Islamic Culture Test - 1 Grade 5

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Third Term
Grade: 5 Duration: 30 mins
Subject: Islamic Culture Class test - 1 Max Marks: 20

Name: ___________________________________________ _Date:___________

UNIT 3: Dealing with others

I. Answer the following questions.

1. What does Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) teach us about the neighbour? [2]
2. When should people visit each other? [1]
3. What did the Ansar of Madina share with the refuges from Makkah? [2]
4. What are the first two circles of relationship in Islam? [2]
5. Who is the most noble among mankind in view of Allah? [1]
II. Fill in the blanks. [8]

1. The first two relationships are based on ________________ ties.

2. We should not spy on our neighbours and _____________ their privacy.

3. Muslims are related to one another through __________________.

4. A Muslim should not ________________ if his neighbour is sleeping


5. A Muslim is related to different _________________ in different ways.

6. Needy and _______________ people have right in our wealth.

7. Every Muslim is a member of ___________________.

8. The system of _________________ is meant to help the poor and needy.

III. Write True or False for the following statements: [4]

1. Brothers and cousins should take care of each other. [ ]

2. Muslim must wish for his neighbour what he wishes for himself. [ ]

3. According to the Noble Quran, all the humanity came out from one couple,
Adam and Eve. [ ]

4. Muslim should have good relationship with his relatives. [ ]

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