houdini. But Dimple adequately said that the Mob should write
anything in the questionnaire, because it can be changed at any time. After that, the very next day at
school about the profession, the Mob asked the opinion of the athletes. And then he went to the roof to
reflect on this question against the background of a giant broccoli. Where Mizato approached him, it
turns out that she guessed that broccoli appeared because of the Mob, and she thought that the Mob
was thinking about what he sacrificed for the sake of victory. Above the army of evil. And she also said
that now people have begun to perceive the broccoli tree as something divine and different groups of
people worship it as a deity. And she again reminded the Mob about the community that worships him.

However, he was not interested in all this yet, because he is just trying to decide on his future profession
here. Well, then, after school, Reagan Mob and Serizawa went to do psychic work, where they came to a
mega-grumpy man who blamed all his troubles on the people around him. Which is why a giant Lazy
spirit was formed from his negativity and cigarettes. Who even started putting people to sleep in the
neighborhood, but as a result, Reagan noticed it and our fair guys expelled the spirit. Having smashed
the roof of the insured man's house at the same time. But the most interesting thing is that Serizawa
saw himself in this man as he was when he was sitting in four walls. And the mob seemed to see himself
as the future in the event that he did not decide on his profession. And as a result, the Mob did not
write anything in the questionnaire.

In this connection, the teacher told him that it was not scary, because while he was a teenager, he still
had a lot of time to create a goal for the future. However, he should not delay with this, since then
everything will be much more complicated. Well, right after the Ghost Hunter AmakusU arrived in the
city. He came here to find the Great Four spirits who are going to summon the lord of dishonor here.
And at the same time, Mob and three other students were told to create ghost costumes and a haunted
house at school. Where a trio of schoolchildren just wanted to use ordinary sheets instead of suits. But
Mob wanted more, he wanted to approach this issue with full responsibility, but he didn't have an idea
for costumes yet. Then we were transferred to Reagan, who was thinking about how he could increase
the attendance of his site. And Sarizova informed him that he had decided to finish his compulsory
education. In this connection, he will now go to school at four o'clock after work. And Reagan gave him
an agreement for this. And immediately after that, the same Amakusu came to them, he introduced
himself to the hunters of evil spirits and said that he had arrived here in the city deal with the abodes of
darkness. However, Reagan, after listening to his strange incomprehensible speech, decided to send him
away. Since he doesn't have time for this and that his clients are waiting for him. But immediately after
the clients left, Amakusu returned again because he needed help in breaking the “Circle of Sadness".
Reagan, listening to him, began to rage because he could not understand anything at all because of the
strange submission to AMAkusu. But he only explained that he could not seek help from the police
because he would be locked up there for carrying weapons. That's why he came here, but Reagan
replied that they don't do charity work because they have a serious organization that does everything
for money.

And then Amakusu began to speak the language of Reagan, he offered a million yen in cash. And he said
he would pay him for his help. After all, he has rich Parents who support his Strange hobby. In this
regard, Reagan immediately pulled up Mob and Sarizawa and they set off. Where they found the right
building in the basement of which everything was in the roots of the plant. Also there they were
attacked by ghosts because of which Amakusu broke his legendary sword in seven Millions. After that,
Mob and Sarizawa began to kill spirits easily and also there they met the same great four spirits. Who
have already managed to summon the lord of dishonor. And at this time, the Mob was thinking about
the creation of costumes from ghosts and instead of Sarizawa, they began to expel spirits in turn. The
first Mob expelled the Green ghost of the Hulk and the spirit of Snot. And Sarizawa cut a Ghost Skull and
a Ninja mummy with his pack of business cards. After that, the Master turned on and began to release
his powers, but in just a couple of seconds, Reagans team expelled the Master and the rest of the
ghosts. And now, based on what Amakusa saw, he offered Sarizawa and Mob an excellent salary if they
would work for him. But after he saw Reagan Amakusu realized his mistake and apologized for such a
suggestion. After all, Reagan, unlike other people, agreed to help Amakus, and for this he appreciates
him. Mob then figured out how to make a mummy and ghosts at school. He told his classmates his ideas
and they made costumes repeating one-on-one the spirits they fought with. And Reagan then added an
image The Lords to their website to attract customers.
Then after that there is a situation in which Mob saves Tsubomi over the snotty popularity that her
friends could provide her with. After that, she and Mob took out the trash where Tsubomi chan thanked
him and they parted as if nothing had happened. And after school, Mizato approached the Mob. And I
told him about the psycho-helmet meeting on Sunday and he needs to show up there at least for a
while. And right after Toma appeared there and said that the Mob promised to go with her on Sunday to
look for telepaths for their club. And now the Mob has a double meeting was formed. And also Amy
came up to him, who noticed that the Mob has no end of girls. And Mob realized at that moment that
he was really attracting attention from the girls. And he told his brother Ritzu about this, who only said
that he was Happy for his brother. Meanwhile, Giant Broccoli began to develop and become even bigger
and began to attract various groups of people. On this basis, Mizato urgently called the Mob and
informed that on Sunday at the meeting of the psycho-helmet they would choose the main psycho-
Guru. To cut off all other fake Gurus. And now the Mob absolutely needs to be there. After all, if the
Mob does not become a Guru, then someone else will control the psycho helmet. Where there are
already more than 500 thousand people. And Mizato also said that if Mob becomes a Guru, he will have
even more attention from girls. Including from Tsubomi. And at this moment, the Mob really realized its
Gigasubstantiality. And they agreed that the Mob would come to the meeting, but she forgot to tell him
the address. Next , a Mob appeared in the room Dimple caught him pretending to be Brad Pitt.

Mob told dimple everything that happened to him, however, even though dimple had not been seen for
a long time, he said with full confidence. That the Mob is not needed these girls and it suggests that he is
somehow connected with this. After all, the Mob realized that dimple was not there, but he speaks so
confidently about it. The mob was understandably unhappy with dimple's words, because he was at the
top of the wave of female attention in quotes. Then dimple remembered that he had flown here to pull
up a Mob to a meeting of a psycho helmet and go to the top of this club with him until someone else did
it. However, the Mob, a little arrogant in recent events, said that even if he will be on top of this throne,
then without dimple, after all, he has nothing to do with this club. Although thanks to his washings and
the power of the Mob, this psychoclub was formed. But now people don't want to see dimple, they now
want to see a Mob. And the only problem is that the Mob has not yet decided. Whether he needs it or
not, dimple told the Mob that if they unite then not only will they be able to become a Guru, they will
be able to create a whole new religion. And dimple fulfill his dream and become a God. However, the
Mob did not appreciate this offer in the end, he refused to help dimple because he is not interested in
strength and power. And he also noticed that dimple stole the energy of broccoli. And Mob said that he
is no better than those who are going to become this Guru. He suggested dimple to tie up his outgoing
intrigues and he flew away angry.

Then, already at work, Mob told Reagan that more and more girls were reaching out to him and that he
decided to go to a psycho-helmet meeting and become a Guru. Reagan immediately realized that the
boy was a little starred. However, when he saw the number of members of the psycho-helmet club and
converted it all into money since there is a donation there. Reagan said that Mob can definitely become
the Guru of this club. And of course, tell them all about the great teacher Reagan Arataki. But before
that, he needs to dress appropriately because this meeting will be broadcast on TV, on the basis of
which Reagan gave the Mob a bonus of five thousand yen. However, Mob did not know what to buy for
him. Then, already on the street, he accidentally met Teruki, who told the Mob about the fact that he
noticed that the city seemed to be wrapped around the roots of plants. And he also helped the Mob
choose a T-shirt with an idiotic print. Which definitely showed everyone that the Mob has no taste and
style. And all the people passing by mocked his T-shirt. Then, before the meeting of the psycho-helmet,
he decided to meet with Tom to look for telepaths. However, she was busy and didn't pick up her
phone. Just like Mizato, their phones were turned off. And since the Mob didn't know where the
meeting was taking place, he couldn't get there. But meanwhile, a fake Guru appeared at that very
meeting. Looking like a Mob, he called himself a tree mouthpiece and a real psycho helmet. He said that
he was going to change the world for the better and lead his people to happiness, and he also equated
himself to the level of the sacred tree, which caused the indignation of most of the participants.
However, after he showed everyone a real miracle, everyone recognized that he is the same Guru.

Then the next day, the Mob met Mizat and Toma and asked why they did not come to meet them and
did not answer the calls. They both replied that for some reason it all flew out of their heads and they
themselves do not understand how it happened, the Mob clarified not because of the meeting of the
psycho-helmet whether it all happened. And Toma said that the Mob hit the spot Because yesterday she
was invited to this meeting, which turned out to be unrealistically interesting. In this connection, Toma
decided to rename the telepath club into the school department of the psycho-helmet teaching. And
she also said that they would now raise this teaching for five minutes every day and everyone was
understandably shocked by these changes. Next, the Mob met with Reagan, he showed the boy a
recording from yesterday's meeting of the psycho helmet, which has already gained more than two
million views. There he showed him the impostor's Guru and he also explained that after this
performance absolutely everyone who was there joined the psycho-helmet club. Which is a little
alarming, after which they moved on to business where Reagan said that they have recently had a lot of
orders related to the roots of plants on buildings. And all this is logically the roots of giant broccoli, the
problem is that people have recently been turning only to these roots. However, Reagan earns very little
there, so he asked if the Mob would help him get rid of this broccoli. And the Mob immediately agreed
to it and they moved towards broccoli. But meanwhile, on the streets of the city, people from the
psycho helmet club were handing out various sweets to the residents of the city with the addition of
pieces of sacred broccoli. One of these pieces got to Teruki. Who ate it as if he was under hypnosis, and
he called it all the most powerful psychotropic substance surrounding reality and realizing that such crap
is distributed at every step, he guessed that most likely the center of all this is broccoli. And he quickly
got to the tree and entered it where he was met by the same fake psychoshlem. Teruki said that he
realized that he was mowing under the Mob and they started a fight where he cut the fake in a couple
of strokes. But he only became even bigger and after he called him by the name of Teruki, he realized
that this fake Guru is dimple who is using the power of the tree I created a body for myself, made myself
as I wanted to be a God in the psycho-helmet club. After that, he immediately destroyed the Teruki, and
then the roots began to suck the life out of the plants. And everyone who touched them fell under the
hypnosis of Minegishi tested it on himself.

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