Percentage Sheet - 2

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1. The ratio of income to expenditure of a person is 6. Sudha saves 15% of her income.

If her expenditure
5 :2. What percentage of his income is he saving? increases by 20% and savings increase by 60%, then by what
एक व्यक्ति की आय और व्यय का अनुपाि 5: 2 है । वह percent has her income increased?

अपनी आय के ककिने प्रतिशि की बचि कर रहा है ? िुिा अपनी आय का 15% बर्ािी है । यदद उिका व्यय 20% बढ़िा

(a)55% है और बर्ि में 60% की वद्

ृ धि होिी है , िो उिकी आय में ककिने
प्रतिशि की वद्
ृ धि हुई है ?
(a) 26 (b) 35 (c) 24 (d) 30
2. Monika spends 72% of her income. If her income increases 7. Harsha's expenditure is 45% of her income. If the
by 20% and savings increase by 15%, then her expenditure income from the next month is increased by 15%
increases by: (correct to 1 decimal place)
and the amount she saved each month remains
20% 15% the same, then find the percentage increase in
प्रतिशि दशमलव her expenditure (rounded off to 2 decimal places).
(a) 20.8% (b) 20.2%
(c) 21.9% (d) 19.8%
3. Raghav spends 80% of his income. If his income increases
by 12% and the savings decrease by 10%, then what will be
the percentage increase in his expenditure?
(a) 33.33% (b) 45.00%
राघव अपनी आय का 80% खर्च करता है। यदि उसकी आय में
12% की वृद्धि होती है और बर्त मे 10% की कमी होती है, तो (c) 15.00% (d) 27.50%
उसके खर्च में वृद्धि प्रदतशत क्या होगी? SSC CHSL 2023 PRE
(a) 17.5 (b) 22 8. A person can save 25% of his income. If his
(c) 16 (d) 20.5 income increases by 20% and still he saves the
4. Anu spends 68% of her monthly income. If her monthly same amount as before, the percentage
income increases by 20% and her monthly savings increase in his expenditure is …………
increase by 9 % then the percentage increase in her 25%
monthly expenditure is:- 20% श
अनु अपनी मासिक आय का 68% खर्च करिी है । यदद उिकी श
मासिक आय में 20% की वद्
ृ धि होिी है और उिकी मासिक
𝟐 𝟏
(a) 26 (b) 24 (c) 25 (d) 25
𝟑 𝟑
बर्ि में 9 % की वद्
ृ धि होिी है , िो उिके मासिक व्यय में
𝟑 𝟐
9. The monthly expenses of a person are 66 % more than

ककिने प्रतिशि में वद्

ृ धि होिी है : her monthly savings. If her monthly income increases by
44% and her monthly expenses increases by 60% then
a) 20% b) 32%
there is an increase of ₹1 040 in her monthly savings.
c) 25% d) 22%
What is the initial expenditure (in ₹)?
5. A government servant spends 76% of his income. If his
एक व्यक्ति का मासिक व्यय उिकी मासिक बर्ि िे 66 %
income is increased by 14% and his expenditure is 𝟑
increased by 10% then find the percentage increase in his अधिक है । यदद उिकी मासिक आय में 44% की वद्
ृ धि होिी
savings. (Correct to 2 decimal places)
है और उिके मासिक व्यय में 60% की वद्
ृ धि होिी है िो
14% 10% उिकी मासिक बर्ि में ₹1 040 की वद्
ृ धि होिी है । आरं सिक
व्यय (₹ में) ककिना है ?

(SSC GD 2023) (a) 9 000 (b) 12 000

(c) 10 000 (d) 13 000
(a) 24.33%
10. The income of Raju is 44.44% more than his expenditure. If
(b) 27.66%
his income increases by 60% and his expenditure increases
(c) 26.67%
by 70%, then his savings increase by 12000Rs. Find the
(d) 28.33%
difference between his initial expenditure and initial

BY Gagan Pratap
राजू की आय उिके खर्च िे 44.44% अधिक है । यदद उिकी आय में
60% की वद्
ृ धि होिी है और उिके व्यय में 70% की वद्
ृ धि होिी है , A) Rs 236250
िो उिकी बर्ि 12000रुपये बढ़ जािी है िो उिके प्रारं सिक B) Rs 236750
C) Rs 263750
व्यय और प्रारक्भिक बर्ि का अंिर ज्ञाि करो?
D) Rs 263250
a) 40000 b) 36000
15. Ramesh saves 28% of his salary, while Naresh
c) 32000 d) 48000
11. Raju saves 15% of his income. His salary was saves 32%. If both get the same salary and
increased by 18% so he increased his savings Naresh saves Rs.1,736, what is the expenditure
by 20%. If his expenditure after an increase in
of Ramesh?
salary was ₹1,32,500, find his savings (in ₹)
before the increase in salary. रमेश अपने वेिन का 28% बर्ािा है जबकक नरे श 32%

राजू अपनी आय का 15% बर्ािा है । उिके वेिन में 18% बर्ािा है । यदद दोनों को िमान वेिन समलिा है और नरे श

की वद्
ृ धि हुई इिसलए उिने अपनी बर्ि में 20% की वद्
ृ धि Rs1 736 बर्ािा है िो रमेश का व्यय ककिना है ?

की। यदद वेिन में वद्

ृ धि के बाद उिका व्यय ₹1,32,500 a)Rs.3,906

था, िो वेिन में वद्

ृ धि िे पहले उिकी बर्ि (₹ में) ज्ञाि b)Rs.4,736

कीक्जए। c)Rs.4,906
A. 26,500 B. 33,125 d)Rs.3,736
C. 23,850 D. 19,875 16. The income of Amala is 20% more than that of
12. The income of Anil is `45 000. He saves 16% of his income. Bimala and 20% less than that of Kamala. If
If his income decreases by 5% and the expenditure Kamala’s income goes down by 4% and
increases by 2% then his savings decrease by:
Bimala’s goes up by 10%, then the percentage
`45 000 16%
by which Kamala’s income would exceed
5% 2%
Bimala’s is nearest to
(a) `2 996
20% 4%
(b) `3 006
(c) `3 016
(d) `3 026 श
2 (a) 29 (b) 32
13. Ramesh saves 26 % of his monthly salary. When his (c) 31 (d) 28
17. When income tax is 8 paisa in a rupee, a
expenses are increased by 20% he is able to save Rs 4 080
person’s net income is Rs 309580. What will
per month. His monthly salary is:
be his net income (in Rs) if the income tax is
2 raised to 12 paisa?
26 % 20%
3 जब आयकर एक रुपये में 8 पैिे है , िो एक व्यक्ति की शुद्ि
आय 309580 रुपये है । यदद आयकर 12 पैिे िक बढ़ा ददया
(a) 35 000 जाए िो उिकी शद्
ु ि आय (रुपये में) तया होगी?
(b) 38 000
A) 296120
(c) 34 000
B) 305460
(d) 30 000
C) 297820
14. The salaries of P and Q together amount to
D) 298950
₹4,32,000. P and Q spend 75% and 61% of
18. If the income tax is increased by 19%, the net income is
their salaries, respectively. If their savings
are equal, then what is P’s salary? reduced by 1%. The rate of income tax is

P और Q का वेिन समलाकर ₹4,32,000 है । P और Q यदद आयकर में 19% की वद्

ृ धि हुई है , िो शुद्ि आय 1% कम हो गई

अपने वेिन का क्रमशः 75% और 61% खर्च करिे हैं। यदद है । आयकर की दर है
(a) 6% (b) 4%
उनकी बर्ि बराबर है , िो P का वेिन तया है ?
(c) 5% (d) 7.2%

BY Gagan Pratap
19. If the income tax is increased by 22%, the net income is (a) 5.4% (b) 5.6%
reduced by 3%. The rate of income tax is (c) 5% (d) 4.8%
आयकर में 22% की वद्
ृ धि हो जाने के कारण, िो शुद्ि आय 3%
25. In a city 40% of the man are married and 25
कम हो जािी है । आयकर की दर है
% of women are married. Considering that
(a) 12% (b) 8% nobody is married more than once. What
(c) 10% (d)14.4% percentage of population is married?
20. Fresh fruits contain 68% water and dry fruits contains 20%
एक शहर में 40% पुरुष दववादहत हैं और 25% मदहलाएं
water. How much dry fruits can be obtained from 100kg of
दववादहत हैं। यह मानते हुए दक कोई भी एक से अदिक बार
fresh fruits?
शािी नही ं करता है। तो दकतने प्रदतशत जनसंख्या दववादहत
िाजे फलों में 68% पानी है और िख
ू े मेवों में 20% पानी होिा
है । 100 ककलोग्राम िाजे फलों िे ककिने िूखे फल प्राप्ि ककए A) 28.4% C) 30.8%
B) 33.33% D) 36.66%
जा िकिे हैं?
26. The population of a village was 9800. In a year, with
(a) 60 (b) 20
the increase in population of males by 8% and that of
(c) 80 (d) 40
21. A solution contains 16.5% of salt, from which 18 ltr of water females by 5%, the population of the village became
is evaporated. Now concentration of salt in solution 10458.What was the number of males in the village
becomes 20.9%. Find the initial quantity of solution? before increase?
एक घोल में 16.5% नमक है , क्जिमें िे 18 लीटर पानी का एक गााँव की जनिंख्या 9800 थी। एक िाल में, पुरुषों की आबादी में

वाष्पीकरण हो जािा है । अब घोल में नमक की िांद्रिा 20.9% 8% की वद्

ृ धि हुई और मदहलाओं की िंख्या में 5% की वद्
ृ धि हुई,
है । ववलयन की प्रारं सिक मात्रा ककिनी थी? गााँव की जनिंख्या 10458 हो गई। इििे पहले गााँव में पुरुषों की
a) 85.5ltr b) 95ltr िंख्या ककिनी थी?
c) 88ltr d) 75ltr a)4200 b)5600 c)4410 d)6048
22. How much water should be added to 90 ml of a 38% 27. A town has a population of 7,000. If the
sugar solution so that it becomes a 17.1% sugar percentage increase in the male and female
solution ? population is 11% and 8%, respectively, the
38% चीनी के घोल के 90 मिलीलीटर िें मकतना पानी मिलाना new population will be 7,680. Find the
चामिए तामक यि 17.1% चीनी का घोल बन जाए ? number of female citizens in the town.
Level 2 (13/06/2022) Shift 1 एक कस्बे की जनिंख्या 7,000 है । यदद पुरुष और मदहला
(a) 110 ml (b) 100 ml जनिंख्या में प्रतिशि वद्
ृ धि क्रमशः 11% और 8% है , िो
(c) 81 ml (d) 95 ml नई जनिंख्या 7,680 होगी। कस्बे में मदहला नागररकों की
23. There is 26.4 % sugar in the 28 ltr solution of sugar and
water. After boiling 6ltr water get evaporated from it. िंख्या ज्ञाि कीक्जए।
Then the % of left sugar in the solution? (DP CONSTABLE 2023)
र्ीनी िथा पानी के घोल में जो कक 28 लीटर है उिमें 26.4 % र्ीनी A) 2500
B) 4000
है । घोल को गमच करके वाष्प द्वारा 6 लीटर पानी उडा ददये जाने C) 4500
पर शेष घोल में ककिनी % र्ीनी होगी? D) 3000
28. The present population of a village is 15280. If the number
(A)29.4% (B) 31.2%
of males increases by 25% and the number of females
(C) 30.8% (D)33.6%
increases by 15% then the population will become 18428.
24. From 10 litres of a solution 2 litres of water The difference between present population of males and
evaporated. The remaining solution was found to females in the village is:
have 6% salt. What was the percentage of salt in the 15280
original solution ? 25% 15%
दस लीटर मिलयन से 2 लीटर पानी िाष्पित िो गया। शेष मिलयन 18428
िें 6% निक पाया गया। िास्तमिक मिलयन िें निक का प्रमतशत
(a) 1840
मकतना था ? (b) 1380
RRB NTPC 29/12/2020 (Evening)

BY Gagan Pratap
(c) 920 33. If 35% are the passing marks. A student gets 200
(d) 2760 marks yet fails by 24 marks. What is the maximum
29. In 2010, a library contained a total of 11500
books in two categories – fiction and non-
fiction. In 2015, the library contained a total यदद 35% उत्तीणच अंक हैं। एक छात्र को 200 अंक प्राप्ि होिे
of 12760 books in these two categories. During हैं, कफर िी वह 24 अंकों िे अिफल हो जािा है । अधिकिम
this period, there was 10% increase in the
अंक तया है ?
fiction category while there was 12% increase
in the non-fiction category. How many fiction (a) 820 (b) 560
books were in the library in 2015? (c) 640 (d) 680
2010 में, एक लाइब्रेरी में दो श्रेणणयों में कुल 11500 ककिाबें 34. A candidate fails by 21 marks from the
minimum to pass an exam while another
थीं - कफतशन और नॉन-कफतशन। 2015 में, पुस्िकालय में candidate scores 147 marks more than the
इन दो श्रेणणयों में कुल 12760 पस्
ु िकें थीं। इि अवधि के minimum required. If the difference in
percentage secured by both candidates is
दौरान कफतशन श्रेणी में 10% की वद्
ृ धि हुई, जबकक गैर- 40%, what is the maximum marks that can be
कफतशन श्रेणी में 12% की वद्
ृ धि हुई। 2015 में लाइब्रेरी में scored in the said exam?

ककिनी कफतशन ककिाबें थीं? एक उभमीदवार परीक्षा उत्तीणच करने के सलए न्यूनिम िे 21

(a)6600 (b)6160 अंकों िे अनुत्तीणच हो जािा है , जबकक दि

ू रा उभमीदवार
(c)6000 (d)5500 न्यूनिम आवश्यक अंकों िे 147 अंक अधिक प्राप्ि करिा
30. The total salary of Gaurav and Azam in a company is
Rs.47520. If the salary of Gaurav increases by 23% and है । यदद दोनों उभमीदवारों द्वारा प्राप्ि प्रतिशि में अंिर 40%
Azam increases by 30% then their total salary would है , िो उति परीक्षा में अधिकिम ककिने अंक प्राप्ि ककए जा
increase to Rs.59928. Find the difference between their
िकिे हैं?
A) 420
एक कंपनी में गौरव और आजम का कुल वेिन रु47520 है । अगर
B) 360
गौरव का वेिन 23% और आजम का 30% बढ़िा है िो उनका कुल C) 400
D) 380
वेिन बढ़कर 59928 रुपये हो जाएगा। उनके वेिन में अंिर ज्ञाि
35. In a test minimum passing percentage for girls and boys
कीक्जये? is 35% and 40% respectively. A boy scored 483 marks and
a) Rs.5280 b) Rs.4720 failed by 117 marks. What is the minimum passing marks
c) Rs.6290 d) Rs.8428 for girls?
31. In an examination 92% of the students passed and 480 एक परीक्षा में, लड़ककयों तथा लड़के के ललए न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण
students failed. If so how many students appeared in the
अंक क्रमशः 35% तथा 40% है । यदि एक लड़का 483 अंक
एक परीक्षा में, 92% छात्र उत्तीर्ण हुए और 480 छात्र अनुत्तीर्ण प्राप्त करता है तथा 117 अंक से फेल हो जाता है । लड़ककयों
हुए। उस परीक्षा में ककतने छात्र शाकमल हुए थे? के ललए न्यूनतम उत्तीर्ण अंक ज्ञात कीजजए?
(a) 5000 (b) 6200 a)625 b)525 c)425 d)325
(c) 6000 (d) 5800 36. 48% of the total marks is required to pass an examination
32. Karuna and Aditi scored 434 and 336 marks respectively and 80% to get a First class with distinction. A student
in an examination. If Karuna scored 62% marks then scored 817 marks and failed by 47 marks. How many
what is the percentage of marks scored by Aditi? marks should he secure to get First Class with distinction?
434 336 48%
62% 80%
817 47
(a) 46.5%
(b) 52%
(c) 45% (a) 1500
(d) 48% (b) 1440
(c) 1600
(d) 1550

BY Gagan Pratap
37. A student gets 66 marks more in French than what she got 42. In the final examination, Bishnu scored 52% and Asha
in German. Her German marks are 28% of the sum of her scored 64% . The marks obtained by Bishnu is 23 less , and
French and German marks. What are her French marks? that by Asha is 34 more than the marks obtained by
एक छात्रा को जर्मन की िुलना र्ें फ्रेंच र्ें 66 अंक अधिक Ramesh. The marks obtained by Geeta , who scored 84% is
अंततम परीक्षा में, बिष्र्ु ने 52% और आशा ने 64% अंक प्राप्त ककए।
मर्लिे हैं, उसके जर्मन अंक उसके फ्रेंच और जर्मन अंकों के
बिष्र्ु द्वारा प्राप्त अंक रमेश द्वारा प्राप्त अंकों से 23 कम है , और
योग का 28% हैं। उसके फ्रेंच अंक तया हैं?
(a) 108 (b) 72 आशा द्वारा प्राप्त अंक रमेश द्वारा प्राप्त अंकों से 34 अधिक है ।
(c) 120 (d) 84 गीता, जजसने 84% अंक प्राप्त ककए, द्वारा प्राप्त अंक है
38. Geeta scored 30% and failed by 50 marks. while Sandeep
(A) 417 (B) 357
who scored 45% marks got 25 marks than the minimum
(C) 399 (D) 439
marks required to pass the examination. How many
43. A candidate scoring x% marks in an
marks did Vimal get if he scored 64% marks?
examination and fails by ‘a’ marks, while
another candidate who scores y% marks gets
‘b’ marks more than the minimum required
pass marks. What is the maximum marks for
(a) 500 the examination?
(b) 256 एक परीक्षाथी एक परीक्षा र्ें x% अंक प्राप्ि करिा है और a
(c) 320 'अंकों से ववफल रहिा है , जबकक एक अन्य परीक्षाथी जो
(d) 436
39. If a student score 43% marks then he is failed by 72 marks, y% अंक प्राप्ि करिा है , उसे न्यूनिर् आवश्यक उत्तीर्म अंकों
but when he scores 57% marks he is passed by 40 marks. से b ’अंक अधिक मर्लिे हैं। परीक्षा के मलए अधिकिर् अंक
Find passing %
तया है ?
यदि कोई छात्र 43% अंक प्राप्ि करिा है िो वह 72 अंकों से फेल हो 𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒂+𝒃) 𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒂−𝒃)
(a) (b)
जािा है , लेककन जब वह 57% अंक प्राप्ि करिा है िो वह 40 अंकों से 𝒙−𝒚 𝒙+𝒚
𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒂+𝒃) 𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒂−𝒃)
(c) (d)
उत्तीर्म होिा है । प्राप्िांक % ज्ञाि करें 𝒚−𝒙 𝒙−𝒚
44. In an examination, A obtained 10% more marks than B, B
a)53% b)55% c)52% d)50%
obtained 20% more marks than C and C obtained 32% less
40. When a student scores 28% marks then he is failed by 58
marks than D. If A obtained 272 more marks than C, then
marks. But when he scores 41% marks then he is failed with
the marks obtained by B is:
6 marks. Find passing %
A B 10% B C 20%
जब कोई छात्र 28% अंक प्राप्ि करिा है िो वह 58 अंकों से असफल C D 32% A
हो जािा है । लेककन जब वह 41% अंक प्राप्ि करिा है िो वह 6 अंकों C 272 B

के साथ असफल हो जािा है । प्राप्िांक % ज्ञाि करें (a) 816 (b) 850
a)42.5% b)43% c)40.66% d)41.5% (c) 1020 (d) 952
41. Meena scores 40% in an examination and after 45. A scored 72% in a paper with a maximum
review, even though her score is increased by marks of 900 and 80% in another paper with a
50%, she fails by 35 marks. If her post-review maximum marks of 700. If the result is based
score is increased by 20%, she will have 7 on the combined percentage of two papers, the
marks more than the passing score. The combined percentage is
percentage score needed for passing the 900 A ववषय 72%
examination is
40% ववषय 700 80%
50% 35 ववषयो श

(a) 75.5% (b) 76%
श श
(c) 76.5% (d) 77%
(a) 70 (b) 80
(c) 75 (d) 60

BY Gagan Pratap
46. Nidhi gave BA exams. Maximum marks of arts, social A की आय B की िुलना र्ें 40% अधिक है । यदि A ने अपनी
science, home science and history are 75, 90, 120 & 135
आय र्ें 25% वद्
ृ धि प्राप्ि की है और B ने अपनी आय र्ें
respectively. if she obtained 56%, 73%, 102 marks and 78%
respectively. Find her overall percentage ? 40% वद्
ृ धि प्राप्ि की है िो A और B के संयुति आय र्ें
तनधि ने बीए की परीक्षा िी। कला, सार्ाक्जक ववज्ञान, गह
ृ प्रतिशि वद्
ृ धि है :
ववज्ञान और इतिहास के पूर्म अंक क्रर्शः 75,90,120 और 135 (a) 31.25 (b) 34.5
(c) 28.25 (d) 24.5
हैं। यदि उसे क्रर्शः 56%, 73%, 102 अंक और 78% प्राप्ि हुए
51. There are twice as many girls as boys in a class. If 45% of
हैं | उसके कुल प्राप्िांक प्रतिशि तया है ? the girls and 30% of the boys have submitted their consent
a)75% b)74.66% for the outstation tour then what per cent of the students
𝟑 have NOT submitted consent for the tour?
c)71 % d)73.22%
47. 35% of the students in a college are girls and the rest are 45% 30%
boys. The total number of students in the college is 2800.
75% of the boys and 85% of the girls passed the final
examination. The percentage of total students who passed (a) 60%
the final examination is: (b) 44%
35% (c) 50%
2800 75% 85% (d) 40%
52. The expenses on rice petrol and oil of a family are in the
ratio 8 : 11 : 6. If the prices of these items are increased by
(a)80% (b)82% (c)78% (d)78.5% 10% 20% and 30% respectively then the total expenses
48. The total number of students in a school is 1400 out of of the family on these items are increased by:
which 35% of the students are girls and the rest are boys. 8 : 11 :
If 80% of the boys and 90% of the girls passed in an 6 10% 20% 30%
annual examination then the percentage of the students
who failed is:
(SSC GD 2023)
1400 35%
(a) 20.8%
(b) 20.2%
(c) 19.8%
(a) 17.4 (d) 19.2%
(b) 21.5 53. In a factory there are three types of Machine
(c) 15.8 M1, M2 & M3 which produce 25%, 35% and
(d) 16.5 40% of the total products, respectively. M1, M2
49. The ratio of the number of boys and girls in a school is 7: 5. & M3 produce 3%, 4% & 5% defective products,
If 65% of the boys and 81% of the girls are scholarship respectively. What is the percentage of non-
holders, then the percentage of students, who do not get defective products?
scholarship, is एक कारखाने में तीन प्रकार की मशीन M1, M2 और M3 हैं जो
एक स्कूल में लडके और लडककयों की िंख्या का अनुपाि 7: कुल उत्पािों का क्रमशः 25%, 35% और 40% उत्पािन करती
5 है । यदद 65% लडके और 81% लडककयााँ छात्रववृ त्त िारक हैं, हैं। M1, M2 और M3 क्रमशः 3%, 4% और 5% िोषपूर्ण
िो उन छात्रों का प्रतिशि, क्जन्हें छात्रववृ त्त नहीं समलिी है , उत्पाि उत्पन्न करते हैं। गैर-िोषपूर्ण उत्पािों का प्रततशत क्या
है ? (ICAR Technician 2022)
(a) 28 % (b) 25%
(c) 30 % (d) 27 %
A) 96.95%
𝟒 𝟏𝟐
B) 95.55%
C) 95.85%
50. The income of A is 40% more than that of B. If A got a 25%
D) 98.55%
rise in his income and B got a 40% rise in his income then
the percentage increase in the combined incomes of A and
B is:

BY Gagan Pratap
54. There are 2800 students in a school, out of 90%
which 75% participate in a sport competition. Y
Out of those who participate, 60% are boys.
35% of the boys and 25% of the girls qualify (a) 8.3%
for the final round of the competition. What (b) 10%
percentage of the school will participate in (c) 6.4%
the final round? (d) 5.7%
57. In an examination of 180 marks of a subject 75% marks
एक स्कूल में 2800 छात्र हैं, क्जनमें िे 75% एक खेल
are allocated for theory and the rest for project work.
प्रतियोधगिा में िाग लेिे हैं। िाग लेने वालों में िे 60% Veena scored 60% in theory. What percentage of marks
लडके हैं। 35% लडके और 25% लडककयां प्रतियोधगिा के must she score in the project to achieve an overall 62%
marks in the subject?
अंतिम दौर के सलए अहचिा प्राप्ि करिे हैं। फाइनल राउं ड में 75% (theory)
ककिने प्रतिशि स्कूल िाग लेंगे?
60% 62%
A) 22 %
B) 21 %
𝟑 (a) 65
𝟏 (b) 66
C) 20 % (c) 68
D) 22 % (d) 64
55. In an examination a candidate had to sit for 58. In a year, out of 240 games to be played, a
three papers A, B and C. The candidate cricket team wants to win 80% of them. Out
secured 75% marks in paper A, 80% marks in of 65% of the games already played, the
Paper B, and 60% marks in paper C. If the success rate was 75%. What should be the
weightage assigned to paper A, B and C were success rate for the remaining games to reach
40%, 50% and 10%, respectively, then find the target?
the weighted percentage of marks obtained by एक वषण में खेले जाने वाले 240 खेलों में से एक कक्रकेट टीम
the candidate, when all the three papers were उनमें से 80% जीतना चाहती है । पहले से खेले गए 65% खेलों
taken together?
में से, सफलता िर 75% थी। शेष खेलों के लक्ष्य तक पहुुँचने के
एक परीक्षा में एक उभमीदवार को िीन र्रणों A, B और C
ललए सफलता िर क्या होनी चादहए?
के सलए बैठना था। उभमीदवार ने पेपर A में 75% अंक, पेपर
(ICAR Assistant 2022)
B में 80% अंक और पेपर C में 60% अंक प्राप्ि ककए। यदद a)88.4%
पेपर A को वेटेज ददया गया है , B और C क्रमशः 40%, b)90.2%
50% और 10% थे, िो उभमीदवार द्वारा प्राप्ि अंकों का
िाररि प्रतिशि ज्ञाि करें , जब िीनों पेपर एक िाथ सलए गए 59. The weights of two persons A and B are in ratio of 5 : 3
respectively. If the weight of A increases by 5% and the
total weight of A and B becomes 92 kg with an increase of
(SSC CGL 2023) 15% then find the percentage increase in the weight of B.
A) 74% (Correct to 2 decimal places)
B) 76% A B 5:3 A
C) 75% 5% A B 15%
D) 77% 92 kg B
56. A certain number of students from school X appeared in
an examination and 20% students failed. From school Y
(SSC GD 2023)
130% more students than that from school X appeared in
the same examination. If 90% of the total number of (a) 31.67 percent
students appeared from both the schools passed then (b) 30.66 percent
what is the percentage of students from school Y who (c) 32.66 percent
failed (correct to one decimal place)? (d) 36.66 percent
X 60. Forty per cent of the employees of a certain
20% X company are men, and 75% of the men earn
Y 130% more than Rs. 38,000 per year. If 48% of the

BY Gagan Pratap
company's employees earn more than Rs. 16% 35%
38,000 per year, what fraction of the women 38%
employed by the company earn less than or
equal to Rs. 38,000 per year? (a) Decrease by 12.25%
एक कंपनी के किमचाररयों का चालीस प्रमतशत पुरुष िैं , और 75% (b) Increase by 22.5%
(c) Decrease by 13.9%
पुरुष 38,000 रुपये प्रमतिषम से अमिक किाते िैं । यमद कंपनी के
(d) Increase by 16.25%
48% किमचारी 38,000 रुपये प्रमतिषम से अमिक किाते िैं । कंपनी
65. A saves 35% of his income. His income is increased by
द्वारा मनयोमजत िमिलाओं का कौन सा अंश 38,000 रुपये के 20.1% and expenditure is increased by 25%. By what
बराबर या उससे कि किाता िै ? percentage does his saving increase or decrease?
𝟐 𝟒
(a) (b) A 35% 20.1%
𝟑 𝟓
𝟑 𝟕 25%
(c) (𝐝)
𝟒 𝟏𝟎
61. A person saves 33 % of his income. If the saving (a) 11% increase/
increases by 22% and the expenditure increases by 10% (b) 9% decrease/
then the percentage increase in his income is: (c) 13% increase/
(d) 14% decrease/
एक व्यक्ति अपनी आय का 33 % बर्ि करिा है । यदद बर्ि में
𝟑 66. A government servant spends 76% of his income. If his
22% की वद्
ृ धि हो जाए और खर्च में 10% की वद्
ृ धि हो जाए िो income is increased by 14% and his expenditure is
उिकी आय में ककिने प्रतिशि की वद् increased by 10% then find the percentage increase in his
ृ धि हुई?
savings. (Correct to 2 decimal places)
(a)18% (b)14%
(c)16% (d)22%
14% 10%
62. Geeta’s savings are equal to 28% of her
expenditure. If the expenditure increases by
(SSC GD 2023)
17.4% and savings decreased by 5%, then by
what percentage does her income increase? (a) 24.33%
(b) 27.66%
गीिा की बर्ि उिके व्यय के 28% के बराबर है । यदद व्यय
(c) 26.67%
में 17.4% की वद्
ृ धि होिी है और बर्ि में 5% की कमी (d) 28.33%
आिी है , िो उिकी आय में ककिने प्रतिशि की वद्
ृ धि होिी
67. The monthly income of a person was Rs87,500 and his
monthly expenditure was Rs50,000. Next year his income
है ? increased by 33% and his expenditure increased by 18%
A) 22.4% .The % increase in his savings was?
B) 18% एक व्यजक्त की मालसक आय Rs87500 तथा मालसक खचण 50000 रु
C) 12%
D) 12.5% है यदि अगले वषण उसकी आय 33% िढ़ जाती है तथा खचण 18% िढ़
63. The savings of Radha are equal to 28% of her जाता है तो िचत मे % वद्
ृ धि क्या होगी?
expenditure. If her income decreases by 5%
a) 48% b) 53% c) 61% d) 50%
and her expenditure increases by 2%, then her
68. Mr. X has a monthly income of $26 500 and his monthly
savings decrease by:
expenditure is $20 500. The next year his salary is
रािा की बर्ि उिके खर्च के 28% के बराबर है । यदद उिकी increased by 12% and expenditure is increased by 6%.
आय में 5% की कमी होिी है और उिके व्यय में 2% की His savings increase by how much percent?
X $26 500
ृ धि होिी है , िो उिकी बर्ि में ककिनी कमी होिी है : $20 500 12%
(ICAR Assistant 2022) 6%
A) 18%
B) 30% (a) 32.5%
C) 8.4% (b) 27.3%
D) 4. 3% (c) 32.0%
64. The savings of Surbhi is 16% of her expenditure. If her (d) 34.7%
income increases by 35% and the expenditure increases (SSC CGL 2022)
by 38% then by what percentage do her savings

BY Gagan Pratap
69. The monthly income of a person was Rs 15 400 and his 73. In a constituency, 40% of the voters are senior
monthly expenditure was Rs 7 200. His income increased citizens. 40% of the senior citizen voters are
by 20% and his expenditure increased by 5%. Find the illiterate and 25% of the non-senior citizen
percentage increase in his savings. voters are literates. By what percentage is the
Rs 15 400 number of literate senior citizens voters less
Rs 7 200 20% than that of illiterate non-senior citizen
5% voters?
(SSC GD 2023) (CHSL 2018)
(a) 60.31% ककसी तनवाणचन क्षेत्र में 40% मतिाता वररष्ठ नागररक है | वररष्ठ
(b) 65.24% नागररक मतिाताओं में से 40% तनरक्षर है और 25 % गैर वररष्ठ
(c) 33.17%
(d) 35.12% नागररक मतिाता साक्षर है | तनरक्षर गैर वररष्ठ नागररक
70. The number of boys and girls who appeared in मतिाताओं की तुलना में साक्षर वररष्ठ नागररक मतिाताओं की
an exam were in the ratio of 9:7. The number
संख्या ककतने प्रततशत कम है ?
of boys & girls passing exam were in the ratio
3:2. If 60% of girls passed in exam, find the (a) 40 (b) 48
percentage of boys passed in exam. 𝟐
(c) 50 (d) 46
एक परीक्षा में बैठने वाले लडकों और लडककयों की िंख्या 9:
74. A number is first increased by 5% and then it is further
7 के अनप
ु ाि में थी। परीक्षा पाि करने वाले लडकों और increased by 15%. The original number increased
altogether by:
लडककयों की िंख्या 3: 2 के अनप
ु ाि में थी। 60% लडककयां
एक िंख्या मेंपहले 5% की वद्
ृ धि की जािी है और कफर उिमें
परीक्षा में उत्तीणच हुईं, परीक्षा में उत्तीणच लडकों का प्रतिशि ज्ञाि
15% की और वद्
ृ धि की जािी है । मूलिंख्या मेंकुल समलाकर
करें ?
_______ वद्ृ धि हुई है ।
a) 64% b) 72%
c) 70% d) 80% (a) 19.75%
71. In a class, 60% of the students are girls and the (b) 20.75%
rest are boys. There are 30 more girls than (c) 22.75%
boys. If 68% of the students, including 30 boys, (d) 21.75%
75. The price of an A.C. is first increased by 16% and later
pass an examination, the percentage of the
on the price is decreased by22% due to reduction in sales.
girls who do not pass is
Find the net percentage change in final price of the A.C.
A.C. 16%
30 68%

(a) Decrease of 19.25%/19.25%
a)15 b)18 (b) Decrease of 9.52%/9.52%
c)20 d)25 (c) Increase of 9.52%/9.52%
72. In a constituency, 55% of the total number of (d) Increase of 19.25%/19.25%
voters are males and the rest are females. If 76. The price of a bed is first increased by 32% and
40% of the males are illiterate and 40% of the later on decreased by 20% due to reduction in
females are literate, then by what percent is sales. Find the net percentage change in the
the number of literate males more than that of final price of the bed.
illiterate females? %
एक दनवाचर्न क्षेत्र में, कुल मतिाताओं में से 55% पु रुष हैं और %
बाकी मदहलाएं हैं। यदि 40% पुरुष दनरक्षर हैं और 40%
मदहलाएँ साक्षर हैं, तो दनरक्षर मदहलाओं की तुलना में साक्षर (SSC MTS 2023)
पुरुषों की संख्या दकतने प्रदतशत अदिक है? (a) 5.6% (b) 6.2%
𝟐 𝟐 (c) 7.5% (d) 4.9%
(a) 18 (b) 22
𝟗 𝟗 77. In the year 2001, the production of a factory
𝟖 𝟐
(c) 22 (d) 18 decreased by 30%. But, in 2002, the
𝟏𝟏 𝟏𝟏
production increased by 25%. What is the
resulting change (increase or decrease) in

BY Gagan Pratap
production over these two years? decrements of 30% each? (Correct to two
वषच 2001 में, एक कारखाने का उत्पादन 30% कम हो decimal places)
प्रत्येक 30% की दो क्रमिक िृष्पि, प्रत्येक 30% की दो क्रमिक किी
गया। लेककन, 2002 में उत्पादन 25% बढ़ गया। इन दो
से मकतने प्रमतशत अमिक िै ? (दो दशिलि स्थानों तक सिी)
वषों में उत्पादन में पररणामी पररविचन (वद्
ृ धि या कमी) (a) 32.54% (b) 28.15%
तया है ? (DP CONSTABLE 2023) (c) 25.25% (d) 35.29%
A) Increaese by 13.5%
83. The price of an article is increased by r%. The
B) Decrease by 12.5%
new price was decreased by r% later. Now the
C) Increase by 12.5%
latest price is Rs. 1, What was the original price
D) Decrease by 13.5%
of the article?
78. The salary of Neeta is first increased by 13% and then it
is decreased by 13%. What is the change in her salary? एक िस्तु के िूल्य िें r% की िृष्पि की जाती िै । बाद िें इस नए िूल्य
13% 13% िें r% की किी कर दी जाती िै । अब निीनति िूल्य Rs.1 िै । उस
िास्तु का प्रारं मिक िूल्य मकतना था?
(SSC GD 2023) (a)
𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎−𝒓𝟐 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎
(a) Increase of 1.69%/1.69% 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝟏𝟎𝟎
(c) (d)
(b) Increase of 16.9%/16.9% 𝟏𝟎𝟎−𝒓𝟐 𝟏−𝒓𝟐
(c) Decrease of 16.9%/16.9%
84. A number is first increased by 10% and then increased by
(d) Decrease of 1.69%/1.69
20%. The number, so obtained, is now decreased by
79. The income of a person first increases by 25%
12%.What is the net increase or decrease per cent in the
and then decreases by 25%. What % is the new
original number?
income of the original income?
मकसी संख्या िें पिले 10% की िृष्पि की जाती िै , और मिर 20%
% की िृष्पि की जाती िै । इस प्रकार प्राप्त संख्या िें अब 12% की किी
% की जाती िै । िूल संख्या िें मनिल िृष्पि या किी का प्रमतशत मकतना
(SSC MTS 2023) िै ?
(a) 91 % (b) 93 %
𝟑 (a) 12.12% increase/12.12% िृष्पि
𝟒 𝟒
𝟑 𝟏 (b) 16.16% increase/16.16% िृष्पि
(c) 95 % (d) 92 %
𝟒 𝟒 (c) 11.11% decrease /11.11% किी
80. A number is first decreased by 28% and then increased by
(d) 14.14% decrease/14.14% किी
28%. The number so obtained is 1176 less than the
85. The salary of Ramesh first increases by 35% then
original number. Find the value of the original number.
decreases by 40% then again increases by 25%. Find the
एक संख्या िें पिले 28% की किी की जाती िै , और मिर 28%
overall increase or decrease percentage.
की िृष्पि की जाती िै । इस प्रकार प्राप्त संख्या, िूल संख्या से 1176 35% 40%
कि िै । िूल संख्या ज्ञात करें । 25%
(a) 15000 (b) 16000
(c) 10000 (d) 14000 (a) Increase 1.25%/1.25
81. If a number is first increased by 15% then reduced by (b) Decrease 2.25%/2.25
15% it results in 782. If the same number is first reduced (c) Decrease 1.25%/1.25%
by 25% then increased by 25% and again reduced by (d) Increase 2.25%/2.25
20% then what will be the resulting number? (SSC CPO 2023)
15% 15% 86. A number is increased by 30%, then decreased by 25%, and
25% then further increased by 25%. What is the net
25% 20% increase/decrease percent in the number (correct to the
nearest integer)?
(a) 712
(b) 150 एक िंख्या में 30% की वद्
ृ धि हुई है , कफर 25% की कमी हुई
(c) 750 है , और कफर 25% की वद्
ृ धि हुई है । िंख्या में शुद्ि वद्
ृ धि /
(d) 600
कमी प्रतिशि (तनकटिम पूणाांक के सलए िही) तया है ?
82. Two successive increments of 30% each is by (a)22% decrease (b)22% increase
what percentage more than two successive (c )21% decrease (d)21% increase

BY Gagan Pratap
87. A number is first increased by 16% and then increased by (a) Rs. 33 786
14%. The number, so obtained, is now decreased by 30%. (b) Rs. 32 245
What is the net increase or decrease percent in the original (c) Rs. 36 501
number (nearest to an integer)? (d) Rs. 35 602
एक संख्या िें पहले 16% और दिर 14% की वृद्धि की जाती 92. Three years ago, the value of car was Rs
250000. If the value depreciates by 6% every
है। प्राप्त संख्या को अब 30% घटाया गया है। मूल संख्या में
year, its value now is?
(पूर्ाांक के दनकटतम) शुि वृद्धि या कमी प्रदतशत क्या होगी ? िीन िाल पहले, कार का मूल्य 250000 रुपये था। यदद हर
िाल मल्
ू य में 6% की धगरावट आिी है , िो अब इिका मल्
ू य
(a) 7% decrease
(b)No increase or decrease
(c) 6% increase तया है ?
(d) 9% decrease (MTS 2023)
88. The production of AB Co. increased by 10% after one A) Rs 204676
year and in the next year it increased by 22%. In the third B) Rs 207646
year it increased by 5%. What overall change (in %) has C) Rs 207466
been there in the production in three years from the D) Rs 204766
original production? 93. The population of a town increases each year by 4% of its
AB 10% total at the beginning of the year. If the population on 1 st
22% 5% January 2001 was 500000, what was it on 1st January, 2004?
ककिी शहर की आबादी हर िाल की शरु
ु आि में उिके कुल
(a) 41.5% के 4% बढ़ जािी है । यदद 1 जनवरी 2001 को जनिंख्या
(b) 40.9%
500000 थी, िो 1 जनवरी, 2004 को यह तया थी?
(d) 42.8% (a) 562432 (b)652432
89. A number is first increased by 40% and then (c )465223 (d)564232
decreased by 25%, again increased by 15% and 94. A district has 10 24 000 inhabitants. If the population
then decreased by 20%. What is the net increases at the rate 2.5% per annum find the number of
increase/decrease per cent in the number? inhabitants at the end of three years.
10 24 000 2.5%
ककिी िंख्या में पहले 40% की वद्
ृ धि हुई और कफर 25%
की कमी हुई, कफर िे 15% की वद्
ृ धि के बाद 20% की कमी
(a) 11 20 736
हुई। िंख्या में हुई शद्
ु ि वद्
ृ धि/कमी प्रतिशि ज्ञाि करें । (b) 11 02 736
(a) 7.2% decrease (c) 10 75 840
(b) 6.4% increase (d) 10 64 850
(c) 3.4% increase (SSC CGL 2022)
(d) 3.4% decrease 95. The rate of annual growth of a city is 2%. If its
90. The value of a motorcycle depreciates every year by 4%.
population in the year 2020 was 1,50,000, then what
What will be its value after 2 years if its present value is
would be its population in 2023?
₹ 75 000?
एक शिर की िामषमक िृष्पि दर 2% िै । यमद िषम 2020 िें इसकी
मोटरिाइककल के मूल्य में प्रतिवषच 4% का हाि होिा है । यदद
जनसं ख्या 1,50,000 थी, तो 2023 िें इसकी जनसंख्या मकतनी
इिका विचमान मूल्य ₹ 75 000 है िो 2 वषच बाद इिका मल्
ू य िोगी?
तया होगा? (a) 1,59,000
(a) ₹ 72 000 (b) ₹ 70 120 (b) 1,59,181
(c) ₹ 69 120 (d) ₹ 69 000 (c) 1,58,413
91. Manish bought an air conditioner for Rs.46 875 its value (d) 1,58,765
is depreciating at the rate of 8% yearly. What will be the 96. The population of a village in 2019 was
price of the air conditioner after 3 years? 30000. The increase in population rate was
Rs 46 875 15% and 25%, respectively, from the year
8% 2019 to 2020 and 2020 to 2021. What was the
(SSC GD 2023) population in the year 2021?

BY Gagan Pratap
2019 में एक गााँव की जनिंख्या 30000 थी। वषच 2019 100. The population of the city was 1,75,000
two years ago. If it had increased by 4% and 5%
िे 2020 और 2020 िे 2021 िक जनिंख्या दर में वद्
ृ धि in the last two years, find the present
क्रमशः 15% और 25% थी। वषच 2021 में जनिंख्या ककिनी population of the city.

थी? ? (CHSL 2023 PRE) िो साल पहले शहर की आिािी 1,75,000 थी. यदि पपछले िो वषों में

A) 42000 इसमें 4% और 5% की वद्

ृ धि हुई हो, तो शहर की वतणमान जनसंख्या
B) 42325 ज्ञात कीजजए। (CHSL MAINS 2023)
C) 42523
[a]1,89,200 [b]1,92,100
D) 43125
[c]1,93,200 [d]1,91,100
97. The population of a town is 80 000. It decreases by 8% in
101. The population of a city in 2014 was 8000000. If in 2015
the first year and increases by 5% in the second year.
there is an increment of 8% in2016 there is a decrement
What will be the population of the town at the end of 2
of 35% and in 2017 there is an increment of 65% then
what is the population of the city at the end of the year
8000000 2015
(a) 76150 8% 2016 35% 2017
(b) 86140 65% 2017
(c) 77280
(a) 9266400
(d) 82540
(b) 7000000
98. In April 2019, Dinesh purchased a new car of
(c) 9635535
Rs 7,00,000 and sold it in April 2022 at its
(d) 8400278
depreciation cost. If the rate of depreciation
102. The ticket of an IPL match in Chennai was Rs 2 500.
in the first year is 20%, 15% in the second
When the price of the ticket was lowered the sale(number
year and 10% every year there after, what
of tickets) of the tickets was increased by 50% but the
amount of money will Dinesh get as the
revenue noticed a reduction of 15%. What was the
selling price?
reduced price of the ticket (rounded off to two decimal
अप्रैल 2019 में, ददनेश ने 7,00,000 रुपये की एक नई कार places)?
खरीदी और अप्रैल 2022 में इिकी मूल्यह्राि लागि पर इिे Rs 2 500

बेर् ददया। यदद पहले वषच में मूल्यह्राि की दर 20%, दि

ू रे 50% 15%
वषच में 15% और उिके बाद हर वषच 10% है , िो ददनेश को
(SSC GD 2023)
ववक्रय मूल्य के रूप में ककिनी िनरासश समलेगी?
(a) Rs 2 125.67
(CHSL PRE 2023)
(b) Rs 2 250.33
A) Rs 428400
(c) Rs 1416.67
B) Rs 428600
(d) Rs 1 450.33
C) Rs 468400
103. The population of a city increases at a rate of 2% for the
D) Rs 528400
first 2 years and then decreases at a rate of 4% for the
99. The population of a village was 12000 two
third year. What will be the population after 3 years if the
years ago. If it increased by 2.5% and 3%,
present population of the city is 62 500?
respectively, in the last two years, then what
is the present population of the village?
दो वषच पहले एक गााँव की जनिंख्या 12000 थी। यदद वपछले 62 500
दो वषों में इिमें क्रमशः 2.5% और 3% की वद्
ृ धि हुई, िो (SSC GD 2022 )
(a) 62424
गााँव की विचमान जनिंख्या तया है ? (CHSL 2023 PRE) (b) 62400
a)12669 (c) 63500
b)12607 (d) 65424
d)12731 104. Two years ago population of a city was 15 62 500. The
population increased by 4% in the first year and

BY Gagan Pratap
decreased by 4% in the second year. Find the present 1 250 000 12.7%
population 2.7%

4% 4% (a) 43 285
(b) 41 375
(a) 15 60 000 (c) 42 565
(b)15 61 000 (d) 40 275
(c) 15 63 000 109. The initial population of a country is
(d) 15 62 000 1,87,500. If the birth and the death rates are
105. In 2021 in a city 30% of the people were vaccinated by 13% and 9%, respectively, then find the
Covid 19 vaccinations in the month of June 50% of the population of the country after 2 years.
remaining in July and 20% of the remaining in August.
ककिी दे श की प्रारं सिक जनिंख्या 1,87,500 है । यदद जन्म
Still 84000 are left for vaccination. Find the total
population of the city.(Everyone in the town is eligible for और मत्ृ यु दर क्रमशः 13% और 9% है , िो 2 वषच बाद दे श
the vaccination) की जनिंख्या ज्ञाि कीक्जए।
50% 20%
A) 202700
B) 202800
C) 202900
(SSC GD 2023)
D) 203000
(a) 3.10 lakh 110. The population of bacteria in a culture prepared in a lab
(b) 4 lakh is 8 x 108. Their birth and death rates per hour are 12.75%
(c) 3 lakh and 10.75% respectively. Find their population in the
(d) 3.5 lakh culture after 3 h.
106. The population of a village 4 years
ago was 3,20,000. Due to migration to cities, 8 × 108 12.75%
it decreases at the rate of 5% every year. 10.75%
Find the decrease in its population in the (a) 84 89 66 400
last 4 years. (b) 84 89 44 600
4 वषच पहले एक गााँव की जनिंख्या 3,20,000 थी। शहरों (c) 8 48 96 640
(d) 8 48 96 460
की ओर पलायन के कारण इिमें हर िाल 5% की दर िे
कमी आिी है । वपछले 4 वषों में इिकी जनिंख्या में कमी The count of bacteria in a sample grows by 24%
ज्ञाि कीक्जये। during the first hour. It decreases by15% during
the next one hour and again decreases by 10%
A) 83595
during the third hour. If the present count of
B) 53985
C) 59358 bacteria in the sample is 55000, then what will be
D) 93558 the net increase/decrease in the count of
107. The population of a city is 225000. If the annual birth rate bacteria after three hours?
and death rates are 4.5% and 2.5% respectively calculate एक नमूनेमेंजीवाणुओंकी िंख्या पहले घंटेके दौरान 24% बढ़
the increase in the population of the city after 2 years.
225000 जािी है । अगले एक घंटेके दौरान यह 15% कम हो जािी
4.5% 2.5% 2 है और िीिरे घंटेके दौरान कफर िे 10% कम हो जािी है । यदद

(a) 9099 नमूनेमेंजीवाणुओंकी विचमान िंख्या 55000 है , िो िीन घंटेके

(b) 9090 बाद जीवाणओ
ु ंकी िंख्या मेंशद्
ु ि वद्
ृ धि/कमी तया होगी?
(c) 9909
(a) Decrease, 2728
(d) 9009
108. The population of a town is 1 25 000. If the annual birth (b) Increase, 2728
rate is 12.7% and the annual death rate is 2.7% how
(c) Decrease, 2827
much will the population increase after 3 years?
(d) Increase, 2827

BY Gagan Pratap
112. A bag contains 4800 g of rice. 20% of a)450000 b)460000
rice is added in the bag after which 10% c)475000 d)480000
quantity is taken out. Then 15% quantity is 117. 20% of the inhabitants of a village having died of malaria
added back in the bag. Lastly, 25% of rice is a panic set in during which 30% of the remaining
taken out of the bag. What is the weight of inhabitants left the village. The population was then
the bag now, in grams? reduced to 12 000. What was the number of inhabitants
एक बैग में 4800 ग्राम र्ावल है । बैग में 20% र्ावल initially (Consider integral part only)
डाला जािा है क्जिके बाद 10% मात्रा तनकाल ली जािी है । 30%
कफर 15% मात्रा वापि बैग में डाल दी जािी है । अंि में , 12 000

25% र्ावल बैग िे तनकाल सलया जािा है । अब बैग का (a) 21000

वजन ग्राम में ककिना है ? (b) 21428
A) 4471.2 (c) 30428
B) 4173.12 (d) 21500
C) 7452 (SSC CGL 2022)
D) 4473.2 118. During the first year, the
113. The population of village has been continuously population of a town increases by 8% and in the
increasing at the rate of 10% per year. If its present second year it diminishes by 6%. At the end of
population is 54 450 what was it two years ago? the second year, its population was 88,830. What
10% was the population at the beginning of the first
54 450 year?
पिले िषम के दौरान, एक कस्बे की जनसंख्या 8% बढ़ जाती िै और
(a) 48000
दू सरे िषम िें 6% कि िो जाती िै । दू सरे िषम के अंत िें इसकी
(b) 45000
जनसं ख्या 88,830 थी। प्रथि िषम की शुरुआत िें जनसं ख्या
(c) 52000
(d) 50000 मकतनी थी?
114. The population of a village increases by 6.25% every year. 1. 89,000 2. 87,500
If the present population of the village is 4046 then what 3. 85,500 4. 82,000
was its population 2 years ago? ( ICAR Technician 2023)
6.25% 119. The income of a company increases 25%
4046 2 per annum. If its income is ₹26,64,000 in the
year 1999 what was its income in the year
(a) 3584 1997?
(b) 3456 %
(c) 3328
(d) 3648
115. The value of a machine depreciates at the (SSC MTS 2023)
rate of 12% per annum. If its present value is (a) ₹16,50,000 (b) ₹17,04,960
₹1,16,160, then what was the value (in ₹) of the (c) ₹15,50,000 (d) ₹17,50,000
machine 2 years ago? 120. When a number is successively decreased by 25 percent
40 percent and 20 percent then it becomes 32 904. What
एक िशीन का अििूल्यन 12% प्रमत िषम की दर से िोता िै । यमद
is that number?
इसका ितमिान िूल्य ₹1,16,160 िै , तो 2 िषम पिले िशीन का
िूल्य (₹ िें) मकतना था? 32 904
1. 1,30,000 2. 1,40,000
3. 1,60,000 4. 1,50,000 (a) 95 600
( ICAR Technician 2023) (b) 92 800
116.The value of a machine decreases every year at the rate of (c) 91 400
5%. If its present value is Rs411540, what was its value (d) 80 500
before 3 years ago?
ककिी मशीन के मूल्य में प्रतिवषच 5% का हाि होिा है । यदद इिका
विचमान मूल्य 411540 है ।िो 3 वषच पहले इिका मूल्य तया था

BY Gagan Pratap
121. During the first year the population of a town increased
by 12%.The next year due to some contagious disease it
decreased by 8%. At the end of the second year the
population was 64 400. Find the population of the town at
beginning of the first year. 125. The population of a village increases by
12% 5.5% in the first year and falls by 2% in the
8% second year and again increases by 10% in the
third year. If the population at the end of the
third year was 109832 more than that at the
(a) 50 000 beginning of the first year, find the population
(b) 54 750 at the starting.
(c) 62 500
एक गााँव की जनिंख्या पहले वषच में 5.5% बढ़ जािी है और
(d) 50 500 (SSC CGL 2022)
122. The population of a city increased by 5% 2% and 6% in दि
ू रे वषच में 2% घट जािी है और िीिरे वषच में कफर िे
the first second and third year respectively. At the end of
10% बढ़ जािी है । यदद िीिरे वषच के अंि में जनिंख्या पहले
the third year the population became 56 763. Find the
initial population of the city. वषच की शुरुआि की िुलना में 109832 अधिक थी, िो
2% 6% 56 763 A) 840000
B) 780000
(a) 53000 C) 800000
(b) 51000 D) 815000
(c) 52000 126. During the first year the strength of a school increased by
(d) 50000 12% in the second year it decreased by 12% and in the
123. The population of a country has been growing at a rate of third year it increased by 10%. At the end of the third year
4% every decade. If the projected population of the its strength was nearly 10842. What was the strength at
country in 2030 is given as 1 58 18 400 what was the the beginning of the first year?
population of the country in 2000? 12%
4% 12% 10%
2030 1 58 18 400 2000

(a) 1 40 62 000 (a) 8000

(b) 1 40 65 200 (b) 10000
(c) 1 40 56 200 (c) 6500
(d) 1 40 62 500 (d) 12000 (SSC CGL 2022)
124. A mask manufacturing company manufactured ‘X’ 127. During the previous year, the price A
number of masks in 2018. It increased its manufacturing number first increased by 8% and then
capacity by 30% in 2019 and further increased its decreased by 3% to get 2619. What is 5% of
manufacturing by 15% in 2020. In 2021 due to the that number?
machinery breakdown its manufacturing declined by एक िंख्या पहले 8% बढ़ी और कफर 3% घट कर 2619 हो
40%. What is the value of ‘X’ if it manufactured 179400
masks in 2021? गई। उि िंख्या का 5% तया है ? (CHSL 2023 PRE)
'X' A) 125
30% B) 135
15% C) 130
40% D) 140
'X' 128. The price of petrol increased by 8% on
1 April 22, when compared to the price as on
(a) 180000 1 January 22. If it increased again by 5% on
(b) 230000 31 September 22, what was the price of petrol
(c) 200000 (in Rs/ltr) on 1 January 22, if the price on 31
(d) 210000 September 22 was Rs 96.39/ltr?
(SSC CGL 2022)

BY Gagan Pratap
1 अप्रैल 22 को पेट्रोल की कीमि में 8% की वद्
ृ धि हुई, जब 132. Three years ago, Raman’s salary was `45000. His salary is
increased by 10 percent, A percent and 20 percent in first, second
1 जनवरी 22 की कीमि की िुलना में। यदद 31 सििंबर 22
and third year respectively. Raman’s present salary is `83160.
को कफर िे 5% की वद्
ृ धि हुई, िो 1 को पेट्रोल की कीमि What is the value of A?
(रुपये/लीटर में) तया थी? 22 जनवरी, अगर 31 सििंबर 22 `450000
को कीमि 96.39 रुपये प्रति लीटर थी? ” ” A ”
” `83160 A
A) 85
B) 82
C) 86
(a)40 (b) 30
D) 80 (c)50 (d) 54
133. The value of an article depreciated from Rs 18 000 to Rs
129.The population of a town has increased by 5% at the end of 14 580 in 2 years. Find the yearly rate of depreciation in
the first year and decreased by 4% at the end of second the value of the article.
year. If the population at the end of second year was Rs 18 000 14 580
55,12,248, then the population at the beginning of first year
was: (SSC GD 2023)
ककिी शहर की आबादी पहले वषच के अंि में 5% बढ़ी है और (a) 10%
(b) 12%
ू रे वषच के अंि में 4% की कमी हुई है । यदद दि
ू रे वषच के (c) 9%
अंि में जनिंख्या 55,12,248 थी, िो पहले वषच की शरु
ु आि में (d) 8%
134. The value of an Apple laptop depreciated from
जनिंख्या थी:
Rs.1 33 100 to Rs.72 900 in 3 years. Find the yearly rate of
(a)55,72,950 (b)56,23,012 depreciation. (Correct to 2 decimal places.)
(c)54,68,500 (d)53,00,420 Rs 1 33 100 Rs
130. Price of a one gram gold coin decreased by 10% on its 72 9000
initial price on Monday and increased by 20% on Tuesday
and again increased by 8% on Wednesday and 5% (SSC GD 2023)
increase on Thursday. If the final price on Thursday is
(a) 25.32%
`5511.24 then the initial price (in `) of one gram gold coin
(b) 21.34%
on Monday was?
(c) 20.75%
10% 20% (d) 18.18%
135. The value of washing machine
depreciated from Rs 40960 to Rs 21970 in 3
5% `5 511.24
years. Find the yearly rate depreciation?
3 िाल में वॉसशंग मशीन का मूल्य 40960 रुपये िे घटकर
(a) 4500
21970 रुपये हो गया। वावषचक दर मूल्यह्राि ज्ञाि करें ?
(b) 4250
(c) 4000 (SSC CPO 2023)
(d) 5000 A) 18.75%
𝟐 B) 16.25%
131.The population of a town is increases by 16 % in Ist year,
𝟑 C) 20%
𝟏 𝟏
but decreases by 37 % in 2 year, increases by 57 % in 3rd
D) 25%
year. Then find the present population if after 3 years the 136. The income of a company increases by x% per year. If its
population will become 275,000 ? income is `31 25 000 in the year 2019 and the income in
2017 was `20 00 000 then what is the value of x?
एक शहर की जनिंख्या में प्रथम वषच में 16 % की वद्
ृ धि हुई है ,
𝟑 x%
लेककन दि
ु रे वषच में 37.5% की कमी हुई, िीिरे वषच में 57𝟕% की
`31 25 000 2017 `20 00 000
ृ धि हुई। कफर विचमान जनिंख्या ज्ञाि करें यदद 3 वषच के बाद
(a) 18
जनिंख्या 275,000 हो जाएगी ? (b) 15
a)240000 b)250000 (c) 20
c)200000 d)225000 (d) 25

BY Gagan Pratap
(c) 6%, Decrease
137. A bike is purchased for `50 000. Its rate depreciates at (d) 4.8%, Decrease
10% annually. In how many years will its value be
`36 450?
`50 000 10%
`36 450 141. The price of rice per kg is increased by 18% and the
(a) 3 quantity of rice brought decreased by 22%. What is the
(b) 2 percentage change in the amount spent on rice?
(c) 5 18%
(d) 4 22%
138.An Gujrati employee Ramu got promotion, due to this his
Salary is increased by 26 %. But due to his inconsistency in (a) 7.96% decrease/
work his salary reduced by Rs. 2550. Ramu was transferred (b) 12.64% decrease/
to Delhi for a project so his salary is again increased by (c) 11.2% increase/
12.5%. Now his current salary is Rs.15300. Find his initial (d) 19.25% increase/
income? 142. If the price of a movie ticket increased by
एक गुजरािी कमचर्ारी रामू को प्रमोशन समला इि कारण 1
12 % and the sale of tickets also increased by
उिकी िैलरी में 26 % की वद्
ृ धि हुई है । लेककन काम में
𝟑 1
8 % , then find % change in income.
अिंगििा के कारण उिका वेिन 2550 रु. कम कर ददया 2
गया | रामू को एक पररयोजना के सलए ददल्ली स्थानांिररि 𝟐
ककया गया इिसलए उिका वेिन कफर िे 12.5% बढ़ गया %
है । अब उिका विचमान वेिन 15300 रुपये है । उिकी प्रारं सिक
(a) 22.0625% (b) 22.6750%
आय ज्ञाि कीक्जये?
(c) 20.675% (d) 21.875%
(a)Rs.12750 (b)Rs.15750
(c)Rs.11250 (d)Rs.12000 143. Basir’s working hours per day were increased by 15%
𝟐 and his wages per hour were increased by 20%. By how
139.Population of a city increases by 𝟒𝟏 %, 92000 in first and
𝟑 much percent did his daily earnings increase?
second year respectively but, in third year it decreases by 15%
10% and now population becomes thrice of initial
20% प्रतिशि
population. Find the total increment in the population
during the first year?
(a) 35 (b) 38
ककिी शहर की जनिंख्या पहले और दि
ू रे वषच में क्रमशः (c) 36 (d) 40
92000 बढ़ जािी है लेककन िीिरे वषच में यह 10%
𝟒𝟏 % 144.A rectangular portion of an airport runway was getting
repaired for which an estimate was made on the basis of a
घट जािी है और अब शहर की जनिंख्या प्रारं सिक जनिंख्या
rate Rs. R per square unit. But while doing the work, the
का िीन गुना हो र्ुकी है । प्रथम वषच के दौरान जनिंख्या में length of the portion got increased by 10% and the breadth
कुल वद्
ृ धि पिा लगाए?
by 8%. Over and above this, there was an increase in the
cost of the repair work to the extent of 15%. What was the
a)16000 b)20000 c)24000 d)25000
overall percentage increase in the cost of repair over the
140.The price of a commodity is increased by 36% and the
quantity purchased is decreased by 30%. What is the
percentage increase/decrease in the amount spent on the एक हवाई अड्डे के रनवे के एक आयिाकार दहस्िे की
commodity? मरभमि की जा रही थी, क्जिके सलए एक दर R रुपये/ वगच
एक वस्िु की कीमि में 36% की वद्
ृ धि हुई है और खरीदी मीटर के आिार पर एक अनुमान लगाया गया था। लेककन
गई मात्रा में 30% की कमी हुई है । वस्िु पर खर्च की गई रासश काम करिे िमय, आयिाकार िाग की लंबाई 10% और
में प्रतिशि वद्
ृ धि / कमी तया है ? र्ौडाई 8% बढ़ गई। इिके ऊपर और , मरभमि कायच की
(a) 6%, Increase
(b) 4.8%, Increase

BY Gagan Pratap
लागि में 15% की वद्
ृ धि हुई । मरभमि की लागि में कुल (b) 2.89% increase
(c) 2.89% decrease
प्रतिशि वद्
ृ धि तया थी? (d) 17.17% decrease
(a) 36.62 (b) 34.58 150. The radius of a circle in increased so
(c) 33 (d) 35.24 that its circumference increases by 15%. The
145.If each side of a rectangle is increased by 22%, then its area area of the circle will increase by
will increase by: एक वत्त
ृ की त्रत्रज्या इि प्रकार बढ़ जािी है िाकक इिकी
यदद ककिी आयि की प्रत्येक िुजा में 22% की वद्
ृ धि की पररधि 15% बढ़ जाए । वत्त
ृ के क्षेत्र में % वद्
ृ धि होगी ?
जािी है िो उिके क्षेत्रफल में वद्
ृ धि होगी: (a) 31.25% (b) 32.25%
(a) 44% (b) 50% (c) 33.25% (d) 34% (CDS 2017)
(c) 46.65% (d) 48.84% 151. What must be the total percentage
146. If each side of a square is decreased by change (rounded off to 1 decimal place) in
17%, then by what percentage does its area the volume of a cuboid if its length and
decrease? breadth are increased by 24% and 45%,
यमद मकसी िगम का प्रत्येक पक्ष 17% घटाया जाता िै , तो उसका respectively, while its height is decreased
क्षेत्रिल मकतने प्रमतशत कि िो जाता िै ? by 55%?
(a) 25% (b) 30.79% यदद ककिी घनाि की लंबाई और र्ौडाई में क्रमशः 24% और
(c) 31.11% (d) 44.31% 45% की वद्
ृ धि की जािी है , जबकक इिकी ऊंर्ाई में 55%
147. If the length of a rectangle is increased
by 13% and the breadth of the rectangle is की कमी की जािी है , िो इिके आयिन में कुल प्रतिशि
decreased by 8%, then percentage change in पररविचन (1 दशमलव स्थान िक पण
ू ाांककि) तया होना
the area of the rectangle will be:
यदि मकसी आयत की लंबाई 13% बढ़ जाती है और आयत की
र्ौडाई 8% कम हो जाती है, तो आयत के क्षेत्रिल में प्रदतशत
A) 19.1% Decrease
पररवतचन होगा?
B) 19.1% increase
(a) 5.4% decreased
C) 14.9% increase
(b) 1.2% increased
D) 14.9% decrease
(c) 3.96% increased
(d) 4.06% increased 152. If each side of a cube is decreased by 7%,
148. The length and breadth of a rectangle then the percentage decrease in its surface area
are 65 m and 48 m, respectively. If the length
of the rectangle is increased by 20% while the
breadth of the rectangle is decreased by 10%, 7%

then by what percentage will the area of the
rectangle decrease or increase? (a) 13.51% (b) 12.56%
एक आयि की लंबाई और र्ौडाई क्रमशः 65 मीटर और 48 (c) 14.49% (d) 18.23%
मीटर है । यदद आयि की लंबाई में 20% की वद्
ृ धि की जािी 153. The radius of a sphere is increased by 12%.
The surface area increases by:
है जबकक आयि की र्ौडाई में 10% की कमी की जािी है ,
एक गोले की मत्रज्या 12% की िृष्पि जाती िै । पृष्ठीय क्षेत्रिल िें
िो आयि का क्षेत्रफल ककिने प्रतिशि घटे गा या बढ़े गा? मकतनी िृष्पि िोगी:
A) 8% increase 1. 26.44% 2. 24.44%
B) 10% increase
3. 25.44% 4. 27.44%
C) 6% decrease
( ICAR Technician 2023)
D) 4% decrease
154. The radius and height of a cylinder are
increased by 3% each. What will be the
149.If the length of a rectangle is decreased by 17% and the
approximate % change in volume?
breadth is increased by 17%, its area will undergo:
एक लभबवत्त
ृ ीय बेलन की त्रत्रज्या और ऊंर्ाई प्रत्येक में 3% की वद्
ृ धि
यदद आयि की लंबाई 17% कम हो जािी है और र्ौडाई 17%
होिी है । आयिन में लगिग % पररविचन तया होगा ?
बढ़ जािी है िो उिका क्षेत्रफल पररवतिचि होगा ?
a) 8.16% b) 9.27%
(a) 13.13% decrease c) 10.68% d) 9.83%

BY Gagan Pratap

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