3 Step System To Low Content Publishing

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» 3 STE PS «

To Publishing Your
First Low-Content Book
—in Less Than a Day


©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com


Thanks for downloading Three Steps to Publishing Your

First Low-Content Book—in Less Than a Day, your step-
by-step guide to publishing your very first low-content book
on Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform!

I’m Rachel Harrison-Sund, and after successfully creating my own 6-figure passive
income stream through self-publishing low-content books, I’m here to get you
started on your own self-publishing for passive income journey.

As a quick reminder, low-content books are books that contain little to no text or
images and are mainly repetitive in nature, such as:

• Journals
• Notebooks
• Diaries
• Daily Planners
• Guest Books
• Bullet Journals

And they’re a great way to start generating passive income because:

• They’re quick to produce. You can go from idea generation to sales within just
a few days or less.
• They require no special technical knowledge, writing or design expertise
to create. You don’t need a website or an email list, there’s no writing
involved, and you can easily create your books without learning any
complicated software.
• They require little to no upfront investment. It’s possible to create low-
content books at zero cost, and even if you decide to outsource their creation
it’s incredibly cheap to do so .
• There’s no paid advertising, marketing efforts or major upkeep required.
After publishing your book, the income you generate is completely passive.

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
• You don’t need to carry any inventory. Your low-content books will be printed
on demand and shipped straight to the customer, meaning you won’t have
to store piles of books in the corner of your living room or deal with shipping
hassles or customer service.

What You’ll Get Out of This Guide

This guide is going to walk you through the entire step-by-step process of publishing
your very first low-content book. It also includes a ready-to-use manuscript file (the
interior pages) for a 6” x 9” lined journal.

Lined journals, diaries, and notebooks are by far the simplest type of low-content
book to create because they contain nothing but page after page of blank lines.
That’s why they’re the type of low-content book I recommend everyone get started
with, and why I chose to focus on a lined journal for this guide.

Before we get cracking...

Before we dive straight in, I want to make clear that this guide is not to help you
create an instant bestseller that will allow you to quit your job tomorrow. It’s to get
you nice and familiar with the process so that you have a solid foundation on which
to build a real passive income business over time.

With that in mind, don’t spend any time over-thinking any step of the process for this
first run-through, or worrying about if the book you create will sell any copies right
out of the gate. Just get that first book published so that you can prove to yourself
that you can do this.

Because you CAN!

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
3 Steps to Publishing Your
First Low-Content Book

Idea Generation


Idea Validation

Interior File


Cover File

Paperback Details

Paperback Content


Paperback Rights and Pricing


©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 1 «

Niche Research
The niche research stage can be divided into two distinct parts that go hand-in-hand:
Idea Generation and Idea Validation.

Idea Generation
Once you’ve decided on a low-content book type—in this case a lined journal—take
a few minutes to brainstorm some ideas, thinking as broadly as possible. How many
different variations on a lined journal can you come up with?

Here are several ideas to get you going:

General Themes Profession or General Styles

• Puppies • Minimal
• Horses • Photographers • Patterned
• Flowers • Teachers • Illustrated
• Music • Accountants • Photographic
• Nature • Bird-watchers
• Weight lifters

After you’ve come up with at least 5 possible ideas for lined journals, you’ll then
validate each of your ideas to ensure they’re worthy of pursuit.

Idea Validation
The reason you want to validate your ideas is to avoid spending time creating a book
that no one will buy.

How do you do that?

Firstly, you’re going to generate a list of keywords surrounding your book idea. This is
a list of words or short phrases that a real customer would type into Amazon’s search
bar if they were looking for your book. Think of as many as possible.

Let’s use a nature-themed journal as an example.

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 1 «
If I were a customer searching Amazon for a nature-themed journal, here are a few
keywords that I might type onto Amazon’s search bar:

•nature journal •outdoors lined journal •waterfall journal

•nature lined journal •outdoors notebook •landscape journals
•nature notebook •outdoors diary •nature scene journals
•nature diary •tree journal
•outdoors journal •forest journal

As you can see, I’ve also used the words notebook and diary, as journals, notebooks
and diaries are similar, and the words are oftentimes used interchangeably.

Once you have a list of at least 15-20 possible keywords, begin validating each one
separately by asking the following questions:

1. Are people already actively searching for this type of book?

To find this out, type your first keyword into Amazon’s search bar while in the
Books department. As you begin typing in your keyword, a drop-down will
appear. Do you see your keyword in the drop-down? If so, that means that
other people have actually searched for that specific type of book using that
exact keyword. This is a good first sign. If you don’t see the keyword, it means
that no one has searched for a book like yours with that particular keyword,
and you can cross it off your list.

Do you see any other related keywords in the drop-down? If so, jot those
down too, so they can also be validated and potentially used.

your keyword in the drop-down

related keyword

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 1 «
2. Do any similar books already exist?
Once you’ve entered your keyword, what results do you get? Seeing similar
books can be further validation that a market exists for your idea. If you don’t
see any similar books, but you know that people have typed in your search
keyword from the previous step, then you might have found an untapped
market that is ripe for a book like yours.

books similar
to your idea

3. Are customers buying similar books?

If similar books are making sales, you know that there is an actual market for
your book idea. Click on one of the books in your search results and scroll
down to the Amazon Best Sellers Rank. If you see a number it means that the
book has made at least 1 sale. No number means that no one has bought
that book. Generally speaking, you ideally want to see a number that is lower
than #100,000—the closer to #1 the better. But even a number of #200,000-
#300,000 means that the book is selling a few copies a month, and the idea
might still be worthy of pursuing.

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 1 «

A Best Sellers Rank of #40,000 means

this book is making decent sales—and
yours could too.

4. Can you beat the competition?

When you typed in your keyword, do all of the results have several dozen
4-5-star reviews? If so, this is a highly competitive keyword that probably isn’t
worth competing against. Alternatively, do many of the results seem lower in
quality and like something that you could improve upon? Can you think of a
unique twist on an idea that would set your book apart?

paperback results don’t have

too many reviews; competition
isn’t too strong

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 2 «
Use these four questions to validate each of the keywords on your list, as well as
any other related keywords you discovered in the drop-down menu. Scrap the more
competitive keywords and keep the more promising ones for later.

What to do if none of the keywords surrounding your nature-themed journal are

successfully validated? This means that a nature-themed lined journal most likely
will not be a profitable low-content book to create, and it’s time to scrap that
particular idea and move onto the next idea on your list.

Once you’ve gone through the process of generating and validating a set of
keywords for each of the initial 5 ideas you came up with, pick the one that you think
has the most potential and move onto the book creation step.

Don’t over-think things or spend hours in this first stage. Remember: this is your
very first book and your main goal is to get familiar with the process without
worrying about the outcome.

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 3 «

Book Creation
Your finished book requires two separate files: the manuscript—the interior of your
book—and the cover. Both of these files can easily be created in the program of your
choice, as long as you have the option to export the files to PDF.

Manuscript File
For the interior of your first book you can create your own or use the standard-sized
6” x 9” lined journal template included with this guide.

Cover File
This is probably the most intimidating step for anyone who’s not a professional
designer, but you’re going to make it a cinch by using a few amazing and totally free

First, you want to decide on a title for your book. The title you choose must appear
on the front cover of your book. Choosing a subtitle is optional, and you don’t have to
include that on your cover.

Staying with our example, you might choose Nature Diary, Nature Lover’s Journal, or
some variation of one of your keywords.

After choosing a title, find some attractive imagery for your cover by browsing the
free stock image resources that I’ve listed at the back of this guide. Be sure to read
the license for each image so you’re not violating anyone’s copyright. If the image
requires attribution, you can include this in small letters on the back cover of your book.

Once you’ve downloaded the images you’d like to use, you can then download a free
cover template from KDP, entering the following details:

• Binding type: paperback

• Interior type: black and white
• Paper type: white paper (cream is used mostly for novels).
• Page-turn direction: left to right
• Measurement units: Inches
• Interior trim size: 6x9”
• Page count: 120

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 3 «
If you’re already comfortable with a particular design software, you can now open
your cover template in the program of your choice and begin creating your cover,
working within the guidelines of the template.

If you’re a complete newb, I highly recommend using Canva, a free online design
software, to create your cover. It’s incredibly simple to use, and produces beautiful,
high-quality designs in minutes. Click here to check out my video tutorial How to
Make Your Own Book Cover in Under 10 Minutes, Using Canva.

Once you’ve created your book cover, be sure to download your finished design as a

As a final cover-creation option, you instead can use KDP’s Cover Creator, which is
available to you from within your KDP account. If you go this route, you won’t need
to download a cover template because Cover Creator will provide a template once
you’re inside, based on the trim size you entered.

To access Cover Creator, you’ll need to create and then login to your KDP account,
click on +Paperback, and then find it under the Paperback Content tab.

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 3 «

Congratulations! The work is done and you’re now ready to publish your first low-
content book!

If you haven’t already, head over to KDP to create your account. Once you’ve done
that you can move onto the publishing step.

Paperback Details
Login to your KDP account, click the +Create button.

+Create button, and then select the Create Paperback option.

These are the mandatory fields to fill out; all others are optional:

• Book Title: The title you enter here must be exactly as it appears on your book cover.
• Author: You can use your own name or choose a pen name.
• Description: Create a description that attempts to draw in potential customers.
• Publishing Rights: check I own the copyright and I hold all necessary publishing rights.
• Primary Marketplace: choose the Amazon marketplace where you expect
to make most of your sales. I recommend choosing Amazon.com, as it’s the
largest Amazon marketplace.
• Categories: Choose up to three categories that you think will help customers
find your book on Amazon. Read more about category selection here.
• Primary Audience: Under Adult only content, check No, unless your book does
contain adult content.

Adding keywords is optional, but it’s one of the most important ways for your book to
gain visibility in the Amazon store, so I recommend using all 7 slots.

Fortunately, you already came up with a list of keywords pertaining to your book
topic during the Niche Research step, so you can use those now to boost your book’s
visibility. Try to use keywords that you didn’t use in your title, as those are already
used to help customers find your book.

KDP does have several rules surrounding use of keywords, so be sure to read them here.

If you require additional help, check out KDPs Help Center.

Once all necessary fields have been entered, hit Save and Continue.

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
» STE P 3 «
Paperback Content
Print ISBN: Select Publish without an ISBN. ISBNs are not necessary for low-content
books such as notebooks, planners, journals, and similar publications.

Print Options:
• Interior & Paper Type: black & white interior with white paper
• Trim Size: 6” x 9”
• Bleed Settings: no bleed
• Paperback Cover Finish: choose either matte or glossy finish

Manuscript: Upload the Lined-Journal-Template.pdf that was included in this guide.

Book Cover: Upload the PDF of your cover. If you are using Cover Creator to create
your book cover, do so now.

Book Previewer: Click Launch Previewer to view a digital proof of your book. Follow
the Quality Check instructions on the left, and then click Approve. If you’ve made any
mistakes, click Exit Print Preview to go back and fix them.

Click Save and Continue.

Paperback Rights & Pricing

Territories: Click All territories (worldwide rights) unless otherwise.

Pricing & Royalty:

• Pricing: Choose a reasonable price based on what similar books are priced at,
but don’t be afraid to experiment. You can always change the price at any time.
The far right Royalty column shows you how much money you will make from
each sale of your book.
• Other marketplaces: Set the price for all other available Amazon markets. You
can leave the preselected amounts, or adjust as necessary.
• Terms & Conditions: When you submit your book for publishing, you are
acknowledging your agreement to the terms and conditions, so make sure you
have actually read them first.

Click Publish Your Paperback Book.

Congratulations! You’ve now published your first low-content book and are well
on your way to making your very first sale!

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
Don’t Forget...

Your goal with this first book isn’t to earn $1,000—or even $10. It’s to familiarize
yourself with the process and realize that this is something you CAN do.

Remember, if you can learn how to make just $1 online, you can learn how to
make $10, $100, $1,000, $10,000, or even $100,000 and beyond!

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com
Feeling pumped about publishing your first low-content book, and ready to find out how to
turn your new skill into a passive income-generating machine?

Then come and join me in my FREE masterclass...

In this popular masterclass, I’ll walk you through:

• The 4 things you MUST do before beginning the creation of a low-content book. Most
people are missing one of these vital steps.

• The 5 Step Formula for Writing a Book Description That Sells. A poorly written book
description WILL break the sale—don’t let this be you!

• Why most LC publishers throw in the towel, destroying their chance at a recurring
source of passive income. Don’t let yourself be brought down by these completely
avoidable traps!

• The 3 Mindset Musts for LCP success. Once you’ve got these down, success is INEVITABLE.


Click here to attend the masterclass.
*This masterclass is prerecorded, so you can choose the time that works best for you and your schedule.

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com

Top 10 Low-Content Niches Low-Content Publishing Tips

• Journals (Blank, Gratitude, • RachelHarrisonSund.com
One Line a Day)
• Composition Notebooks Additional Video Tutorials
• Diaries • 5 Ways to Come Up With Low-
• Daily Planners Content Book Ideas
• Guest Books • Simple Low-Content Book
• Bullet Journals Keyword Validation: Process
• Manuscript Paper • Create and SELL a Spot the
• Coloring Books Difference Activity Book on KDP
• Log Books (fitness, shooting, etc.) • Create and SELL a Connect-the-
• Activity Books Dots Activity Book on KDP
• Create and SELL a Color By
Book Cover Creation Numbers Book on KDP
• Paperback Cover Templates • How to Create a Coloring Book
• Canva Tutorial From Scratch
• Canva.com • 5 Hidden Gem Kids’ Low Content
Book Niches That Make $1,000
Free Stock Imagery month +
• Vecteezy.com • Create a Book Cover in 30 Minutes
• Freepik.com Using Creative Fabrica
• Unsplash.com • Why Your Low Content Books
• PixelScrapper.com Aren’t Selling—And What to Do
• Pixabay.com About It

KDP Free Facebook Group

• Create a KDP Account • LCP Community Group
• Terms of Service
• Terms and Conditions
• KDP Help Center

©2023 R ACHEL HARRISON-SUND | ALL RIG HTS RESERVED | RachelHarrisonSund .com

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