ACM How To

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#1) When Scanning for a

ACM make sure to select this #2) Then go head and hit
option before scanning scan
#3) Once you scan for the #4) Once you see the new
New ACM you should this in ACM scan in you can hit
you device scan table. Note STOP. While Dev 200 is
the Dev. Instance is 200. highlighted the CONFIGURE
This means the ACM is new button will be available to
and needs to be configured. select. Select the button
#5) Upon selecting the
NOTE: DO NOT DESELECT Configure button you will
#6) Once you name the ACM THIS come to this screen. At this
then press the + sign on the point you can Name the
Ethernet tab. ACM to the desired name.
#8) You will always keep Enable ETH 0
checked. If you uncheck this then you will be
able to use ETH 1 to re-enable this check box.
If for what ever reason ETH 1 is not checked
then you will need to boot up PUTTY (see
PUTTY instructions)

#7) After selectng + you will

have 2 options. ETH 0 and
ETH 1. Lets Start with ETH 0.
This should be the port you Note: You have an option to use
#9) If you have the IP’s for the job you are on
are currently tied into with DHCP. For the most part we will
then you can go head and enter them at this
your CAT-5 cable. use a static IP as DHCP will
time. If not don’t worry you can enter them in
always change the IP address
at a later date.
and networking can be a pain
this way.
#11) You will always keep Enable ETH 1
checked. If you uncheck this then you will be
able to use ETH 0 to re-enable this check box.
If for what ever reason ETH 0 is not checked
then you will need to boot up PUTTY (see
PUTTY instructions)

#10) ETH 1 This should be

the other port you are not
currently tied into with your
CAT-5 cable. This is the Note: You have an option to use
backup port if ETH 0 is DHCP. For the most part we will
#12) You will keep this as Default no need to
disabled. use a static IP as DHCP will
change this IP address.
always change the IP address
and networking can be a pain
this way.
#14) Here is where you will
give you ACM a device Note: leave the rest of the
instance. For example this below as default no need to
would be 201 (for the first change these configurations.
ACM in the array)

#13) Once your done with

the Eth configurations select
the BACnet Configurations.
#15) Next you will set up the
internal Virtual BACnet/IP #16) Once again do not uncheck
Network. this box. Keep it checked and
enabled. If you uncheck it and #17) This number should match
have more slots you will not be the ACM Dev instance # (i.e.
able to see them. Recheck the 201). Keep everything else as
box and scan again. default. No need to change it.

#19) Make sure to Select Global
for each Slot that is being used.
(i.e. if you have multiple “BCM’s”
#18) Select Virtual Controllers you need to enable them by
Tag selecting Global)
#21) The Ethernet Network Number
#19) Select the BACnet/Ethernet should follow the last two digits of
Tag. And select ETH0 your ACM. (i.e. if you ACM is 201 than
you network number would be 1)

#20) If you are using BACnet over

Ethernet then you will leave this
box checked. (i.e. for startup
purposes leave this box checked
as you will not have IP’s yet for
the job and later you can come
back and uncheck it)
#22) Select ETH1 BACnet/Ethernet

#24) Leave this Number at Default

also. No need to change this number.

#23) Leave this box checked aka

Default. No need to change this
#27) Keep Ethernet adapter at eth0.
#26) When you have all the IP’s ready The BACnet/IP Virtual Net Number
#25) Select Physical BACnet/IP. Under
and are ready to go BACnet over IP will be 7700 unless noted differently
this Tag you will setup the IP side.
you will check this box. (i.e. if this box by engineer. Same goes for BACnet/IP
is checked than the BACnet over Eth UDP Port.
needs to be unchecked. See pg 9)

#28) This box will need to be checked

to enable the BBMD.

Note: You can not have two BBMD’s

on the same subnet. So don’t enable
this if one already exists. If you are
not sure ask!!!

Note: Under the BACnet/IP Instance 0 Configuration is

where you will find the table. Tables will be blank on new
setups. In one of the blank IP spaces you will enter the BDT
Server IP. Leave the Subnet mask at Default. In the next
blank entry you will enter the IP of the this ACM. If you
need help with this ASK!!
#31) Always Route through Slot 0.
Unless design doc say different.
#30) Make sure this check box is
#29) Select the COM0 MS/TP checked. This enables the Com Port
Configuration Tag. so VLC’s will start talking. With out it
you will not scan any devices.

#32) On this line you will input your MS/TP Network

Number. This should be found on your Design Doc.
This line is for the 1st “wedge” on the trunk. (i.e.
BCM-ETH 201's network number would be 33201.
BCM-MS/TP-301' network number would be 33301.)
#35) Always Route through Slot 0.
Unless design doc say different.
#34) Make sure this check box is
#33) Select the COM1 MS/TP checked. This enables the Com Port
Configuration Tag. so VLC’s will start talking. With out it
you will not scan any devices.

#36) On this line you will input your MS/TP Network

Number. This should be found on your Design Doc.
This line is for the 2nd “wedge” on the trunk. (i.e.
BCM-ETH 201's network number would be 33201.
BCM-MS/TP-301' network number would be 33301.)
#39) Always Route through Slot 0.
Unless design doc say different.
#38) Make sure this check box is
#37) Select the COM3 MS/TP checked. This enables the Com Port
Configuration Tag. so VLC’s will start talking. With out it
you will not scan any devices.

#40) On this line you will input your MS/TP Network

Number. This should be found on your Design Doc.
This line is for the 3rd “wedge” on the trunk. (i.e.
BCM-ETH 201's network number would be 33201.
BCM-MS/TP-301' network number would be 33301.
BCM-MS/TP-401's network number would be 33401.)
#43) Always Route through Slot 0.
Unless design doc say different.
#42) Make sure this check box is
#41) Select the COM3 MS/TP checked. This enables the Com Port
Configuration Tag. so VLC’s will start talking. With out it
you will not scan any devices.

#44) On this line you will input your MS/TP Network

Number. This should be found on your Design Doc.
This line is for the 3rd “wedge” on the trunk. (i.e.
BCM-ETH 201's network number would be 33201.
BCM-MS/TP-301' network number would be 33301.
BCM-MS/TP-401's network number would be 33401.
BCM-MS/TP-501's network number would be 33501.)
#47) Always Route through Slot 0.
Unless design doc say different.
#46) Make sure this check box is
#45) Select the COM4 MS/TP checked. This enables the Com Port
Configuration Tag. so VLC’s will start talking. With out it
you will not scan any devices.

#48) On this line you will input your MS/TP Network Number.
This should be found on your Design Doc. This line is for the 3rd
“wedge” on the trunk. (i.e. BCM-ETH 201's network number
would be 33201. BCM-MS/TP-301' network number would be
33301. BCM-MS/TP-401's network number would be 33401. BCM-
MS/TP-501's network number would be 33501. BCM-MS/TP-601's
network would be 33601.)
#51) Always Route through Slot 0.
Unless design doc say different.
#50) Make sure this check box is
#49) Select the COM5 MS/TP checked. This enables the Com Port
Configuration Tag. so VLC’s will start talking. With out it
you will not scan any devices.

#52) On this line you will input your MS/TP Network Number.
This should be found on your Design Doc. This line is for the 3rd
“wedge” on the trunk. (i.e. BCM-ETH 201's network number
would be 33201. BCM-MS/TP-301' network number would be
33301. BCM-MS/TP-401's network number would be 33401. BCM-
MS/TP-501's network number would be 33501. BCM-MS/TP-601's
network would be 33601. BCM-MS/TP-701's network number
would be 33701.)
#54) For DFW area we fall under the
#53) Select the UTC Offset and 360 UTC offset. If you are not in the
Daylight Saving’s Tage DFW area then you will need to look
up your UTC offset and enter it here.

#55) Select by date range and enter

the dates for DST. If you don’t
practice DST then don’t worry about
filling this out.
#56) Once you finish setting the Main ACM you will
need to configure the other “wedges”. Go to device #58) Once the scan is done select the
manager and do a device scan. Make sure you select 1st 200 and click the Configure button.
Scan Configurable Alerton Devices.

#57) Once you scan you should see

your other device. Don’t worry 200 is
a default #. Don’t save any thing to
the table yet.
#59) When you click the Configure button you will see
this screen. Select the 2nd 200 and click ok. (i.e. you
will do this for every one until you finish configuring
the devices. One at a time.)
#60) This is where you will enter your
Device instance for the next ACM.
Leave the rest as default.

Example: 301
#61) This is where you will enter your
Device instance for the next ACM.
Leave the rest as default.

Example: 401
#62) This is where you will enter your
Device instance for the next ACM.
Leave the rest as default.

Example: 501
#63) This is where you will enter your
Device instance for the next ACM.
Leave the rest as default.

Example: 701
#65) Do a finial Scan and you should
see all the ACM’s as you configured
#66) Do a scan with scan BACnet
Devices and you should see the
ACM’s. Go head and Save them to the
table now.

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