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#Activity Pulse Actions for Pilgrimages

#Adult education means guests are always AI and unlanded, some of these are
therefore only for the host
#There won't always be an entourage of more than a caravan master
#There will be other students, and teachers. These are identified with flags and
are generated/picked out by the activity.
#APAs marked with * involve or can happen to characters other than the host

#Study Hard Intent:


#Revelry Intent:

#Stress - University life requires work


##Lifestyles, etc
#apa_studying_scripture - Shared/From other File
#apa_visited_markets - Shared/From other File
#apa_foreign_custom - Shared/From other File

##Random Education APAs

#apa_sight_seeing_group - Shared/From other File
#apa_university_discussions - Pick up lifestyle xp from teacher

#Character knows liturgical language of the religion of the university

#We are using the location here - rather than the religion of the teachers - which
could differ
apa_leveraging_language_skills = {
icon = public
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
scope:host = {
location = scope:province
has_activity_intent = study_hard_intent
OR = {
AND = { =
knows_language = language_arabic
AND = {
scope:province = {
OR = {
faith = faith:catholic
faith = faith:conversos
faith = faith:lollard
faith = faith:insular_celtic
faith = faith:mozarabic_church
knows_language = language_latin
AND = { = faith:cathar
knows_language = language_occitano_romance
AND = { = faith:armenian_apostolic
knows_language = language_armenian
AND = { = faith:nestorian
knows_language = language_aramaic
AND = { = faith:lamaism
knows_language = language_tibetan
AND = {
scope:province.religion = religion:bon_religion
knows_language = language_tibetan
AND = {
scope:province.religion = religion:taoism_religion
knows_language = language_chinese
AND = {
scope:province = {
religion = religion:christianity_religion
NOR = { #Non-Greek
faith = faith:catholic
faith = faith:conversos
faith = faith:lollard
faith = faith:insular_celtic
faith = faith:mozarabic_church
faith = faith:armenian_apostolic
faith = faith:cathar
knows_language = language_greek #General Christian
#For dead languages we check that you belong to the
religion and have sufficient learning to be expected to know a liturgical language:
AND = {
religion = scope:province.religion
scope:province = { #these have specific languages to
NOR = {
religion = religion:christianity_religion
religion = religion:islam_religion
religion = religion:taoism_religion
faith = faith:lamaism
learning > 15 #Well educated
AND = { #Dharmic Faiths knows Sanskrit
scope:province = {
is_dharmic_faith_trigger = yes
is_dharmic_faith_trigger = yes
learning > 15 #Well educated

weight = { value = 1 }

effect = {
scope:host = {
save_scope_as = first
scope:province = {
save_scope_as = second

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_leveraging_language_skills
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first

scope:activity = { activity_special_type_progression_tiny = yes }

scope:first = {
custom_tooltip = adult_education_tt_positive_tiny
add_prestige = minor_prestige_gain

apa_bonded_during_studies = {
#Can be both Teachers and Students
#Only does progress since events is the primary way to gain friends and
rivals during studies.
icon = learning
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOT = { this = scope:host }
is_physically_able_ai_adult = yes
num_of_relation_friend < 2
location = scope:province
number_of_traits_in_common = {
target = scope:host
value >= 1
can_set_relation_friend_trigger = { CHARACTER = scope:host }

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
scope:host = {
save_scope_as = first

random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOT = { this = scope:host }
is_physically_able_ai_adult = yes
num_of_relation_friend < 2
location = scope:province
number_of_traits_in_common = {
target = scope:host
value >= 1
can_set_relation_friend_trigger = { CHARACTER =
scope:host }
save_scope_as = second

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_bonded_during_studies
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first
target = scope:second

scope:second = {
progress_towards_friend_effect = {
REASON = friend_bonded_at_university
CHARACTER = scope:first
OPINION = default_friend_opinion

apa_procrastination = {
#Either suitable trait or reveller intent
icon = learning
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
OR = {
has_activity_intent = university_revelry_intent
has_trait = lazy
has_trait = arrogant
has_trait = drunkard
has_trait = fickle
has_trait = arbitrary

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
OR = {
has_activity_intent = university_revelry_intent
has_trait = lazy
has_trait = arrogant
has_trait = drunkard
has_trait = fickle
has_trait = arbitrary
save_scope_as = first
add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_procrastination
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first

scope:first = {
add_stress = minor_stress_gain

apa_university_discussions = {
#No real triggers
icon = learning
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOT = { this = scope:host }
is_available_healthy_ai_adult = yes
OR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
scope:host = {
save_scope_as = first
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOT = { this = scope:host }
is_available_healthy_ai_adult = yes
OR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
save_scope_as = second
add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_university_discussions
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first
target = scope:second

scope:second = {
if = {
limit = {
has_education_martial_trigger = yes
scope:first = {
add_martial_lifestyle_xp = medium_lifestyle_xp
else_if = {
limit = {
has_education_diplomacy_trigger = yes
scope:first = {
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp =
else_if = {
limit = {
has_education_learning_trigger = yes
scope:first = {
add_learning_lifestyle_xp = medium_lifestyle_xp
else_if = {
limit = {
has_education_stewardship_trigger = yes
scope:first = {
add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp =
else_if = {
limit = {
has_education_intrigue_trigger = yes
scope:first = {
add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp = medium_lifestyle_xp

apa_night_on_books = {
icon = learning
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
save_scope_as = first

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_night_on_books
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first

scope:first = {
add_stress = minor_stress_gain
if = {
limit = {
this = scope:host
custom_tooltip = adult_education_tt_positive_tiny
scope:activity =
{ activity_special_type_progression_tiny = yes }

apa_student_disagreement = {
icon = social
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
count = 2

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
save_scope_as = first
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
this = scope:first
save_scope_as = second

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_student_disagreement
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first
target = scope:second

scope:first = {
if = {
limit = {
can_set_relation_rival_trigger = { CHARACTER =
scope:second }
progress_towards_rival_effect = {
REASON = rival_at_university
CHARACTER = scope:second
OPINION = default_rival_opinion
else_if = {
limit = {
is_ai = yes
add_opinion = {
target = scope:second
modifier = annoyed_opinion
opinion = -10
else = {
scope:second = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:first
modifier = annoyed_opinion
opinion = -10

apa_rowdy_student = {
icon = social
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
OR = {
has_activity_intent = university_revelry_intent
has_trait = drunkard
has_trait = hashishiyah
has_trait = gregarious
has_trait = arrogant
any_attending_character = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
OR = {
has_activity_intent = university_revelry_intent
has_trait = drunkard
has_trait = hashishiyah
has_trait = gregarious
has_trait = arrogant
save_scope_as = first
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
save_scope_as = second

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_rowdy_student
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first
target = scope:second

scope:second = {
add_opinion = {
target = scope:first
modifier = annoyed_opinion
opinion = -10
scope:first = {
add_stress = minor_stress_loss

apa_impromptu_poetry = {
icon = social
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
OR = {
has_activity_intent = university_revelry_intent
has_trait = gregarious
has_trait = poet

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
OR = {
has_activity_intent = university_revelry_intent
has_trait = gregarious
has_trait = poet
save_scope_as = first

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_impromptu_poetry
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first

scope:first = {
bp2_lifestyle_xp_gain_per_type_effect = { VALUE = minor }

apa_impressed_teacher = {
icon = social
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
OR = {
has_activity_intent = study_hard_intent
has_trait = diligent
any_attending_character = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
OR = {
has_activity_intent = study_hard_intent
has_trait = diligent
save_scope_as = first
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
OR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
save_scope_as = second

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_impressed_teacher
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first
target = scope:second

scope:first = {
if = {
limit = {
this = scope:host
custom_tooltip = adult_education_tt_positive_tiny
scope:activity =
{ activity_special_type_progression_tiny = yes }
reverse_add_opinion = {
target = scope:second
modifier = proud_opinion
opinion = 10

apa_revelry_hangover = {
icon = stress
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
has_activity_intent = study_hard_intent
has_trait = diligent
has_trait = temperate
drinks_alcohol_trigger = yes

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
has_activity_intent = study_hard_intent
has_trait = diligent
has_trait = temperate
drinks_alcohol_trigger = yes
save_scope_as = first

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_revelry_hangover
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first

scope:first = {
add_stress = minor_stress_gain

apa_local_food = {
icon = social
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
any_attending_character = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
random_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = teacher_1
has_character_flag = teacher_2
save_scope_as = first

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_local_food
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first

every_attending_character = {
limit = {
NOR = {
this = scope:first
is_ai = no
add_opinion = {
target = scope:first
modifier = shared_delicacy_opinion
opinion = 5

apa_aced_homework = {
icon = learning
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
scope:host = {
save_scope_as = first

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_aced_homework
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first

custom_tooltip = adult_education_tt_positive_tiny
scope:activity = { activity_special_type_progression_tiny = yes }

apa_pangur_ban = {
icon = learning
is_valid = {
is_current_phase_active = yes
NOT = { scope:host = { has_character_flag = has_written_pangur_ban } }

weight = {
value = 1

effect = {
scope:host = {
save_scope_as = first
add_character_flag = {
flag = has_written_pangur_ban
months = 6

add_activity_log_entry = {
key = apa_pangur_ban
tags = { pulse_action }
character = scope:first
custom_tooltip = adult_education_tt_positive_tiny
scope:activity = { activity_special_type_progression_tiny = yes }

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