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Bordered by Senegal in
all side except for its
coastline along the
Atlantic Ocean.

My country is located in West Africa

General informations
Capital: Banjul

Population: Approximately 2.5 million (2021 estimate)

Government: Republic with a democratically elected president and a

parliamentary system. Actual president is Adama BARROW
Facts and Statistics

Area: Approximately Currency: Gambian Dalasi

10,689 square kilometers

Major Industries: Agriculture (especially peanuts), tourism, fishing, and light manufacturing.
Languages, Society and Culture
Official Language: English
Other Commonly Spoken Languages: Mandinka, Wolof, Fula, Jola, and others.

Jola Soninke Wolof

The Gambia is ethnically diverse, with various ethnic groups coexisting harmoniously.

Traditions and Celebrations: Important cultural events include Koriteh (end of Ramadan) and
Tobaski (Eid al-Adha), as well as traditional ceremonies like Kankurang and Jonkong
Foods and meeting etiquette
Cuisine: Staple foods include rice and fish. Domoda (peanut stew), Benachin (one-pot rice dish), and Yassa
(marinated grilled chicken/fish) are popular dishes.

Rice and fish Domoda Yassa

Greetings: Handshakes are common, and greetings

are important. Use formal titles unless invited to use
first names.
Punctuality: Meetings may not always start on time;
flexibility is appreciated.
Gift Giving Etiquette
Occasions: Gifts are often exchanged during religious festivals and significant life events.
Gift Choices: Consider local handicrafts, textiles, or food items as appropriate gifts.
Business Culture and Etiquette
Business Attire: Business attire is typically formal. Men usually wear suits, and women wear
modest and professional clothing.
Communication Style: Respectful and indirect communication style is valued. Building
relationships is important before diving into business discussions.
Hierarchy and Decision Making: Hierarchical structures are common in business. Decisions may
involve consultation with senior members.

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