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Sciarra 1

Health March 8th: 25 mins

● Coping strategies are a big component when adapting to scary or stressful situations – it's
important to find ones that work for you!

● Model some of yours: Ones that work for me are

○ Walking my dogs – show a picture of brooks and benson? (my dogs)
○ Listening to music
○ Fidget toys – enforce they can be a useful tool as long as they are NOT A
○ Journaling
○ Exercising
○ Prioritizing - chunking tasks
■ Ones that didn't work for me:
● Meditation – hard to slow my mind makes me stress more sometimes
● Ask them: what are ways they cope with problems they encounter?
○ *we each have different ways to deal with challenges and use different strategies for
different situations
○ Anyone one have an example personal (or theoretical) of when you coped well with a
■ Or when you tried to cope with something but the strategy didn't work well?
Other examples:
● Take breaks
● Hobbies
● Adequate sleep
● Time management
● Mindfulness – mediation, yoga (eg. chair yoga)

Group activity – have situation cards and strategy cards

● Form groups of 3-4
● Give each group a different situation and invite them to order the cards from most helpful to least
helpful strategy for that situation
● Situations:
○ An upcoming exam you are worried about
○ A friend doesn't invite you to an event
○ Your team loses a big game
○ You over sleep and miss the bus to school
○ Someone makes fun of another student on social media
○ Your parents won't allow you to go out with your friends
○ You don't understand what you need to do on an assignment
○ Your dog runs away
○ You lost your cell phone
○ Your aunty cooks your least favourite food for dinner
○ You want to sleep in but need to wake up early for your sports team
Sciarra 2

○ You fail an exam

If time or we need to pivot – tension release throwing of a stressor

● Everyone take out a piece of paper = loose leaf or we provide this?
● Write down their biggest stress, then crumple it up
● Everyone gets up to back of class - toss crumpled paper across the room: can place the trash can
so they have somewhere to aim and it's easier to clean up
Sciarra 3


Seek Support Avoid Problem Solve

Talking about your concerns Avoid the problem to forget Using a problem-solving
with friends or others; or talk about the problem. Withdraw approach to dealing with the
to the person directly about from others. Read, do art, problem. Evaluating what
the situation. play video games etc. options can be taken and
choosing one based on the
best outcomes.

Hobbies Work Hard Give up

Taking a break doing Concentrate on work as a Not try to cope or engage in
something else like a hobby way to distract yourself from solving the problem.
to re-focus. thinking about your problem.

Relax Cry Physical Exercise

Using relaxation strategies Crying as a way to deal with Engaging in sports, or
like having a hot bath, or the issue exercise
meditation to cope with

Reduce Tension Talk to a Professional Adequate Sleep

Making yourself feel better by Discuss your concerns with a Make sure you are getting
reducing tension in a school counsellor or trusted enough sleep to refocus on
potentially unhelpful way (eg. team member what you are trying to
yelling at people, being angry achieve.
and reckless)

Worry Think Positive Accept Your Best Efforts

Worry about your stressors Thinking about the situation Acknowledging that some
and take no action. in a rational and positive way things are in your control and
rather than focusing on the some things aren’t. Accepting
negative. you have done your best.
Sciarra 4


An upcoming exam you are worried about Your team loses a big game

Someone makes fun of another student on You lost your cell phone
social media

Your dog runs away You don't understand what you need to do on
an assignment

A friend doesn't invite you to hangout with You fail an exam

their group of friends

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