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Ce a emeCoen = User details © eee User name Console password type Require password reset 8 we ‘Custom password Yes Retrieve password Permissions summary 1 Name (2 2 ype y Usedas v ‘AmazoneC2Fullacess ‘AWS managed Pexissions boundary taMUserChangePassword AWS managed Permissions policy Tags - optonat .agsassocated with the resource, ‘Add new tag cancet [Previous | (ERREBES (Cheer ty You can view and download the user's password and email instructions for si Se ee ate WM > Users > create user “ Retrieve password You can view and download the user's password below or email users instructions for signing in to the AWS Management Console. Thisisthe only time you can view and download this password Console sign-in details Email sign-in instructions (2 Console sign-in URL (GF https://246195137619 signin aus amazon.conyeonsole Retrieve password Username Ox Console password (Bremen Show Identity and Access x 1AM > Users Management (IAM) Q Search a Users (1) iio 5 Q Search 1> @ Dashboard ID penn User name a | Path v | Group | Lastactivity | MFA @ | Passwordage v | Console lastsign-in User groups maximus f ° now Users » Poles entity providers ‘Account satings ¥ Access reports ‘Access Analyaer External access Unused access Analyzer settings ct neo afliates step Specify user details Specify user details Set permissions User details steps Username Review and create Test uSer Retrieve password Provide user access tothe AWS Management Console -optione! ing console ae best practic 2 to manage ther ccs in AM ldentty Carter ‘Are you providing console access to person? User type © Specify a user in identity Center - Recomm (© Iwant to create an AM user Console password © Autogenerated password custom password Console Home snr Recently visited into # Applications info Bee Ctoudshel [By «Ws Acpication migration service Bing and Cost Managerent BB service Quotas D View al services Z 4 AWS Health info Cost and usage into Identity and Access Management (IAM) Q Search AM Dashboard ¥ Access management User groups Roles Policies entity providers ‘Account settings ¥ Access reports ‘Access Analyzer External access Unused access Analyzer setings Credential report IAM > Dashboard IAM Dashboard Security recommendations @ A. Add MA for root user © Root user has no active access keys IAM resources User groups Users Roles Policies 0 0 2 0 ‘Add MFA Identity providers 0 AWS Account |ccount ID 246195137619 Account Alias create ‘Signin URL for 14M users inthis account hntps,//246195137619 meorsole Quick Links My security credentials Manage your acess key, mult-factor authentication (MEA) and other credentials. Identity and Access > us Management (IAM) Q Seorch ian oo Q sea Dashboard ¥ Access management User groups Users Roles Policies Identity providers ‘Account settings ¥ Access reports Access Analyzer External accese Unused acess Analyzer settings Credential report E (3) tate User name a | Path maximus 1 Tesuser / 2 / Group: ° ° Last activity MFA 1 ® @ | Passwordage v | Console last sign-in © thou @ thor © 44 minutes ‘Specify user detals Set permissions © |Add user to an existing group or create anew one. Using groups sa best-practice way to manage users permissions by job functions. Learn more [3 8 cas Permissions options Review and create (© Add user to group © Copy permissions © Attach policies rectly Retrieve password sepia grow Get started with groups Create group ‘create a group and select polices to attach tothe group. We recommend using groups to manage user permissions by job function, AWS service access, or custom permissions. Learn more [2 ¥ Set permissions boundary - optional a permissions boundary to contol the maximum permissions for this user. Use this advanced feature used to delegate permission management to others Learn more Use a permissions boundary to control the maximum permissions 1 Amazon€C2ContainerRegstyRead {© Amazon€2ContainerServiceAutos. © amazonec2ContainerServicet vents. 1 Amazon€2ContainerServiceforEC2 1G amazoneC2ContainerServiceRole ‘vs managed ‘AWS managed ‘As managed ‘AS managed AWS managed Gi amazonecaFullAccese |AWS managed B5eagogea ee eooacaad 1G pmazonéC2ReadOniyAccess ‘ AmazonEC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy 1G AmazonéC2RoleforAWSCodeDeploy. ‘© AmazonéC2RoleforDataPipelineRole {Gi amazonéC2RoleforssM 1G pmazonéC2RolePolicyFortaunchi ‘ AmazonEC2spotFleetAutoscaleRole 1G amazonEC2sporFleetTaggingRole ‘AS managed ‘AWS managed ‘AS managed ‘Avs managed ‘As managed ‘Aw managed ‘As managed AWS managed cancel Previous

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