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Received: February 19, 2002

Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68
Accepted: July 29, 2002
DOI: 10.1159/000067305

Peyer’s Patches: Organized Lymphoid

Structures for the Induction of Mucosal
Immune Responses in the Intestine
L.H.C. Makala N. Suzuki H. Nagasawa
National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,
Hokkaido, Japan

Key Words Background

Distribution W Structure W Ontogeny W Immune response W
IgA Joseph Hans Conrad Peyer, a Swiss anatomist and
physician (1653–1712) in 1677 provided the first accurate
description of the discrete lymphoid aggregates in the
Abstract intestinal wall, which have come to bear his name [1, 2].
Peyer’s patches (PP) comprise transmucosal clusters of In the mid-19th century, Brucke provided illustrations of
lymphoid follicles overlaid with a specialized lympho- the microscopic appearance of Peyer’s patches (PP) in
epithelium and consequently play a central role in the dogs and cats, also noting that the tissues were organized
induction of mucosal immune responses in the gut. into discrete follicles, surrounded by connective tissue [3].
Despite considerable achievements in the last 3 decades, Three decades later, Fleming established that PP were
in our understanding of how PP are involved in the localized sites of intense lymphocyte division and consid-
induction of immune responses, much remains to be ered the reactive centres in lymph nodes and PP follicles
learned about these major organized lymphoid organs. to be similar [4]. Thus began the convention, which most
The history and current status of PP termed ‘the major immunologists still follow to date that the specialized sites
inductive site of immune responses’ is reviewed. The of lymphocyte division in lymph nodes, spleens and PP
present understanding of PP biology and function, taking follicles were germinal centres. Later, Carlens [5] made
into account their preferential and unique retention of the important observation that PP of cows, sheep, pigs
immune competent cells at specific sites, is discussed. and horses developed at specific regions of the gut during
Copyright © 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel fetal life and that after birth they had distinctive develop-
mental patterns. These structures have also been termed
intestinal tonsils or aggregated follicles [reviewed in 2, 6–
8]. Early research concentrated on describing the anatom-
ical distribution of PP along the intestine and their histol-
ogy. The expansion of cellular immunology in the late
1960’s and the definition of the role of T and B lympho-

© 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel H. Nagasawa, MD

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Table 1. Names, dates, scientific findings and theories that emerge in the history of the development of Peyer’s patches

Authors Dates Scientic finding/theory Reference

Peyer 1677 PP are mucus-secreting lymphoid aggregates 1

Brucke 1851 PP are discrete lymphoid follicles connected to lymphatics and surrounded 3
by connective tissues
Fleming 1885 PP are localised sites of lymphocyte division and found to have similarities 4
with germinal centres
Carlens 1928 jejunal (discrete) PP and ileal (continuous) PP have distinct developmental 5
Cooper and Lawton 1973 PP are sites of antigen handling and induction of IgA mucosal immune 11, 13
Craig and Cebra 1971 responses and other immune responses
Griebel and Hein 1996 PP are a site for the systemic B cell pool and generation of the primary 6–8, 24, 25
Neutra et al. 2001 immunoglobulin repertoire and PP lymphocytes also play a key role in 56, 57
Kraehenbuhl and Neutra 2000 induction of lympho-epithelium and M cells
Reynolds 1985
Reynolds et al. 1985
Kerneis et al. 1997, 2000

Data obtained from paper referenced in the text [6].

cytes gave great impetus to studies on the function of lym- can be removed easily. From experiments with bursec-
phoid tissues in mammals that may be secondary organs tomized chickens it was shown that the bursa has a major
from which progenitors involved in the regulation of role in antibody production [9]. Experiments in which
immune responses may be derived. It is also important to chickens were either bursectomized or thymectomized
mention that, beyond the original structural and morpho- suggested that the cells concerned in humoral antibody
logical studies conducted 20–25 years ago, very little work responses and cell-mediated immune responses were de-
has been carried out on the structure and morphology of rived from the bursa of Fabricus (B cells) and thymus (T
PP in mammals in the last decade. It is generally accepted cells) respectively [10]. It has been suggested that lym-
that PP are important structures in the gut wall for the phoid follicles in the gut of mammals may serve a similar
initiation of immune reactions. However, major species function as the bursa in birds [reviewed in 11]. In pig,
differences have often been ignored and recent progress in sheep and cattle, the ileal PP (IPP) probably still serves
understanding the regulation of M cell development and this function. However, some studies indicate that in
antigen uptake is often not included in textbooks of most mammals, cell from a number of organs are able to
immunology. Therefore, the need for a review on the differentiate into antibody producing cells [12]. Previous
structure and function of PP cannot be overemphasized. and recent studies have demonstrated that PP are a source
Most of the recent work on PP has been biased towards of precursor cells for IgA production [13–16]. The names,
the role of Peyer’s patch B cells as a source of IgA precur- dates and scientific findings and theories that emerge in
sor cells and the role of Peyer’s patch T cells as regulating the history of the development of PP are summarized in
cells involved in the control of immunoglobulin isotype, table 1.
both of which will be discussed in a later section of this
Extensive studies have been carried out on the bursa of Distribution and Structure of the
Fabricus in birds which is similar in some respects to PP. Peyer’s Patches
The bursa is a hollow plicated sac, which contains a large
number of lymphoid follicles. It is connected to the cloaca PP comprise transmucosal clusters of lymphoid folli-
by a narrow canal, the bursal duct. The bursa is the major cles in the small intestine, which appear ellipsoidal when
follicular lymphoid tissue in the intestine of birds and it viewed from the serosal surface of the small intestine. In

56 Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 Makala/Suzuki/Nagasawa

Table 2. Distribution and development of
Peyer’s patches in the different species Species Number of Peyer’s patches Development Reference
that have been studied ileum jejunum

Guinea pig 18–23 postnatal 80, 90

Rat 15–22 postnatal 2, 63, 79, 94
Rabbit sacculus rotundus 2–10 postnatal 13, 21, 27, 29, 98, 99
Human several 150–250 prenatal 22
Horses several 240–320 prenatal 5
Cattle single 25–45 prenatal 5, 17, 27
Sheep single 25–40 prenatal 5, 26, 61
Mice 5–14 postnatal 26, 28, 61, 89
Pig single 11–33 prenatal 18–20, 23, 30, 60, 111
Dog single 25–30 prenatal 78
Chicken (birds) bursa of Fabricius 2–4 postnatal 9–11

Data were obtained from papers referenced in the text (note – the PP equivalent in birds is
the bursa of Fabricius).

Table 3. Compartments,
sub-compartments and the main cell Compartments Sub-compartments Main cell types
types in a typical Peyer’s patch lymphoid non-lymphoid

Follicle1 corona T & B cells

medulla small T and B cells follicular dendritic
cortex lymphoblasts cells, macrophages
Inter-follicular area1–3 – T lymphocytes interdigitating
dendritic cells (IDC),
Dome1, 2 – plasma cells macrophages
B cells IDC
T cells monocytes
Lympho-epithelium1 – T and B cells M cells, enterocytes
plasma cells

Data were obtained from papers referenced in the text [20, 54].
IDC = Interdigitating dendritic cells.
1 Fibroblastic reticulum cells usually are found present in all the above compartments.
2 Reticular and collagen fibers are abundant in the dome and inter-follicular areas.
3 High endothelial venules are located in the inter-follicular areas.

rats, PP are usually 3–4 mm long [2] but in larger animals, of PP [17, 23–25]. In these species a large continuous PP
for example cattle, PP may extend up to 4 m along the extends along the terminal segment of the intestine. In
intestine [17]. PP numbers vary between species [18–20] sheep this patch extends for 2–3 m and involutes at about
and they are located along the anti-mesenteric margin of 1 year of age [26] and in cattle it extends for up to 4 m
the intestine [17]. In rabbits 5–9 PP are normally present along the terminal ileum. The inter-host species compari-
[21], whereas in man there may be as many as 100–300 son of the distribution and development of PP in which
[22]. Studies in humans [22], sheep, horses [5] and cattle PP have been studied are shown in table 2. From the spe-
[17] have shown that the ileum has the greatest density of cies studied in sufficient detail (table 3), it is possible to
PP. In pigs, sheep and cattle there are two separate types define two broad groups with distinct anatomical and

Peyer’s Patches: Organized Lymphoid Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 57

Fig. 1. A simplified diagrammatic represen-
tation of the transverse section of a typical
Peyer’s patch, showing compartments. (Data
were obtained from papers referenced in the
text [20].)

developmental patterns in terms of the amount of PP tis- DPP, approximately 25–35 in number, are comparatively
sue found in different segments of the small intestine. The small, are distributed along the jejunum and proximal
first group (I) includes ruminants, pigs, dogs, horses and ileum and are persistent throughout life.
humans [6]. In these, PP are unequally distributed along Detailed histological studies of PP have been carried
the small intestine, with more occurring in the ileum than out in mice [28], rats [2], rabbits [29], cattle [27] and
in the jejunum. Moreover, in these species, the IPP occurs sheep [26]. In pig, work has been carried out on the mor-
as a single continuous aggregation of lymphoid follicles, phology, numbers and sizes of PP [19, 20, 30]. A trans-
commencing at or near the ileo-cecal junction and extend- verse section of a typical PP and its cell types are shown
ing cranially for a variable distance. In group II species, diagrammatically in figure 1, as illustrated in our pre-
namely rabbits, rodents and chickens (birds), the distribu- vious work [20]. The follicles of PP are usually pear
tion of PP occurs at more or less random intervals along shaped. The region between the follicle and the lympho-
the ileum and jejunum [2, 27]. While the development of epithelium is called the dome. The lymphoid cells in the
PP in group-I species is prenatal, the development of dome are mainly T cells, plasma cells, interdigitating den-
group II species is postnatal. Some group II species, dritic cells and tangible body macrophages as demon-
namely the rabbit and the birds have a specialized gut- strated in previous and recent studies [19, 27, 28, 31–33].
associated lymphoid tissue in other regions of the intes- In rabbits, rats and mice the majority of epithelial cells
tine, i.e., the sacculus rotundus and an exaggerated appen- overlying the dome and the follicles have a microvillus
dix in rabbits, and the bursa of Fabricius in chicken. Work brush border, but 20–30% have microfolds at the luminal
has shown that in species with a large terminal ileum PP, surface and have been called microfold or M cells [12].
the function of this structure is probably quite different The lympho-epithelium or follicle-associated epithelium
from that of discrete PP (DPP) [26]. The involvement of of PP in rats, mice and rabbits [34–36] contain B and T
the ileal PP in B cell differentiation has been reported. lymphocytes than villous epithelium. Moreover, a few
This may likely be its function. In sheep the jejunal or plasma cells have been reported to occur in the rat M cell

58 Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 Makala/Suzuki/Nagasawa

Fig. 2. Photomicrographs of indirect immu-
noperoxidase stained sections of pig discrete
Peyer’s patches at 35 days of age (!150)
showing leukocytes expressing: A CD2
(MSA4); B CD3 (FY-1HZ); C SwC3
(742215); D MHC class II – SLA-DR
(MSA3). SwC3 (742215) is a monocyte/gran-
ulocyte marker sometimes known as the my-
eloid marker. Cluster of differentiation (CD)
or swine workshop cluster number (SwC3)
designating specificity of the antigens used.
The clone numbers are shown in brackets as
sanctioned by the Veterinary Immunology
Committee of the International Union of
Immunological Scientists. LE = Lympho-
epithelium; DO = dome; FO = follicle; IFA =
inter-follicular area.

pockets [37]. Although M cells have been studied for more viewed in 38]. The ultra-structure and several immuno
than 20 years, clear-cut definitions for the identification and lectin histochemical properties of M cells vary ac-
of M cells independent of species and location do not cording to species and locations along the intestine [38].
exist. In order to study M cells on a light microscopic lev- Lectins detecting fucose or N-acetyl-galactosamine selec-
el, several groups established histochemical markers that tively labelled M cells in rabbit cecal patches [39, 40] and
detect cytoplasmic or membrane-bound molecules spe- in BALB/c mice lectins of Ulex europaeus (UEA-1) and
cific for M cells. Current markers include enzymatic Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA) [41, 42]. However, it is still
activities, unidentified proteins that are bound by mono- unclear whether the detection of M cells by lectins can be
clonal antibodies, cytoskeletal perculiarities, and certain generalized or restricted to certain species and sites of
terminal saccharides of glycoproteins and glycolipids [re- GALT. In other studies, Gebert et al. [40] showed that

Peyer’s Patches: Organized Lymphoid Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 59

vimentin, an intermediate filament protein, is expressed The dome of the PP extends through a channel in the
in rabbit M cells in addition to cytokeratin [43], especially muscularis mucosa and expands in the submucosa to
cytokeratin peptides 18 and 19. In the mouse, M cells form the bodies of follicles. Pollard and Sharon [58]
express MHC class II antigens and IL-1 as is the case with described this region in mouse as a germinal zone and
other epithelial cells and they have been shown to play an there are similarities with the germinal centres found in
important role in transporting luminal antigens into PP the lymph nodes and spleens. In the mouse, the medullary
[reviewed in 7, 8, 44–47]. Bockman and Cooper [48] zone of the PP follicles contain small lymphocytes (B and
showed that colloidal carbon and ferritin in the lumen of T cells), lymphoblasts, follicular dendritic cells and mac-
the intestine were taken up by epithelial cells associated rophages [28]. Macrophages are presumed to be the cells
with PP of the mouse. The epithelial cells associated with responsible for the uptake of carbon in mice chronically
the adjacent villi did not take up any of this material. In fed carbon in their drinking water [59]. In mice and rab-
some circumstances villous epithelial cells have been bits the medullary zone of PP is surrounded serosally and
found to take up material from the lumen of the intestine laterally by a cortical zone containing small lymphocytes,
[49], but it seems this activity is small by comparison to blast cells and many mitotic cells indicating that this is the
the epithelial cells overlying the follicles of the PP. In region where cell proliferation is occurring [27]. The
experiments involving the morphometric analysis of lyso- medulla of the follicle is separated from the dome region
somes in M cells, Owen et al. [50] established that the by a dense cuff of small lymphocytes called the corona
small volume fraction of dense bodies (lysosomes) in M [27, 31].
cells provides an explanation for transport of luminal The body of the follicle in the submucosa is sur-
material across the epithelium by M cells without lyso- rounded by a connective tissue-sheath and the region
somal degradation. Both soluble molecules, for example, between the follicles is referred to as the interfollicular
horseradish peroxidase [51] and viable micro-organisms, area (IFA). In the rabbit appendix [27, 31] and in some PP
for example Salmonella typhimurium [52], have been in calves [27], adjacent follicles are separated by only a
shown to be taken up by M cells after entering PP in mice. narrow connective tissue space, which contains blood and
These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that lymph vessels. However, the follicles of most PP are sepa-
M cells provide controlled transport of undegraded-lumi- rated from each other by a densely packed region of lym-
nal particles and macromolecules into lymphoid follicles phoid cells, which extends from the muscularis mucosa to
for immunologic surveillance and initiation of appro- the submucosa. This region contains mainly macrophages
priate immune responses [7, 8, 53–55]. Kerneis et al. [56] and interdigitating cells, small lymphocytes and blast cells
assessed the ability of PP lymphocytes to convert entero- [27, 28]. Small numbers of plasma cells [28], macrophages
cytes into M cells. In a series of experiments the authors [28, 29] and mitotic cells [31] have also been found in this
were able to show that when lymphocytes freshly isolated region. B and T cells leave PP out of the mucosa via effer-
from PP were injected into the duodenal mucosa of recip- ent lymphatics and into the blood circulation. Thereafter,
ient mice at sites lacking organized lymphoid tissues, PP- these cells enter the cysterna chyli, returning the cells to
like structures had developed. In a more recent study, the venous circulation via the thoracic duct re-entering
Kerneis et al. [57] showed that PP lymphocytes co-cul- the intestine via high endothelial venules in the IFA. The
tured with Caco-2 cells trigger the phenotypic conversion compartments, sub-compartments and the main cell
of enterocytes into M cells that express morphological and types in a typical PP are summarized in table 3.
functional M cell properties [reviewed in 57]. Given this
stimulating and provocative data on the induction of M
cells by lymphoid cells, it should now be possible to iden- Ontogeny of Peyer’s Patches
tify signals produced by lymphocytes responsible for M
cell function, to help characterize the mechanisms me- Follicles have been identified by mid gestation in the
diating cytoskeletal re-organization and transcytosis as intestine of pigs [60] and sheep [26, 61]. However, they do
well as analyse the cellular machinery mediating micro- not appear until around the time of birth in mice [62], rats
organism translocation through M cells, thus facilitating [2, 62] and rabbits [27]. Recent data using knockout mice
the design of oral vaccines and efficient mucosal drug has shown that formation of PP requires complex interac-
delivery systems. These observations support the hypoth- tions between the gut epithelium, the mesenchyme, and
esis that PP lymphocytes play a key role in the induction bone-marrow-derived hematopoietic progenitors and this
of lymphoid follicle associated epithelium and M cells. has provided insight into the molecular nature of the sig-

60 Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 Makala/Suzuki/Nagasawa

nals that mediate PP ontogeny [64, 65]. In a series of genic stimulation could bring about differentiation in
experiments, the authors have shown that PP are first vis- these species. The development of PP has been studied
ible at approximately 15.5 weeks gestation after which after birth in germ free environment mice [58], rats [79]
there is a rapid spurt in the development and maturation and guinea pigs [80]. Each of these studies showed that if
of lymphoid follicles so that at any given point of time animals are kept in a germ free environment, PP remain
new foci of PP development are continuously formed at a small and do not differentiate, but in a conventional envi-
rapid rate. Brandtzaeg [66] and Brandtzaeg et al. [67] ronment, PP take a normal appearance [81]. In gnotobiot-
summarized mechanisms for induction of specific local ic pigs, Pabst et al. [18], and in large white landrace pigs,
immunity, with emphasis on the molecular events that Makala et al. [20] established that age and microbial con-
determine the distribution of primed lymphoid cells to tent of the gut both influence the size of the PP, but their
provide adaptive mucosal surface defence in humans. In a numbers and position remain constant.
series of studies in humans, they concluded that adaptive The relationship between the development of PP and
immune protection of mucuous membranes is provided response to antigen can, in some aspects, be deduced from
mainly by secretory IgA (sIgA) antibodies [67–71]. Partly studies of the appendix tissue, which has certain structur-
because human IgA lacks ordinary complement activat- al similarities to PP. The effect of antigen on the develop-
ing properties, immune exclusion performed by sIgA anti- ment of PP and the appendix has also been studied by
bodies in principally a noninflammatory protective mech- isolating intestinal lymphoid follicles from the intestinal
anism [69]. This first line of defence is accomplished contents. Stramignoni et al. [82] ligated the appendix half
through an ingenious cooperation between the mucosal B way along its length in rabbits 4 h after birth. In these ani-
cell system and the epithelial glycoprotein called secretory mals the intestinal contents had no access to the distal half
component (SC). This is quantitatively the most impor- of the appendix whereas they could enter the proximal
tant receptor of the immune system because it is responsi- half. During the first week the development of PP was
ble for external transport of locally produced polymeric normal in the isolated segment and the follicles grew to a
IgA (pIgA). Polymeric IgA has been shown to bind to the moderate size. During the second week the follicles in the
J-chain in the region of contact between 7S monomers of normal segment of the appendix became very large and
sIgA [72–74] and mediates the transcytosis of IgA to the differentiated into cortex and medulla. In the isolated seg-
luminal surface of the epithelium [75–77]. The B cells ment the follicles grew slowly and failed to show this dif-
responsible for the local pIgA production are initially ferentiation. It could be suggested from this work that the
stimulated in lympho-epithelial structures, particularly development of the lymphoid follicles depends on stimu-
the PP in the distal small intestine, from which they lation by bacterial antigen [20, 58] in conjunction with
migrate as memory cells to exocrine tissues all over the normal intestinal microflora [20, 83]. However, it is
body. doubtful whether such a general conclusion can be ex-
Studies in pigs have shown that at birth PP are visible tended to all species, especially those in which PP have
to the naked eye and histologically they are composed of been reported to mature before birth.
mononuclear cells [19, 20, 60]. In both mice and rabbits
the follicles are small at the end of gestation but after birth
they increase rapidly in size and differentiate into distinct Induction of Immune Responses by
zones [60]. The rapid postnatal development of the folli- Peyer’s Patches
cles in these species suggest that this may be in response to
luminal antigens [20]. Despite the proximity of the gut- Evidence exists that mucosal PP are the primary site of
associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) to antigens in the antigen handling [15, 16, 19, 20, 84–88]. Certainly the cell
intestinal lumen, the evidence that the development of types, which have become associated with the induction
these tissues is influenced by antigenic stimulation is of immune responses can be recognised in PP [20, 33] (fig-
uncertain and conflicting [11]. The proximity of PP lym- ure 2). B cells have been demonstrated in PP of mice [89],
phoid follicles to the highly antigenic contents of the intes- guinea pigs [90] and rabbits [91]. T cells have been dem-
tine has led to the suggestion that the high rate of prolifer- onstrated in PP of mice [92], although Perey and Gutt-
ation in these areas may be due to antigenic stimulation. man [93] have shown that cells derived from PP do not
It is still uncertain what effect, if any, antigen has on PP. have the same capacity for mediating a graft-versus-host
Follicular differentiation of PP has been reported to response as T cells obtained from the other lymphoid tis-
occur in utero in dogs [78]. It is likely therefore, that anti- sues. T cells have also been identified in PP of guinea pigs

Peyer’s Patches: Organized Lymphoid Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 61

[90], in rats [94] and rabbits [95]. The fact that specific PP of mice were unable to respond to antigen because the
lymphocyte subsets and APC are essential for various T cells and B cells of the patch were denied access to mac-
immune reactions and have to lie in close vicinity cannot rophages or dendritic cells.
be over-emphasized. Therefore it is important to know However, more recent reports indicate that cells within
the subset composition of lymphocytes in PP dome epi- the PP can take up and present antigens to local T cells or
thelium. Here, per 100 Ìm of epithelium, 3.6 lympho- transport them to other sites for subsequent processing
cytes were seen in specific pathogen free mice and 11.3 and/or presentation. The capability of the intestinal cells
lymphocytes in conventional mice [96] indicating the to take up and transport antigens is supported by the find-
stimulating effect of microbial antigens. In adult rats, two ing that veiled cells migrating from rat and mouse intes-
times more lymphocytes were found in the epithelium of tine are capable of transporting bacterial antigens in rat/
the domes than that of the villi [34]. In humans, an even mouse infected with Salmonella typhimurium [100]. Kel-
higher difference was demonstrated, but with a greater sall and Strober [101, 102] have demonstrated the pres-
inter-individual variation, e.g., a median of 3.0 lympho- ence of two populations of PP dendritic cells in mouse,
cytes (range 2.1–5.3) per unit area of the dome epithelium one of which forms a dense layer just beneath the dome
in contrast to 1.2 (range 1.0–1.6) for the villus epithelium epithelium and another phenotypically distinct popula-
[37]. In rats, the lymphoid cells associated with M cells tion in the IFA. In this study PP dendritic cells were
were distributed as follows: 15 B 3% small lymphocytes, shown to be capable of inducing proliferation in T cells in
24 B 3% medium lymphocytes, 16 B 4% immunoblasts, vivo and vitro, suggesting that the DC population in the
and 5 B 1% plasma cells [34, 38]. The ratio of helper to T PP are uniquely positioned for the processing of antigens
cytotoxic lymphocytes is 0.6:10 in the villus, but 4:10 in and that PP dendritic cells are effective at processing and
the dome epithelium, which indicates a much higher fre- presenting antigens to naı̈ve T cells. It is likely then, that
quency of T helper cells in the dome epithelium [37]. In a the induction of intestinal immune responses can take
more recent report by the same group, nearly three quar- place in PP. It is now generally accepted that cells from
ters of all T cells in the dome epithelium were found to be PP, when stimulated by antigens, do not mature into anti-
T helper cells (CD4+, range 40–90%) [54]. In similar stud- body forming cells until they migrate to other regions of
ies, Andersen et al. [97] systematically characterized pig the body.
IPP follicular lymphocytes and showed that about 90% B
cells were positive for surface immunoglobulin G (sIgM+)
and expressed an immature phenotype characterized by Migration of Cells to Peyer’s Patches
the expression of a myeloid marker sWC3 (74-22-15) and
two molecules recognized by IPP B cell specific mono- In experiments with parabiotic chick embryos in which
clonal antibodies (F4/4, F12/35). In a series of experi- a chromosome marker was used to identify cells of one of
ments the authors concluded that pig IPP were equivalent the pair have shown that cells in the embryonic bursa of
to sheep IPP. Fabricius are migratory cells derived from the circulation
Contradictory evidence for the existence of antigen- [103]. Although conclusive evidence has not been ob-
presenting cells (APC) in PP was provided by early work. tained it seems likely that cells in the developing intestinal
In the PP of rabbits all the cells needed for the induction follicles of mammals are also cells, which migrate to these
of immune responses are present [29]. Henry et al. [98] tissues from the blood.
showed that cell cultures prepared from rabbit PP pro- The generation of IgA responses involves the migra-
duced plaque-forming cells in vitro when mixed with tion of B and T cells from PP out of the mucosa and into
sheep erythrocytes. The same study showed a lack of the blood circulation, re-entering the intestine via high
response to this antigen in vivo, perhaps an indication of endothelial venules in IFA and residing finally in the la-
the compartmentalization of the various cell types essen- mina propria (LP) as fully differentiated cells [13, 104]. In
tial in the induction of an immune response in PP. In con- a recent study, Bowman et al. [105] showed that thymus
trast to these results, Kagnoff and Campbell [99] showed expressed chemokine (TECK), CCL25 is a potent and
that suspensions of cells from mouse PP did not give rise selective chemo-attractant for IgA antibody secreting
to specific antibody-forming cells when mixed with heter- cells, efficiently recruiting IgA producing cells from
ologous red blood cells. When peritoneal macrophages spleen, PP and MLN which may help target IgA produc-
were added to the cell suspension, antibody-forming cells ing cells to the gut wall, thus helping to define and segre-
appeared. Kagnoff and Campbell [99] suggested that the gate the intestinal immune response. Extra-vascular re-

62 Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 Makala/Suzuki/Nagasawa

cruitment of immune and inflammatory cells is controlled cluded from these results that the lightly labelled cells
by dynamically regulated complementary adhesion mole- were derived from the thymus. These results suggest that
cules and chemokines expressed on the surface of circulat- the IFA is a T cell area.
ing leucocytes and on the endothelium of venules. Such The structural architecture of the patch was further
molecules regulate the trafficking (recirculation) of naı̈ve defined by studies analysing migration of injected cells to
lymphocytes through organized lymphoid tissue and par- different patch tissues, for example the IFA was clearly
ticularly the homing of primed B and T cells to immuno- defined as a T-dependent area [27, 117]. It has been
logical effector sites, such as the mucosae, as well as the shown in the mouse that labelled thymocytes migrate to
extravasation of different leucocytes in inflammation the T-dependent IFA of PP [117–120]. A similar distribu-
[106, 107]. Experimental data has shown that certain lym- tion of thymus-derived cells was observed when calf thy-
phoid adhesion molecules are more strongly expressed by mus cells were labelled in vivo by injecting 3H-thymidine
unprimed (naı̈ve) than primed (memory) lymphocytes. It directly into the thymus [27]. Experiments in mice [89]
is well documented that the adhesion molecule (MAD- and rabbits [121] have shown that most cells in the IFA of
CAM-1) is shared between PP and the LP and also shows PP have thymic antigens on their surface. Calkins et al.
considerable expression on HEV in the mesenteric lymph [95] used cells from the IFA of the rabbit appendix and
nodes [108]. The molecular mechanisms directing the showed that many of the cells responded to the T cell
integrated dissemination of immune cells from the gut mitogen, PHA, while few were sIg+, again supporting the
associated lymphoid tissues to exocrine sites beyond the view that the IFA is a T cell compartment. There is cell
gut are poorly defined, although they form the functional traffic within the IFA [reviewed in 89]. Lymphocytes are
basis for several desired oral vaccines [109]. In sheep and thought to migrate from the blood into the tissues of the
cattle the pathway taken by migratory lymphocytes has IFA via post capillary venules [122]. The importance of
been well described [reviewed in 110]. However, McFar- the thymus in the development of the IFA has also been
lin and Binns [111] established that the pig has a unique shown in observations made on lambs thymectomized in
structure of MLN, which enables PP derived lymphocytes utero [123]. The IFA in these animals were small and acel-
in afferent lymph to enter the blood circulation within the lular, correlating with lower rate of migration of cells into
MLN. In all other species examined, the migrating cells the area, because after thymectomy the recirculating pool
leave the MLN in efferent lymph and enter the cysterna contains fewer lymphocytes [124].
chyli, returning the cells to the venous circulation via the With regard to patch follicle, Parrot and Ferguson
thoracic duct. [117] studied the migratory properties of bone marrow
Gowan and Knight [112] first showed that small lym- derived cells obtained from the spleen of mice which had
phocytes obtained from the thoracic duct lymph of rats been thymectomized, lethally irradiated and transfused
and infused intravenously accumulated in PP. This obser- with cells obtained from the bone marrow. On re-injec-
vation has since been extended to show that the migration tion the labelled cells were shown to localise in the medul-
of thoracic duct lymphocytes occurs selectively to differ- la of the follicles of the PP. Bone marrow-derived cells
ent regions of the PP [113]. Thus, blast cells obtained obtained from the thoracic duct lymph of rats, localize in
from the thoracic duct lymph of rats localised in the LP of a similar way following their injection intravenously
villi between follicles of the patch and occasionally in the [116], as none marrow-derived cells in the rabbit do [125].
IFA of PP. They never accumulate in the lymphoid folli- However, in the rabbit these cells accumulated in the cor-
cles [114]. Similar data were obtained in rabbit by Perey ona of the follicles in the appendix [125]. Calkins et al.
and Milne [115]. Howard et al. [116] made similar obser- [95] teased cells from the corona and the dome region of
vations in the rat. They showed that lightly labelled cells the follicles of the rabbit appendix and showed that they
accumulated in a band around the medulla, especially were IgA+ and IgM+. Studies have shown that the medul-
towards the mucosa in the region equivalent to the dome lary zone of PP follicles contain small lymphocytes, blast
and corona in rabbits. In addition, cells from the thoracic cells and plasma cells [28] suggesting that the follicle con-
duct lymph of rats, which had been thymectomized, tains both B and T cells.
lethally irradiated and reconstituted with bone marrow Little is known about the movement of cells between
had similar migratory properties to those of the lightly the different regions of the follicle. During development,
labelled cells in the thoracic duct lymph of normal rats. the dome region expands to form the follicle [2] and
Few heavily labelled cells were located in IFA of PP when experiments on regeneration of the rabbit appendix after
injected cells were from thymectomized rats. They con- X-irradiation have also been interpreted to indicate that

Peyer’s Patches: Organized Lymphoid Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 63

cells migrate from the dome to the follicle [126]. From did not develop normal oral tolerance to protein antigens.
observations on the structure of the rabbit PP and appen- However, in a recent study, Yamamoto and colleagues
dix follicle, Waksman et al. [27] have suggested that cells [135] showed that PP are not a strict requirement for
entering the follicle from the dome are induced to prolif- induction of mucosal IgA antibody responses in the gas-
erate once they arrive there. trointestinal tract, suggesting an alternative mucosal im-
mune system. By immunohistochemistry, the authors
showed that PP-null mice possessed significant numbers
Peyer’s Patches as a Source of IgA Precursor of IgA+ plasma cells in the LP and that oral immunization
Cells of the PP null mice with OVA plus cholera toxin as a
mucosal adjuvant resulted in antigen specific mucosal IgA
In a previous section, evidence has been presented and serum IgG antibody responses.
which shows that IgA plasma cells in the intestine origi-
nate from IgA blast cells present in lymph draining from
the intestine. There is evidence to suggest that many of Role of Peyer’s Patch Cells in Immunoglobulin
these cells are produced in PP [127, 128]. It is generally Isotype Regulation
accepted that, after antigenic stimulation in the PP, IgA+
lymphoblasts (B220+IgA+) migrate through the lymph There is still a controversy regarding the role of antigen
and blood circulation, and eventually home to the LP of in initiating these events [136]. However, as IgA plasma
the intestine. Craig and Cebra [91] transferred cells ob- cells are much reduced in the gut of germ free animals
tained from different lymphoid organs into allogeneic [137], it seems likely that intestinal antigens are necessary
rabbits, which had been lethally irradiated. The cells of to induce precursor cells in PP to differentiate into IgA
donor origin had an allotypic marker (B4) on the light plasma cells. Schaffner et al. [138, 139] have suggested
chain of the sIg, which could be detected by immunofluo- that in birds the bursa of Fabricius may be the major site
rescence techniques. These experiments showed that cells where contact occurs between lymphoid cells and the anti-
obtained from the popliteal lymph nodes mostly gave rise gens in the lumen of the intestine. As cells migrate from
to IgG specific plasma cells in the spleen, but cells from the bursa at an early stage of differentiation this would
PP repopulated the LP of the intestine with IgA plasma account for the observation that cells in the bursa produce
cells. This observation has since been confirmed in exper- little detectable antibody [138, 139]. Evidence presented
iments in which rabbits were given autologous PP cells in previous sections suggests that the same situation may
intravenously [129]. Cells obtained from rabbit PP have hold true for PP. The main difference between the bursa
also been shown to migrate to the mucosa of the respirato- and PP seems to be that while the bursa is the source of B
ry tract and differentiate into IgA plasma cells. The respi- cells, which develop into plasma cells specific for each
ratory tract contains lymphoid follicles, termed BALT class of Ig [reviewed in 138, 139], the cells from PP are
with many similar characteristics to PP [130, 131]. Rud- precursors predominantly of the IgA-specific plasma cells
zik et al. [129] have shown that cells from these areas also [91, 104].
have the ability to repopulate the LP of the gut and respi- The role of T cells in immunoglobulin isotype regula-
ratory tract when injected intravenously. The migration tion is still unclear. Since the time it was recognised that T
of cells from the organised lymphoid tissue of one muco- cells play a role in B cell isotype differentiation [140, 141],
sal surface to other mucosal surfaces in the body may be identification of the site of T cell action within the B cell
an important mechanism for disseminating immune re- differentiation pathway has been the goal of research in
sponsiveness or nonresponsiveness (tolerance) and forms many laboratories. Kawanishi et al. [142] established that
the basis for the common mucosal immune system [86, T cell clones derived from PP, but not from spleen func-
130–134]. Tolerance represents the most common and tion as class specific switch cells, which induce B cell dif-
important response of the host to environmental antigens, ferentiation to sIgA+ B cells. Evidence that T cells regulate
including food and comensal bacterial components, for isotype differentiation at the level of naı̈ve murine B cells
the maintenance of an appropriate immunological ho- comes from several sources. Kawanishi et al. [143, 144]
meostasis. In order to examine whether PP could play an demonstrated that sIgM+sIgA – B cells could be induced to
important role for the maintenance of oral tolerance, Fuji- switch sIgA+ B cells in the presence of T cell clones
hashi and co-workers [15, 16] found that PP-null mice derived from GALT. These sIgA+ B cells could then be
retained their capability to produce sIgA antibodies but induced to secrete IgA in the presence of additional exoge-

64 Pathobiology 2002–03;70:55–68 Makala/Suzuki/Nagasawa

nous lymphokine [142]. Isakson et al. [145] showed that uncommitted sIgM+sIgG – B cells as well as IgA, thus
murine sIgM+sIgG – B cells could be induced to secrete bringing about both switch and expansion of sIgA+ B cells.
IgG1 rather than IgG3 when stimulated by LPS in the In the IgE system. Ishizaka [153] and Nutman et al. [154]
presence of the T cell derived factor IL-4 [146]. In the detected T cell factors with Ig-binding properties that
human, Mayer et al. [147] demonstrated that sIgM+sIgG – selectively enhanced the differentiation of sIgE+ B cells.
B cells could be induced to differentiate into IgG and IgA Recently, Gardby and Lycke et al. [155] in a series of ex
secreting B cells in the presence of T cells derived from a vivo experiments revealed that CD19-deficient mice ex-
patient with Sezary syndrome. In a recent study, Fagaras- hibited poor responsiveness to oral immunization despite
an et al. [127, 128] showed that culturing LP and PP IgM+ evidence of unaltered total IgA level, germinal centres and
B cells together with stromal cells enhances preferential IgA-isotype switching in PP, thus providing compelling
switching and differentiation of B cells to IgA+ plasma evidence for the differential regulation of serum and
cells, suggesting that IgA+ cells in the gut are generated in mucosal IgA immunity. Taken together, the evidence
situ from B220+IgM+ lymphocytes. These reports suggest from all the cited data suggests that T cells can act on B
that switch and expansion of isotype-committed B cells cells to cause both switch of uncommitted B cells as well
are regulated by separate T cell populations. as differential expansion of isotype-committed B cells and
There is compelling evidence that T cells act during that the PP provides a structural environment which per-
isotype differentiation by preferentially expanding a pre- mits the productive interactions between T cell subsets
committed B cell pool. Kiyono et al. [148, 149] and Mayer and sIg+ B cells to take place.
et al. [150, 151] found that murine antigen-specific T cell
clones derive from PP specifically expanded sIgA+ B cells
but not sIgA – B cells via an IgA-binding factor. Benson Acknowledgements
and Strobber [152] addressed the question of T cell regu-
We are indebted to the Japanese Society for the Promotion of
lation of B cell isotype differentiation by using a non-neo-
Science (JSPS) for financial support. The first author is supported by
plastic human tissue source. T cell clones were generated a research fellowship from JSPS for young scientists. This work was
from lymphoid follicles in normal appendiceal tissue. It also supported by grants from the Ministry of Education, Science,
was established that individual T cell clones could act on Sports and Culture.


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